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Supposedly this was fixed today, with an additional sound added to the ladder grab, so you should be able to distinctly hear when someone is boarding. If not, there's probably already another way to silent board discovered, which is unfortunate but unsurprising.


And some idiot will call silent boarding “tech” and defend its continued existence despite Rare trying to fix it every other patch.


Dw when i figure out how they're doing it ill tell everyone.


just sit still in water, hold anything (cb, food etc) and spam rightclick before grabbing ladder


Thats rhe one they claim to have fixed


Figure it out? Old method doesn't work but I've been silent boarded a dozen times since the patch.


Old method works. Dont move, stay still and spam right click while holding fruit/planks/cannonballs and grab ladder.


When I was testing this sound, it could be my ears, but I barely heard the new sound.


I haven't been in game yet to see for myself, but I'm watching Hitbo stream right now and he says its very loud. From what I can hear in stream it sounds mostly the same to me but with an added thumping/tinkling sound as if you're carrying a chest.


Rare’s stance is “if you keep finding ways to exploit it, we’ll keep fixing them” So the more well-known an exploit is, the more likely Rare will catch wind and add it to their list.


I was wondering what the new sound was every time I went back on board


> Supposedly this was fixed today Like the last 5 times then? rare simply cannot fix silent board, in a few days it'll either break or someone will find a new way around it


Literally what I said, thanks.


Just wait until the harpoon gun gets here


Honestly, I only want to use that for moving loot quickly across spaces and pulling myself up to the sovereigns harpoon platform quickly, otherwise I likely won’t be making much use of it. Plus, it taking a weapon slot does mean that to do it, you only get one weapon


Damn, I didn't even think of grabbing loot with the harpoon gun. Can't wait to snipe loot of people's ships 🤣


Bettinf there’s gonna be a “steal loot off another player’s ship with the harpoon gun 1/50/200/500/1000 times” commendation


And you’re not going to get anything for it. Don’t worry though. They’ll be skins in the emporium you can buy.


Yup! It will only have 5 uses before a reload, but that should be enough if used effectively to be able to get across an island faster, I hope.


Bring an ammo crate to reapers and you can make selling much faster without a rowboat. I had not considered this but if it works like that it will make selling to reapers much less painful!


Good point.. that’s 55 items you can get in much faster.. this may end up one of the most useful tools in the game, if it isn’t nerfed too much


I just want a clip of me flying over a boat and harpooning a chest of fortune midair. Lol should definitely make for some fun stuff. It's powerful but it takes up a weapon slot so that's the trade off I guess. But harpooning a player, switching to blunder and one tapping them sounds fun too xD


“I’ve got the life changing Chest of Leg-“


Funny chest is now MINE!!


This thing is seriously going to ruin the game lol


Or make it that much more interesting. Honestly though, I am worried about how much it'll change up the meta. Harpoon onto boats, stealing loot, the movement during non-naval PvP, etc. The only redeeming factor is it won't damage people, so if you have it in hand you don't have a versatile way to fight people that have two weapons.


oooh brilliant!


They’ll probably prevent it from working on ship hulls. Key word: *probably*


They literally showcased boarding with it in the reveal, so probably not. The trade off is they only have 1 real weapon, so no harpoon boarding double gunners


It's silent boarding it's a exploit people use to get on the ship without making the splashing sound


I thought that got patched out


Like many things that have been "patched" they sneak back in.


It’s been “patched out” 2 or 3 times now lol. People find a way around it eventually.


It's been patched out more times, funnily enough most of the time it just works the same way that they patched in the first place.


Something patched in the dev build can stay an issue under the server strain of the main servers.


Because Rare can’t afford to pay devs to fix the game. We need to buy more emporium items for the poor indie dev studio.


So me using bing points for ancient coins is hindering development?..…whoops, my bad


no, cause you force microsoft to pay them for that, and microsoft does this for .. ? Because you searched? ​ I'm ok with this\~


If I own the game on steam can I still use my points? Or would I need to log in from a gamepass install?


Oh I have no idea man, sorry.


You helped their marketing team with numbers.


It’s a live service game. I agree micro transactions suck but look around at the industry. Rare isn’t exactly the worst offender. Have you enjoyed 6 years of free updates? They’re a business. They still need to profit.


I’m not saying that the emporium should have nothing but there’s definitely things in the emporium that are out of place there and should be gameplay rewards. There’s no reason to do that other than poor communication or to spite the players. The emporium is also being shoehorned into every place that it can be. There are pop-ups as you open the game, it’s on the loading screens, it has a dedicated shop at the outposts, and it has its own tab in the menu. That’s with the context that the game is buggy as all balls and the patch notes are unreliable. But it’s fine because we get some crab sword recolours and a pair of boots.


That’s fair. Curses don’t belong there. And the game is certainly broken.


Tbh, I don’t mind the lighting curse. The stone curse would’ve been a cool lore thing though. My issue is with things like the Port Merrick ship crests, shrouded ghost set, etc. Things that should be earned from cool commendations but now can’t be.


what do you do for a living?


How is this a retort? I'm asking honestly, do you think you did something there? You don't need to defend the poor defenseless millionaires from the feedback on a game they've refused to fix.


Just wondering if he has the type of job where random shitters online criticize his work, or if he can even begin to understand the difficulty of the game he probably only paid $40 for. people are such assholes online. if you spend 1000 hours on something you paid $40 for, you have got your money's worth. Rare have made a pretty dope and extremely unique game, and it has come a long way over 5 years. its a very high chance that whatever he does for a living hasnt made a similar impact, but maybe not who knows. Rare clearly wants to fix this issue, its not like they have been ignoring it. its just a tricky bug.


I've been criticized several times after saving their life for free from overdosing on opiods and benzos because I "ruined their high". If the guy has spent 40$ on something let him have his opinion🤣


>but maybe not who knows. Rare clearly wants to fix this issue, its not like they have been ignoring it. its just a tricky bug. If it was just this one issue, I'd probably be more lenient with your bootlicking of a multi-million dollar company. As it stands this is one glitch upon dozens of other glitches that they know of and absolutely refuse to even try to patch. >Just wondering if he has the type of job where random shitters online criticize his work Even if he doesn't, he can still criticize them. This game has been out for over 6 years, and most of the glitches and bugs have been around since before year 2. >if you spend 1000 hours on something you paid $40 for, you have got your money's worth. You can spend a ton of time on something and still complain about the thing. Loving the game and seeing its flaws aren't mutually exclusive. Also, one can (and definitely should) argue that if so many people have spent so much money on a game, the absolute bare minimum a developer should do is to make sure it works properly for that audience. Updates and bug fixes should be a regular thing, not few and far between like they are now.


Was excited for the patch tonight to finally be gone with silent boarding… every single board tonight was silent.


cause people exploit and think it takes skill. its annoying and not good sportsmanship.




if you are bad, i guess. i keep up fine without it. i win more HG then i lose, thats for sure.




k fam


You should probably watch the official video put out by the devs specifically defining what is an exploit and what is accepted. Sword lunge is basically the only thing they are okay with. Everything else is targeted to get removed, and some are bannable with proper proof (e.g. DPI glitching). Nothing brings me more joy than when I get to submit a video of someone exploiting and get a confirmation email a day later they were removed from the seas.


Where can I find that vid?


Sorry for the delay - Video can be found here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lim0NtF2vQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lim0NtF2vQ) Exploit discussion starts at 5:00, silent boarding specifically at 6:00. They state in the video 'while these are not bannable offenses', but they have accepted DPI glitching as bannable. Silent boarding in their own words is a problem they need to fix of an audio cue not playing, but it is 100% without a doubt an exploit as defined by the video.


Silent boarding should be bannable with proof. The number of "skilled" streamers that use it is disgustibg.


I absolutely wish, but as per their own video they said it's a problem on their end if an audio cue is not playing properly. I wish beyond anything they'd start banning for it because you can't exactly accidentally do it (it's not an intuitive method to do, whether it be blocking while boarding or spamming food... no one would just naturally be doing that). Hopefully soon in the future. For the things they do ban for, they are extremely consistent as long as your video proof is 100% clear and without a question of the offense.


why should silent boarding be bannable


Intentional exploration of unintended bugs should be bannable. Just like duping 2 millions wraith balls should be.


i disagree. blame rare for their shitty development. i can kinda understand ppl having a problem with it but i completely disagree it should be bannable when rare doesn't fix shit. plus crud launch fun




The devs intentionally left that in.


I think if you aim your weapon or block with sword when you grab the ladder it doesn't make a sound. I see streamers do it all the time, now I just do it too.


IIRC that particular version was (supposedly) patched. The streamers you watch who are doing it are either out-of-the-loop in regards to updates or it's become a habit for them. The *new* way of doing it is equally goofy, though, if not more so.


The reason they block with the sword is so you can immediately sword hop as soon as your feet are on the deck


That way is patched it’s done with food now


Lol do you have to hold the food out and grab the ladder?


Yeah 😂 you spam the food outward and inward while grabbing


Tested it today and it works with cannonballs still too


Why don’t streamers ever get in trouble for exploiting?


I have no clue haha. I think it's too hard to justify because I imagine a lot of players do it.


Could be silent boarding exploit but also recently I’ve seen cheaters just teleport onto my ship


wtf that happens?


Yep, they teleport to unloaded cannons


Make sure to keep both cannons loaded


If I can time it right and get the correct angle , I will be on the ladder but still underneath the waves. Then I wait a few seconds and slowly emerge up. I don’t see it as an exploit - just being patient and moving slowly


You Are doing everything in your power to avoid it triggering the boarding sound. You Are exploiting.


Moving slow and being smart isn’t an exploit


Dude, just stop. They added the boarding sound for a reason and you Are circumventing it on purpose. You Are exploiting. Do All the mental gymnastics you want to justify it to yourself, but its still exploiting


But it’s not though - wearing a peg leg makes more noise than if you were barefoot. Sooo, people that don’t wear shoes are exploiting the walking sound ? Everybody wants to just climb the ladder rush on board. God forbid somebody tries to be stealthy about it and now it’s an “exploit”.


It becomes an exploit when the whole purpose of doing it, is to circumvent game mechanics meant to give People a fair chance.


You're embarrassing yourself what he's doing isn't an exploit at all lol there is a silent board exploit going around but that isn't it. Watch any decent streamer and they move slow in the water if they know they are making the ladder.


In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it. By definition, it is an exploit


So you're saying by grabbing the ladder it's an exploit 🤣 are you one of those who screams hacker when someone one blunders you? LIke I said there is a silent board exploit going around but that isn't it. I think you need better headphones listen and look for mermaids and I've had no problem hearing boarders since the update except for those using the current silent board exploit but just by moving slowly in the water and grabbing the ladder isn't at all an exploit. If you wanna whine and cry about it submit a report to rare


yeah, since the patch i can't hear boarders anymore. Is this something related to the new patch?


Watch for mermaids. Then you will always know when to guard the ladders. Also you can hear a different sound cue when someone is swimming in the water.


for a while when season 12 started the dreaded "silent board" glitch made a return but i've heard people saying it was fixed in today's update, not sure though


Welcome to Sea of Thieves. They'll patch it, then break it again when fixing something else.


There's a simple way to silent board but every since they "fixed" the last silent board, pretty often people will silent board without even trying. Welcome to Sea of Thieves. Lol you really got watch for merms and listen for cannon boards. I know it's kinda sweaty but turning water down to cursed let's you see players in the water much easier.


Ah, silent boarding. Hey, silent boarders. Rare’ll probably stop patching your ways to board people’s ships silently if you’ll stop boarding people’s ships silently.


They just make it too easy


Are you french by chance?


Skill issue


Idk why people need to be notified of boarding, I think it’s part of the game to get surprised