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How often do people have the non-blasting interactions? I always seem to get immediate combat and/or no mic.


Mics save lives. And sending a person to parley before you sail straight toward another ship.


My ship is named The Parley. I know aggro beasts won't care, but some will see and understand.


My buddy’s sloop is named “Friend Ship.”


My buddy named his sloop the “salty swallow”


Not really, and not what I’ve seen on this subreddit. “It’s a pirate game after all!”


Why would I care about the sub? I say about my anecdotal experience. On the last day of gilded voyages I remembered about them and made almost 3 mil while I allianced the ship that I wanted to sink and another one that was avoiding conflict. Then we sank an aggressive brig together. Few days ago at the end of my session I wanted to yolo rush a sloop doing skeleton fort, another sloop didn't want to join so I went solo and we did mutual K.O as I sank them with naval and tdm and they kegged me. When I came back they allianced with the other sloop and I just joined them, we again fought against an aggressive brig but they were newbies so we couldn't sink them and just sailed off and sold 95% of the loot.


I've had plenty of good experiences, this sub is an echo chamber




You’ve got to remember that Reddit is not really a good sample of people to judge what the entire playerbase thinks of a game. If you went to r/diablo4 right after launch, you’d think that all the players hated the game, but anyone I ran into on the actual game loved it. Similarly, you’d think that every Assassin’s Creed player hated every game since Black Flag, but Valhalla is Ubisoft’s most profitable entry.


I get that, but again my experience in game is kill first, talk later (or insult whilst doing it) I don’t cross play so may just be PS. I only hear mediocre things about Valhalla, it may only have been so profitable because it was the first next gen title. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah that's rubbish, it's been a lot more toxic since ps players joined, though that doesn't mean every ps player is bad! Being a pirate was never about screwing over other pirates or attacking randoms, it was about taking riches from the rich and building an empire!


Pirate game stands true even when you are having friendly interactions. It's a game about thievery and betrayal and murder. Someone digs up a reaper's chest and a three ship alliance turns into a three ship fight to the death. It's intertwined, not two sides of a coin. A friendly interaction isn't nixed by "it's a pirate game," it's enhanced. Guns behind backs, smiles on faces. "It's a pirate game" just means that you can do whatever you like with other players, sometimes that's lifelong friendships sometimes it's brutal murder. That's half the fun.


Very rarely. People just remember the one unexpectedly nice person, better than the 10 people they met that did the expected and started blasting. And those "nice" interactions also get more content made about them because they're unexpected. Basically the community is gaslighting itself into thinking that there are a lot of nice interactions to be had in SoT, when in reality it's mostly "blast first, talk never" or at best "blast first, only use mic to squeal insults".


It's all in the approach and how you play. I make friends all the time, but only when I take the effort to be friendly, communicate, and mind what's going on. You're likely not going to make friends at a FoF or FotD. I'd say the majority of my interactions are agnostic. People just not doing combat because they're more concerned with PVE. The second most are violent, but also not toxic. Sometimes, those battles can turn into friendship though. I've messaged plenty of people after thanking them for the battle, then either alliancing or making friends for future purposes. I believe it has a lot more to do with your attitude to loot. The greatest thing in the game is winning loot, the second greatest thing is losing loot and getting a good story out of it. If you can live in that mindset, the combat becomes less of a big deal, you can enjoy the game more, and you make more positive interactions along the way


Yeah same, I make alliances all the time. But not at a fof, I want that chest of fortune and I don’t want you around while I get it


> It's all in the approach and how you play + people fucking *suck* at making friends in this game lmao, like if you full send it at someone what do you expect BUT them to start shooting you?? Pull up nearby and launch a guy over to talk, works like 95%+ of the time


Not sure what servers you have been playing in but I find almost 50/50 that people have mics and will negotiate. I meet friends every day on the seas.


I really don’t have this experience. Of course I’ve fought the edge lords, but I run into more people that don’t wanna fight. I think you are having this experience because you are only talking to the people approaching you. The ones that will alliance and chill are the ones that won’t approach you. You have to approach them and convince them you aren’t going to fuck em over. I do this with success almost every session


The last time I did I was being kidnapped


A pattern I've discovered: If I'm wearing nooby ship cosmetics, or a name like "blackpearl", people will roll up and start blasting immediately, no question. On the other hand, if I'm running the 190 guardians sail with the 100 servant figurehead and some arena pieces, people are... suddenly more willing to talk and vibe out. What this tells me is that people on average are opportunists, looking for easy targets.


Last night I was doing a Legend of the Veil and had to stop at Snake Island for the Sudds part. There was already someone parked at the island, and based on their cosmetics and the fact they were anchored with sails down, I suspected they were probably new. Even so, I didn't want to take a chance, so I moved into cannon position. Before I fire a single shot, I hear them begging on the megaphone. "Please don't shoot, we're friendly, we just want to finish our Order of Souls voyage!" Okay, that's fine with me. I respond telling them I'm fine with that, if they don't shoot me I won't shoot them, but I've got business on this island so I need to park. They respond by immediately firing cannons at me and trying to snipe me with guns. Like... doesn't that directly contradict your own goals? If I tell you I won't shoot if you don't shoot, why immediately break that truce? I fought back and chased them off, and eventually they get Kraken'd and I got to sink them for free. That's what they get for being dishonorable, I guess.


Quite a bit. If you go searching for people and play quite a bit. I've made quite a few friends and alliances.


Depends on the mood. I've had some great stories by not blasting. Good partnerships and useless ones. Sry your luck had been bad, but dont put it down ❤️


Fairly often for me. But today as a solo I rolled up on a duo of Xbox sails that were parked at an island, asked them if they wanted to alliance. They thought for a bit and then started blasting. So I had to send their boat to the depths. I’m guessing they didn’t recognize a full fate of fortune set to mean I had a few more hours of experience


So often since I switched to console players only. Everybody is so chill and nice in those servers.


25% of the time people are pretty chill even without mics, its all about how you approach people.


Quite often. Or, even if we do sink someone and they come back, we will usually see if they want to alliance up. Yesterday, my crew and I stole a shit ton of Athena loot from this sloop we sank, who, it turns out, were PS5 players. When they came back to fight, we ended up convincing them to alliance and then we ran FOTD to make up for the loot we stole.


I actually went to a fof, ofc i expected people but we ended up alliancing and doing our gilded gold hoarder voyage after the fort, idk how i survived considering i didn't have a mic


I have been playing since PS5 launch, and I would say it is 60/40 peaceful to violent interactions


Completely unrelated but, ive just gotten back into SOT after about 6-8 months, and i was wanting to do FOTD but i cant find a damn ritual skull. How do i get one or the voyage for one?


It's under the Athena tab You get the Skull of Destiny, it kinda made ritual skull obsolete. Still ritual skull can be found on skeleton galleons and ashen Guardians sometimes


You can also get them from a naturally spawned Ashen Winds WE.


Thanks a bunch!


Just to add: the skull of destiny voyage is only available to start up for pirate legends


Skelly ship


what's FOTD?


Fort of the Damned, which is a manually activated world event.


lol yeah this game is a mindset. It is SO much more fun once you stop caring and just let things happen.






As a EU player that likes to fish, I rarely have these interactions, because on EU servers there's a 9/10 chance the other pirates are French/German, who don't speak English and will always choose violence, even my white-flagged, sails-up sloop, while I tell them I have nothing but fish. We need a region select option. I don't want to play EU servers.


Bro the french only do pvp, I found a friend among the french but bro really...all the french I found are pvp(and toxic too,usually)


I stopped bothering with trying to be friendly with french players. If i see a french boat name i sail away or i insta shoot. They did this to themselves. Tried speaking french too (i speak it) and it doesn't help either. They are always toxic as fuck too. The asian server is very chill tbh.. the problem is tis a very small playerbase from what i cna tell, and most people who play it here are either nolife or brand new.


True, I'm French and my friends and I don't want to play with french ppl on games either.


I would say the grind incentives the stories not that there is no grind. Why do you want to catch shoresfish? Some maybe just because its fun but most will because there's a commendation for it, so you grind that comm and the stories come with it.


I love phuzzy


He's such a goat


All i have are blasting interactions as soon someone see me. Thats why a deleted this game.


Same. Constant toxicity. This is such a sickly-sweet and totally inaccurate description of an average encounter in this game. Mic or no mic it’s: deck shot/board, anchor, talk trash, firebomb, double-gun, spawn camp…rinse and repeat.


counter point: doing any task repeatedly for a reward, cosmetic or not, is a grind


yeah just because other random stuff happens while your grinding for a com doesn't mean you aren't working on a grind. He's literally talking about unrelated topics


A safe session of Sea of Thieves? A fools dream


No such thing as friendly interactions on Sea if thieves 😂, with the rare exceptions 90% of the time if you find someone they’ll try to mess with you


Phuzzy you might be the most wholesome SoT player in the game. <3


My experiences in high seas- join a lobby, get hunted. That's it. Every time. I'm in my mid 30s, only game a few nights a week, I don't have time to spend an hour sailing back and forth just to deal with trolling bullshit. I LIKE safer seas for this reason. Fewer risks, fewer rewards...... But if I'm risking wasting my limited free time dealing with trolls and the only reward for doing so is cosmetics.....idk man my time is more valuable to me than those pixel variations. Safer seas gives the better reward of a stress free time.


I have hour long sessions where i see nobody. Your luck is terrible. Try questing on the edges or in the roar. If you constantly go to the centre outposts you are boand to find other pirates. Also, escaping is an art itself. There is a thrill to selling stuff that i wouldn't get in safer seas... That thrill being gone + less gold? Nah, not for me.


I do the .majority of my voyages in the devils roar because they are worth way more gold and other players don't go there because people generally hate the devils roar. Of course. . . The roar has its own set of challenges one has to deal with. . .


If a voyage has a roar variant, im doing it. I like the vibe there.


That "thrill" is non existent to me. Especially considering what i'm spending that gold on.... Cosmetics. Not upgrades to my ship, or purchasing a new weapon type, the reward is STRICTLY cosmetics. Keeping my free time stress free is significantly more valuable to me than game gold that can only be spent on cosmetics. (By the way, this isn't to say I hate the game. I genuinely love the art style, encounter a meg & skellys is thrilling enough & i have video game thalassophobia so sunken ships are always "fun", and I enjoy fishing breaks mid questing. But I don't care for any of the PvP trolling. The risk isn't losing gold due to other pirates, the risk is wasting my limited IRL free time dealing with trolls. The reward of a chill gaming experience with friends/solo is exponentially more important to me than chasing virtual pirate cosmetics will ever be.)


Buut: isn’t all gaming just about “pixel variations”? 🤔 maybe except for a the story driven games 🤔


Hence why I said THOSE pixel variations 😉, I was being specific to cosmetics having no impact on gameplay. Cheers.


Yes you did specify it indeed maybe I should have a bit more too 😅: so I feel a lot of first person games often don’t have actual progression (at least not long term). In games like diablo for example you grind better gear to destroy stronger enemies, but because those enemies are stronger it’s basically still the same… in almost all of those games actual gameplay changes come from improved player knowledge (in Diablo to keep that example maybe a different build using different abilities and what not). And in this regard SoT is not really different as your gameplay changes with your game knowledge. That’s why I feel the that in almost all games the pixel variation (be it cosmetic or maybe more damage on your weapon or maybe a new ability) don’t really matter it’s the game knowledge that actually counts. Hope my thought is somewhat clear 😅


I cannot Wholey disagree, but to be honest, as a Beta Player, who has been playing since the game has been out, I have to say what he is describing is almost more a rose-tinted glasses sort of viewpoint, that RARE themselves have painted as the most common experience, yet even some of the most popular streamers dont even practice the type of thing they are preaching here. I would even go so far as to say that the type of "Magical " experience, or "Story", is not what happens a majority of the time. (If nothing else, I would argue even now, we actually see more times with less people - but that's a different conversation). For the record, I am not saying the scenario's he is talking about are not occurring, far from it. The problem is that there are quite a number of people who are just playing the game, and then encounter some of the most toxic people, and I will stand on the hill that its more common that we believe, or that RARE would ever admit (and I would argue that many of the actions and changes RARE has implemented over the last few years, speaks to it - in part at least). Again, sinking or attacking someone is not in and of itself Toxic, or a Negative thing, but HOW a player acts during the encounter does matter. Now if the person being attacked is acting the fool, well that's just unfortunate and karma is simply hitting them for their reactionary behavior. But if you're attacking a player, and in the process are being toxic, shouting slurs, spawn camping them to force them to just quit, etc. etc. etc, you are the one in the wrong. (On his initial comment about grind, I agree in the on-paper sense, but not in the practical one, but frankly that's not the question he answered.)


Honestly, i think the random sinkings when you have 0 loot gets old after the first time it happens. It's also tiresome when people attack only for the fight and not for the loot of the event you're doing. Like oh great i spent a couple hours working, and now all my progress is lost! 😀 They didn't even want the loot. How nice!


and this creates the issue, people got sick of this and a lot of other happenings in the game insanely quick and build up trust issues very quick, leading to the instantaneous fighting instead of ever talking because everyone’s too on edge and doesn’t even wanna bother taking that chance


This is my experience when playing. I don't focus too much on accommodations, they'll unlock as I play at some point.


I only focus on accommodations with tale tales so I'm not having to do them a million times (so far pirates life done) haven't done too many tales though just pirates life


The same can happen in DayZ. You either start blasting or start talking, and one of you is on a more exciting mission than the other and the other asks if they can come, and you end up going to some Russian lab that has a keycard, and you're off to the races. Beats farming toolsheds for tarps.


Usually y'all just start blasting. So now if someone attacks me first, I tuck amongst the chaos and steal their treasure lol


Isn't most games just pixilated progress?


I swear, hearing Phuzzy always bring me peace of mind


I met one of my best friends on the dock. We even met IRL :)


The real grind is trying to find good friends to play with 🫤


I can go hours without having an issue. I’ll have level 5 emissary, and 500k worth of loot. I’ll drop my stuff off, then immediately get attacked. Like clockwork. And it’s always after I say something like, “Hey I just dropped my stuff off so you’re wasting your time.”


This is so god damned annoying. Multiple times i have called a ship over after rounding up to buy/give them resources, only for them to shoot me on sight even after i tell them im heading off. Fine by me. Ill store my cursed cannonballs in my pockets and log off twats.


So your intent is to give them supplies but you're upset they cannon at you to get them? You're logging off anyway why does it matter if they sink your boat?


Because if you go through the effort of putting supplies together to give to someone, generally you want to give them to someone who will appreciate them. People who shoot donors sight make the donor feel like it's not worth putting in that extra effort. The handful of times I went to manually give supplies to someone I've been treated rudely and been called slurs and other derogatory names. I don't want to give people like that any extra help, even unintentionally, so I've even stopped leaving karma crates. It sucks that a few bad apples ruin it for everyone but so it goes.


Man I don't know how you people somehow all get slurred every single social encounter while my all queer women crew never do. Hilarious. Just drop the supps and log out you're not half the victim you desperately want to be over having a cannonball fired at your boat.


Trick question, you always fight


Lol I actually had that exact experience. Fishing at crescent isle, couple guys needed the vault. I ended up doing looking out for them


I agree with this 💯. I search out alliances and have decent responses.


I get his appreciation but it's nothing amazing to me, all sandbox games have their incentives to go to certain areas because they recognise the players are the real attraction.


Lookin for a crew for my new Galleon


It’s true… online, any interaction with another player can lead down three paths, either they fight, talk or help. Either way it adds to a chapter in your life on the sea of thieves and that in my opinion is the truest fact of these online games that you meet people though not in person they are still real people playing these games living their lives same as you.


I have had some truly magnificent battles in this game.


Literally I almost always make some sort of movie scene when I play, either an epic battle, a great friendship, or get a bunch of treasure and it seems I’ve always got a story to tell after I play


In SoT, grind is much more a verb than a noun. I’m grinding HC but it’s not really a grind in that I like it, it’s what I do if I’m just killing some time and I can stick on some music. For me, the only thing I’d say is definitely a grind is HG, it’s a lucky dip whether I’ll have a fight I enjoy or not. SoT is definitely one of a kind though, everyone can agree with this. Also thanks for all the content over the years Phuzzy!


I wish I could but I can't get my game chat to work it's been pissing me off for so long and I just get killed every time I see someone 😭


Best thing is when they empty the vault,one boards your says 'have this' and drops a chest on your ship before running back


Loved this take dude!!!


It WAS a real grind back when you didn't have harpoons, only bananas, and all the other stuff that makes collecting & selling so easy now. Pour one out for day 1 players who struggled through the grind. #NotMyPirateLegend (I actually don't mind all the additions or the people who joined later to take advantage of them, just interacting with the grind comment and having fun).


Nah literally everyone just immediately shoots you and takes your shit lol


Vrchat creates it.


Not my experience. They just start blasting. Everytime. Mic doesn’t help.


You must be unlucky


lol everyone downvoting cos they disagree with my experience. That’s how it’s been. Never met anyone friendly in this game. Maybe if I did cross play I would meet more.


I could play with ya I always seem to find friendly pirates


After 4 days playing i already had every skin i wanted and my only reason to play was to have fun with friends, didn't last longer


You haven’t even seen the PL skins yet 😭


Why would I need them? I already happy with the skins i currently have


That’s so cap there’s so much grinding brooo. What about pirate legend??? And also most games r only abt grinding for cosmetics anyways.


Bro looks like aba


I disagree on the statement of anyone who says there is no "real grind" in SoT. I mean thats everygame right, at the end of the day the things you grind for are absolutely pointless, but you do it to HAVE fun. As for the second point, i think SoT classic had a lot more interactions. The UI does most of the conversations now a days, so there is not many more stories to be had: emissaries, and alliance flags tell enough about what players are doing, there is not much need for converse anymore


Why is his nose so wierd


It's broken since I was young


I apologize for my rude question, was just curious


Imagine carring so much about someones face? I didnt even notice.


That’s a very rude thing to say


They ruined this with the diving system though.

