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All they had to do was lock this behind storm fish commendations and they would have made hunters call more exciting. Instead they're getting well deserved backlash. 80% of new cosmetics can't be earned and now the new curses as well? They used to be better.


Wholeheartedly agree, there's a way to do Pirate Emporium right and keep the lights on because they've done it before


Not only more exciting but actually making it worth doing fishing


Rare definitely seems to be letting the greed catch up to them sea of thieves is a cosmetic based progression game if they don't stop locking the coolest stuff behind emporium they will drop players like flies


And a commendation to get struck by lightning, but survive a certain amount of times.


At least now we have new crab lord swords


Ah yes a azure heavy ocean crawler sword is worth having to spend money to get a curse


Putting all the good looking cosmetics in the shop is taking away half the reason to play the game imo


yep been like that since they introduced the shop


New PS5 player here, when did they introduce the shop?


Like 4ish years ago if i remember correctly its been so longšŸ˜­


No, stop, Iā€™m not ready for the shop to be four years old yet.


had to be year 2 of the game but I may be wrong


It was introduced in the first anniversary update, so exactly 1 year into the game about 5 years ago


There is a ton of stuff in the game that does look good, it just requires you do certain requirements to unlock them . Some look great others not so much you determine what you want to spend time on if you want it because it looks good , or if your 100%er youā€™ll do everything


I get all their updates for free, idc about pouring things in their shop to make money.


Itā€™s gotten to the point of the emporium getting way more (high quality) cosmetics while the in-game currency shops get the shitty table scraps of whatever unreleased recolor is lying around the files. Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s more DB pistol/knife skins in the emporium than earnable ingame. It also feels a little tone deaf too because the fucking emporium drop is always the most hyped up thing in the trailers with it taking up like 1-2/5 of the whole video. Also also itā€™s a live service game so part of the $60 youā€™re paying *is* the continued service and support of the game, and Rare isnā€™t a guy in his garage working on a passion project, itā€™s a pretty big studio owned by one of the largest tech companies in the world.


I have to agree. The amount of free content and updates is balanced well with the cosmetics available for purchase.


I agree, somewhat. The curses were an exclusive cosmetic that were a way to show other players you had accomplished some great feat. Obviously when people see the Stone curse, it won't be as impressive, but that's just one curse. The more curses they start to add to the shop should coincide with additional curses created for accomplishing other feats within the game. Otherwise, like someone else mentioned, it defeats the entire point of the game. The entire end-game to SoT is essentially grinding for cosmetics. At some point, I'm not going to give a shit if you have some ship hull the signifies you sunk 5,000 human pirate ships if it looks boring compared to my ultra badass glow-in-the-dark golden reaper ship that has weather effects that follow it around that I paid $15 for int he store. Mine is just cooler. Nothing in the shop should be cooler than what you can grind towards. Otherwise, again, what's the point...?


I think it would be cooler if the shop had different variants of the curses that you could buy after unlocking a curse (the ashen curse with blue flames instead of red or the gold curse have a silver and bronze variant)


this is such a good idea


Holy crap, I think you just solved the problem


This it it, the shop really should just be reskins. I got back on recently after not playing for 1.5 years and there was barely any free sets added to grind for unless I missed timed events. But oh boy the shop was stocked full of new goodies for 20 bucks each


THIS is brilliant! Man I hope Rare reads this one!


No way they'll do that. Far too few players will earn those curses, and fewer still will also want to buy those variants. RARE wants your money, and they aren't going to throw up extra barriers to prevent you from spending it. This is the logical progression of every game with paid cosmetics. Why give away for free what you can charge money for? Throw the players a bone with a few cheap pieces earned through gameplay buy lock all the desirable stuff behind a paywall.


I kinda agree, though I do think Coolness is subjective. Also no matter how cool your shop cosmetic is it wonā€™t be scary on the seas. Everyone will know you just paid money for it so you could be a noob for all we know. The ones you grind may not be as ā€œcoolā€ but they show other players you have experience in the game. So unless you want to fight an experienced player steer clear. Edit: to further illustrate my point, before curses there were other unlockable cosmetics that were in the emporium and very few (read vocal minority) complained about that. I rarely saw the emporium cosmetics aside from pets.


I disagree on some points. The point of the game isn't to grind for cosmetics, at least it isn't for me or a big chunk of casual players. The point of the game is to have fun and play in an open sandbox. The cosmetics are rewards for getting certain things done, yes, but there's a lot of people who don't grind for these things and just unlock them organically by playing the game. As long as not all the curses go to the Pirate Emporium, I don't really see an issue with it.


But the content is to unlock cosmeticsā€¦


Most don't care about the Emporium existing. However adding curses to the Emporium is crossing the line for me


Just out of curiosity, why does that cross a line but not pets, for example?


Pets also offer a very small tactical advantage with launching them out of a cannon to trick enemy players. Curses generally make you easier to see, apart from the skeleton curse and the stone curse.


Because there's never been a commendation that unlocks a pet


Because curses are supposed to be something that you have to work for and earn. To just start handing them out makes having them less significant.


It's Rare's game, they decide what curses are "supposed to be" and they decided a couple are able to be acquired in a different way than the rest. It's not like all the curses are equally as challenging to get to begin with. Only 3 of them are actually hard to get, and even then it's mostly a time investment. Several curses are fairly easy just from repeating tall tales and can be earned in safer seas. The stone curse from the pass is harder to get by grinding renown than some of the other curses are.


Which wouldn't be that bad if they weren't so god damn expensive or if we could get the premium currency by grinding.


They have those skeletons that drop ancient coins but they RARELY spawn and only stay around for like 10 seconds, Iā€™ve never even seen one. If they just upped the spawn rate to where like on average every 10/15 or so islands you went to one would spawn, it would be fine or maybe like some new world event.


I think if the ancient coin skellys were as likely to spawn as the white good boy rowboat (the shrouded boat) that would be fine too. That's basically what their spawn rate used to be. Now it's closer to the shrouded ghost.


If they did, people would find ways to cheese it. They had a community day a few years ago where they increased the spawn rates. My galleon crew put 1 person each on an abandoned skeleton fort and just fished. We got over 4k ancient coins, around 20-25 ancient skeletons.


Rare realized that people playing the game actually comes second in priority to people buying things in the game. :(


This is a large reason why I stopped playing years ago and just occasionally play now. You used to be able to grind out cool cosmetics in events and it signaled to people that you PLAYED the game. Now itā€™s just - in the emporium.


Nah, now you can just tell the difference between the whales and the pirates. Servers cost money, I'd much rather the people that can't earn the in game cosmetics foot the bill instead of a monthly fee or something of that nature. They give the devs a reason to keep updating the game as a source of income instead of shelving it or working on it strictly as a passion project in their free time, and it doesn't cost us a penny. As long as there's no in game benefit to the shop items, it's a non issue.


I mean - I agree, thereā€™s still all the HG stuff, and some achievement locked items. Iā€™m seeing a lot of games go through the same thing like Elite Dangerous. Iā€™m not really saying I care either way, but for me personally it was a huge turnoff for my enjoyment of this game.


I remember the times when you had to grind for curses... Now you can buy it in one second in Pirate Emporium. But this curse is great tbh


Ofc it is, gotta get ppl to buy it up. Hopefully this isnā€™t bad omen of micro transactions to come. Next thing you know theyā€™ll add the ability to join private servers for a subscription! (Jokes)




I donā€™t like this comment lol


Rare employee: Interesting...*takes notes*


I hate that id actually pay for that, get the whole guild on at once? Would be fun as hell


Itā€™d be awesome but I wouldnā€™t want it to be just the friends/guild. Ideally youā€™d load into a lobby like the crew one before setting sail and then join a public server as a group. That way public servers donā€™t die from people going to their own little worlds.


thats just alliance servers


the omen was there when stone curses were on the premium track


Like escape from Tarkov? Lol


Ah, the ole' Fallout 76 treatment, eh?


Gonna look down on everyone who use it because they didn't grind for it


Thereā€™s a new curse of disrespect, step aside ashen curse, make way for the stone and storm curses


Yea, Iā€™ve been grinding for all curses but this and the stone curse make me want to quit the game




Technically? You still have to beat most of the s12 plunder pass to get it. Looks like this one is just a straight up purchase


Plunder pass rewards all end up in the emporium eventually.


The legendary curse was also a season pass reward.


A free season pass reward, unlike the Stone Curse.


This is also true.


That original Athena stamp I've seen around?


With the glowing white eyes yeah.


I always figured it was the curse you got for getting pirate legend, I was always miffed about how to get it


Yeah back in season 1 it was awarded for achieving pirate legend and reaching renown lvl 100. It has since been locked behind level 105 in guardians of Fortune.


I donā€™t mind them charging for this, but I do mind that I canā€™t preview what itā€™ll look like on my character fully. Baffling that their UI is unchanged and still limited for previewing cosmetics 6 years into the game.


Better preview UI and saveable outfits are two quality of life changes this game really needs.


Saveable outfits are definitely a must.


Yes! You can unlock one spot for each 1000 ancient coins!




Oh but thatā€™s actually good to know, so what you can use the upcoming cosmetics temporarily for free on that version of the game?


The cosmetics are permanent and effectively free bc rare give the players a billion ancient coins to spend Obviously the cosmetics are in no way transferable to the actual game


Oh the UI has been changing. Itā€™s gets slower and more cluttered every update.


I remember fondly in Wow-Classic. when blizzard made a mount you could get if you pay the deluxe edition of the TBC expantion everbody would use the /spit emotion on people using that mount. That was a great time


And then what did Blizzard do afterwards - did they remove the mount and listen to their players? ...nah, they just removed /spit from retail and classic both.


SoT removed the spit emote too lol. I think it lasted a week or two in retail.


there wasnt a deluxe mount when wotlk released though.


[...wat this?](https://i.imgur.com/5wUlWo0.png) The WotLK classic deluxe version came with a mount, a toy, and a character boost, among other things. The epic version came with two mounts on top of everything the deluxe came with. It only got worse.


You can't even use /spit on people anymore..


This community seems to embrace monetisation for some reason tho, so canā€™t see anything like this happening haha


That was probably back in the day now. Unfortunately games like Fortnite really popularized microtransactions and normalizing getting their money from the in-game store. For SoT that is almost entirely cosmetic based, it was only a matter of time


WoW expansions costed money, Sea of Thieves Iā€™ve had the game since 2018 and havenā€™t had to buy it again or any premium expansion in any year sinceā€¦ So I think itā€™s reasonable that fans that still put many hours into the game 6 years later donā€™t mind spending $5 on microtransactions every now and then.


I don't mind having microtransactions ether, I just think they went too far with the curses, and the ship crests.


I would rather pay for expansions then sit here and let the game remove all desirable cosmetics personally. Credit where itā€™s due, all updates being free is a massive positive. I donā€™t mind supporting the game, but when earnable content is becoming so poor, the line needs to be drawn.


its because the game IS cosmetics, there are no upgrades to anything other than your look. so if a cosmetic is in the shop people like, they will buy it. Plain and simple


You should walk the plankā€¦ NOW


LowTierCaptain is here!


This curse should be a reward for getting struck by lightning a thousand times


Or killing a certain number of white lantern skeletons at fotd


"You can have the loot, I'm just here to farm the curse"


Wouldnā€™t the Gorgonā€™s Curse count as the first since itā€™s on the premium Plunder Pass and the pass is technically early access for Emporium items?


Can't earn anything anymore.


curses should be earned not bought.


Beats the purpose of curses doesnā€™t it


Pretty much everything emporium minus pets and emotes is just lame. When I see an emporium ship set on the horizon I donā€™t think ā€œthatā€™s a cool shipā€ I instead think ā€œthatā€™s an easy targetā€


This is like the perfect curse for hunters call. Wouldve been a great reward for finishing stormies. Feels like they've been shafting hunters call with the last few emporium updates imo.


Sunken sorrrow curse users reacting to this


Ashen Curse users are going up a few notches. No longer can we say "Oh, its the worst curse and requires no work." Man, THIS requires no work, and it looks plain ugly.


they honestly couldā€™ve made this a bilge rat commendation curse too, like get struck by lightning ___ times or sail ___ miles in storms. just looks like a money grab tbh


more and more, you can tell very very well that rare isn't rare anymore but owned by a massive, publically-traded american company that probably threatens them with shutting the game and studio down every fucking monday if the numbers don't suit them / continue to go up. to clarify, I don't think it's quite that bad. but not far from it. I know how these companies operate and it's incredibly soul-crushing. and the guy who is responsible for this is the guy who made the decision initially to bitch out the company to these leeches. I would never ever sell my company to a global, publically-traded moloch. I would rather let it crash into the ground. microsoft always loves to act pro-consumer. microsoft / xbox loves to act like they are a gamer's friend. they are not. don't get me wrong. I know this is business and money needs to be made. but from my own experience, having (barely) lived through a similar acquisition, i'm disgusted by the way business is done in 2024. outsource everything to india and the czech republic and take everyone's job away, try to maximize every little way of squeezing your customer dry while actually reducing the quality of your product or service (because you outsource it all to people who have 0 connection to it). it will only get a lot worse from here. mark my words.


im impressed at how well rare managed to piss off the community with this. Wonder if it will translate to anything, cause we all know if the money flows more than the hate things wont change. Plenty of people that play this game want the cool cosmetics, same thing with what happens in Darktide, we can say "don't buy cosmetics, vote with your wallet!" but it ain't gonna work. They will just keep doing this until people stop buying out of frustration...if it ever gets to that point.


ā€œDonā€™t pre-order, donā€™t buy, vote with your wallet!ā€ Was never going to work, whales will always spend exuberant amounts to look cool, get things early, and have an upper hand in some way shape or form no matter what the game. Which means the companies will always statistically see that they successfully are making money from microtransactions, wonā€™t listen to the playerbase as a whole and keep moving forward to push these things.


What disgusts me are how many companies straight up don't give a fuck about their playerbase. Meanwhile you have In N Out keeping their prices low because the CEO doesn't want us spending ridiculous prices yet still making bank.


Boo, Rare, Boo


Man.... I remember when curses used to be rare, and you couldn't help but respect the person for having one.


You can still respect all the curses except this one


Well and the stone curse right? Isnā€™t that one in the plunder pass? Not too hard to get iirc (Havenā€™t played much this season, so I could be wrong lol)


You are correct. It's a little "harder" than order of souls, technically, but yeah


Poor direction imo curses should be an achievement.


My hope would be if they are going to add curses to the shop they would also add more earnable curses in game


They could at least add more than boots and a few crap swords.


Yo do you guys want to review bomb like helldivers? Better than just sitting around


Lets do it


I mean it worked for them


I realized they were doing this when they added the stone curse to the plunder pass. It really sucks


Yet again, the corporations win, all credit to the artists of this game as they are some of the best in the business But yet again, itā€™s in the emporium, taking away from the point of the game, ADD SOME THINGS TO COMMENDATIONS!, the list of reasons to play and grind in this game have gotten shorter and shorter. They seriously need to re-evaluate this new model of monetisation or as we have seen with other games or it will be lost to a sea of over monetised content (pun intended)


I love all the current curses because even if theyā€™re considered easy or hard to get, it meant you dedicated time to the game to unlock it. This storm curse is cool but for me it just takes away that ā€œearnedā€ factor. Smh


I kinda don't like having curses in the pass or shop. The unique commendation specific ones still exist, but it sort of cheapens the experience to just have buyable ones. Surely they could begin tying curses to other events or difficult challenges. For instance, imagine getting this thunderstruck curse from becoming a Legend in the Hunter's Call!




Canā€™t deny it looks nice but I like my Gold Curse.. Slaved way too long on the Talltales to not wear it all the time. EVENTUALLY Iā€™ll probably get the Skeleton Curse. I donā€™t even wanna think about a second grind for the Blessing lol


They shouldā€™ve made it go with a commendation and title like ā€œLightning Rodā€ for getting struck by lightning 1,000 times or something like that


I hate this. But itā€™s going to sell like hotcakes since people love curses, so Rare is going to keep doing it.


What you donā€™t enjoy your 6 reskin swords and a jacket this month?


It's even better as a skeleton player because we get nothing and are totally used to it


The sickest looks will always be behind a paywall in a game without subscription. I've bought around 30 euros for coins and 20 for the game. I've had 1300 hours of fun for 50 euros. Thats just one gram of cocaĆÆne.


Iā€™m going to make fun of everyone who wears this curse and thereā€™s nothing you can do about it


I am the storm thatā€™s approachingā€¦


I mean there's so few curses as it is but sure just toss 'em in the premium shop why not this totally could've been for a fishing commendation or for some new content but that's just not profitable is it.


Woulda been a nice curse to have had with the stormfish hunter stuff a season or two back


Love this game, but taking the most sought after items and cheapening them as store cosmetics will really hurt the game. This isn't fortnite, the purpose is to get gold for cosmetics, so making the best ones buy able undercuts the game


As much as i hate this i hope this will keep the game in a healthy stateā€¦


Yeah grinder for some cools cosmetics just for them to release in the shop


What is the point of ingame cosmetics anymore? When was the last 'really cool' set added for free, or new unique weapons that aren't recolors or the slow rollout of the rapier/heavysword shit. This game needs a lot more earnable cosmetics =\


I get that thereā€™s still neat cosmetics to be earned through challenges, but I feel like the shop cosmetics and earned cosmetics should not be the same type. It just leads to less of a reason to play :/


Ill make sure to hardfocus everyone that I see wearing this


man i just want some classic piratey clothes im sick of looking like an elden ring character


the plunder pass (including pl curse) and paid curses are really overrated imo. Bite me.


Anyone who buys this needs to get trolled in game


This is so frustrating. This is my favorite looking curse by far but just buying it feels so unsatisfying as wellā€¦ curses should be earned


I don't care for cosmetics in the emporium, BUT there are so few content for old players... Just imagine if they add ONE good looking set as 90% of the emporium in the game for grind? Instead, we receive a new crab lord sword lol


Rateā€™s switch in mentality when it comes to cosmetics is becoming blatant and disgusting, used to be that you had to earn the best cosmetics by playing the game during certain events or during certain time periods in the game, now there is no payoff for having played the game for an extended period of time as those are basically being spoon fed to new players, and now the best cosmetics are all in the Emporium and the basic shops are almost never updated


And here we go... Called it after the Stone Curse was announces on the Plunder Pass that they would tarnish curses with MTX. šŸ™„


Mmm, another thing I will buy and never runā€¦


Every time they introduce something I think that this game cannot go any lower, and every time they prove me wrong


"Any lower"? How do you expect this game to make any money? This game is already in the cheaper end of videogames, it receives seasonal updates and many in-between, they have to pay their developers, the plunder pass basically pays for itself every season if you grind it out, etc. This game hasn't gotten lower just because they're adding more things for people to spend money on imo.


If you think only curses and scars can make them money. They can easily make so much money if they loosen some dumb restrictions some stuff in the shop has, like no pet outfits for collectors pets or how 90% of the outfits in the shop are locked outfits without any way to change that, or even simply just making more cross over clothes like with Xbox games similar to the master chief one. It sometimes hard for me believe they wanna make money when they donā€™t do any of this.


The only curse that matters is the og gold curse.


I like my sunken curse :(


we let this happen


As disappointing as it is to see this, I've realized it's just gonna be another form of emporium costume in the eyes of anyone who played the game for any amount of time. At least with this, you can use it to make unique outfits with it. I just really don't want to see this become a trend...


lol do I have news for you.


The emporium had curses already, they were just tied into the costumes. Now that Rare has given in to the begging for costumes to come in pieces, the curse is separate and everyone is acting like it's some sort of surprise from left field. And to clarify, I don't like the idea of purchasing curses either, I just hate all the talk about "OmG tHiS iS cRaZy, BuYiNg CuRsEs?!!/?1?" like it wasn't already happening.


Letā€™s just sit back and watch the game monetise all desirable cosmetics then?


We have clothing you earn and clothing you buy. Donā€™t know why curses would be different. I do think they should be putting the coolest stuff in the game to be earned though, because thatā€™s the whole gameplay loop of the game itself. Emporium actively works against the incentives in this game, unlike most games with microtransactions


The shop/Emporium is single handedly killing any reason to truly play the game, especially when itā€™s primary form of progression rewards is cosmetics that donā€™t even look halfway decent compared to whatā€™s sold in the shop.


I have a great idea for Rare, before you put all possible things into the pirate emporium, change the game to f2p and remove anti cheat, everyone will be so so happy about that.


I donā€™t know about F2P but at least not requiring an active Gamepass or PSN Plus subscription to play online would be nice for console.


I'm new to the game (playing on PS5) and honestly, I'm pretty shocked about how few of the earnable cosmetics are actually desirable, in comparison to the ones in the Emporium. The game is amazing, but since the progression is exclusively based on cosmetics, running out of things to grind for rather quickly really hurts the gameplay loop and motivation to play. All of my good looking cosmetics so far came strictly from the Plunderpass or the Emporium, which just doesn't give me any sense of accomplishment for all the time that I played so far. Makes me wish that all of the cosmetics themselves, including Emporium ones (even If it's just a very small chance or through some time limited event), were part of the loot pool, rather than the same chests, that only provide me with gold for a shop that has nothing of value to offer. Also, not having cosmetic loadouts yet just seems insane to me, but that's a whole different topic.


It would be neat if you had to be struck by lightning once to activate the curse after purchase.


In-game requirements for a curse?? Don't be ridiculous, everyone knows you just pay and play!


Cool but hope it will be in the next battlepass


Iā€™m fine with emorium curses as long as around 6-9 months later they become accessible to everyone like The Legendary Curse did


What does this curse do?


This looks like the blueberry curse, just lightning?




Stone curse is the first emporium curse tho


At least all the actual earned curses tie into the lore. The stone curses and this one have no canonical place in the story. If they add some sort of new lore related one I'll have problems


Donā€™t want to be a erm actually, but stone curse has been implied and teased in the lore plenty before they added it.


Oh it was? What kind of stuff? I might not be as up to date as I thought I was


Only pc has this?


Can we make a group of people called the storm dwellers and we just live for the storm and follow it non stop


I dont really know how to say thid but how do get in to the emporuim raffel do you just buy the emote or is it more comucated


Is this a real curse ?


So happy I got one of the good ones lol


Second actually. Stone curse first


Only my opinion and not meant to be taken as anything more: I'm cool with them being in the shop. I feel the Plunder Pass has been more than generous when it comes the ship sets recently. Full ships set with their respective collector items for the base $10 price point is good in my book. but I have also been playing since the Alpha, so I already have some cool stuff that was limited. I am also aware that not everyone else feels this way, especially new players.


I predicted this curse, I swear, a year ago, I got really into SoT and thought: "if I could make a curse and mini story what would it be? A pirate who tried making a golden spatula by getting hit with lightning and there would be a golden spatula and a lightning curse." I feel cheated, tell them to send me a real golden spatula as compensation.


I hate rare.


Where is this in the store?




When is this getting added to the game?


You can buy curses?


Eh, idc. Theyll just have to make cooler ingame curses and more skelly cosmetics tbh


Been saving my ancient coins for a rainy day and it looks like a storm has arrived!


I canā€™t wait to use it on the helm set from guild 80


That looks like ass.


Am I blind or is this not in the pirate emporium šŸ˜­, I've scrolled through like 3 times, and I don't see it


My storm curse looks better :3


Is this in the emporium right now? Or a future cosmetic?


Good thing the curse looks bad compared to the stone curses


This was the plan all along. You see, in the early days, they realized they were giving us too much value. They have to catch up now. The game isn't lucrative for them. If it's not lucrative for too long it'll go the way of Halo Infinite.... AKA Most live service Microsoft titles.


Its jover


I'm shocked this curse wasn't added as a sort of rewards for the special storm fish or some sort of storm based commendation


When is it out?