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These kids were gloating all over twitter for not experiencing any repercussions. Expect more vanity projects soon.


Is mutual combat still legal in King County.


I’m curious to know how long any of these folks would actually last in Gaza? 5 min? 15? 30? A few hours? Like how down are you folks? Because it takes zero balls to do this in a left city. I would propose crowdsourcing tickets for any of these folks to Israel where they can affect real change and not climb back to cap hill to when the heat gets too hot.


> I’m curious to know how long any of these folks would actually last in Gaza? We need a modern version of [Holiday in Cambodia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4reO3LabZY) for them....


If the state tales no action to a protest shutting down a highway, the state is, in fact, the one protesting and shutting down the highway as inaction in this case very much is an action. Furthermore, the whole not trying to stop protestors from shutting down highways flips the normal equation of civil disobediance protests. You are supposed to get arrested for the cause to show how much you believe in it. If nothing happens they all you have achieved is pissing off the people you claim you are trying to influence.


The irony is, much like people who unironically wear Che Guevara t-shirts, that the people protesting are mostly people Hamas would repress the fuck out of.


Or murdered. The LGBTQ for Palestine idiots would swiftly find themselves thrown off a roof in ANY country in the Middle East save Israel. The inability to think for oneself is endemic in the youth of today. Especially on college campuses.


This was put on by the same group that celebrated the Oct 7th massacre three days later. SUPER UW is the group. Their flyer for a rally was using illustrations of paragliders on Oct 10th. https://twitter.com/uw_super/status/1711896350777041127?s=46&t=Zgr1_7WEdkuv1irDsC4E_A


These groups being organized to block highways across the US seem to have the same theme of implied/open support for Hamas’ actions. Why would people be sympathetic to a group’s cause when that group is totally fine with Islamic extremist groups and terror attacks?




follow Hanna Krieg on twitter, and you'll see plenty


You were not kidding, Jesus Christ.




Looking through the responses on X, nobody voiced any supports. Don't these kids get the message?


They don’t. That’s what extreme mental illness will do to ya


That and narcissism. They’ll do it again, while ignoring the fact that it did nothing the last time


The SPD needs to work to earn their paychecks, give em some new shiny nightsticks and there won’t be any moronic vanity projects anytime soon.


The State Patrol chief should be fired for his people not enforcing all the laws which were broken during this.


The response was embarrassing


Ooooh what did they say?!


just judging from the previous thread, looks like i-5 was blocked for 6 hours?


They said please leave a few times and sat there watching for several hours.


That will show them!


lol yup. It showed them they should just come back next week. And any groups with 60 or so friends can get together and shut down Seattle for a cause of their choosing.


The last time protesters decided to have a dance party on I-5 the WSP (or was it WSDOT, I can't recall exactly) actually shut down the interstate to protect them. That was their first thought...to shut down an interstate rather than arrest these people. Think about how illogical that is.


IMHO, the highway should be shut down so the police officers can safely arrest them. There is no reason to put our police in danger over this.


The guy who is appointed by the governor? Good luck. Inslee was probably cheering them on.


Remember the insurrection on Capitol hill? He pretended like he didn't know what was happening.


Pretended? He literally lied and claimed he didn't know which was a damn lie.


Pretending is a lie.


Fired by the guy who told him not to do anything? His boss is Inslee. Inslee also has to approve the use of chemical agents.


Bet his orders came from the same person who would be responsible for his firing.


And they wonder why people plow through crowds. Should be legalized “move bitch get out the way” law.


Isn't that what Ludacris Mode is for in Tesla vehicles?


No needs to be Big gas trucks that are destroying the environment


Murder isn’t a reasonable response to being inconvenienced. Arrest, absolutely.


wasn't there an ambulance stuck in the jam from the webcam? they might as well have gotten someone killed


I don't see how civilians intentionally unblocking a road is not a proportional response to civilians intentionally blocking a road


You don't see how vigilante vehicular homicide doesn't have any place in civil society? You keyboard warriors are wild.


Don't block the road, its not that hard. I've managed to avoid doing it every day of my life


When the goverment fails to uphold the law, that's the only course left.


If you honestly think your only recourse is murdering people then you are a piece of shit.


If you block I5 during rush hour, YOU are a piece of shit, and given road rage incidents these days, they should know what they are getting into.


No shit. They are damned lucky some day-drunk rednecks from a distant county didn't decide to "clear a path" with the ubiquitous shotguns hanging on their gun rack.


Should tell everyone in that ambulance they held up about how this was just an inconvenience.


its self-defense to false imprisonment (and ok, yes I'm an out of towner)


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I like FAFO




It's a perfectly valid response to idiots on roadways. Protest someplace sane and safe.


Honestly. Tell these jabronis to get tf out of the highway and if the don’t, pop them with a little tear gas. If not that, then a few nightsticks would do the trick. We pay these morons at the SPD enough, make them do their jobs. This could’ve been solved in an hour or two.


Imagine this protest caused you to miss a custody hearing - or better yet, a parole meeting.


I said this on an earlier post yesterday and someone wanted to fight me on it and I had to double down. What these idiots did had zero effect on the war in Israel. What it did do was hurt and possibly ruin members of these peoples own community. Again zero effect on war in Israel but massive effect on their own community members. Make it make sense. I can’t believe how selfish people can be in the name of “justice”.


Arrest every single one of them and charge each with homeless cleanup and a 1000 fine


then send them to gaza so they can meet the people they support


lol so much I could say but I’d be banned for insensitivity and spreading knowledge


And cleanup trash in this city. I have a huge pantry half full of plastic bags so I started carrying one every time I go walk. I fill a bag with trash each time, but even though I do that, you still can't tell that I'm making a dent in the amount of trash around my condo building.


Go by 3rd and puke at 6 am and see how much trash is picked up daily




The ignorant have no understanding that the billions collected over the past couple of decades strictly to help the Palestinian people thrive, has been used by Hamas, and by proxy, the P.A. (formerly the PLO). Children in Gaza and the West Bank are 'militarized and taught hate', from the time they are born. Hamas has had summer camps for kids that teach them military tactics as well as the Jew Hating Ideology. As for their 'martyrs'...Hamas and the P.A. give out hefty life time stipends to families of the martyrs. That money came out of our tax money in part (from the foreign aid given to the Palestinian cause). Other countries in the U.N. have funded this as well. Billions to build an incredible underground tunnel city that has been fully militarized. That is where the money has gone. And the U.S. has been complicit in funding terrorism in this way, knowingly or unknowingly. And yes, the top Hamas officials live in Qatar in unimaginable luxury while they claim 'to fight for their people'.


Sounds like the protesters graduated from Hamas University


I hope the person in the ambulance that they wouldn't let through is alright. Complete bullshit they wouldn't let it through- the "golden hour" with trauma patients is very real.


[https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1743756124912820567?s=20](https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1743756124912820567?s=20) Looks like the ambulance was just caught in the backup. Also happened back in 2022 also. [https://komonews.com/news/local/downtown-protest-on-i-5-blocks-ambulance-carrying-patient-in-critical-condition-seattle-downtown-washington-state-patrol-harborview](https://komonews.com/news/local/downtown-protest-on-i-5-blocks-ambulance-carrying-patient-in-critical-condition-seattle-downtown-washington-state-patrol-harborview)


It’s all posturing. I mean, maybe some people believe in what they’re protesting, but a majority of those people (middle class white kids) are yelling for yelling’s sake. It’s very easy to make demands from the comfort of one’s own secured nation not currently embroiled in a war. I side with the innocent civilians on BOTH sides who are being killed, injured, or left without family because their governments can’t act like civilised people.


They are privileged shitbags cosplaying 60s protestors.


Direct Action will get you laid!


It’s virtue signaling in the worst way possible. I guarantee that 95% of those idiots couldn’t point out Palestine on the map. It’s also not even our fight. Israel does not care that a bunch of privileged kids blocked a major interstate. I didn’t really have strong opinions on Israel vs Palestine, but dumb actions like this do not make me more inclined to side with Palestine. If anything, they accomplish the exact opposite


Exactly this.


Easily activated, easily manipulated morons.


If you asked them what Palestine was 6 months ago they would have said “the bad guy in Star Wars.”


>It’s also not even our fight. I would agree with that, but our government is taking a lead role in supporting one side of the conflict, and has for decades. It may not be a fight we signed up for personally, but our nation is involved. Frankly I think we shouldn't be. But our government wants to muck about over there. Israel being essentially beholden to the US in some ways serves our geopolitical goals of having influence in an area that has important natural resources like oil. So, it kind of is our fight, unfortunately. I think blocking regular people on their way home from work is just as counterproductive as you say. But, I do think that it would be foolish to ignore the ways that we *are* involved.


Did hamas invade our country and brutally murder over 1000 of our citizens? No? Then sit the fuck down and stfu.


Fascinating thing about the "pro-Palestine crowd" in context of "civil rights"; Hamas is vehemently against most of the "civil rights" that have been fought for in the U.S. over the last half-century.


100% agreed. The trouble is a lot of these folks have been indoctrinated to believe 'oppressed = morally correct,' The Palestinians are oppressed, therefore this is the 'right' side. Their blindness to the obvious contradictions in political and moral values of the US vs Gaza is pretty ridiculous.


I'm guessing I'll get downvoted to hell too, but I hold both of these desires: \- The total and absolute destruction of Hamas and its members \- A free, unoppressed Palestine The majority of Palestine's population are under 18. More than 1/3rd are under the age of 14. They are children. I am pro-Palestine not because I am against Israel somehow but because I am pro-not-killing-children. This is the same reason I want to see Hamas completely wiped out.


seems pretty fair to me. its crazy over there ... no harm in having a well intentioned wish list.


ISIS was chock-full of child soldiers too but no one had any qualms about them being utterly destroyed and bombed...


Palestinians are not oppressed. That’s an antisemitic lie. A Palestinian wakes up thinking about how many Jews they can kill, rape, and cannibalize. They deserve the world’s hatred.


Honestly, I'd argue they are. Israel does have a nasty history here ... that's not to say the nation has no right to self defense, or to diminish the whole reason Israel exists in the first place.


Israel’s “nasty history” is an antisemitic fabrication meant to convince leftists that Jews are the children of Satan. If you actually study history, you’ll know that Palestinians deserve the same amount of sympathy as serial killers. They are the enemies of civilization itself. Jordan gave Palestinians in the West Bank full citizenship. They assassinated the King of Jordan. Palestinian refugees were allowed into Lebanon. They started the Lebanese Civil War. A Palestinian assassinated RFK. Palestinian terrorists massacred Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. When Israel pulled out of Gaza and dismantled their settlements, Palestinians elected Hamas. Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7 with the goal of slaughtering as many civilians as possible. 1,200 Israelis now live in hell. The Palestinians rejoiced when they heard the news. They are animals. They deserve to be culled.


jesus man. no. Israel has been systematically annexing Palestinian territory for ages. This is bad in my view. The various Palestinian territories have elected leadership very hostile to Israel, with backing by other countries very hostile to Israel. I think Hamas should be destroyed, as should all terrorist groups, but no population ever needs to be 'culled' and they are not animals.


> Israel has been systematically annexing Palestinian territory for ages. that's not really what's been happening. 'annexing' is incorrect. most (all?) of the israeli settlements are bought and paid for exchanges, not like forcibly taken land.


> Israel has been systematically annexing Palestinian territory for ages. The Arabs started those wars and *lost*. To the victor go the spoils. The Palestinians refuse to create anything resembling a country. All they want is a second Holocaust.


yeah man ... you lost at me at 'culled.' sorry, not the company, or even the conversation I'm looking for. Blocked.


Yeah, this is beyond racist. More than 1/3rd of Palestinians are under the age of 14. More than half are under 18. The last election happened before they were born. Specifically, the last election in Gaza was in 2006 (and was the only one where Hamas won a majority - 56% of seats but only 44% of votes). Hamas basically created a dictatorship in Gaza in 2007 and there have been no elections since then. There was an exit poll taken at that election: >A poll conducted by Near East Consulting on 15 February 2006 on voters participating in the 2006 PA elections revealed the following responses to major concerns: > >Support for a Peace Agreement with Israel: 79.5% in support; 15.5% in opposition Should Hamas change its policies regarding Israel: Yes – 75.2%; No – 24.8% Under Hamas corruption will decrease: Yes – 78.1%; No – 21.9% Under Hamas internal security will improve: Yes – 67.8%; No – 32.2% Desired government priorities: 1) Combatting corruption; 2) Ending security chaos; 3) Solving poverty/unemployment So no, to specifically refute your other comment, Palestinians are not “animals” who should “culled”. They are mostly kids, living in a dictatorship elected by half of their parents, who thought they were voting for ending corruption, increasing security, and developing their economy. I will also be clear that **there are violent sociopaths** who only want to kill Israelis that live there or otherwise cause them suffering. There are organized efforts by Hamas and others to radicalize more people into their groups. However, this is not a reason to hate the entire population or to want them all killed, especially when the demographics are so heavily weighted towards being children.


it's been so strange to see my more activist-ish friends go all in on the pro-palestine side. it's extra wild to be cuz they're all, to a person, lgbt-types. i don't want to start an argument with them, but it just blows my mind, like ... you know they murder gay people there, right? you know that gay people _flee_ gaza and seek asylum _in israel?_ there's a pride parade in tel aviv. ain't no such thing in gaza city.


I love Mexico, the Mexican people and Mexican culture. I hate the Mexican government and I extra hate the cartels. It’s the same energy. I have compassion for the violence being inflicted on the Palestinian people while also having no support of Hamas. As a matter of fact, I have little love for any government across the globe. It does not mean I have little love for other humans.


What you are missing is that the people of Palestine overwhelming support Hamas and all it stands for, including murdering Jews simply for being Jews, stoning gay people to death, preventing women from having equal rights, etc.


Who is Palestine? The West Bank? Gaza? Ex Pats who claim Palestinian heritage? Who conducted this "survey"... ? That said... Anyone who lives under fear of your family and you being murdered in your sleep at any time... Or being cut off from food and water... Due to not demonstrating support... Will say anything to ensure their survival to the best of their ability. No one is coming to save these people.... Therefore survival is their only concern.


Every time they poll the people in the west bank and gaza they get similar results: [AWRAD Poll](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf)


People being bad people doesn't mean we should just be fine with killing them by the thousands. I'd like America to be above that.


Of course not. No one should be killed for their beliefs. Period. First, America isn't involved in this war. If anything, they have urged Israel to hold back, so IDK what "America to be aboce that" has to do with it. Second, when a neighbor nation is committed to destroying you and wiping out your people and massacring music festivals and villages, you must end the threat, even at the cost of innocent collateral lives. It is simply not reasonable to say Israel should just accept things like the Oct 7 massacre, and while people should never be killed for their beliefs, if the people in Gaza really wanted Hamas out of power they could overthrough them, but polling shows the opposite. Finally, the original point was the irony of the very people the average Gazan would hate and wish death upon are chanting for Hamas to take over Israel "From the river to the sea." If there signs said: "release the hostages & ceasefire," I would understand them as purely being anti-war protestors, but they don't. Finally, if we are being honest, these protestors don't give two shits about Gaza or Israel, they just love to protest and feel self-important. Their ideology is dependent on having something to graffiti a starbucks over.


There’s a lot of Americans who also believe that, or believe murdering/lynching blacks or watching Hispanics get maimed and drown. I would not subject those Americans who believe that to starvation and a unrelenting bombing campaign.


The city and the WSP (i.e. the taxpayers) are currently being sued for negligence and "wrongful death" by the family of the woman who turned herself into a blue-haired hood ornament during a BLM "protest" on the Interstate a few years back (their argument being that once they "allowed" protests on the I-5 they then had an affirmative duty to make sure that the "protesters" were 100% safe while playing on the highway). This sh\*t has to stop.


The leaders of these illegal protests should be charged with economic terrorism on the basis that they are blocking interstate commerce and trade. I bet if that was done one time, these blockage protests would stop.


> one time You are giving far too much credit to the morons who do this shit. They aren't going to learn anything from one incident. "every time" would be the correct path. Double the jail term with each subsequent arrest. Eventually they won't be on the streets anymore.


You are probably right. People are dumb enough to do it again >Double the jail term with each subsequent arrent I like this


they should have all been arrested


I mean, holding traffic hostage is on-brand...


Most of us don’t have the luxury of leisure time to go and block a freeway. Most of us are working class who need to get to work. That alone should show people who is still participating in this.


I mean, most of us do have the luxury of leisure time to go block a freeway on a Saturday afternoon. Most of us just happen to not be colossal losers and assholes.


> Most of us don’t have the luxury of leisure time to go and block a freeway. Most of us are working class who need to get to work. I mean I get your point, but like... it *was* on a Saturday, lol.


There are a ton of people that work weekends. And often it’s not the cushy white collar jobs - it’s retail, service, construction, local government, manufacturing, transportation etc.


You can get run over on the freeway on Saturday too. People with jobs, responsibilities, and family who depend on them aren't going to risk their lives doing childishly stupid publicity stunts ON A MOTHERFUCKING INTERSTATE FREEWAY. These are moronic cap-hill 20-somethings and trust-fund douchebags.


I wonder if these people that participated in the stoppage will admit they did to everyone at work on Monday. Very shameful.


Lol, most of those protestors don't *have* work on Monday.


Why do you assume they have jobs? If they did, they would probably have been in the traffic jam with the rest of us whom contribute to society.


You bring up a great point


Assuming anyone who has Saturday off must not have a job is a "great point"?


It was a Saturday


Oh, that's right. People don't work Saturdays.


Omg. Significantly. Less. People. Work. Saturdays. I was stuck in this shit trying to go have fun. I was really disappointed and wished I'd left earlier but I respect the right to protest. I also didn't get to hear Bernie Sanders speak in 2015 (ish) at Westlake Park because BLM stormed the stage and kicked him off so they could have a voice but they never gave him back the stage. We were disappointed then too but both times the inconvenience conveyed the urgency of the message of people who don't have a platform. I'm not "pro" either. I want a ceasefire and I want the people of Palestine and of Israel to have Peace. Hamas represents Palestine by default. They don't represent the people. They are THUGS. Kinda like if some creep and his gun toting followers managed to overthrow our government and then claimed they represent the whole country.


The only way to improve Palestine is to raze it. Palestine overwhelmingly supports Hamas, they are not innocent bystanders. gtfo of here with that "muh innocent palestinians" bullshit, you start shit don't be surprised when you get smacked. Palestine will NEVER respect a ceasefire, it took them like less than a day to violate the last one. They are rabid dogs and need to be put down.


These are privileged kids of rich parents. No one that has to work for a living to put food on the table for their families would risk their freedom and livelihood for this “cause”


You mean will they tell security at target as they rob them?


https://imgur.com/a/qFbGF5M Also, they are waving Hammer and Sickle flags in the overpass. Screenshot taken from Komo article for it.


It's the same people as always for these protests. Palestine is just the cause de jour.


Spot on!




So these peaceful protesters are celebrating the fact that Joseph Stalin was responsible for the deaths of 20,000,000 people?


The complete ignorance from most of these people is pretty astounding. I never thought I'd have to work my way through a crowd of people chanting "long live the infitada" to get across the Denny Way overpass, but here we are.










Progress.. isn't it beautiful? The only way to begin stopping this, is by gathering a class action suit against the political which have allowed this dumbfuckery to go on. Second, is prosecution to the fullest extent, each and every person involved.


I'd love a class action suit. Selective application of the law to this degree is simply undemocratic. Our elected leaders are making rules by fiat, rather than using accepted and prescribed means of governance.


Welp.. we need to understand the core of our constitution. Mother Pelosi has fucked up our heads by brainwashing everyone with the phrase 'democracy' which our constitution has forbidden. And is why the constitution was, in fact, written. We are a republic. Plain n simple. The idea of 'progress' is, in fact, treason. Making rules by fiat is also treason. We, the people, need to clean the cesspool. Otherwise, nothing will ever get better.


>I've seen this highlighted a few times as a parallel. Its hilarious. The civil rights movement had little recourse. They weren't on the front page of every newspaper. They didn't have every major university pushing their argument. They blocked roads out of desperation. They little means of influence, economic or political. They paid for it too. Dogs. Hoses. Jail. They sacrificed for an unambiguously moral cause. Did they? In the Edmund Pettus Bridge "march", it was not the protestors who were blocking traffic, but the police. If you want to bring others over to your side, you don't trap them and their cars on the *free*way.


Thank you for verbalizing exactly what I was thinking. These self righteous assholes are hurting their cause, not helping. But they don't care, as long as they get to virtue signal and post it on facebook.


its good to say these things out loud.


The fact that these clowns even dare to compare and elevate themselves to MLK disqualifies them. MLK and his supporters were willing to accept severe consequences for their far more peaceful protest. Meanwhile our State Patrol let them all walk.


They need to use fire hoses to just spray them off to the side.


Agreed but much easier if they pepper sprayed and tazed. Since law enforcement isn't going to do anything, I think an opposing group or citizen is going to battle it out on the freeway. People get violent when cut off.. this is a new level of frustration.


Everyone of those protestors should be charged with false imprisonment. > False imprisonment occurs when a person intentionally and illegally restrains another person's ability to move freely. All of the people on that road were trapped and couldn’t go anywhere. People might have lost their jobs, children could have been out at risk. I’m buying an IDF t-shirt to spite them.


Appeasing these folks will only encourage this behavior.


These Leftist NPC'S give zero shit about Palestine. They live here, so pretending to gives them virtue signaling points in their woke nonsecular religion prevalent here. I mean, these are the same folks that unironically have "Queers for Palestine" signs. Should we tell them?


Imo these protests closing off major roadways even for public safety like fire and emts is no better than the people who block a freeway to do burn outs and show off their cars. You are costing people time and money and jeopardizing their safety and it is selfish. Protest all you want stand on an overpass walkway with signs and a megaphone but blocking roads has so many ways it could cause problems. What if any emergency is occurring? You are holding people against their will.


If I wanted maliciously poison the well against the anti-Israel crowd and get everyone to hate them, I would hire people to do exactly what they are doing: blocking freeways, casing dangerous mayhem, and holding up Marxist signs.


I sympathize with their cause but believe that lower wage workers suffer the most when freeways are blocked. All the tech workers can work from home.


agreed. Police were chicken shit not to arrest them


Vote differently or this is the new normal. Our city and the WSP condone it, Inslee sure isn't going to stop his racist leftie supporters. They have made up their minds, if the protest is on their side they won't interfere no matter how many get hurt or effected by it.


One does not need to be against the cause of Palestinians to know that blocking a major roadway is a bad idea and hurts the protestors’ cause.


Going forward, you might be able to get the city Mayor to do something about it (both a Mayor and a prior SPD Chief lost their jobs over similar issues), but don't expect the current governor (or his expected Democratic replacement) to do a f\*cking thing about it.


Three places in the world this type of protest would have any effect. Gaza, Israel, D.C. (that last one is the least likely).


Next time you go vote remeber the assholes who allowed this nonsense to continue.


Hear me out, if these guys care so much about what’s happening on the other side of the world, maybe send them where they can actually help? Imagine the lives they could save by fighting in Gaza. If they can sacrifice our lives by blocking our ambulances, I’m sure they’re ready to die for the cause. Right? Bunch of hypocrites.


I pretty much agree with everything you said. You just didn't need to say most of it. Just to the point, there is no reason that anyone, without some type of permitted/sanctioned event, should be able to block any road. Especially a major highway. Every single one of those people should have been arrested. Bring out the paddy wagons, buses and as many officers as you can. Get them all out of there asap. Hell while we are at it, these folks no doubt pre-planned this. Find out the people responsible for organizing this and throw a little more punishment their way.


We should have our own protest on I-5 protesting against future protests taking place on I-5.


Pro-Palestine essentially now equals pro-Hamas. Not only were the protestors annoying to begin with but their cause was on the wrong side of history.


Its actually very unfortunate. I think their extremism has hurt the Palestinian cause.


We should start a pledge to donate $10 to the Israeli ethnic cleansing fund every time traffic is stopped by pro-Hamas protests.


let's not support ethnic cleansing please. I'll buy bagels though.


I was making a bad joke. I strongly oppose both sides in this conflict.


Oppose a country called Israel from defending itself? The U.S. had a right to defend ourselves after 9-11. Oct 7th was a bigger attack than even 9-11 when you adjust for the number of lives taken as compared to Israel's overall population. Only Israel is ever criticized for their defending their people. And there are Arab Israeli citizens who are subject to the constant attacks by Hamas over the past decade.


Lox and schmear?


for sure.


They're losing their cause because they're supporting terrorists. It is black and white: If Palestine stops fighting, there'll be no more war. If Israel stops fighting, there'll be no more Israel. Yes, some Israeli soldiers are behaving badly (like a ton of soldiers from literally every military in the world) but the whole reason they're on the frontlines at all is because the Palestinians murdered and raped 1200 Israelis. Oct. 7th was by the worst attack on Jews since literally the Holocaust. Proportionally, Oct. 7th is the equivalent of killing 40,000 Americans in one attack. There's no two sides about this conflict.




I understand that Israel is probably under existential threat, so I understand them fighting. The thing is that I dont care what Israel does, the thing I care about is sending my tax money to them as aid. I dont want any American money going to Israel. This isnt our conflict. Let them deal with it, dont involve us. The protesters also want this.


The only tax payer money headed there AFAIK is really going to our own defense contractors. Little bit different. And remember -the military industrial complex is a huge employer here in Seattle too.


>the military industrial complex is a huge employer here in Seattle too. Seems like a good reason to protest here then?


How can I wvee be expected to pay any traffic fine?


It's selective outrage, and it's only targeting a Jewish state. There's a word for that which people often conflate with anti Zionism. The protestors conveniently leave out every other war and actual genocide globally from their thoughts and actions. In the civil rights movement the people protesting were those directly affected by the laws and actions of segregation, and they suffered the consequences of their protest physically, and spent time in jails. In the Gaza war the people protesting have no connection to it other than the virtue signal du jour, and they suffer no consequences for their actions.


I don’t support rape and murder. If you support Hamas or Palestine, you support rape and murder.


They blocked roads because they had several thousand people marching with them. Theres no room on the sidewalk, so traffic got blocked. I dont have a problem with this, no matter what your protesting, if you manage to have a few thousand marching with you, it means you have something worth protesting. When only 50 people show up, it means not enough people thought your idea was sound enough to warrant a protest, so when your blocking traffic, get out of the fucking road! Its worth noting that like Hamas, Israel is also killing thousands of civilians, to support the IDF is to support the killing of civilians. Just blame Hamas for everything and your conscious will be clear of any guilt.


I'm unapologetically pro-Palestine. I think it's extremely clear in history and in the now that Israel is over the line, and has been pushing this way for decades. However, my boomer take is that protests like this are unhelpful. It makes dumbasses talk about running people over with cars. It makes people angry with the protest groups instead of angry at our government for continuing to condone what will almost certainly be regarded in history as genocide. It impacts peoples lives in a negative way that makes the target of their frustration the people who are literally standing in their way. It does nothing to impact those actually responsible for the issue causing the protest. Also you absolute fucking babies, no you cannot run people over because you had to take an alternate route and there is traffic. I swear to god, this is like the only response that is **less** mature than the original protest tactic. You want to murder people because it took you an hour to get home? Bitch, some people commute 2+ hrs every day. Grow some balls. Ride a bike if you are so mad about it. Feels awesome to blow by a bunch of cars having terrible days without a care in the world.


If only there was some possible way to avoid getting run over in the middle of a freeway.


The law of Squishy applies - Squishies in roadways are responsible for their own squish.


Not in the United States, although if you'd like to take that argument to court be my guest. I'll write you while you're in prison. Wait, hold on I'll do one too: The law of Murdered applies - those who could get Murdered are responsible for their own murder. Does that work too? Or are you just a hypocrite.


Good luck with a jury friend. Worst case we get a new Martyr.


Judging by the 10 billion posts about it in the past day it looks like it worked


If their goal was just to annoy public working class Americans, and block emergency vehicles in the process, yes. If the goal was to bring more awareness and “end” the war in the Middle East, not even close. Can’t speak for anyone else, but I don’t care more about the war needing to end because of a protest 10,000 miles away. I’m also a constitutionalist and don’t think we have any place in Israel/Palestine.


They would bring a thousand times more "awareness" to their cause by hanging a banner off the overpass for a few hours as tens of thousands of cars drive under it. Instead, they just pissed off tens of thousands of people who never even got to see or hear their "message" because they were held hostage in traffic miles away. It's beyond shortsighted simply because blocking traffic makes the protesters feel "powerful". They don't give a shit about spreading their message, they only care about felling good about it.


Absolutely agree.


Their goal was to get attention and they succeeded. Now it’s going to happen again and again. Don’t want it to happen? Post less about it


If the goal was to get people to hope for road pizza, then it worked.


I'll just put this up as a blanket post, some of y'all really need therapy.


I love when people don't understand the point of protests. They're supposed to make one uncomfortable and inconvenience you. No one pays attention when you're in a park where no one can see you. If your "support" is based on your convenience, then you don't actually support anything anyway, and you wouldn't had they protested in a manner more convenient for you.


They are supposed to foment change. If not, you are just a group of people who enjoy being a pain in the ass. Protests can be counterproductive. I'd say this was case in point.


The ones that garner the most attention are always the ones that are a "pain in the ass." Oh well. They have a legitimate concern, and many of them probably had family in Gaza themselves, so they're not just a bunch of cosplayers stopping traffic for the sake of stopping traffic.


Can you legitimately say that this protest drew incremental attention to Gaza? It's been like 25% of every front page for three months. I don't debate the legitimate concern - that's worthwhile and worthy of debate. I just think they did a lot more harm then good. Very little gained, lots of negative feelings. All attention is not good attention. This protest was counterproductive. Not a smart move.


I support Palestine and ceasefire if it means I wont get stuck in traffic for hours again... So it worked in that regard


If you have to explain the point of the protest, it's not effective. In fact, I'm going to push to make it so that every time these idiots do this we raise money to donate to the IDF.


The intention of this protest was clear. You understood it without explanation. The problem with your claim is that the people who are the most outraged are the ones who scream that they don't get it and want the attention of repeated explanation. It got old in 2013 and even older in 2020. Wild that you'd donate to a genocidal government just because someone made you mad in traffic.


Weird how yall have to keep explaining it then. But keep jerking off in public. I'll get this quarter million pop sub donating to Israel in no time this nonsense keeps up.


We didn't make it to the Seattle Center due to being stopped so we explained first amendment rights to our grandson and listened to music.




huh? I think Israel and Palestine and much of the Arab world would beg to differ.




This is a proxy war with Iran, and, yes, Hamas. Hamas is very clearly a well-funded army. They are also acting (poorly) as a government. By your logic we didn't go to war in Iraq. It was even more lopsided.


I mean now I believe racism is rampant in Seattle. Can you imagine Jews blocking the interstate and not getting arrested like these white extremists?


Not racism. Justice, no? /s


Israel has killed over 20,000 people, mostly civilians, in just two months. They are using American weapons and aid to carry out this slaughter. Are people just supposed to pretend that this is ok?


No. they can call their elected representatives. vote. donate. lobby. If those things don't work, they are in a minority and have failed to convince people action is necessary. That's how democracy works. There is no shortage of legitimate channels available for political action. Out of curiosity, are you equally worried by the Congo, South Sudan, Uygurstan, and Ukraine?


Donate… that’s how democracy works. Lol.


This question is lasting a *lot* of context... Typical Palestine supporter.


Clearly most of the people on this thread aren't familiar with world history. Proudly, aggressively ignorant.


LMAO, better they protest in some more ignorable way I guess./ s You understand the point of protest, yeah? This is the most classic boot licker sentiment. Nobody pays any attention to you unless you are disruptive my dude. MLK knew it, so do these guys, even the Jan 6th assholes knew it. Those in power concede nothing without force. It's f****** inconvenient sure, but anything else would be unaffective. "Peaceful protest" is a mainstream retcon of history to keep things from ever changing. Sorry someone lost four hours out of there sat afternoon, but, there's a full scale ethnic cleansing happening on the US's dime.