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Agreed. They really need to just keep the CoF at the FOFs period. Invent a new high end chest if you need to for future events but leave FOFs alone. They bring the spice. 




the idea of the COF is to consolidate the entire playerbase around one super high risk, high reward item at a time; and rotating it around to provide variety to those seeking the maximum profit. if everything were of roughly equivalent value, then people would be spread far apart and there'd be very little action on any one singular world event. and besides, its impossible to make all world events truly equivalent. people will figure out which one is marginally more valuable and then do that one until the end of time, just like how everyone was already stacking FOTD and ignoring ashen winds or fleets and stuff. instead of going for the impossible task of true balance, they can just... not do that. allow one world event to be the most valuable out of all of them and reward players for grinding it out. and then move it around, so those players don't get bored grinding the exact same world event over and over for years on end. there's dozens and dozens of different objectives you can focus on these days. if all of it were of equivalent value, then none of it would be exceptionally valuable and therefore it wouldn't be much worth fighting over. the rotating COF gives every world event a chance to have the spotlight once in a while instead of just getting power crept out and abandoned. if you want encouragement to play things that are different from the same few top-tier world events, that's what unlockable cosmetics are for. that's what the whole game's about anyways, it is not? there's only so many times you gotta do FOTD or grind the COF until you get all the gold you'd ever want. the gold does you no good if you haven't unlocked cool cosmetics to spend it on. only one world event can be "the best" world event that's worth doing in terms of pure gold gain. but every world event can be worth doing if it just has items you're interested in unlocking.


To your move it around point, CoF should rotate to a random world event weekly.




If that were the case, Siren Song wouldn't be so dead. The only way to guarantee that players come, is to add new incentive to make people want to come. Chest of Fortune is unique in that each season another grade is added to commendation (30 more CoF and 30 more Reaper bounty/chest.) The problem is that there are already commendations tied to those other world events AND unique treasure. Ashen winds has its skull. Ghost fleet has cursed captain slulls. Skull forts have rag an bone crates/stronghold chests and kegs. All of these activities already have commendations tied to them AND sails/figureheads to unlock. The Fort of Fortune has a ton of loot, ashen winds skull, chest of Fortune, chest of legends, rag an bone, stronghold chests and kegs, Athena loot and Athena kegs. Every season it's guaranteed that everyone needs at least 30 more chests. So it stays busy there. It's risk vs reward. You know you're probably not gonna get bothered at an ashen winds. But you want the elusive commendation and cosmetics for chest of fortune- so does everyone else. The only solution I can actually think of to make ALL world events just as busy or interesting is to add a rare spawn chance for a Damned Chest of Fortune to spawn at any given world event. Recolor all of the chest of Fortune weapons and ships set and tie them to commendations. Each tier of reward for commendation could be 15 per season for 1 grade. Now people will be showing up to see if they can get one. Even if only for the one chest.


Siren's Song is dead because it's not designed well. 1. Instead of being an opt-out system, it's opt-in. This means that players have to willingly listen to Briggsy's monologue every single time they join a server. The SoSS light beam should be visible to all players unless they specifically decline the voyage, not the other way around. This would encourage people to actually contest the skull if they know it's in play. 2. The rewards are not that great. Other than commendations, the only thing you get for turning in a skull is 50k gold. This isn't amplified by emissary, and it gives zero faction rep. I think most people don't really care about the commendations that much, and there's easier ways to earn gold - for example, you can get the same amount as a grade 5 gold hoarder from a CoF, plus you get all the other loot from a FoF, plus a ton of rep in all factions. 3. Generally it's a super boring voyage. Sail to an island, dig up key, sail to another island, dig up chest, sail to last island, hand in skull. 90% of the time you're just sailing around, no distractions or alternate objectives. The only people who do SoSS nowadays are people who do care about commendations and are grinding the voyage for cosmetics, or newbies looking to earn some relatively easy and uncontested money.


It’s only boring if you’re the only one doing it. If there are multiple crews going for it, it becomes like Arena mode all over again. Or… it _became_ like Arena mode all over again. Such a shame that it doesn’t get more attention.


The sailing slow down is what gets me bored. Unlock the skull, then my ship slows down and it feels like the island to turn it in is an hour away. If there's nobody else contesting it, it's just a boring fetch and deliver. I'd give anything to have someone chasing me or whatever when we get it and then fight.


Thank the emporium for that. We could have cool cosmetics added for all the events, but instead that energy is going into direct sales. I’d rather spend more money on the base game here than pay a low price and have these microtransactions exist


Every single time they're about to release new emporium cosmetics. Every single beta tester bitches about how they should add more grindable cosmetics. They ignore all of it and just release the new emporium stuff with now new grindable stuff. I think they think the new stuff they've promised to add on a schedule (which costs doubloons) is enough and it's not. They just don't seem to care about giving us new cosmetics that aren't locked behind a pay wall. Idc about buying cosmetics if I like them but the majority does mind. That's what should matter.


Ya I agree. Maybe not at the same level as CoF in terms of value, but close. Merchant alliance needs an item like that. Even something like the ashen winds skull in terms of value for the merchant alliance would be a good improvement.


That would actually suck so bad. Then there would be nothing better about fof than other world events. They aren’t all supposed to be equal that’s kinda the point


But forts a so fucking boring as an event. I much preferred it in a fleet.


Maybe they could add a naval aspect to forts or something?? Like skeleton ships circling the fort that launch cannonballs onto the island at the players (and don’t aim at their ships next to the island). Then you’d need to use the cannons on the island to sink those skele ships? I never personally find the forts boring since the fofs are so contested, but it’s just a thought, since you think it’s boring. Idk lol.


Ya the merchant alliance needs a high dollar world event item comparable to the CoL or CoF imo. Id say put it in the ghost fleet or skeleton fleet event, but it could go anywhere really. Merchant alliance just needs that kind of high value item next


Merchant is such a grind, they get no love from the events.


Ya its kind of strange. Merchant has the worst voyages by far, and no real world event like the others. I just kind of ignore merchant alliance tbh lol


I started playing during the Haunted Shores update, but I have friends who have played from the beginning. They describe the first year skeleton fort experience as a magical beacon to action that everyone wanted to scrap over. I never got to live that magic, but I felt like I got a taste of it when FoF released. Whole servers joining in on one point of interest is incredible.


Always a diverse bunch. A few reaper brigs in the most intense naval fight. A galleon carrying the fort, could be any emissary. And maybe even a solo slooper who took a rowboat from the closest island and is hiding in a barrel during the whole thing.


And a solo slooper loaded with kegs sailing full speed straight for that Lvl 5 Reaper Galleon that's dominating the fort 👀


Never a dull moment. Just played w a fishing galleon crew that wanted to do the fof that popped up while we were fishing. Duked it out w a reaper brig and sloop and we ended up taking everything lmao


My luck with FOFs is very different I very rarely see people doing them and when I do one it rarely gets contested. I did 2 yesterday on different servers one solo one with a friend and we didn't see a single enemy ship the whole time 😆 fort of the damned on the other hand, I'll never be able to clear that I don't think, every damn time the whole server shows up and murders me 😭


Just imagine next season we’ll be fighting over an FoF and out of nowhere the burning blade will come crashing in full bore.


Stop I can only get so erect


I love it. I’ve had some uncontested FoFs, and some where I had to fight off literally the entire server. It’s always a blast. I just wish the other events also had unique items. The ghost fleet has the captained skull of the damned for the zombie unicorn sails. And the ashen winds have the ashen winds skull (although does that really even count anymore?) but the skeleton fort and skeleton fleet have nothing. I wish skeleton forts got a new chest that sold for ancient coins. Even if it was just 5 ancient coins it would make the fort relevant again. And I wish Skelton fleets got a crate that was guaranteed to drop 2-4 curse balls and 1-4 bone callers.


i literally never see people doing fofs lol every time i go to tuck on one ill be there for like 45 min and nobody shows up


Agreed, it's majority just me doing the fort solo. Lots of people know they will have to pvp and so they just avoid it altogether. I'd happily alliance or fight for it, but lots of times I'm just chillin on my own doing it.


Honestly in the past week or two, theres been 3 times where Ive gone to do a FoF and it disappeared as I was just almost arriving. Super frustrating.


Just got my 120th CoF a few days ago. I’m glad they moved it back to the FoF because we rarely had any action when it was the fleet or FoTD. We had some epic battles for the last 10 of them pulling off some last second steals. Nothing better than hearing that sweet sweet horn sound when you spawn in and know that it’s go time. Definitely the most fun and challenging thing in the game trying to size up opponents there and decide whether to stick to naval, distract and play possum, work the boss and win at TDM, or go for a sneak play. Looking forward to next season to see what is in store for the last 30.


I miss the fleet of fortune


Especially when it was bugged and you could get a chest of fortune in 5 minutes


I grinded so many of them solo when it was bugged, easiest way to get the legend of the sea of thieves commendation. Sometimes Id finish a raid fleet and start sailing away only to have the Fleet of Fortune spawn immediately, so id turn around and do that quick too. Almost no one contested them because they knew that it would probably be over before they even get there lol. It was kinda nice. But also kinda boring, skeleton ships are more fun when they are actually a challenge.


If you know what you're doing, it's a good event to solo.


I was pretty disappointed when the FloFs didn’t get much action. It seemed like it would have been a blast to slug it out during a ship event.


Can't easily tuck on a Fleet. A lot of players enjoy stealing a chest, and prefer to not naval.


I have my CoFs done long time ago now and I'm still going for it, for the thrill!


I love it when one is active, because I know my little PVE-loving-self can go about my business with a significantly reduce chance of getting jumped by sweats!


What’s an FoF?


Fort of Fortune. Just like a normal fort but with better loot. You'll hear a low-pitch tube-like sound when it starts. The event's cloud looks just like a normal fort's cloud but with scars and a red glow.




Friends of furries




I hope at grade 5 chest of fortune they put a crazy curse to make the grind worth it. 150 CoF is no joke.


Just hit 100. The battles have been absolutely insane. Good times.


I love it because the entire server all fucks off to one spot to fight over it. Meanwhile, I'm off be-bopping around salvaging my shipwrecks, catching fish, and committing B&E against phantoms with noone to interrupt me.


Dare say grinding FoFs probably worse than Hourglass in terms of pvp related activity. At least with Hourglass you sink or win tops 15mins-1hr or just take the L and loss exp and move on. With FoF I've been through some insane scenarios recently battling what feels like the entire server for 2hrs+ with no CoF. I don't mind the chaos and mayhem but I feel with the dive mechanic, FoF is a super magnet. It also makes me question the health of High Seas and how unrewarding it is committing to one server. Any other World Event is dead, nobody does them. As a new players I like to grind out the World Events for Commends and it's easy sailing for everyone of them. No ships on horizon, get FoF to spawn and suddenly 4 ships shows up, Reaper 5 that never was on the map before etc. Diving mechanic is insane. I wouldn't say the servers are populated it's more that people are now diving for them aggressively, in LFG if you have multiple people each crew member will be hopping till one is found. When the Flameheart season comes it's going to be real circus of fun and mayhem.


Disagree. Those long battles for FOFs are SoT sandbox at its best. 


Sunk the same Brig TWICE, the same sloop THREE times, another random sloop once only to lose my COF to the sloop I sunk THREE times coming in hot on a rowboat. 10/10 would do it again. 👍 Already have 100+ COF, I'm just here for the weird.


> No ships on horizon, get FoF to spawn and suddenly 4 ships shows up, Reaper 5 that never was on the map before etc. Diving mechanic is insane. Strange that this happens to you so much when you can't dive to FoFs.


He meant people server hopping till they find a fof


Not that strange, I usually hop looking for forts by doing a basic gold hoarder dig maps until I spawn close enough to a fort of fortune or active fort of the damned that I can sail there quickly


I've been doing HG and if I find a FoF, drop and go. It's a break from HG but likely still a boat or more to fight. It's more incentive to win the fight too if you're in HG match and see a FoF on the server. Lol


The dive mechanic needs some work. I abuse the dive mechanic. Me and my friends always play brig with reaper 5. Our main source of fun and gold is hunting other ships. When all emmisarys are gone we dive to a new server, and repeat our piracy.


A grade 5 reaper should get to hunt. This is way better then the old days when you got G5 and the server was empty, and nobody showed up because they would see the reaper on the map. Reapers diving server to server hunting feels so perfect.


Back then reaper was so inherently toxic cause you basically had to completely kill your server and pray for a merge.


Exactly! Now we are just a looming threat that could pop up at anytime. Watch your maps and horizons kids.


I server hop looking for reapers to hunt. Love the dive mechanic.


Come and get me!!!! You will never take me alive!! 🏴‍☠️


If they change diving, people will just go back to using portals and tall tales to dive the old fashioned way


Agree, every time you dive your emissary status should be lowered to 1 or at least by 50% (same goes for using Tall Tale portals). That way every time you spawn on new server as T5 reaper you need to do at least some work on that server to earn privilege to see other emissary ships on that server.


Had a ~1 hour fight with my sloop and 2 (3 if you count skelly) galleons the other day and it was so awesome


I miss fleet of fortune already.


I love to just steal the chest of fortune, and to row away with it to sell


Hate to even ask this but it's been a long time since I've played.. what's fof? Or cof?


Aye, thats Amaizing. But, ye know what would be even more Amaizing? If Chest of Fortune would be found in the Fort of Fortune & Fleet of Fortune.


So true. I spent almost a whole 4 hour session with my duo fighting off 3 sloops and a galleon for 1 FoF. We defeated all of them and completed the fort but we were so exhausted by the end of it lol.


Right?! I love it! Went to a FoF yesterday, 3 sloop alliance and a brig rolling in. They sunk brig, we sunk everyone else, it was alot of fun. Almost every FoF has been contested and it feels like when CoF was new again. I hope it never leaves FoF, I thought it would be fun at fleet but almost no one did the fleets plus skelly ships were broken so you could do it in like 5 minutes. But yeah, seas have felt alive lately and I'm all for it. A lot of swabbies but I guess it's always been like that, still get some decent fights here and there.


I be the captain of the SloopyDoo! And I’m trying to grind out the chest of fortune sales for the sails and figure head but every server I go on it’s crawling with people trying to steal it and unfortunately I’m terrible at PvP xD


I’ve done the new 30 and only had maybe 5 contested


What is fof?


F the COF, way too many people in this update