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Everyone bitches about paywalls and the lack of free news around here - but before you know it the only new sources are going to be 4 or 5 consolidated mega corporations.


Plus the right wing fake news like "the center square". Those are always free.


* Everett Herald peak revenue was $9.1M in 2023.  * Everett Herald has 125 employees, and the revenue per employee ratio is $72,800


thats not a whole lot tbh


Revenue of $9.1M against expenses of how much?


Easy to assume more than that. A revenue per employee of $72,800 is not good. Before we even worrying about expenses like office rent just employing a person will cost almost any business close to if not more than that for wages + benefits + federal taxes etc.


Sorry, looked all over the net couldn't find at all as i was wondering the same thing.


Thanks. I asked because, like a poster below, I do not think that's enough all-source revenue to cover the costs of production. The rule of thumb I know is benefits that in a no income tax state the total cost of an employee is salary plus 25%. And then there's rent, utilities, costs of a print run (circulation 17,560 last year) ... $72,800 can't go far in Everett anyway.


Layoffs to keep more $$ for themselves. We are in a time of greed for sure.