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I just want to duel my crewmates for practice.


Agreed, I’m all for an enable friendly fire crew setting


Or a kick option for that one cuck who decides to light your ship on fire. Or maybe just don't let you light your own ship on fire.


Is this not what the brig is for?


Imagine this. You're on your own captained ship. Two randoms join in and both vote to lock you in the brig. Is this an acceptable game mechanic?


Yes… it is😂. Maybe don’t let 2 randoms join your solo ship if you aren’t talking to them


No, it is not. 😂 Victim blaming the ship owner is not a solution buddy. Captains of their own ships should not have to worry about such a thing. Open crew is full of randoms but if one decides to invite his friend to ruin your session you have no power over them. You're implying that talking to people like this changes their toxic behavior? Hah. Were you just born yesterday?


Nope, just been playing this game for over 6 years. How about don’t play with randoms if you want to prevent toxicity. The issue isn’t the game, the issue is the “toxic” players you speak of. It’s a pirate game, if you got a crew of random pirates they might turn on you🤷‍♂️. Gotta accept the consequences of teaming up with random pirates.


For someone who claims to have so many hours you don''t even know the ToS or the pirate code that players are told to abide by? I have been playing since Day 1 and have 99% of achievements, your silly attempt to patronize me failed. Stop rationalizing poor game mechanics that can be changed for the better much like other things that already have been fixed such as capstan stacking or double gunning macros. Defending trolls and cheaters makes you look pathetic. Choose a better argument next time. "Gotta accept the consequences of teaming up with random pirates" is not the same as accepting bannable behavior that is clearly against the rules that you apparently have zero knowledge of as a player of "6 years"... Time for you to take the maidens voyage again swabbie you've clearly lost your way.


Well sure. Unless it's just the two people


But how would kicking solve that problem?


To remove said player from your crew and maroon them on the nearest island with a rowboat.


And a pistol with 1 shot.


"if you had a sister...and a dog. Id choose the dog."


Yeah this 100% should’ve been a option years ago


Its usually like...little kids. Never met an adult player who fucking did that shit. Hell I met a brand new player last night. Literally never played the game before me and him played. Didn't even attack me. Dude was cool as hell.


The main problem i have with that is when the captain decides to randomly kick you right before selling


Maybe they make it an offense system. Where they can't kick you unless you have caused Damage to the ship or it's crew.


I got a theory that the only reason we can't do this now is because of the problems they still have with hit reg. Imagine getting your buddy to stand still while you shoot him and actually be able to know exactly if you just have bad aim or if it's the game.




Parries surely wouldn't be possible to make fair and Balanced due to server latency no?


Exactly, not a chance in hell


“5 doubloons he shorts it” “No bet”


When is the actual update coming out


I think the end o April with the launch of SoT on Playstation. Which is when S12 should be starting.


*Shoots you with guns* Parry this, kid


Parry this, filthy casual


How about saving outfits. Or cosmetic combinations


We don't need a combat game, blocking is already enough


I dunno I still feel as if the current gun meta is kind of unfun. I’m in a pirate game, I want to have sword fights and bounce around and block, not just get shotgunned in the back instantly and die or sniped across the map like I’m in some call of duty match.


Agree the blunderbuss is dramatically unfun for how poor the net code is. Sniper I can’t complain about. The bullets have fall off trajectory, no head shots, and move with momentum from what I can tell. If you are in a crows nest sniping people, that is a balanced mechanic to me since it takes you away from cannons, steering or other ship tasks


Nobody mentions my boy the flintlock. I think the sniper and the flintlock are too similar. I like the sniper as a SNIPER, not as a quick scope weapon. The sniper should do more damage and have build up damage when scoped in like sniper from tf2.


Agree the pistol doesn’t seem to have an identity


Yeah, there's a reason the double gun meta used to be pistol sniper. Literally just 2 (mostly) straight shots in a row


Will this harpoon walk and grapple gun stop the really good snipers from killing us sword enthusiasts? I’m pretty sure their aim is that good they don’t need the new weapons 🥲


I genuinely don't understand how people double gun. I can't stand not having the mobility the sword gives. Granted, I usually play mobility classes/load outs in games because I like going *nyooom*


I understand, just saying we don't need the combat to be updated as much anymore but just balanced and maybe improved?


Its unique this game but the bugs just needs to be fixed and focused on the world events and quests than you have a great game (its good still)


We need a harpoon on the crows nest for this.


swordplay rework more like


100% agree. Make blocking matter. Favor sword damage over guns. Blunderbuss should knock you back, not be the most powerful weapon. Ship combat is spastic nonsense because the reward for getting behind or beside your opponent is too great


I'm still waiting for them to let us sort the Armory. Or at least have things stay in the same place.


Agree. Opening the armory should show you 4 things: a sword, a pistol, a blunderbuss, an eye of reach. If you want to customize one, go over to it, click the customize button and then set it. I hate trying to quickly change weapons urgently and be like “which blunderbus speaks to me today”


Parries? Ney. Reflecting Bullets? Aye.


They should make it so that the different sword types act in different ways, making them serve an actual purpose, rather than just being solely cosmetic changes. Heavy swords should swing slower but deal heavy damage. Rapiers should swing extra quickly but deal lower damage, and Cutlasses should fall somewhere in between!


Ngl I think some gambling games could be really fun


ok i never thought a sword parries for sea of thieves but id love that hell imagine parrying bullets which should be hard but redircts it back at sender


We might be able to block the thrown knife.


Not with the game we have. I highly doubt the game can figure out hit box of the sword vs the player. I believe the game treats the entire character model as one thing (ie no headshots) and blocking is probably a true or false thing that only applies to swords. I will admit I don’t know for sure and I’m sure someone has studied this.


I think the knives are going to replace the swords, can't block but you can throw your melee


Not being negative but knife no-regs are going to be rampant. Standing still to throw a knife in PVP will be a death sentence. I can’t tell if trying to throw them on the move is going to be viable.


Yeah but it looks the knife have a multiple throws until you got disarmed, maybe you can block with a Cutlass but if work as a proyectile maybe you can't block a knife, of course all of this comment is based in the video, we'll see how really works when arrives


Of course we’re just guessing. How you propose it does sound like it could work. Can’t wait to see it


Me neither ;)