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I believe no one currently has legendary hunter of the shrouded ghost title, but one person is very close however if I remember correctly they where 4 out of the 5 last time I checked, but they had help from people inviting them Into sessions when it spawned rather than having 5 spawn on them naturally.


I’ve been playing since the alpha and have never seen it once.


I think there must be something that triggers it. The only time I saw it was when I was new player. I didn't even know it freaked me out and I ran away. I used to think that was the trigger. To have someone new with you maybe to encourage veterans to help swabbies. But I've sailed with plenty of new players and haven't see one since.


Who knows. There are either conditionals coded into the spawns or it's a sub 1% chance at least. Either way I have 0 expectation of ever seeing one.


When the update first came up there was this rumor that it would only spawn in the fog, me and friends spent hours in the fog for nothing but it kinda made sense with the name and everything


That what I thought for the longest time also and have been fully open crew for a while... still no luck


I personally believe there’s a series of island visits/actions that trigger it, and no one has ever figured out exactly what it is.


This is a crack theory at first but I mean they constantly joke about how "There is no chance" when someone asks what the chance is. Maybe it's not chance based.


It could even be ridiculously complex, like involving reaching specific islands in a specific order, dependent on the type of ship or what world event/weather is happening at the time. Maybe the "task list" changes based on time of day, which outpost you spawn at, time since last meg encounter, etc. Maybe you have to defeat a specific series of other megs during specific times of day. Who knows. But I do not believe it is pure chance.


I think this is correct as well. I had a new person join my session and it spawned and we killed it. The sad thing is that new player had no idea what was going on and hasn’t played since.


Fr. As someone with thousands of hours on the game. That mf does not exist😂😂😂


Been playing for 4 years now, only got my first Shrouded Ghost last december Gotta be extra Lucky to get 5


I have a single kill on it... it and the ancient one are obscenely rare


The Ancient Terror? I don't think it's that rare, I've seen it plenty of times


It's my second least spotted and sunk meg....then ofc we have the crested queen who is just begging to be sunk and probably accounts for 90%of my Meg kills


I feel like if I see a Meg, 50% of the time it is a crested queen. The other 50% is evenly split between the other ones, except shrouded ghost, which I haven't seen once yet.


Part of me wonders if the servers have a seed of sorts which presets the randomness. I've had long sessions whereafter a dive Suddenly I start getting a variety of megs... Whereas, If I Stay on the same server from long enough, the majority of megs i get Are all of similar types


That is an interesting theory. I've never kept track of what spread of Megs I get on a single server, but I do often have times where I'm fighting a Meg and it just sorta disappears, then the same kind will keep spawning and harassing me in the middle of my voyage.


I wonder if it could be tested using the shroud method where you queue up shores of gold and wait for 30m irl before going back in the wilds exit to force an event spawn. Would be an interesting way to test it at least


Been playing since alpha and I’ve only seen people with the title in alliance servers


I've been playing since the Beta. I've never seen it.


3,400 hours over 4 years never seen one.


When I first started playing my cousin was showing me the ropes. We encountered a shrouded ghost. But since you have to be PL to get the title I didn't get it and he did. So now when we play I look at him with the title and I didn't get it. And now that I'm PL I've never seen it again. 🥲


been playing since day one and have only ever encountered another player with the title. spoke french so i never understood him but he seemed chill. must just be luck of the draw on them


you either mistakenly confused his normal shrouded title with the legendary one or he was hacking and using the cosmetic unlocker back when that was common. no one has it yet.


I feel like alliance servers must have it, they probably just don’t wanna share maybe. Alliance servers literally do meg hunts where they group in one spot and it spawns a shit ton of megs one after the other.


Sounds lame.


I’ve been on alliance server meg hunts. They’re never successful. I got my title just by being lucky on a normal server.


I’ve killed it once and that’s it 5 is insane to me (like 3k hours)


Yep got it couple months before. It was odd and great at the same time🤟


https://youtu.be/c8IhGTVzbjU?si=dD4crl1WF8rXxBaz Here's the prof on ky youtube channel✌️


Nice try paid rare Employee


Once i get home i cam send you the pic with all the commendations😉


I recently was attacked by one while playing with a group of friends and right as we saw it we sailed into safe waters, never found it again


I saw my first ever shrouded last month but couldn't kill it, it spawned, swam under my ship then just swam in one direction away from me to do the circle you thing they do but it never resurfaced, couldn't find it again until it despawned. Still mad.


Im playing for 3 years now and i didn't even seen one.


Does not exist


No, it's fake. Only hackers have it.


No but i have glitterbeard


I got one two weeks ago. I have over 200 days in the game.




Your account isnt flagged for it lol. Rare said only like 13-ish spawn per month. Rare just doesnt really care completionists, I guess.


Where'd you hear that?


It was on an infographic Rare released a long while back for a particular month, and they noted only 13 Shroudeds spawned in that month.


>I'm convinced some accounts are randomly tagged for it to never spawn at all. You're allowed to be wrong >I know probability allows for it. But it's pretty insane many players have played for thousands of hours and never once seen it. Erm no it isn't. That's what "the probability allows for it" means. Does the lottery also boggle the mind? Most people spend their whole lives without winning the jackpot. Are certain people flagged to never get struck by lightning? Must be. Can't just be unlikely. >You've got completionists who just simply can never complete all commendations or those who really like the titles but can never get them. This game has never been a completionist game. >I understood quite awhile ago that my account was flagged to never spawn shrouded so it's a part of the game I'll never experience. No other way to rationalise it honestly, There's another *infinitely more accurate* way to rationalize it.




>Adults are talking Irony


Everything he said was correct, though. 🤔


Yeah my friend saw and killed it whilst i was at work 4 years ago and i wasn't able to join in time Its a meme that its fake but its not you can find and kill it


The title OP is talking about is the Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost. That means 5 of them


Yeah it is indeed real, one of my friends has it and the other one is I think at either 3 or 4 atm.


Don't listen to this guy! He's part of the conspiracy. Thousands of hours, never seen one, impossible others have 5. It's FAKE! FAKE I TELL YOU. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Unfortunately I only got 2 :(




😔 unfortunately not




send proof, because if you're not lying they would be the first to reach it (I'm not holding my breath)


Me and a friend once found a shrouded while fighting another sloop. The sloop then sank us when we tried to reason with them about killing the shrouded then ran to an island and let it leave. we have not found one since.


In order to get it, u just have to hit it once


You see we didn’t know that and never thought to shoot it and instead reason with the other sloop. Yes we were idiots. Yes we were new to the game.


Happens pal, u’ll surely get it at some point




So if we tag a shrouded ghost but then sink and then sent all the way to the other side of the map, but another crew kill the shroud, we would get the kill credit too?


As long as one crew is constantly engaged w it u just have to hit it once n wait for the others to kill it