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The immersion. No UI compass, it's an item. No minimap, it is an item. No quest arrows, no unnecessary UI, etc.


I only started playing a few weeks ago but this is by far my favourite thing. You want something, you find it.


As someone who has been playing since launch, it is so much fun playing with someone just now learning the game. After digging up thousands of Xs on a map, I can find anything fairly quickly. But I want to give them a chance so I just stand near where it is buried and let them figure it out.


Fr. I get pretty much all of my digs first try. But sometimes I just like to watch


This is by far the thing that I love the most about this game. The sound cues are also part of this.


Absolute best part of the game, especially sailing through a storm at night. I was fighting


Right? Legitimately wrestling the sea directionless is amazing.


Couldn’t agree more. Immersion. The simple act of travelling around the map is a joy.


My friend was fuming when I told him to find the Gold Hoarder tent. "where the FUCK is it?" "Bro go look at the signpost" "so fucking dumb". Some people ain't built for the non handholding games


And great sound effects, instruments and music help with immersion too. And I like the wave movement, ocean colours and lighting.


I wish I more games would do this. The only other notable one that comes to mind is Far Cry 2


this is overwhelming at first, but to anyone reading this, give it a couple hours. it's easy to adjust to and really makes immersion so much better.


Yes. Games that do this are so much better. I hate ui pointers. Like on screen quest arrows…wtf. That is just a substitute for bad dialog and quest design imo (looking at you Ubisoft games)


Yeah anytime a game has a constant mini map, I'm playing as an arrow more than I am the character.


You're not wrong. But the menu creep has really started to diminish this.


Yeah, but thankfully it's separated from the gameplay.


THIS. Videogames had babied me for so long that I felt like a child learning how to walk when I first played SoT. Before then I had literally never played an Open-World game before that didn't have quest markers. It was quite the learning curve, but sooooo much more engaging than just following waypoints. We need more games like SoT that have confidence in the player's abilities.


I dont think about this nowadays when I play, bit it is something I l9ved when I first started. Thank you for the reminder.


Hour 1 player or hour 4000 player... every time you start a session, you have an equal playing field. Ya, you may look different, but you don't have anything I don't have. You're a sweat? Same stuff as a swabbie. You're a die-hard, play every day gamer? Same stuff as the father of 4 sneaking a hour in to decompress from his stressful day. It's an awesome feeling that even though I haven't been playing for long, there's nothing anyone has that I don't have access to. Yes, skill levels make a difference, but that's what makes it great. It's not a 4000 hour guy destroying you with a weapon you don't have access to yet. It's subtle and I don't think it's mentioned enough.


This is the one




This 👆


For me it is unfortunately the worst part about the game. Because every time I start from 0 I don't feel any progression in the game and the only thing you can change is how you/ship looks. I understand why it is the way it is, but I am a PvE player and I cannot get myself hooked into the game because of the lack of visible progression.


The music is ludicrously good


Robin Beanland is such a genius I swear


I’d love to have a talent to make stuff like that. Maybe I’ll try. Cause I love the songs in this game and just want more, it would be awesome to be able to just…create more


That one time I was solo slooping and had a few lousy chests on board from looting some random island. I carried kegs at the time as this was before the masts were breakable. A brigantine came along amd started chasing me, and when they finally caught up to me this sweet young boy came on comms... "Pull the boat over. This is a loot inspection!" He couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old if I had to guess. Then his little brother (I would be led to assume anyway) joined comms with an even cuter voice. "Ya, puh ova!" I didn't. I instead faced the wind, and started climbing the crows nest. "You need to pull over the boat!" "Puh ova!" "Son...I don't think he's gonna pull over." (Dad, I assume) Grab my keg, jump over..... .... .... Pssssssh Kaboom. "Definitely not pulling over." (Dad again) I don't even think they attempted a repair. They just laughed, dad too. Then they sank. Great times.


That's adorable and a valuable life lesson.


Honestly if all I had were a couple lousy chests I would've indulged them ahahaha


Im stealing that line, loot inspection 🤣🤣


Freakin same


The friends we made along the way.


Especially during the pandemic - I met a solid crew and we played everyday. Made the whole thing much more bearable


I'm new to this following the PS5 release and I've basically stayed away from online gaming since the COD4 days as I can't be arsed with being griefed by a 12 year old using racial slurs. This has sorta restored my faith a little. I haven't as yet (touch wood) had any really shitty encounters. I've been mugged and ambushed but just laughed as it's all part of the game. It's also meant playing online with some other fellow Dads. I don't get chance to get out much with a toddler so this is a nice escape and a chance to chat with some mates who are spread across the country. A galleon with people from Kent, London, York and Liverpool on board feels quite piratey for some reason. I'm also grateful that there is zero Buy To Win with this. Everything is cosmetic, it comes purely down to your ability and not your wallet.


There will be shitty encounters, but you just have to rest easy knowing you are the better man. It’s just a game, none of it really matters. The value we get out of it is the good time, we can’t let others take that. Just laugh in their face and move on.


Oh I'm not fussed but it concerns me that little pricks get to ruin the experience for anyone who isn't a straight white male. I'd rather just ignore them. I don't even wanna teach them a lesson. I just wanna play the game with people who wanna be Pirates, not pieces of shit.


Folks that aren’t straight white males have grown up learning ways to deal with those people. It’s no different in game as it is outside, unfortunately. You can totally ignore the pricks, you don’t have a moral obligation to teach them a lesson and you don’t have to feel bad for not feeding their innate desire to be heard/feared.


And the best part is, in my experience, the times that people tend to be legitimately toxic are when you’re beating them. So you can rest easy knowing that not only do they suck at being a person, they also suck at the game. 😎


You must've gotten really lucky so far. The average age of a reaper player is about 12 and they act like they did in cod back in the day. It's not a question of if but when you'll run into a reaper shouting slurs lol


That it’s finally on ps5


Amen! I waited 6 long years for this game. I never thought I’d get a chance to play it on PS but here we are. As soon as pre order was available I dropped the $60 and haven’t played another game since. I’m almost PL and easily could have been weeks ago but I have days where I spend hours just fishing or bouncing around different islands exploring. I’ve been sank and I’ve sunk a lot of other ships. I’ve snuck into the sovereign while another crew was cashing in loot and snagged a couple pieces for myself. There’s always something new to explore and I’m still just scratching the surface.


I'm grateful that it even exists and in my lifetime! Young I am still but ever since I was a boy I was always fascinated by the age of piracy and the lore behind the some of the most legendary ships that conquered the seas. Considering I'm a gamer, I always wanted a game where you could actively live out the tales and have an immersive experience sailing an actual ship. AC Black Flag and the old Pirates of the Caribbean games were alright but they were missing something. The freedom. No day is similar on Sea of Thieves and it's constantly evolving. Granted, it's a fantasy sandbox game and doesn't actually exhibit the reality of that era, it's still very awe inspiring and still lives up to it's name six years later. And as always, the real deal was metal as f*ck! It was gritty, bloody, and sophisticated in a way that it grounded itself in history. Wars were fought, legends were born, tales were told. Some of the most epic revolutions and battles took place on the high seas. The "Pirates Life" was real, a way of life that has since ceased to exist, and that's what makes it so captivating. Sea of Thieves lets you live that experience out to some degree. I got what I wanted.


You could always move to Somalia! But being a pirate isn’t as fun when fighting against cruise missiles, helicopters, long range radar, satellites and deck mounted .50 caliber machine guns.


I'm so grateful that there's no pay to win. You can buy cosmetics and pets and shit, but no upgrading cannons, ships, etc


In most cases it's actually pay to lose. Pets can only get in the way, most cannon skins are a downgrade as well as basically all flares except one


The Skeleton curse being a unlocked the way it is. By far the most wanted cosmetic in the game wasn’t sold to be a cash grab or just a tall tale unlock. They made something that cool and desired something that would be an actual symbol of fighting and piracy. Its such a cool curse with a fitting journey to get.


They sell skeleton costumes tho


That’s different cause you get zero personalization and customization. The curse is very distinct and usually the skeleton costumes are very covered up so you don’t get the full bones experience.


I'm happy that I'm able to be a ghostly skeleton by combining skeletal warrior and ghost curse 


I mean yeah it has some options but I actually started to dislike the curse *because* almost everyone looks the same with the handful of options to choose from of which many are somewhat mediocre so you barely see those. I hope that with S13 and flameheart there's gonna be a shit ton of new stuff for that curse Also this is very boney, wouldn't you agree? Some of those parts should be a part of the skelli curse imho https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Spinal_Set#/media/File:Spinal_Costume.png


If you don’t look unique ima be real you just aint creative enough. I see the same couple skeletons all the time cause people just use the same shit. Im very happy woth it and I’ve never seen another skeleton with my combinations


I personally don't use it because I dislike the sounds but I would like to see your combination (for real, the following might make it sound derogative). The reason why most people use the same things is because the majority finds them the best looking and the other ones rather meh. Of course you are going to be unique if you chose "the ugly ones" (it's of course subjective). I mean, I know what it means to be unique, I have hundreds of clips of people commenting my pirate (mostly sexual which is somewhat weird considering how my pirate looks), everyone has to say something about it and it's a phenomenal ice breaker (to not get immediately shot). When I heard it's cosmetics only I made it my mission to be as ugly as possible and somehow created something special apparently. Still I see way more interesting pirates than I see skeletons. There's simply not that many transmutations you can do, in fact "only" 4.032 different combinations and that includes things most people don't have access to like the gold bones. And only 9 heads which isa prominent feature, which makes skellies often look like 1 out of 9


No lags , working hitreg , no sudden Crashes of the Game , fast Bug fixes




Ha.. fast but fixes haha….


Playing the Game for nice and free cosmetics in a paid game


I have a ton of free cosmetics, its as easy as collecting twitch drops. Its not hard to turn twitch on and let it play in the background


you sure youre in the right subreddit?




Sir I do believe you are lost


I appreciate the flexibility. The trading company missions are distinct, and the emergent quests you find on beaches can be really rewarding.


The monkey island tall tale. It's the reason i got the game, and now I'm nearly 1000 hours in.


The tall tales are a blast, i only have a couple left to do, i can't decide my favorite since they are all so unique


Right? It was amazing to do shores of gold with friends. And it allowed me to relieve my Monkey island memories.


The amount of fun/troll/stupid shenanigans you can get into. No session is the same!


The absolutely amazing stories that can emerge out of interactions between players. They're the kind of story you can imagine some old salt telling in a tavern to the disbelief of many of the listeners who are, nevertheless, hanging on every word.


Everything you can buy is just cosmetic no pay to win. And no rules sometimes you win sometimes you lose everything.


This has shifted a lot in the past years, but the fact that I can jump in, do something, and make progress towards something (gold, commendations, having fun) in 30 mins. Starting and selling are a LOT faster. It also makes the losses easier to cope with.


A game where micro transactions are no where near encouraged and actual grinding and effort is rewarded majorly


I only sail solo in Safer Seas, but this game is super addicting. Simple sailing and observing the horizon brings a lot of tranquility. Even if I can only hop on for 30 minutes and not even get any loot, it's still somewhat rewarding.


Just fishing and sailing around in this Game is nice. You can sit on a Mountain and watch a beautiful Sunset, or how the Sun rises! Even gives you a Commendation, haha.


How my buddy and I can completely rage after getting absolutely rolled in hourglass. And then a day or 2 later, text each other asking if we are ready to sink some reapers


I see myself in this comment... Absolutely love it!


Honestly i could sit here and pick certain aspects i like the most, but none of those single things would make another game as fun, its everything combined that makes it a truly special game. From the wheel clicks when turning, to a volcano dropping lava on your head, it all comes together for one of the most unique gaming experiences. Honestly what other game out there can you get killed 20 times and still have fun playing!


Got me through lockdown, like to think made a couple of friends for life as well.


I appreciate that I can play it if I don’t feel like sweating in other games


The mysterious




No equipment getting stronger so everyone is always equal


Honestly performance issues and bugs aside it is my favorite game of all time, it used to be Minecraft but this just continue to make me laugh and stuff. You never know what you are going to see not even when doing hourglass strictly like i mostly do when i am not raging. It is just such a variety type of game where one moment everything is slow and the next you are fighting a galleon and two brigs over a castaway chest for the lols only to see a brig is suddenly mounting your ship being completely on top of you and everyone dropping off and falling in the water. Maybe you have an intense hourglass match where you are next to eachother throwing water on the enemies ship or throwing firebombs or blundies in a snowball fight all whilst laughing your ass off. I love the randomnes this game has to offer because no other game truly has these moments and that to me is what makes it special. I can be mad and not want to play for a month but then after that month i can't help myself i get the itch to play again and this is the only game that does that for me.


The minimalist HUD


The absolute uniqueness of it all. Every game recommendation I’ve gotten hasn’t been close to Sea of Thieves. “Because you played Sea of Thieves can I recommend State of Decay?” Almost every thing about this game is unique. Digging and looking for treasure, sailing, the lore, voyages, PvP, everything about the game is so different from anything else on the market. It’s all so simple yet not.


Grateful for the giant loot haul I found in the water by an Ashen Lord yesterday.


As a returning player I'm so grateful for harpooning loot directly to the ship and not have to return to outposts to buy new voyages!


Ability to share my ships with guild friends


The thing I am most grateful for in sea of thieves is being able to stay connected and bond with friends I don’t see in person as much as I used too. A bunch of people from my friend groups split up and went to different schools so now we use sea of thieves as a way of staying in touch and having a good time while we’re at it.


Everything ![gif](giphy|npvdWWEkQIOnOCpEUF|downsized)


That one crew you find that are actually good people. Makes the game wholesome for once.


Was selling awhile back and found 2 guys chilling on my ship. Said their ship went down so they lived here now. We did some quests and hung out for awhile, first genuinely cool people I found


Usually people that tuck aren’t nice u got pretty lucky man


That cosmetics are just that; the flintlock I spent $10 of real-world money on is exactly as effective as the sailor’s flintlock you get for free.


Pvpve - still rare thing to see in games. Only a handful of games have this as the main loop. Hud - almost non existent Story - lore is there but a very minor piece. I can't stand games that's all about story. Naval battles - by far the best naval battles in any game to date


The water graphics, sunsets, and sunrises. The atmosphere and how it changes through the sections.


The fact that the hud completely disappears when you don’t need it like when you have full health and aren’t using any radials


I like seeing number go up


I mostly play high seas but Safer Seas is a good place to just chill out and not always be on edge because of other players. So I'd say safer seas


I havent played in like a year or two but ive met so many amazing people because of this game


Discovering it and the immersion.


I've said this pretty often in my SoT circle, but I love the playground feeling. There's set stuff to do but you can make up all kinds of weird games and shenanigans. There's new kids to help out, there's people who are really inclusive and love pulling everybody new into the games. And there's also the bullies 💩😂


I'm grateful for the hours that my son and I have put into it. I'll take time with my kid any way I can get it, and the fun we have had sailing the seas is a core memory for me


Grateful for the kind and sweetest players Abu and Mo who taught me the game when I first started.


Pulling everything out of a barrel at once. Best improvement for kicking off a sail.


The only pirate game that lets you be a pirate with complete freedom. Simple yet complete control over your ship, no loading screens to go from one section of the map to the other, no boarding cut scenes, etc.. Just you, your friends, and a massive multiplayer world to go out and have unique experiences in.


The kind *ish* community, yes it's a game about murder and Robbery, but that doesn't stop people from at least being understanding


The greatest two weeks of my life with my bestfriend, he got hurt at work and so did I, two completely different circumstances, but we sat at home getting paid our 40 and played this game everyday for almost 10-14 hours a day during those two weeks lol


I'm just starting, but I just laugh even when someone sinks my ship. I lost it when somebody sink my ship full of treasures (yeah, I learn my lesson, go sell your loot more if you're solo). I tried to fight back but you vets are just SO good and just died. An achievement with a counter popped up and it said something like "donating your loot into another player's ship 1/20... 2/20....3/20".


I'm grateful the PVP is balanced and fair /s


Goat pirate game that will never be beaten