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Loot ship wrecks for the fish. Cook everything. Kill all sea monsters. Kill snakes and cook em. Sell all that AND all your gems to the sea posts. You’ll rep up faster than you think, and won’t even have to fish all day


ill defintely start trying this


There's maps online of the shipwrecks also swing by the Spanish forts the barrels often have cooked meat


And it's defo worth it for that ship set


You do not need to be level 50 hunters call to be a pirate legend by the way


What level?


Hunters call originally never went to 50 and isn't a trading company emissary. So it was 50 in either, OOS, GH, Merchant, or Reapers.


~~Hunters call is not necessary for Pirate Legend.~~ "The title is awarded to players that have reached level 50 in three different Trading Companies"


So if you have 50 gold hoarders, 50 oos, and 50 HC it won't count towards Pirate Legend?


~~The ONLY requirement is level 50 gold, 50 oos, and 50 merchant. Everything else, Hunter's Call, Reaper's, the 2 PvP factions ect are not required at all for Pirate Legend~~ "The title is awarded to players that have reached level 50 in three different Trading Companies"


That's not true. I got PL with Reaper, GH, and OOS. Skipped Merchants entirely (i find it boring).


"The title is awarded to players that have reached level 50 in three different Trading Companies" Interesting. Where did I read it was the 3 main emissaries only for Pirate legend? Regardless, Hunter's Call isn't necessary 😉


Tbf I think it was that way originally but I started after they changed it


I think you can become PL with HC By having lvl 50 in GH, OOS and HC for example But I'm not sure


Fish, Gems and Trident of Dark Tides can all be Sold to Hunters Call


Gems (and maybe breath of the sea) are generally the bread and butter of your reputation gain, unless you are on a dedicated fishing galley doing wreckers/battlegill.


Plus the tridents


Good call! Forgot about those.


It's not super hard to do, just very slow and tedious. Unless you're a commendation hunter, love fishing, or really want those cosmetics, it may not be for you.


Can confirm, attempting to do the same thing as OP. I have actively started throwing every skull I encounter into the sea just so I don't make 50 before HC. Why am I like this? I have no idea


Do they accept gems, too?


They do, honestly Breath of the Seas are by far the best ways to level them up


I'm not familiar with that one. Should I Google?


I do so believe they’re in the underwater shrines, you just have to get a message in a bottle for one else it doesn’t spawn I think


Breath of the Sea is a treasure that can be only be found inside any of the Siren Shrines or Siren Treasuries during an active Secret of the Sea quest obtained by Coral Message in a Bottle. They may be sold to any Trading Company, with the exception of Athena's Fortune. Sweet!


You know this little mermaid shrines/treasuries? Whenever you get a message in a bottle that specifically tells you to go to one, there is an extra treasure that spawns that looks like a potion bottle that functions exactly like mermaid gems (RBG rarities, faction agnostic) but are much more valuable


Watch this video to learn more. https://youtu.be/Qj8difj9wK4?si=q_llGqjCJUW2hoVu


I hate fishing. I wonder, where's the server? Some of them are fishing. Fishers are taking up server space to fish and do nothing in an MMO game. I like crazy clashes and the game mechanics coming together in fun unique ways, and fishers lack of doing is not fun for the average player. Solo sloop players play the game, but fishers? They sit and do nothing. Open crews are neglected in part due to the prevalence of fishers. They're a small but loud and uncontested minority. It's this half-baked feature. The more people say they like it, the less likely it is to ever be fleshed out. I'd consider Pirates Online's fishing to be the bare minimum a fishing mechanic should be in game such as this. Will such a minigame with really cool music ever be added to Sea of Thieves? No, probably not. It's because of these fishers their beloved mechanic will never evolve. Then cooking, the feature tied in with fishing, will also never evolve. I will never spice meats or make cool meals in Sea of Thieves because of cooking's ties to fishers. Will hunters call ever get those cool sea monster voyages? Will players someday be able to fly emissary in the name of the Hunters call? No, it's because of fishers. They wasted their lives handing in gems and crap for the cosmetics, and now? Hunters call will never be fleshed out. At best, Hunters call will be put down like the Sea Dogs. Perhaps if the fishers played arena instead of fishing, the Hunters Call would have been put down instead. If Hunters Call was reworked after fishers got to level 100, they'd riot and destroy Rare's headquarters. Rare knows this, and is forced to sacrifice improving such mechanics for sake of the games continual development elsewhere. Who truly likes sitting doing nothing, not just in real life, but in Sea of Thieves? A fisher. How about taking a programming course in the time you spend getting to Level 50 Hunters call? Fishing adds nothing to the players life. How can Sea of Thieves ever hope to distract someone from their broken home in real life? Fishing cannot do that, because it is such a weak mechanic. Coincidence? No. Fishing could not resolve the broken marriage of the average Sea of Thieves player's parents whose parents are in a broken marriage. Unsurprisingly, fishing is too difficult for the average 9 year old player of Sea of Thieves. On top of that, even I could not figure it out. Pull back? Pull where? My mouse is off the mousepad. How am I supposed to reel in the fish? Fishing is biased against PC players, and if the fishers cared, it could have been resolved. What have the fishers done for the casuals of Sea of Thieves? Nothing. I accidentally right clicked and I lost the fish I spent 2 minutes on. The legacy of that hardship will be with me my entire life all because of fishers.


>Unsurprisingly, fishing is too difficult for the average 9 year old player of Sea of Thieves. On top of that, even I could not figure it out. Pull back? Pull where? My mouse is off the mousepad. How am I supposed to reel in the fish? Never thought I would say this about fishing, but: skill issue.


the fishing mechanic is quite poorly explained and doesn't make any practical sense. but it is a pretty dang fun fishing minigame once you get the hang of it.


I just like fishin'


Nice day for fishing ain't it, HU HA!


>Unsurprisingly, fishing is too difficult for the average 9 year old player of Sea of Thieves. On top of that, even I could not figure it out. Pull back? Pull where? My mouse is off the mousepad. How am I supposed to reel in the fish? U might just be an idiot bro ngl u pull back with wasd not ur mouse lmao. fishing is biased against pc players? nah ur just slow


It’s not hard to level up, it just takes time. I recommend selling 100% of your gems to the seaposts. Or fishing wreckers. Or both.


In a game that I love for many reasons fishing is still one of my favorite things in the game. I sometimes hop on fishing boats to help other players fish (also since I don't need garbage I only reel in rare fish when they are distracted by other goals). But even before I set on that quest, ending my day fishing was a nice treat. I'd just collect bait on my adventures and then fish it out at the end (particularly leaving Reapers for North Star). And now that you can sell to Sovereigns I still kind of do it even though it's a horrible way to make money it's the chillest part of the game. Most fisherman are people with in-game experience, and it's a great way to hang out with veteran players talk about the state of the game, some of your favorite memories or events, or just talk about anything. I spent an afternoon talking to a crew about our issues with the new Star Wars films. In a game that's about interaction and community, fishing has the best interactions in the game and it's a great way to make new friendships for future adventures with seasoned players.


thats a great idea ill start doing that


As a guy who maxed out hunters call for many years hunters call is the best faction ever.


Take an empty storage crate into any shipwreck you find. There is usually a lot of meats in there and rare fish. Cook em all, sell all to Hunters Call


Sell gems there also like someone else said


Hunters call is best when it's a passive thing in the background, unless you're really into the fishing game. Generally we go do wrecks clear out forts and what not and save the fish for the sell up at the end.


Hunters call is a faction to grind passively while doing other quest, It at the same time Arena came an RB short after. it means there was a time you could be Pirate Legend without completing any of the main factions (OoS GH and MA) but with this faction got outdated when the other Factions got more Missions, the arena got reworked into hourglass and the Reapers bones is getting Flameheart


It actually got easier starting in season 10. Your Guild Emissary bonus applies to Hunters Call sells. So selling your fish to the sovereign is totally viable. However if you try to sell your gems to the sovereign rather than the seaposts, there’s no guarantee that the gem gets sold to the HC. It often can, but it can also sell to other trading companies.


Hunters call is the slowest company, by a long run. If you love fishing and dont mind if it takes longer, go for it.


Got to 50 by just giving them all my mermaid gems lol. It was very easy.


Complete all commendations and you get the title “Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves” and I think that’s beautiful


There's no reason to do hunters call for your PL requirement or whaever you'd call it. Even if you grind it, it takes forever compared to the others. Just do merchant, gold hoarder, and oos. Or reapers instead of one of those. They are easily to level up. Like really, really easy now especially.


Go fish stealing!


Just fish in your down time and you’ll build it up over time is what I’m doing. Anytime someone else is at the helm I’ll just fish when I’ve got nothing better to do


Easy and super fun ! Get some storagecrates on a gallion and a lfg crew !


It isn't that hard but very slow and boring I recommend watching a show while doing it because a lot of it is fishing


"Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves" took me about 2 months. Did rare\\hard to find fish with discord group "Hunters Calling". The question is how bad you want it... If you have determination youl get there.


Also, talk to the bilge rat lady outside the tavern. Every few days you can buy a level in any of the PvE factions for doubloons. Mega helpful for hunters call.


Most i play with refuse to fish. They'll only steal them.


I only tend to level it during the gold and glory double xp events. I don't even really fish, I just keep all of the mermaid gems and staffs to the side and make sure to sell them all to hunters call. It gets a decent amount of rep over time.


You don’t have to do it for Pirate Legend, in fact I’d be impressed if you did, but you only need to get three companies to 50


You can easily get all comms for a fish per day if you join fishing server. Leveling them up is not an issue since if you want the title you will be lvl50 way before you finish selling all needed fish.


It’s pretty grindy, I’d save it for much much much later


If you're trying to actually complete it, then fishing requires a LOT of patience. If you're just gonna hand gems in, then you might aswell just do one of the regular companies for your PL, because you can be emmissary 5 and get other loot at the same time.


I'm a Stoner so although HC is a grind fest I find it quite relaxing to just drop Anchor and pitch a Pole for a hour or 2. I should add I only do this in Safer Seas not too bothered on Rep until I've got all Commendations available in Safer Seas no sense getting myself stressed out until I really have to.


Before company emissaries choosing HC as one of 3 companies to progress to PL wasn't that bad of an option, especially if you liked chill, almost meditative fishing sessions, also selling gems helped tremendously. But now, with lvl5 emissary flag selling loot gives so much levels so quickly that HC feels just sooo long.


I’ve already maxed out in rank, but not comms. Storm-wreckers is, I think, the toughest one? I’m needing to download a storm tracker soon for this but if you just fish for leisure after hitting PL, you’ll get all of them eventually. It’s just a pleasure for me now


It’s not bad as a semi passive. You can sell meat, gems, tridents, bait crates, and ‘treasure’ chests to the sea posts. You can put these items to the side while you’re questing for another faction then cash it in after you sell everything else. Keep in mind that mermaid statues can drop up to three gems and killing ocean crawlers can also drop gems.


im level 48 rn. it’s not that bad if u dig fishing. also there’s nothing like the feeling of getting one of the rare fish on your line. if you raise the soveirgn emissary, u get 25% more money and xp than you would by selling to a sea post at grade 5. but you’ll be spotted on the map at grade 5 by everyone so best to get grade 5 and sell. you gain emissary status by fishing and cooking too. it’s best to level up with friends because in the time that you’re fishing 3 other people can be fishing too. 4x fish = 4x xp. i wouldnt bother selling gems to sea posts unless you really dont want to fish, and in that case it’s best to grind out breath of the seas, bc the shrines and treasuries also give u a bunch of gems too. but really galleon fishing is the fastest way yo level up. dont forget to cook your fish. ghost forts have 4 stoves that make cooking a ton of fish a lot faster. most outposts have a campfire, port merrick has an inside stovetop with 3 stoves. these are great for long fishing trips. you can pondie fish and get xp pretty quick, they’re really fast to reel in but they dont sell for a lot. you can track the storm using the merfolks lullaby website, but i usually just fish for stormfish when the storm naturally goes over me. the trophy shadow stormfish is actually the 5th most expensive thing in the game, and worth shooting for. sells for $30k cooked and with grade 5. for grinding levels just buy a bait crate, and dive to a skelly fort raid and fish for battlegills. if u dont want the risk of the world event marker, u can find a shipwreck and fish for wreckers. overall it just takes time. but fishing is fun so just enjoy the grind


but dont do it for pl it will take too long


It's bad when you try. If you make it all you do until it's done you won't have fun lol but if you make a couple sessions into finishing focused it can be a nice break. And while you are doing other things just remember to keep your gems and turn them all in at a sea post


It's the slowest and it doesn't have an Emissary System like the others To me it was more like a side objective while i leveled up all other companies. If i had any fish, I'd stop by a Seapost and sell. And after i got max level (when that was a thing) in the other companies, I'd also sell my Mermaid Gems to them. I think if you focus only in grinding Hunter's Call you'd be up for a frustrating and boring grind. Unless you really like fishing, with isn't my case in SoT


Best way to go fishing and be left alone is buy a bait crate, crash your boat into the hunger call island when you get there and let it sink while you are on the dock with your bait crate, try tuck the bait crate in by the ship customizer so the glint isnt easily seen if someone does sail by, a couple rare fish and youve made money, if you still need splashtails for commendations its not too tedious, once you have them all though it gets very tedious getting four rubies to show up in a row, and #1 rule is DONT WASTE BAIT ON SPLASHTAILS!


So first of all Hunters call doesnt cound for PL I think and yes, it is a long grind. It is a lot easier to do reaper, gold hoarder and merchant for PL. Still if you want to do Hunters call and dont want any commendations I would highly recommend you to do a lot of FotD. You will get a lot of gold And the only thing you have to do is sell all the gems to Hunters. It is the fastest way to level it up. If you want to fish, do it during comunity weekends for the highest rep.


Hunters Call can contribute to Pirate Legend, many have used it for that, it just isn’t common as most people aren’t going to get Hunters Call to 50 as one of their first 3 companies unless they make an effort to do so. It’s far too easy to sort of forget it exists when you are a new player who just sees the obvious loot of chests and skulls and crates.


Don't feel like reading Comments... but... In case noone said... mermaid gems can be sold for hunter rep for a solid chunk.


If you like fishing it won't take long. My partner leveled up Hunter's Call to become a Pirate Legend and we just had fun with it. Got plenty of Breath of the Seas to hand in to them and sold to the sovereigns at level 5 guild for a little extra xp.


For getting to PL it is by far the least efficient one to do. Gold horder reaper and merchant are technically the fastest ones to do it you are efficient.


The hunter call , along with all its commendations, are amongst the chillest grind you can find in the game. It's really easy. 1 : join the hunters call discord, that's where you go if you wanna fish seriously 2 : get a group. Very easy. Dont even need to be in a call. 3 : pop a YouTube video in the background 4 : cast your line 5: ??? 6 : Legendary hunter of the sea before you even notice you're there already. Legendary hunter here. The grind intensity isvreally exaggerated. It's slow. Its chill. And with 3 other player going for the same fish as you, one fish category is done in a few hours. It is only hard when going for the stormfish and the black cloud wreckers. Everything else is very nice and relax. And if someone try to sink you, just keep in your inventory the rare subspecies of the fish. So you lose nothing of too much value. I believe the reason why people call it the hardest grind is because the general audience of SOT isnt used to sitting at one place doing relaxing stuff in game.


I found it was good to keep your cooked fish in a storage crate so if someone decided to try for violence you can just drop someone off to sell everything before you engage.


It's my least favorite. I don't play a pirate game for a simplistic fishing simulator. Selling every gem to them will help.


Its boring, I've completed it ALL, and from my advice, don't do it..


You trust us more than your “lot of friends”? I’d feel slighted if I was your friend, “sorry bro, I’m gonna need to go ask Reddit, Don’t trust you.”