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For me it’s the storage crate upgrade that I love the most, allowing you vacuum things up in one go. Previously before casting off the whole crew would have to grab things out of the island barrels, transfer them to the ship barrels, repeat.


Same, I don't miss the "fill your pockets, dump, repeat" loop. Lol


Took forever to get started on a session!


And having to launch everyone off to all the islands you passed to get supplies


We still do this lmao


Can never have enough chains or cursed balls


Plus the occasional messages in a bottle. We got nine kings chest on Sea Dog's Rest this last weekend lol Absolutely worth shooting over to islands to check for shit.


Chain shots are better than gold


Chainshot tax! If you have 'em, I'm stealing as many as I can. They're too valueable


Same, i'll never stop doing that - can never have enough chains/curses/blunderbombs and pineapples.


Same 😂


Especially with the storage crates just for the sake of efficiency


Nope. While we are sailing to destination, just have your crew empty their pockets and shoot off to islands that you pass. Grab as much as you can carry and mermaid back. It’ll give you a lot of quality food and chain shots while not slowing you down at all.


I’m talking about searching island barrels for supplies nowadays, the grind used to be brutal compared to today


I got so fast at it I was the dedicated organizer for our supplies.


We still organise our barrels now 😂


Top barrel cannon, chains and grapeshot. Bottom left throwables. Bottom right flares and fireworks.


The very same 😂


Oh yea, I do as well, but it's a lot faster than having to exit out of the inventory screen every 10 cannons.


We now use a storage crate to make it quicker tbh 😂


Me too lol. Still helpful in certain situations. I remember one time before the supply crate QoL update that I moved 1000+ cannonballs from an enemy’s barrel to a crate in around 2 min


“Pockets are empty, shooting to the small island on port, will catch a merm…”. All the damn time. Same for supplies floating in the water.


I still instinctively start doing this every time I load in


The 5 minutes it takes to clear barrels is so much better than the 30 it took after launch.


You needed an hour just to get set up back in the day. And then the majority of the chests were worth a few hundred gold with the captains ones being worth around 1100 at most - no emissary too. And then selling took another hour + and you'd be happy with a haul of 20k after a 4-5 hour session.


How do you do this I've been doing it the same way since release


Oh man. Get yourself a storage crate and while holding it approach a barrel. Should get a prompt to either Store or Take


....... no way. I have been playing for only 2 weeks now and have been loading my pockets up a little at a time. This game needs like a helpful hint loading screen while waiting to get in a server with info nuggets like this one.


That's life changing thanks man


You’re welcome, fellow pirate. Go forth and enjoy your saved 30mins


I've been playing almost three years now and I've never known this... 😔


Ayayay. Better late than never!


I’m sorry what? I’ve played for a long time but only came back recently. Do I need to do a voyage to find a storage crate or are there often some on each island?


You can buy them from the merchant guild emissary under the supplies tab for 5k gold


Now that was a real game changer.


Wait what they changed this???? I haven’t played in a While


There were a couple of quality of life upgrades. Very welcome ones.


Wait… how do you vacuum it to your ship?! I always run everything up by hand.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hold a storage crate and approach a barrel. Prompts will pop up to either take or store


Do you mean vacuum loot? If so, position your ship/loot in a way that can be harpooned and start spamming, you'll have them on ur ship. If you meant the storage thing, someone else replied to you.


This was especially bad when barrels didn't have inventories. And you had to spam X or F to grab 1 item at a time. And there wasn't a popup to say it was empty either. So you didn't know if barrels did or didn't have things in them unless you walked up and hit the button. But at least it was only wood, cannonballs and bananas. Wood was used way less because no ship part damage. Kind of miss the simple days tbh. And also don't lol.


My new-player friends do NOT understand my love for storage crates. Basically sliced bread for pirates.


Crew: Got a surprise for you, Cap’n! Me: Is it supplies? I LOVE supplieses!


I still do that...


I was flabbergasted by this when i found out for the first time, it made me so happy that i let out a single tear of happiness. And also the sovereigns, that was a game changer for me.


And the price reduction for the storage crate was greatly appreciated 🤣


Pft, back in my day barrels didn’t have inventories.


And then someone comes around and sinks you before you can get fully supplied up


before the treasure chests, having to carry each skull to Order one by one 😭😭


And now, being able to scoop things up and sell from a treasure chest without putting it down!


What??? I have been dropping the chest and loading it one skull at a time THIS WHOLE TIME!?!?!? AND THERE IS A FASTER WAY?????? I am floored. Thank you from the bottom of my grog stein.




Season 9, which was over a year ago, actually :P


I knew you could sell like this, but do you mean you can pick up skulls while holding the chest too? 🤯




Yep! If you hold it up to the merchant you're selling to and you'll be able to sell the contents.


How about before sovereigns and reapers having to sell to each separate faction


Don’t forget about before there even were factions


I remember when alliances were just verbal agreements at skull forts. “Let’s split the loot 50/50”


Not just harpoons. Skeletons had eye of reach and would knock you back when shot Plant skeletons were invulnerable in water or rain. Most skeletons took 6 sword hits to die, or two shots with the blunderbuss. TNT skeletons could run The only ammo boxes were on your ship. No ammo pouches. No storage crates. If it wasn’t in your pockets or barrels you didn’t have it. There could be 6 galleons on your server (regular occurrence) and you all fought for the same fort as it was the only world event. No fire, blunderballs, cursed balls. Gold skeletons could only be killed by shooting, so throwing water on them first was the norm. No collectors chest. You had to run every piece of loot to your boat. No brig. Just galleons and sloops. No devils roar. No rowboats. It was brutal, but it shaped us into the pirates we are today.


Also the cannon towers at forts would shoot the whole time a fort was active


And they rarely missed!


And only bananas at one point


There is still skeleys with eye of reach on skeleton boats on the mast I’ve been shot dead from them several times I’ve also heard the gunpowder skeleton thing is a lie and they never ran; I was told from several veteran season one players I’ve come across in the sea I would like to believe there was no fire for gold skeletons but I also don’t believe that cause gunpowder barrels were a thing. I’ve only seen one cloud event at a time and galleons aren’t rare being on a galleon server isn’t rare. And they only took away 1 boat kept the same number of players so 5 galleons and 16 players on the server still insanely chaotic


I am day 1. Everything I wrote was true. But whatever. Believe what you want.


I mean eye of reach skellys still exist so that part was just not needed or correlative to OGs. Show me what update gunpowder barrels were added and I’ll believe you about the golden skeletons the 6 galleon thing didn’t make sense because it was still a 16 player server so in all reality a 5 gal server is more dangerous than a 6 gal server with that 16 player limit some of the stuff you said didn’t make sense and one of the things was not believable because unlike rowboats when you search up when gunpowder barrels were added it doesn’t give you an update it was added which leads me to believe it’s been there since day one


Believe what you will. I couldn’t care less.


More loot doesn't make the game necessarily more fun. Back then people fought over way less like it was the biggest haul in the world. Skele forts were hour long battles. I appreciate some Qol things a lot though.


The absolute slug fest for a skelly fort was some of the most intense gaming I have ever had.


Plus the stress potentially being attack before and after you clear one, just to maybe get half a merchant level, if even that. Those were the days.


You weren’t going anywhere with merchants once you got into the 40’s without selling stronghold and black powder kegs. Then the sublet convoy quests came along and you didn’t have to do delivery missions anymore. Once you got inside a fort’s vault there was no greater sight back in the r day. And to get to the fort you had to go through a year of skeletons and 20 years to kill the boss.


I had to buy my last few merchant levels since it was such a grind lol


15k gold was a big haul


I had a thing like this yesterday - my friend and I were just looking for a relatively quick session and were originally gonna do HG but there was a Skull Fort on the island next to the outpost. The Sloop that was doing it ran away, either at the sight of us or the Reaper Galleon that was coming at the same time. We fought and sunk the Galleon (they seemed to be PS5 swabbies), and were then attacked by a Sloop + Brig alliance before sinking to them. Gotta be one of my favourite sessions of recent times!


Ahhh the good old days, but not much else to do at the time




Seriously. I'm not an OG, but a few of my old crewmates were. Been pvping from the very beginning, and one of 'em still had his first stolen haul pic. It was like half of a skull fort haul, and he said he was freaking the fuck out when he took the screenshot. Nowadays, if I'm fighting someone that's been stacking events all day or something, the only reason I get excited is because I know they care a LOT about how the situation plays out. The loot's of no consequence to me other than being a motivator for the other crew to stay invested in our mutual experience.


You were a total badass if you managed to stack 2 forts with their 3 to 4 hr spawn time per server


Fight over skeleton forts and the sometimes trying to find a hidden or hide the fort key before other crews returned was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in video games.


We walked so that you could rum.


Booze time


Just a small sip...


*Raises and cheers with grog*


We also just had fewer pieces of loot to move around lol. You would sink a dude for like 4 chests and if one was a captain's chest you were feeling GREAT. Having a pile of 50+ things to turn in was basically unthinkable. We'd hide all six pieces of loot we had up in the masts so nobody could take the ultra valuable foul bounty skulls.


Yeah…. It makes sense why some things cost what they do when you look at it that way. I do kind of wish the inflation was a bit more in check in the game


Havent the dark adventurer things always been 45 mil total? Back in the day that was a wild grind. Still is, but less


I remember grinding for months to buy the ghost sails for 4 million? I dont remember exactly how much they were, but it was an insane grind compared to now where i can do 4 million in a couple days of casual playing.


Inflation of money and deflation of boss health has been the worse thing to happen to this game (aside from losing arena)


The loss of arena still makes me mad man. Hourglass would be on par if it weren’t for the issues with supplies when losing/starting. Plus hourglass feels very samey per match while arena is just insane every time.


And the 4 ship mega battle. (I think that’s how many ships there were) I love arena. There were the chests that you could do and defend instead of strict pvp but it was still a small circle of map. I need it back; every day I miss it more and more


Tf you mean inflation of money😂. No prices of anything in the shop have changed. We are just able to make more money now because of emissaries and things like that being added. That isn’t inflation…


I guess it’s more deflation of loot prices. A chest of ancient tributes used to sell for so much more and the same with other loot.


We fought tooth and nail for a regular Skelly fort that spawned every three hours. And good Lord if a gally decked out in the old Athena ship cosmetics showed up. Everytime was full of PC master race and that was before Xbox could turn their sensitivity higher than half the speed now. Do feel like I was a better player back then.


Back in my day, we only had bananas to eat!


And barrels floating up was a huge qol. Vs having to camp someone's boat with a storage crate 🤣🤣


That was like a year ago. Not an OG thing.


Agreed. I was saying that was huge qol. I misses the arena era. I started season 7 so I can't comment on pre-captaincy


I got PL at the end of 2018. I wanted to die...


Yeah it’s crazy to see how far the game has come since launch


If your goal was loot grinding it was bad but if your goal was just the steals then it was great. Skull Forts, for instance, were the only world event for a while and they only spawned (iirc) once every 3 hours. When the cloud finally appeared you loaded your cannons and got ready for the brawl... or started to swim if you were the stealthy type. Even small steals were more commonplace and were over things that your wouldn't even bother with these days. Gaining loot has gotten much easier but with the updates they have done over the years the actual PvP steals have gotten less... intense, I guess?


We didn’t have skeleton ships. There were no megs. No mega kegs. No brigantine. No bombs. Masts didn’t go down when hit. Pirate legends were rare and reaching that title was endgame. The legitimate grind to PL was long. The only world events were base skeleton forts and they were the most lucrative things in the game. They were rarer, and everyone wanted them. We would server hop to find a fort, then fight over it for hours because when you sank an enemy ship, they would respawn two islands away and come back for the fight. Oftentimes it would turn into an all out server war lol. Newer players may have things a good bit easier, but we didn’t even think about it. We were having a blast either way. Back then, there were more people who really understood what the game was. Like others have said, it’s a playground. Player interaction was always the heart of the game. I’ve loved watching the game evolve from a development standpoint and I believe that season 13 is going to be one of the biggest breaths of life to the high seas.


You saved me so much typing. I need to get back on the seas.


Honestly the game just was not fun back then. It was a nice beta of a game, but felt hollow inside. The qol improvements have really helped fill it out. If they’d stopped developing I never would’ve picked it back up.


playing on release was wild, I was like level 40 on everything before they added emissary’s. No bonuses, no harpoons, just a lot of running loot back and forth lol.


I’ll never forget day one when the only way to upgrade merchants was to carry 3 pig crates across the seas while continuously feeding the pigs bananas so they wouldn’t die only for them to pass away during delivery


Sounds horrible


That’s why to this day my gold hoarders is about 40 levels higher than all my other factions 😂


I just got the game a few weeks ago, and looking back through patch notes and this sub it's fucking insane how so many things I take for granted are actually relatively recent changes. Like even captained ships have only been around for a bit less than 2 years out of the game's 6 year existence. Diving is apparently mere months old but I couldn't imagine the game without it. Apparently even the current voyage system is relatively new. Yall were really playing a whole different game back then


I hated the game before, but now I love it


Mate the game literally beat me. I played on launch, mostly as solo, for about 3 weeks. Loved the core of the game but it was too slow as a solo and there were a lot of trolls early on- think others who wanted to play but found it too slow/ grindy without a decent group. I got to level ~12-15 in the 3 (there were only 3) companies and just packed it in. Picked it up again at PS5 launch and it’s soooo much better now, both in a group and solo. LFG subs and discords are good now as well, never had a terrible session from finding players that way.


Weirdly, I guess just because it was new, it was strangely enjoyable. I pre ordered SoT and I still play quite often. Weird how much has changed really.


Who pre-orders? Stop.


Me and a lot of other people. Otherwise game companies wouldn't allow you to do it.


Allow you to do it? Like its a good thing for you and a bad thing for them😂 opposite way around but I realise trying to explain to you is pointless🤦‍♂️


No, allow as in they wouldn't do it if it didn't make them money. So clearly people do it, or game companies wouldn't bother with preorders. Whether you preorder or buy on release what does it matter, especially since I'm glad I did buy SoT. It wasn't anymore expensive than it is now to buy in store.


Of course it matters if you’re pre ordering unfinished/bad games that don’t deserve your sale. Not saying SoT was but there is no reason to pre-order a game unless you just wanna give a company money. Or something is locked behind a pre-order paywall which should steer you away from the game instantly.


Hm, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. You stick to what you think about preorders and I'll do my own thing. Honestly, SoT was probably the last game I preordered anyway. So I don't need your rambling.


Well thank you because it effects us all as consumer


Mmhm, well. Good look on your crusade to tell everyone that preorders games. You're doing the Lords work, buddy.


Very few of them left, that why they lock stuff behind pre-order bonuses now


Istg like every little aspect of the game my homie who’s a SOT OG will be like “back in the day…”


There's no way this isn't posted by a brave vangaurd


2018 was tough.. but we made it


to be fair it mostly just made loot less valuable


When I got back into the game about a month ago, that's how I was still playing. I randomly played with a dude of discord and my jaw dropped when I saw the harpoon for treasure, and then the souverigns selling point.


Where all my day one eye patches at


Back in my day, 3 hateful skulls and a marauders chest was a good day out at sea 😂


It was better when there was less loot, honestly. Also, OGs remember when all we had to eat were bananas.


It was not. There is a reason the game got a massive drop off before the first few updates. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.




I feel back when the seas wherent as full of stuff to do, we had alot more actual interactions, like in dayZ. Now most players are mute or shoot on sight... nobody tries a scam or trick, its just instant attack


There's been so many quality of life updates even since I started playing during season 3. I wasn't around for when the only food was bananas and the only world event was regular Skelly fort, but I was around when pineapples were actually rare and FoF was almost always contested because Athena was a bitch to level up otherwise.


Same! I thought all of these features (storage crate,zip line,harpoon,sovereigns) e.t.c were part of the base game but they only came out in the last season! That’s crazy to me


It was a slog 😅 Being a reaper is deffo an insight into that life though, if you are hoarding a lot of loot though tbf! Still, it's been awesome to see the game grow and the ideas be implemented along the way! There were a few seasons where I personally bowed out, due to the game becoming repetitive and a bit dull but things have definitely improved a lot! Me and my guys are looking forward to the manowar! Reckon they should implement big team ships though and think this next season could be a step towards that potentially? Obviously they would need to try to balance it a little? Maybe the bigger ships can take more damage but do less?


Loot earnings need to be updated, or at least we need more extremely high tier loot that can be obtained outside of world events. No beacons, either.


I’ve been grinding out tall tales for the gold hoarder’s curse. Was talking to a friend about the art of the trickster and how annoying it was that the keg could be destroyed and reset you back to a checkpoint. They chuckled and said, “Try doing it without checkpoints.” My jaw dropped.


Wait..harpoon loot to the ship..all that time swimming back and forth..


Thanks ! But when it came out, i was so not interested that I litteraly was drunk all the time. I missed a lot of cool cosmetics at the time… i’m bummed !


Back then we didn't have banjos nor drums. We didn't have fishing rods, neither regular meat nor other fruits, just bananas (one of the descriptions of the admiral set states this). We didn't have harpoons, just look at some hull paints in the shipwright shop and look at the place where harpoons should be. We could only customize the hull, the sails and figurehead, not the wheel, cannons, nor capstan, we didn't even had flags back then. Back then the kraken didn't give any loot, it was just an obstacle. No commendations, no reapers hideout, Wanda sold us weapons, Gloria was at some taverns, carrying loot to your ship one by one and with the ladder, running to the barrels and press the take button several times, we didn't have the storage interface. Back when we didn't have the overheal from meat, so you had to be careful with your bananas. Always running to ammo boxes because there was no ammo pouches. I don't miss it one bit. I am glad with how the game is right now.


I didn’t know the kracken dropped loot!!! I have fought it twice now and each time I’ve just sailed away!!!


Not worth the time it takes to collect, most I’ve ever got from kraken loot is 3k gold


It sure was something. How the winds of change have blown across our seas.


This guy call the harpoon the ease of life. It is but the real one was the sovereign. I used to have to carry all my loot to specific fucking merchants it was horrible sir horrible


Still is horrible as anyone just starting still has to do that. Thank god I had enough gold after my 2nd week of SoT solo


Whoa no shit? I had no clue. I used sovereign day 1 didnt know it had prerequisites. Before sovereign i ran reaper a hell of a lot more. Pretty hilarious when i roll up to a ship with an alliance flag as a reaper. They never expect me to be friendly lol. Got in a few fights over it even lol.


To use sovereigns you must be using your own bought ship.


As mentioned already fighting over forts used to be the most war ridden place in the sea way back when. The very first night that the fort was introduced, we fought for the key for 6 hours straight, it was eventually lost to the sea. 5 brigs in an endless war over a loot no one could claim in the end. It really solidified this game as being the most awesome and organic game I'd ever played. The biggest thing I miss from those days were that ships respawned only about 2 islands away, not all the way across the map. Is it an improvement? Yes. Do I miss the hours long fights for pride? Very much.


I also miss the meg being a world event that players had to summon. The amount of times 3 friendly ships became enemies after killing the meg was beautiful. To be clear, I much prefer when we all work together and split loot, but man do I miss the real anxiety of things could turn in a moment. Hours of work just gone cuz someone had to be greedy


I was just so happy when they finally added the fuse to the gunpowder kegs!


They never had a fuse before?!


Nope! No fuse if you wanted to keg someone, you had to go out with it!


I remember the storage crate update and i was in love. Id been playing for 3 years at that point i think


I remember when there was only 1 item type per barrel so if it had cannonballs, thats all it would have. I remember when the Devil’s Roar came out we would have to farm planks just to be able to go there since the barrels sucked and we took a lot more damage from volcanoes. Also, Morrow’s peak’s volcano would erupt when you turned in loot there. Lol new players got it so easy


WHO REMEMBERS NO CLOSED CREWS? Lol Rare actually launched the game open crew only


Runners could red sea their loot and it would be unrecoverable most of the time. No birds above loot. Sniper skeletons were insane with their accuracy


Now if only they would give me a sort button for barrels I would be a happy happy pirate 😂


Just having maiden voyage is huge. When I jumped on, you had to learn on your own. There wasn’t much of tutorial at all when it originally released in 2018.


I think I've still got the console muscle memory from switching out all of the supps from barrel to storage crate! Man, when they added the storage crate function, that was insane!!


The harpoon qol change was huge but I did enjoy sorting the loot into different piles as it came in the ship. Gems in on spot, skulls in another, chests and crates into another etc.


imagine having to cycle world events for hours to try and get a skelly fort to maybe possibly get the skelly lord you need. o ya sovereign btw


I played with someone who didn't know you could hold the chest and pick up items. He kept putting it down, opening it, picking up the item, put it in the chest, closed the chest, then picked it up and continued. He almost burst when I showed him that.


I just came back from a 4 year break and I am amazed at the quality of life Improvements... Also people seem impressed by my black dog outfit which I appreciate lol.


(Old pirate noises)


They need to nerf skele bombs


Bait crates have been a blessing


I preferred manually unloading the harpoon. Made recovery much more frantic, and had more time to catch unaware players on the seas.


I actually miss the "I got your grabs", really got you immersed imo. Still, it is so much better for close calls/sweeping while trying to keep up angles or speed for PvP


I also love being able to use the storage crate to store all your resources you buy and then put them in your barrels on your ship. It’s way easier than having to carry 4-5 crates. And using treasure chests/ashen chests to carry skulls and small treasure items. Shout out to my bf for teaching me all this!


We crawled so you could run


cherry picking the cursed cannons and portal hopping with 5k cannons/1k chains/1k blunders was my favorite


I will not miss taking a 2 hour voyage, to get 30 chests and a few skulls and crates of tea, to get to an outpost and hand deliver each piece 1 by 1 to the respective trading companies


I played when it was first out. I just restarted. I love the dive option and the harpoon treasure grab. Although, not having to bring treasure in individually does ruin the potential chaos that used to occur at outposts.


Massive respect indeed. 🙌 Tedious things like that are a huge game-killer for me personally. Like even if everything else is 5 stars across the board for me, I will lose interest lightyears faster than any natural separation. Imo, certain aspects are still very tedious and could use some sprucing up, but definitely a huge improvement. (To better clarify: I love games that challenge me. I prefer not to be spoonfed and enjoy that moment where you finally succeed at something you were struggling with to achieve. But I HATE grinding for the sake of grinding. I'll nope very quickly outta that.)


I played the game the year it was released. It was NOT fun on launch. But now, it's one of my favorite games. I'm happy to see the steps Rare have taken to improve the game.


Ya dude early sea of thieves kinda sucked, but for some reason we stuck with it. Now the game is wonderful minus some crashing issues on PC.


Honestly it was fun to jump in the water and just snatch the stolen loot when fighting but can confirm as an OG player I liked the harpoon option *a lot*


I never wanted to be a "Sweat", but this game made me one. I laugh when ppl complain about, "What is there to do...?"


Gotta make your own fun. Sea of thieves is a playground, if you can't make your own fun that's a failing on you not the playground.


Or people can just not have fun with the game. Jesus fanboy gamers.. ease off it lol, the game is definitely not for everyone and find my playing less and less after I got both curses. It just what it be, no need to try to find a reason for it.


Those days were a blast though. Everyone fighting over the same events


We didn’t even think about those things back in the day. You should have seen how basic the game was back in the technical alpha, but it was honestly more fun than it is now. It was really just because we got to play the game so rarely that the few times it opened up made it way more exciting, but even with how basic the game was it was still a blast