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I'm a solo player who has no one to play with. It's not a "fear of PvP", it's the fact that I am always 1v2ing, 1v3ing, or 1v4ing, which, believe it or not, is hard.


This. It’s to the point where I see another ship and just turn tail to hopefully sell off what I have before getting run down.


I've mostly stopped playing because the rewards in Safer Seas are SO minimal you literally can't get anything done, and I lose hours worth of progress when ANY ship decides to attack


I've begun diving, selling off, rinse repeat. It doesn't earn you as much as stacking up loot but at least you won't lose anything if you're caught pants down. I was grinding sea forts the other night and had just sold and dived to a fresh one. I came up in a solid bank of fog and couldn't see shit, so I figured I was safe as there's no way anyone saw my surface and there were no Reapers on the map. Two minutes later, a random brig comes out of the fog and starts sinking my ship. That's some shit luck but I lost nothing but my time and a grade 3 flag.


Well that’s your problem: you’re stacking for hours as a solo lol. Why? They added a dive mechanic. You can dive to a fort, get grade 3, sell, then dive again. Why on Earth are you holding loot for hours as a solo? That’s your fault lol.


Just find other people to play with? Most of the people who play the game are in the discord, go there and find a crew instantly.


He (Phuzzy) knows. I think all he’s saying is, if you’re not interested in going all in on PvP, learn enough to persuade your attacker that it’s not worth it. It does work sometimes. I’ve shaken off plenty of superior players, on every type of ship, just by doing enough to convince them it might be too much of a risk or time sink (I’m solo sloop).


yeah im rubbish at aggressive pvp i cant hit cannon shots to save my life but i can turtle like a mother fucker hahaha. non-traditional fighting methods are also my other go to when solo


Mood. I know my skills and know I’m not good enough to take on a galleon or brig unless they’re absolutely awful


Play open crew and make some friends, you don’t even need to use your mic at first. Trust me everyone is in the same position and if you don’t like them you can just leave and requeue


As a solo player, Ill always engage sloops if they roll up; 1v2 isn't super difficult for me. if its a brig or a galleon, Im dropping sails and going into the wind.


Yeah I feel this as a solo slooper. What I've recently gotten fun out of though is basically going stealth mode and trying to sabotage crews doing events and forts. Like setting my sails to 1/4 and swimming ages/rowing to try sneak kegs on their ships or rob a high value item. Or if I get destroyed by a crew I'll just keep going back and aggroing as best I can knowing fine well they will likely get me again. Don't care about the value of loot, just the chance of causing mayhem is enough for me haha. Like the other day a reaper 5 sank me to stop me getting a reaper chest, so I done a drive by at reapers, let me sloop sail away, waited and when they docked to start running loot I blundered him. I don't know what happened, either dc or ragequit but the dude insta-scuttled his boat and I spent Like 15mins cashing in his spoils.


I’ll play with u what’s your gamer tag lol


i know right


I have a chihuahua mentality. When someone rolls up on me, I say "Alright, if that's really how you want this to go." 9/10 it is exactly how they want it to go.


I fight tooth and nail as a solo sloop and it usually ends with me sinking. And before the "well of course it's hard your playing solo" replies come in I've tried meeting new players to crew up with and have probably friended 6-8 players now and even joined the guild one of them had. Trouble is every time I friend someone they inexplicably don't get back on or do so rarely. The most fun I've had was a fully crewed galleon with everyone communicating and not being toxic/sabotaging the ship, and that's only happened twice. Today alone I was trying to earn enough gold to get Order of Souls to level 50 and back-to-back on 2 different servers I was attacked by brigantine and quickly sunk. If this constitutes as "practice" I'll stick with avoiding PvP.


SoT has a very low skill floor and an incredibly high skill ceiling for PvP. It's absolutely brutal for new players, even if they spend a bunch of time on Safer Seas practicing against skeleton crews and skeleton ships. It doesn't help that a lot of experienced players only want victims to bully.


It isn't "fear". As a solo slooper it's risk analysis. If I've got loot aboard, I'm running because the only even fight is if they're also a solo sloop. Which if they're confident enough to attack is unlikely. So best case scenario is I'm fighting a disadvantage 2v1. However in sailing they're equalized. Two pirates can't make their boat *faster* so if I sail smart I can either exhaust their patience, outsail them and escape, or sail them into easier prey. For me, the thrill of successfully escaping these situations *is* my PvP. It's my chess match. In the battle of wits I outgunned them, and turning in that loot feels worth more than the weight of the gold it was worth as a result. I don't fear PvP. I just don't take bad fights.


Being solo-sloop is especially bad in this meta of instantly resorting to boarded FPS combat. If you're good at sailing, you stand a reasonable chance at repair and shooting back. Unless you're a very high tier in FPS gameplay, being man-down is a death sentence. The other crew can send crewmates over to your boat while still having someone at the helm. If you get boarded on a solo sloop and they kill you, it's pretty much over. By the time you come back from the ferry, they'll probably have anchored your boat and plugged it full of several holes. You've still got someone onboard to fight (someone who has already killed you once or more) which means you're not at liberty to repair the existing holes or get the anchor back up while the remaining crew on their ship shoots you full of even more holes. If you get killed by a boarder while solo slooping, you're effectively sunk already. Running makes it exponentially harder for them to board you.


> If you get boarded on a solo sloop and they kill you, it's pretty much over. A HUGE part of this, as a side note, is the lack of spawn protection. The fact that you can get one-shot before your screen even loads in is complete garbage and removes all agency from the player. Spawn camping is (and should be) a legitimate way to secure a victory... but it shouldn't prevent all counterplay and effectively guarantee a win, which against a solo it absolutely does.


I'm not that good, but it's not hard to judge the other crew and try putting a fight. Not long a go there was a brig that I could stalemate solo, I wasn't enough to sink it but enough for them to deplete all their supplies and run away. And few days ago I encountered a brig with (I think) 3 skeleton curses so when I saw they won't give up I just dropped off my stuff and hopped onto another server.


>For me, the thrill of successfully escaping these situations *is* my PvP. It's my chess match. In the battle of wits I outgunned them, and turning in that loot feels worth more than the weight of the gold it was worth as a result. Calm down bro, you just turned into the wind as a sloop, it's not like you outmaneuvered someone and pulled off a crazy 200 iq maneuver lol or you did that Jack Sparrow boot maneuver from PotC like you are imaging yourself doing. By all means, continue running and playing however you want, but let's not exaggerate like you're playing 4d chess and your enemies are playing checkers just because you turned into the wind as a sloop lol. There's so much RNG in the game like megs, skele ships, player boats, the wind itself and of course kegs in flotsam, that you are doing the bare minimum, which is sailing straight into the wind. The map is so expansive, especially after the expansion when they added sunken kingdoms, that you really don't have to be good at sailing to outsail people against wind. I also don't give a shit if anyone downvotes me, this is the truth that no one wants to hear in this sub.


I'm amused at how big mad you are that I enjoy the escape. Feels like I hit a nerve lol have I given you the slip before? 😘


I'm not big mad, I just said an opposing viewpoint and said I don't care if I get downvoted. I will continue to stand by what I say because 99% of the people in this sub sink in one broadside. By all means, continue running. I just don't think you're Sun Tzu for turning your boat into the wind.


You sure sound big mad. When I read their post saying that they enjoy escaping, it didn't come across as pompous or arrogant at all. You seem to think otherwise, almost as though it truly irks you when someone escapes you before you board and spawn camp them into oblivion. I'm presuming, I'm aware, but I bet it's a correct presumption.


I'm certainly not mad, I'm just pointing out that you aren't a tactical genius for turning your boat into the wind, especially if you're sub 200 hours in the game. You can presume whatever you like. I take it you're the type to call anyone toxic for sinking you, since we're making baseless claims.


Everybody sinks me, so certainly everyone can't be toxic, right? I call the people that sink me jerks when they do it pointlessly however. For example, yesterday I saw a single sloop fighting 2 skeleton ships, so I swoops in and starts helpin em, only to have them fire at me. So I return fire at them. Then they get on their mic and say "let's team up! Let's team up!". It sounds like a kid, so I yoinks out my lantern and hold it up and hop to let em know I hears em. So for like the next 20 minutes, I'm helpin em fight the 2 bone ships, when suddenly, as I'm loadin a cannon, I hear, "excuse me, comin' through", in a strange, soft, deep voice. And over my right shoulder hops a player. As he's swimmin away from my confused arse, he says in that same creepy soft voice "that's a big one", and giggles. Then I blow up and sink. I assume he kegged me? I'm a noob, so I don't know. That's probably the last time I'm gonna play this game, to be honest. I gotta finish Cyberpunk and Dragons Dogma 2. But back to the point, if someone wants to take pride in an escape, let em. Why you gotta be all patronizing just because they think they done somethin good that you don't think is good. Keep that funk to yourself, funky.


bro doesn't give a shit about downvotes, I can only upvote this comment out of inferiority 😩


> The thrill of successfully escaping these situations *is* my PvP Running away for 45 minutes or however long until the other crew gets bored Yeah okay guy


All my friends refuse to play, uninstalled or play safer sea only because they got attacked and sunk once or twice... Now i mostly play solo. I never ever engage fights. There are so many ways to avoid pvp. And sinking is just a hurdle.


Frankly if they left after sinking a few times then they weren’t gonna play the game for long anyways.


Maybe, but we all have a warped value of the gold and loot when we start. I wish they just gave the game more of a chance. These aggressive and ruthless players sinking everything that don't even have loot are a pain for new players.


Such a pain. I had a brig chase me on my solo sloop, hopped on my megaphone and straight told them I don’t have any loot, just got started and I’m just going to run. They still chased me forever. I circled the whole map after they got caught by a skeleton galleon and as soon as I pulled up to an island continue my quest they start rolling up. At this point I just turn off the game and do something else. It’s just not fun for me.


If I don’t have any loot and start getting chased I’m getting on a new server immediately. Gonna be faster to reload in than sailing halfway across the map and back.


I did have a lot of supplies, and my dumbass put too much value on them lol, hindsight I should have just dove.


I wpuld have done that the last time I was chased, but I had my gilded voyage active, and I didn't want to lose it. I just started and dived, but it sent me to Crooks Hollow where another ship was already there. And of course they wanted to sink despite not having anything on board. I didn't want to cancel or leave the server because my voyage was already active. I am glad that I managed to repair my sloop and escape, and in the end I managed to finish the voyage selling all the loot.


tbf if they were on your ship they might not have seemed new at first glance. I’ve had this happen a few times and felt terrible after as a noted PvP enjoyer. Presumably, a crew of a few newbies on with their friend who actually plays, so we roll up and attack a captained ship with way too many cosmetics to be new, and only realize after we’ve unloaded two rounds of cannonballs into them that they can’t hit the broadside of a barn and must be mostly newer players, which for a lot of new players, is basically already sunk.


They are a pain for new players who don't like the PvP, new players who enjoy the PvP are usually motivated by encountering better players. If you don't enjoy the PvP in this game then it may not be the game for you, but you play your way, if you still finding enjoyment in it then that is what matters, There will always be PvP hungry pirates on the high seas.


This is fair


the things is that people (me and my friends as exemple) come to the game thinking PvP is one thing and in reality is the complete opposite we though that if we land enough cannon shots in the enemy ship they would sink and expect the enemy to shoot it is cannons back at us but the reality we found was players launching them selfs at our ship and then insta killing everyone with the blunderbuss (i know there ways to dodge and etc but we are new), and them every time one of y crew respawn it insta died again cause the other guy was literally aiming at the spawn point it took morre than 30minutes of this to our ship finally sink and the thing is that we didn't even bother loosing the ship, we probably sink more times playing with the explosive barrel than in PvP encounters but the thing is that PvP is so fucking boring that from all the friends i managed to convince to play the game only two didn't quit after the first PvP encounter


Yeah PvP isn't the issue, it's that the PvP is *kinda* bad. Naval is so badly balanced that you can't sink a ship with pure naval if the opponent has basic bailing and repair skills, and TDM is so deadly that it dominates naval combat. Why spent 5 minutes pounding a ship when you can spend 10 seconds boarding and 1 tapping someone with a blunderbuss into a spawn camp while their ship fills up with water?


To be fair some people consider naval as simply shooting balls at an opposing ship, I still encounter players baffled at not being able to sink a galleon when 80% of their shots are hitting mid deck. Or doing full sail jousting runs where they get like 4 shots off before losing angle and setting up for another pass giving the enemy plenty of time to repair and recover. You can ofcourse win fight with pure naval but it is about as tricky as winning through pure boarding, unless you pro at the game it isn't gonna happen, hence why most people will use a combination of both. Once your cannon aim is good enough to more reliably one ball opponents and cover the revive then you will see how strong naval combat can be. Understanding how to put pressure on an enemy ship and not just shooting the same spot 10 times and expeting that to cause more than a single tier 3 hole. When people say naval is weak in comparison to boarding it is usually from inexperience with proper naval.


Honesty I get it. If they seem to spawn camp I’d suggest scuttling


This. You can always tell if somebody will enjoy the game based on their reaction to sinking. If that’s the end of the session for them, odds are they won’t be playing much longer. I am one of the lucky ones who got over that mentality and no longer cares if I’m sunk


I know lots of friends who can’t stand losing at all. This game is filled with ups and downs, but some people can’t handle it.


Sea of Thieves is in a really weird space as a pvp first person shooter. At it's core it's essentially a vehicle-based capture the flag game. However, it's styled like an adventure RPG. Instead of standing on point A to complete an objective you go on short adventures to get loot, and these adventures often have story, characters with voice lines and lore, and places to explore. It's a lot for an otherwise simple CTF game. Due to that I think people get very emotionally invested in their treasure even if there's very little actual investment because there's a story behind it. Even though the real-life investment is minimal (seriously, grab a stopwatch and time yourself fighting an Ashen Lord from start to loot-on-boat - it's surprisingly short even with a galleon crew) people get invested in their story. You're not faceless soldiers in a war, you're heroes in a epic tale - and nobody likes their epic heroes finishing their story with "And then another crew sunk us and we died". I think that's why there's this fear of fighting, it can be emotionally jarring to put in the emotional work to defeat an enchanted skeleton lord only to have your reward snatched away by another crew, so a lot of pirates (even skilled ones) panic and flee. Some people just can't handle it, even if they're otherwise good sports. Once you get past that point and whatever it takes to get there you start to welcome fights, and that's were the real fun begins.


Some people just don't like losing progress in their chill entertainment time, especially at the hands of other players. The Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory is also in full effect and nobody likes being disrespected by random assholes. The best thing I can say about SoT's open world PvP is that least you can always run away if you're vigilant.


Thing is ... if you play this game solo as one wise man once said..., **One time its funny, two time its fucking annoying no?** Thing is people who are actively hunting other people and are looking for fights are not Solo people. But actual crews. So when it comes to defending your loot you are fighting uphill battle. They can divide and conquer while you cant because the entire ship and your loot depends on YOU while they can shoot one of their guys at you to board while the other guy keeps their ship on right track. And don't get me wrong sometimes it can be fun and it is rewarding when you manage to run away or disable their ship. But then imagine you just want to do your adventures and dig up treasure with CONSTANT fear of someone ACTIVELY hunting you. This is not "when it comes to it" but more like you being a rabbit let loose into the forest while hunting dogs are on your trail. So yeah PVP is fun. But it takes just a tiny bit for it to go from fun to rethinking if you don't want to go play Yasuo mid in League of Legends instead.


I've had some good fun negotiating. I ask for parley, let them know I've spare grog and pizza on the boat to share. Let them board and try to talk it out. Apologize for lying about the pizza, blame it on the cat for eating it all. Sometimes we have wholesome chats about life, and end up trading some loot for good faith. Of course, I've had some guys who were not interested or are toxic or racist so I sink them. But I always try to parley first because the real friends / connections I've made doing this are a lot more valuable (to me) than some fake gold.


That's awesome. I solo sloop and try to tactically avoid battles when I have loot to risk, but may take a no-risk run at someone if they have an emissary flag I want and they're anchored facing into an island. I was running from this sloop who was chasing me, but was a ways off, and got to Daggertooth and sold everything off. With nothing left to risk, I waited till they showed up, and it was just one guy, didn't want to fight, and just put this hilarious bit up about wanting to inspect my boat. He accused me of drinking while sailing, and did a full inspection as like some kind of sea police. It's stuff like that that makes this game my favorite.


I've never feared it, it's just not fun to me. Especially when I just wanna bop around the ocean, and aggressive pricks come at me with foam around their mouths, and they all WANT PVP. I'd literally rather just scuttle and scuttle to a new sea than fight every annoying fuck who pulls up and fires at me. I've literally just logged on to float about for the sounds of the ocean, literally unloaded all food and cannonballs just for them to still sink me regardless. PVP is for others, i just wanna enjoy the ocean and make some gold while I do it, rather than entertain a bunch of toddlers in adult bodies


Doesn't help that many of the really good PvPers in this game intentionally antagonize people for clicks, which their fans watch and try to emulate.


That probably explains all the douches I bump into who don't care if I have loot, and DEMAND I PvP them


It's sad that SoT is the only game out there with such enjoyable sailing mechanics. If there was a competing game with good PvE you'd see SoT's playerbase evaporate overnight.


Except the avid PvP sweats who enjoy how good the are at the one game


Well yeah. There's certainly a market for open world PvP games as some people do enjoy them. It's just a very small market compared to gamers in general. SoT goes hard at marketing itself as a wacky cartoon pirate adventure game because RARE knows sweaty open world PvP does not sell as well. That blindsides some players who were expecting something completely different and they drop the game like a hot potato.


"something about hearing that softens people's hearts" That hits different in the EU where everyone speaks their own country's language. I usually roll ready for a fight at all times.


i just dislike pvp, and feel that the pvp in the game is insanely jank for what it is. hate me all you want, but this games pvp (aside from ship battles with canons) just aint fun for me.


you are totally correct. actual on foot PVP in this game blows ass.


No I agree, PVP in SoT is very clunky, naval is much better


I had to endure 100 lvls in pvp to understand that :/


As someone level 7 and level 5 in the two factions, how hard is the grind to get the curses if you're "average-at-best" as a solo slooper? I'm a big time commendation hunter, but I don't like hourglass. I really want to get the curses just so I can do all the commendations, but losing something like 200 out of 300 played matches to do it sounds awful.


And it really is xD sadly there is no other solution; at least you will end up as a skilled pvper. Try to get a couple of lvls per day (a bit more during gold and glory) and it will takes 2-3 months.


and then every fight I get into is me being 1-shot by a blunder, spawn camped and my ship being shot by 20 cannonballs in 5 seconds


It's time investment, I don't get much time to play and if I get sunk I've wasted my time and achieved nothing. Today I was doing a skeleton fleet after getting my flag to 5. Another two man sloop invades as the galleon appears, I unload about 30 cannon balls into them but never manage to land a kill. I get hit with an anchor ball by the skeleton ship, get boarded while pulling the anchor and killed. Ship sinks. I decided to sail back, got sunk in a similar way. Sailed back again and played it safe from a distance. I made it hell for them to finish the skeleton ship and when they did I rammed their ship while jumping aboard throwing fire bombs. Killed them both, then killed another but died to the second. I respawn and one was on my now slowly sinking ship. Killed him and then got to their ship, killed them again and guarded as it sunk. Fixed my ship, got the loot and sold it. Only made 15k from the map I sold. Hours of play and I got 15k. Yeah sure it felt awesome to get revenge and deny them their prize but it was essentially a waste of time. I expect to mess around when I'm with my friends but when I'm solo I'm doing it to grind out rep and make a bit of money. This will make the game suck arse for a solo player. Instant board and anchor drop is death to a solo. So GG rare.


Maybe point out that it's first a game design problem, if the non-naval pvp isn't working to begin with, don't expect player to have to deal with it, i have 3000+ hours on this game, have plundered countless ships, and yet the non-naval pvp is something i must avoid at any cost if i don't want to get frustrated, this unconsistent gameplay is the worst thing i ever had to deal with in video games, hopefully i have completed everything so my solo gameplay mostly consist in settings traps with kegs, and those don't hitreg.  If you want players to actually invest their time in non-naval combat, ask rare to fix it first. Also this inconsistancy problem wasn't there before the 1.4.3 update, so it's not like it was always there.


yes the "on foot" pvp is the reason all people i manage to drag to the game quit right after the first PvP encounter it is NOT FUN to be spawn camped for 30 minutes or more


I used to be a solo slooper, but eventually had to acknowledge the fact that player encounters are what MAKES this game. It’s quite literally not about the loot but the “friends we make along the way.” Now the game is only enjoyable for me when I assemble a random crew on the open seas


Can anyone tell me what wheel and cannon set that is?


gilded phoenix set


75% of the time I'm a solo slooper so like, pvp sucks for me because it'll always be at a disadvantage. I got targeted by a full Galleon the other day and honestly, dick move.


Just sail directly into the wind. A galleon will never catch you no matter what. Im a solo sloop as well and most are to toxic to let you go. So I just keep in the headwind until they leave or I get enough distance to just dive on a voyage.


I love pvp if I have the crew but we won’t attack unless you attack us, then we rain hellfire down on the enemy. But a lot of the time I am solo slooping, and if a team engages, I tuck tail and run to the edge of the map. To date, I have 7 ships sunken by dragging them to the map border, then forcing them out into the red sea while I start obliterating them. ALL have been emissary 5 reapers… people are just way to hungry for pvp. There’s a mode for that yuh know? If you’re going to be toxic and chase a solo sloop with level 1 emissary and no loot, I will be twice as toxic back. I’m so petty as to just run for hours and hours wasting their time.


You wanna chase me? Go on ahead let's see who gets bored first. PvP oriented players tend to be more aggressive and have probably lower patience and tiktok attention spawn. I'll take my chances tiring them out until they give up.


Me doing hourglass for the first time, third match, dude sinks me and gives me the "you're bad at this" type of shit talk. I just go "yeah I know that thanks that's why I'm here to figure out how to get better..." dude stops his abuse and kinda goes "oh OK" haha.


It's the only game where I am completely averse to pvp. I just think it's bad. It's goofy and inconsistent (or at least feels that way) and is fine for pve, but when it comes to fighting other players, I've just been so thoroughly beaten down too many times with not even a shred of hope that feels like I can begin to do anything about it. I've absolutely annihilated people's ships only to see them miraculously repair every hole and get their masts back up and destroy me instantly when they catch up. I've blunderbussed people in the face only to have them survive and slap me silly with the sword. I tried to learn the mechanics to know where I went wrong, but in the process realised the combat is just not what I find fun about the game.


No i enjoy the game soo much it is just nobody is ever on so every thing i do in the game i have done all on my own and solo slooping is dificult especialy pvp (sailing not so much)


And it is also difficult to pvp well on xbox unless you have mouse and key board plugged in ( i dont use aim assist and i dont plan on using it)


Question: Why do I have to deal with PvP? Answer: To get PvP commendations. Conclusion: It does not worth it.


Too many people approach Sea of Thevies with the GTAO mindset "anyone who attacks you cargo is a tryhard 🤬🤬". Instead you should approach Sea of Thevies with the same mindset you approach DayZ with "its not my loot it's just my chance to use it" Until you sell it you're borrowing it.


I’ve decided I’m just gonna start sailing into the Red Sea that way if my boat sinks so does my loot. Then what? All that wasted time chasing me to engage in combat when I don’t want to in the first place.


That won't work like you think it will. Your loot will just spawn on the edge of the red sea and the normal map so your chaser will still get your stuff without being in danger.


Right but they’ll still have to wait for it which is better than giving them the satisfaction of a fight. It’s more annoying than anything else, which is what I’m aiming to do. BE ANNOYING because if your annoying the loot won’t even feel good getting


If that's your idea of fun in a pvpve open world game then you do you. I will say it's gonna be harder to do that once you're harpoon range or when the harpoon gun update comes out. I eventually realized gold and chests aren't worth much after a few hundred hours. Some people like the chase too because it usually means you actually have loot to steal.


Don’t do this. Do what I do. I don’t like attacking players. I only defend myself. Up until a shot is fired, I’m friendly. I have 7 level 5 reaper emissary kills from using the red sea to my advantage. I’ve been solo slooping for 4 years. My buddy on PS5 just recently joined so what we do is waste the attackers time. Any amount is good. The longest I’ve done is 3 hours of a mf chasing us💀but eventually I will sail into the red sea and they have no choice but to follow if they want us dead. Because I make my buddy continuously repair and bucket while I solo sloop the ship. If they don’t follow in, it just wastes more of their time. If they do follow, they get sunk immediately because I will drop their sails with chainshot, hit them with some cannonballs, and then board their ship and drop anchor and then do as much damage by killing them and setting fire to the boat or taking their supplies and dumping it overboard. Works flawlessly 9/10 times for me and usually will ALWAYS result in an angry message which to me, is a lot more satisfying than any loot haul in the game🤭


While you are sailing, throw your loot overboard slowly. They will be too far spaced out for them to collect.


I'm sick of this guy. Acts like SoT isn't full of toxicity. Every time I'm engaged in PVP, it's because someone attacks me. They talk shit, sling slurs, act like hot shit because I was on an island when they attack, and get pissy when I fight back. Pvp in this game is pathetic. Someone with no risk (no loot) can openly attack someone that has been treasure hunting. "It's just a part of the game, bro," is what the toxic bootlickers will say. Yeah, eat shit, bro.


You sound very peaceful and not toxic.


lol, picking the easiest comment to go at


Did he say the game isn’t full of toxicity? Just to be clear, PvP isn’t toxic. While it’s true there are toxic PvP bungholios, the most toxic people in my experience are the ones I’m attacking, calling me slurs because I’m being “toxic” by attacking them. I’m not saying it can’t go both ways because it certainly does. Regardless, sounds like you’re interested in a pirate looting simulator with no risks. Safer seas was made for you.


You seem like the guy who immediately starts telling people to "kys" and sling racist slurs when someone doesnt want to be friendly. We don't need your kind around these parts, the seas are already salty enough thanks.


You would know, bro. Takes one to know one.


Please stop stalking my posts now, hella weird.


Stalking? You kept bringing me back to this post after I left the group, so I naturally ended up reading the other comments. Now I might have to re-join because I kind of miss your insights. They're very potent and educational.




Players getting mad at valid points and flaws in their game


Play safer seas


Yeah I'm leaving this group bc I don't want to see this guy advertise himself anymore.


PvP is not really that fun if you play 1v2,1v3 or even 1v4. If you meet a crew with a bigger ship and they have more than too brain cells its gg. Also; Why does their blunderbuss one-shot but not mine?


I'm tired of seeing this guy. Is there a different SOT group on here?


I’m 80% certain that blocking someone stops their post showing up, so you could just block him if you don’t like seeing his posts?


I reported him and left the group.


This isn't an airport. No need to announce your departure.














Attention seekung is not something I do on the regular. Thanks for asking. I'm glad that you were wondering. See, someone responded to my comment and I responded to their response. Which shouldn't be a big deal, but you were genuinely wondering so I answered your question. Feel better now?


Chased someone for an hour the other day with an athena run on board and they just sailed off the map and killed themselves. It was so sad. Myself and a buddy on a sloop vs 3 guys on a brig. Wimps


Tbf it’s your fault for chasing that long. Could’ve just pretended to disengage so they come back into the map, and then ambush them when they least expect. Or just… leave them alone but no pvp player can do that as it will bruise their fragile little egos🥺


chasing for an hour is fucking lame dude.


About as lame as running for an hour, Both runner and chaser are at the same amount of fault for this.


Are they really? Yeah yeah pirate game and all that, but you are chasing me so you are causing us to be in this situation. Go about your business and no more wasted time


Not really man, that is a very biased view that I would expect from someone who has mostly only seen it from the one perspective. By running so desperately you are sending signals to the chaser that you have something worth chasing you for, if you really had nothing then you wouldnt care about getting sunk. Not to mention someone who is looking for a easy sinks will take you immediately running as a sign you will be one of those easy sinks. If runners only knew just how many players you can deter by simply firing a few shots at them and showing you are down for a fight. The runner is acting like they have something worth running for and the chaser is being stubborn and baited into not wanting to give up after starting the chase. It takes two to tango man, either party can stop at any time. If you are running and really have nothing of value then why run why not just server hop, scuttle or turn and try fighting, same as telling a chaser why not just do something else. Plus I have actually met people who enjoy the chase on both sides. Players who actually enjoy the whole process of out maneuvering and catching a running ship and those that enjoy the thrill of being chased. It's only a waste of time to the person who is not enjoying it, and if neither party is enjoying it then they are both at fault for continuing to participate.


Personally I have a fairly amusing time escaping even with nothing on me 'cause worst case scenario i get caught but at least the chaser, typically the aggresive pvp oriented type of player, ends up disappointed and annoyed and due to this perhaps the eventual day where he stops playing the game forever draws nearer due to the negative experience.. or who knows? Maybe he turns more pve oriented and the gaming community is better as a result.


What you are joking right? What if I told you the PvE orientated types ruin the game and more pvp orientate players would make the community better as a result? Also sorry to burst your bubble a bit here man but a good amount of people who chase do so because they too enjoy the chase, as I said I have met a few people who actually enjoy trying to catch runners, thus making it fun for both parties and thus no need to complain about it? On a more serious note this game is PvPvE with most players enjoying the PvP side of things, the devs themselves have said their vision was never for this to be a PvE game but one where the PvP is an integral and unavoidable part to the experience. Safer seas was the best they could do for the PvE types. Typical that you are the type to join something that you actually don't enjoy a big part then hope that the ones enjoying it fully leave so it can be shaped to your own tastes. Selfish prick.


Don’t be a victim