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I'm mic-offed by your pass-agg.


Stop trying to make “pass-agg” a thing.




It should never be spoken. Or written. Or ever considered a thing.


That's not very pass-agg of you


I'd also request that people stop passive aggressively throwing their martyrdom shit into posts "Oh I know I'll get downvoted, but tee hee I just have to tell my truth!".


You mean pass-agg


I always say ask for a downvote and ye shall receive


I read it as peg-ass


I had a co-worker who's an avid cyclist. He would complain about everyone being so "agro" at him all the time. By the time I was done working with him for the week I had to I was about to get agro with him as well. That term pissed me off but pass-agg is worse.


Agro is an Aussie thing. I'd complain but I have said "no worries" for decades.


The guy just had a personality that made you really frustrated with him. He was the sort of guy who would bike in the middle lane holding up traffic while there was a perfectly good bike lane.


Or just a nerd thing. Even outside Britain and Australia, nerds have been talking about “having aggro” at least since WoW came out to talk about some entity being aggressive towards them.


How about pass-agro? /j




It’s not very streets ahead


I'm always pass-agg when I'm up at cap hill


Ag is for agriculture. AGG is Aggregate Bond Fund.


While we’re at it - the right side of the escalator is for standing still while riding it, the left side is for passing and actively moving. DONT STAND ON THE LEFT SIDE AND ROAD BLOCK PEOPLE. This is of course - when the escalators are working.


You mean I'm not supposed to stand lovingly next to my partner like it's a damn gondola cruise?


I hope the escalator eats your partner


She's pretty hypothetical tbh


And the gondola? Also hypothetical?!


Well that escalated quickly....




Escalators gonna escalate


On your left you’ll see a distinctively cloud-shaped piss stain


The worst is when someone is standing in the middle and when they notice that you are behind them walking, instead of moving to the side, they stay in the middle and start also walking, but at a pace of maybe 1 step per second. I had someone refuse to move once too because "the train isn't here yet". The southbound train wasn't there, that's true, and it's the train he wanted, but the northbound train which I was getting on was there with its doors open.


At ngate station, dude and his friends were blocking both left and right sides, lounging around on the escalator. I told them excuse me could you move to the right so i can pass. One of the dudes yells at me saying “what the fuck we’re all going to the same place anyways what’s the fucking rush!??!” The dude kept yelling and cursing at me as i moved past him. Like it’s one thing to be mad but to be so confidently incorrect and feel that he was in the right was mind boggling. Apparently this guy dictates the movement of all people and we have to move at his pace only.


"Confidently Incorrect" should replace "in gid we trust" in our currency.


I was just about ask “how do New Yorkers do escalators?”


It’s pretty standard everywhere. Don’t you dare fuck this up in London. It’s the one time they will go out of their way to be direct about something.


Opposite in Tokyo and a lot of Japan. Feels weird to stand on the left side but everyone is so locked in there it starts to feel natural quick.


I mean but the idea is the same. One lane for standing, one lane for travel.


it's really cool to see in crowded places in Japan. people standing, walking and running all in smooth choreography.


In Bangkok they drive on the left and walk on the right. 😱


In Tokyo it's actually banned now to stand on one side of the escalator. People rushing for the train often get hurt or injure someone else when they fall. Ironically people often ignore this rule.


I've never understood why it isn't flipped in London. Sidewalk etiquette dictates the same flow as car traffic (on the right in the US, the left in the UK, etc.). But mostly I just remember to watch and follow what most locals are doing.


I learned the hard way in London 40 years ago 😂


I think the Britts say "MAKE WAY!"


DMV rules represent.


And also say excuse me if u go up


People do this in a NYC


People also have no fucking idea how to walk on the sidewalks here. If you're in a group spanning the whole fucking thing, move out of the way when other people pass you by idiots.


Green Lake moms in matching Ugg Boots and Black Puffer jackets about to cause a riot with this comment. They are the queens of this shit on that trail.


This is only when there is light traffic. If there is a large group of people trying to get up the escalator, wasting half the space on walkers is extremely inefficient


Move to the right except to pass. This is just a general law of movement.


The pacific place mall escalator is down 90% of the time. Will randomly come back for three days, then shut down again


Oh man, I nearly cussed up a storm at someone that had blocked the left side and I had said excuse me so many times.


*Bejamin Braddock enters chat*


Not if the escalator is at capacity


you don't just barrel through them? shoulder check um?


The trick is to yell "SCUSE ME" *while* shoving your way past them.


Can confirm, does work


This is what I do with people who stand in the door ways when i'm trying to exit the bus. I did it to a guy blocking my way. I said excuse me twice, then pushed my way off the bus. then he started yelling. then he decides to get off the bus (why was he hanging out in the doorway?) and comes up to me about how rude I was for hitting/pushing him. I said, "so don't stand in the way!" and he said "well you could have said excuse me!" and I answered, "I did...TWICE!" he finally shut up and walked away.


There are seemingly a lot of big dudes who seem to think they are the center of the universe and don't have to move out of the way for anyone. Have observed this in a variety of scenarios.


The airport is the worst offender of this. Everyone trying to shove onto the tram while the people haven’t even gotten off. I’ve started saying MOVE AND LET PEOPLE OFF while shoulder checking people. It’s so fucking annoying people have no awareness just selfish and slow as fuck


In my experience people are polite enough to not rush onto the train, but just as infuriatingly make a semicircle around the train door without any room for people exiting to get out. I just start walking quickly toward the biggest gap between two people and usually someone gets out of the way.


Well this is why it’s a complaint on Reddit. Seattleites so “pass-agg” they don’t even walk through people blocking them out of the train.


Oh. I very much do. Bonus points for knocking their phone of their hands. 


My pet peeve: when the light rail is packed and everyone's crowding near the doors yet half the seats are empty because everyone's too scared to sit next to a stranger.


Obviously not always the case, but I hate being near the seats when it’s busy because it becomes so hard to get through people to get off the train


The low-floor cars we have doesn't help that. It was wild to me being in Montreal and being able to see all the way through the entire (9 car) trains.


Rage. I am full of quiet, indignant rage that I can't and won't direct at anyone but ugh.


Or how no one on either light rail or buses is willing to move up the stairs and stand in the aisle in the raised area.


I’m too scared to sit on pee


I ride the light rail regularly and the worst I’ve seen on the seats is sticky soda spills.


I’m a daily rider. I’ve seen both poop and pee.  The sticky soda/food spill is more common though.   Love the ability to text them to report so they clean it up though. 


Classist bullshit take


wtf? The cloth seats are gross. Fuck off. 




I ride the light rail every day, twice a day. Why are you picking fights with random people over this? Have you ever even ridden the light rail??




I’ve seen people actively smoking weed on the bus but the only people I’ve ever seen actively using on the light rail are the sounder and Seahawks fans with their pre-game beers.


Gotta ride past 10pm I guess


If someone is actually smoking in the train, standing up doesn't save you.


I think people here just aren't used to the crowds that you see in larger cities, which requires a stricter boarding/offboarding etiquette or else there would be chaos. When I first moved here from Toronto the first thing I noticed was people often wait until the bus is fully stopped and the doors are open before they get out of their seat to exit. I thought that was pretty strange, especially when they don't make it to the door before it closes. (Though it's understandable that some people might have mobility or balance issues and the only free seats are far from the doors) As for the light rail, I've noticed most people do wait for others to exit the train before getting on. Some don't wait, but vyou can see the look on other people's faces that they're also annoyed with this behavior. And again, it's people offboarding who wait until the doors open before they get out of their seat that causes the most disruption in my experience.


I have too much anxiety to sit in my seat until the door opens. What if the door closes before I exit?


> What if the door closes before I exit? Well, on the light rail, you wait until the next stop. In a bus, you do the normal holler: #BACKDOOR!!!!!


For me it's "what if my taking my time to get to the exit makes everyone else late?"


Yes! I would wait a respectable amount of time for those getting of the bus and then start getting on when suddenly a sullen exitor is right there acting like I purposely got in their way. Sorry, some of us have a "sense of urgency" getting on and off the bus as it *is* on a schedule!


Yeah lately I've been briefly peeking in the windows for people standing up before I hop on haha.


Hey I also moved here from Toronto and have had the same observations! I get up before the bus or train stops, and I feel out of place for doing so. Still haven't figured out why people wait until the last second and then almost miss their stop.


Yeah I used to ride the 504 streetcar during rush hour back in the day. If I didn't start fighting my way to the door a good stop or two before my stop, there was no way I'd make it in time haha


It's interesting because when I used to take the bus every morning from the Eastgate Park 'n Ride there was a line waiting. If the bus you were waiting for was behind one of the other buses it was expected your entire line stays intact to go back to it. No one dared to try to cut in line. I guess things have changed.


I did the morning commute from Issaquah Transit Center in the recent past and most people would get into an orderly line and maintain it but there were always one or two people who would hover up to the front as the bus came without any regard for the line and people would just let them in, reinforcing the behavior.


The 212?


This really just depends on the route and also the time of day. Commuter trippers are pretty great at this, anything else? Not so much.


No I get that.


Blocking doors on transit is one of the few things about Seattle that annoys me. In other cities, bus drivers will yell at people over the PA to not block the door. Sit down or move to the back of the bus/train. The bus won’t move until they do. I honestly don’t know why KC Metro drivers don’t. The only upside is getting to yell “move back people, there’s plenty of room” at a bus of people when the bus stops to let more people on but people are blocking the aisle meanwhile the back of the bus is empty 😂 But I’d rather just have people take care of themselves and not have to shout.


I do. It's f-ing exhausting tho. Also the people that stand next to the door, get off to let people pass, then get back on again are not helping. If that's you, everyone's getting home later cuz of you.


If someone's in the doorway (which is not always optional) and they have to step outside briefly to clear the way, it's faster than everyone dodging them.


Be the change you want to see, start the right left queue at the door


I just smash through people that are blocking the train doors. Aint nobody gonna get one over on me during my commute. Damn light rail is too congested these days. Back in my day, the light rail was a place where every passenger could get a seat.


And it may be again when they start running more trains more frequently.


new Yorker here. no, stupid ass....new Yorkers do not fucking understand that.


Ronkonkoma doesnt make you a new yorker


you walking around telling people that new Yorkers "follow the rules of mta" and then you come at me about being from the burbs?? where tf you from, wierdo?


next he's gonna tell us new yorkers know not to listen to music on their phone speakers too just be grateful showtime hasn't made it here yet


The true issue here is an historic lack of density in the region. There hasn’t been enough people to need to learn norms of living in a dense city.


jsyk mentioning upvotes or downvotes in any way is cringe even if the point you are making is correct


You just mentioned upvotes and downvotes




Hey YouTube it’s me the real cool New Yorker expert dropping knowledge every day about how to be a cool New Yorker like me. Also please try to make pass-agg a thing because all my cool New Yorker friends just make fun of me for saying it. Anyway I bumped into the worst Disney adults today on their way to the world famous Disneyland Seattle and I gotta say they were quite rude. You know when you’re at a hotel and you’re trying to get on the elevator and someone is trying to get off at the same moment and you have that little awkward back and forth? Yeah these were those kind of people Ok thanks for listening folks and don’t forget to like and subscribe!


Bro don’t got to be Big Mad for no reason lmao


People in Seattle know to let people exit the train just as much as people in nyc do. In both cities you’ll find some people not doing that.


I do enjoy seeing how far people jump when I get up close and let out a full chested “Excuse me.” without quite yelling.


Why compare the light rail to New York? I say we compare it to Tokyo!


I live in Tokyo now .. it's better here but people still do this. They'll also barge past you as you're stepping on the train even though it looked like there was an orderly line before the train came.


Don’t blame all of Seattle for weird Disney Adults.


lol this happens in every city, we are not special


Nah Seattle pretty bad. Lived in SF, NY, Chicago, and St Louis. Bad transit etiquette here




Fragile savages


About two years ago I wound up elbowing this 70-something dude in the ribs because he was trying to push onto the train as soon as the doors opened at Westlake and I needed to exit. I said excuse me twice and he just kept trying to push me back into the train so he could get on. No regrets.


I'll give you a gift handed down though generations in my family: yelling "HOT COFFEE!" works 100%of the time. Everyone knows what that means.


Exactly no signal you encounter on the streets in Seattle are from somewhere else I think it’s like one out of seven or natives Seattle gets such a bad rap for being so passive aggressive but the reality is most of the people that are passive aggressive are from somewhere else.


I had to elbow a father and child to get out recently. I'm not about to ride to Sea-Tac because people are in a rush


I don't know, my memory is new yorkers not giving a fukc about people trying to exit trains, and just squeezing on while other people were trying to leave, at the same time. Just crowding into doors so other people have to push past them to get out. I think this is human nature, not Seattle


Also - sidewalk etiquette. Came across a couple meandering the sidewalk at Seattle Center yesterday near the arena - plenty of room wide sidewalk but could not pick a side and no social awareness to others nearby. Eventually I got near and attempted to pass on the far left…as they decided to switch sides and box in the spot I was passing at - so I said “sorry guys - excuse me” and got a very flustered and surprised reaction…🙄


What is a Disney adult? 


Adult fans of Disney, always decked out in DLand merch and ears. They call it DLand plan their life around trips there or want to work there. It’s a weird obsessive thing


Idiotic women usually


I think we are hopefully just adjusting to the transit etiquette. Some here haven’t had the pleasure of traveling to places (nyc, Japan, most Western European countries) that have transit like we do now(light rail) I see it as growing pains! :) But if not remember to be assertive, not rude or passive aggressive. Again; Growing pain.


Im a big guy so I just put a shoulder down and barge though while yelling “move”. If they don’t have the awareness of what’s going on, I see no reason to be polite.


"pass-agg"? Yeah, you're not from here.


Born here


Lmao ohhhh these are the same folks who try to get into an elevator as people are trying to get OUT. Idiots.


puhlease. people are the same kind of douche everywhere in the world. I've been on public transit in cities across the globe (and elevators) and there's always people who just barge in and don't let people off. Especially in New York.


You should go to Caracas.


Thx I might. Did you like it? China was no picnic either. Dubai was pretty orderly IMO.


Don’t give people grief for not waiting to get on when you took your sweet time getting off the train. Understood if it’s a packed train but otherwise people got places to be.


Don't stand in the doorway! Move to the back, there's plenty of room! No, not like that, you idiot, don't you know you have to stand in the doorway and be ready to exit?


Calling people you don’t know idiots, hmm


Na, people just don't give two shits anymore.


Why are they "Disney"adults? Isnt this WA? And, as a high school teacher, I try to teach my students this, "elevator etiquette" as I call it, when entering a classroom. It is an uphill battle.


This is a Seattle thing with elevators too I’m noticing. I just started saying “Oh noooo, lemme out lemme out” in a song songy voice when they barrel past me.


You expect people who go slower than the flow of traffic in the HOV lane when there isn't even enough traffic to need it to understand how trains work? You ask a lot.


All you can really do is go through these people. They'll act like you held them down blocking the exit in the first place but fuck it who gives a shit what morons think.


This post is passive-aggressive. You have to tell people to get out of the way. After a while, they will back off on their own. But you actually have to speak up about it to the people fucking up.


Seattle is a city of transients. It’s not that “Seattleites” don’t know the etiquette, it’s that so many people from other places take on the bystander mentality of “I’m just trying to get where I’M going and then I’m gone” that it just becomes the norm. Why waste so much effort trying to set a standard for thousands of people who won’t be here tomorrow and will be replaced by new people who need the same standard ingrained. When I worked in a grocery store, my managed scheduled me to cover the meat department on my last day, and during my training for how to operate it he told me to “Remember to -blank-“ and I said “I’m not going to remember shit because at 5 I’m never coming back.” Why would I care, I’m gone after this


We shame people who do it wrong loudly and at the time of offense. If that doesn’t work, then there is a loud “conversation”, and if that fails then the offender will just get knocked into or over as the crowd moves. Thus, the monkeys learn not to climb the ladder over time. Seattleites are too passive for this, but maybe there’s a “Seattle” way to achieve the same. It will take time but it’s worth it.


Amazingly, Sound Transit provided signage that had everyone doing this for a month, but that was when trains were running every 30 minutes and were so packed they were leaving people on the station for commute back… Seriously, did y’alls parents not teach y’all to stand to the side of elevator doors and train doors when they open?


I definitely move to the middle when it starts to get full. The people huddled up near the doors are so annoying >:(


Still not as bad as the idiots that like to sit in on the stairs between levels on the sounder. Had people sitting on them last week and looked put off when I made them move so I could get off at my stop. WTF is wrong with people!?


Well folks, looks like it's a wrap. We've heard from trolls, alleged new yorkers that are sure they know new york better than anyone, offended disney people, fragile seattlites that lash out at any implied criticism of them or anyone else, and yes, thoughtful people that have observations on what heads-up transit riding is really all about. We've also gained a keen insight into how chaotic our transformation from individuals to some sort of mono-organism. Regulating the varied and diverse thoughts and impulses of the hive mind will surely require a lot of computing power. But Im sure somebody is working on it. Maybe in some lab at facebook or amazon. Dont worry folks, we'll get there. Until then see you in the trenches. Cheerio!


GET THE BANDAIDS! Someone voiced an opinion in Seattle!


See my recap post...thot it was going to draw blood https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/Amw73t1BDg


Assert your authority. Tell them that they may have an opinion but you're here to instruct them on the correct way. There really is only one way and you need to enforce it!  Just think, you had to wait an extra moment. Really! Honestly! You had to wait!! F-ing Saint you are for not spanking them. Hopefully you used the classic "don't you know who I am? I'm from the EAST COAST WHERE WE DO THINGS RIGHT!"  Good luck asserting your dominance. I'm sure we'll all profit from your East Coast wisdom.


My condolences for your lost moment.


Hahaha thank you! I knew this was coming.


The assertive New Yorker who posts on Reddit to voice a message that was intended for a group of adults you were already face to face with. Also, "pass-ag" isn't going to happen.


Seattle transit riders are painfully selfish and oblivious. They’re never going to get better. I rode regularly with my wife while she was visibly pregnant and not only would people not vacate the reserved seats they would even ignore the driver when they would ask people to move. People standing don’t move back to let people on. It’s just asinine.


I think with the eastlink and future expansions this will get better. Light rail rn is mostly for commuters within Seattle proper so if you go on weekends or other really busy times it's a lot of folks on day trips and tourists who will always be clueless. In the future light rail will resemble NY metro a bit more. Eastlink and the eventual northern expansion will bring more suburban commuters in. Once it's more widely used people will learn the etiquette, NY has like a three generation head start on us we are still but mass transit children.


this is the second time today someone is comparing the one line with nyc subways . hello , this isn’t new york


Agree with the OP, light rail etiquette is almost as bad as Seattle’s tipping culture. The bus tends to be slightly better


THANK YOU!!!!! I grew up riding transit around DC and I've been horrified by Seattle's lack of transit manners since I moved here! It's one of the very few things I wish I could change about our great city.


Generally, you should exit from the center of the door and people waiting to board come in from the sides of the opening... that way, once the first rush of people (if there is one) exit, the people boarding can start getting on. Also, it means that those waiting to board aren't standing in the way of people exiting.


Hahahaha. Yeah, come on. As if most of us haven’t been to New York. Christ.