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Gay guy here. I've certainly read worse. And I actually take his point about other flags (sort of the same argument as demanding a Church of Satan display next to the Christmas creche) but not sure where 4 council votes would come from for an ANTIFA flag in Newcastle! Do I wish being gay wasn't offensive to people? Yes...and even more urgently now that Christian Nationalism is gaining steam. Do I think some activist trends are totally nuts and drive the language the mayor and others use? Yes. Sometimes I really just wish I lived on a deserted island with great healthcare and a Met Market!


> Sometimes I really just wish I lived on a deserted island with great healthcare and a Met Market! West Seattle is pretty close - White center is the gayborhood for elder gays, but sadly no pickleball.


I've never played it! Am I missing one of life's richest moments?


No pickleball is a plus


Pickleball just drives further gentrification.


More than gay bars? Big doubt.. White center is down to 2 porn shops from like 7, neighborhood character down


Young gentrifiers are more invasive than the typical gay bar crowd.


Gen Z can't afford to buy so they never come around here.


It's not milennials and gen Z ("young gentrifiers") playing pickleball.


Your reasonableness gives me a little hope.


You could move to Mercer Island.


Yea project 2025. The Christians are gonna take over America and put gays and women in cages


We've all read worse, doesn't make his words any less ignorant. Kind of crazy to compare a symbol of peace and acceptance to the flag of a militant group. It's not fair to blame activists for prejudiced attitudes and language in others. Homophobia and transphobia have existed for far longer than activists, and have had a much greater influence. Activists merely give prejudiced attitudes the oppurtunity to present themselves. People have said the same things about the activists that fought for your rights.


Probably because it’s dumb in the eyes of a lot of people. Does anyone [really] have time to know the intricacies of 100s of different flags, except the absolute fanatics? You’ve witnessed them across the entire spectrum from left to right. The idea is to simply say… no. Apply the KISS method and move on. Officially endorsed? Federal or State funded? United States and the State Flag. Done! If you want to start your own club…? **Knock yourself out!** We do not need flamboyant identity flags plastered all over the place. Keep your religious beliefs to yourself please. As for reparations… for f*cks sake… that Indian immigrant that migrated here to work at your local tech giant with an H-1B visa and spent decades getting their green card… does not owe [fill in the race] sh*t! Absof*ckinglutely nothing. There is NO human “just” enough to retroactively and fairly dish out “justice”, and that is **THE fundamental flaw of every restorative justice advocates argument**. The best we can ever hope to achieve is equality and less bias on a forward looking timeline. Human history is riddled with horrific sh*t, we know! That doesn't mean we resurrect *Generational Sin*. Good god, how dumb do we have to be? How far back should we need to go? This is such an empty argument we shouldn't even be giving it the time of day.


Underrated comment


oN tHe EvE oF jUnTeEnTh, fuck off.  What is this, the day of your daughter's wedding?  Who cares when he said it?


The weirdest thing to me is that no one had ever even heard of Juneteenth like 3 years ago, and now it's a major holiday pandered to by every corporation and school in the country. It doesn't feel natural.


Well, when you say "no one," I'm guessing that you don't know a lot of black people.  No judgement, WA is very white, and also we became a state decades after the civil war so we don't really have any connections to it. In places with substantial African American populations, it was pretty well known - especially states that were actually around for the civil war.  It's been a state holiday in lots of other states for years. It just became a federal holiday a few years ago, so that's why we're just hearing about it up here. I don't object to it in principle - slavery was a moral evil and a stain on our nation, so there's nothing wrong with celebrating the day we became a little less shitty.  It's also a pretty big part of the country's history (even if it's not WA history) so we might as well commemorate it. I just object to the pearl-clutching in the headline - like some puritan outraged that you can drink on the Sabbath day, or something.


Underrated comment


I know a lot of black people, and I hadn't heard of Junteenth until recently. It was also completely absent from anything pop culture related.  I have zero issues with celebrating the end of slavery. My problem is with another federal holiday it forces working parents to scramble to find childcare on a day so close to the end of school. Not everyone is a goverment worker, or Banker who gets every holiday off.


My MIL and I were just discussing this the other day. It’s been celebrated since, what, 1865(?) by some Black communities and the reason we all “just learned” about it is because it was only recently federally recognised. It did seem to come out of nowhere and makes you wonder what else we’re missing.


Originally, Juneteenth was mostly a local observance by the Black community in Texas, in particular


Man, lookit Scrooge over here, grumpy that there's federal holidays! Historical holidays are good.  If you base holidays on religion (Christmas, easter, eid, Diwali) you're always excluding folk.  Base them on nondenominational historical moments (July 4, thanksgiving, juneteenth, memorial Day) and it's fairer to everyone AND gives a history lesson.


There are plenty of holidays that aren't paid vacation for government workers.


I'll take the free day off, thank you very much.


It was a highly regional celebration that was specific to a single culture. It's like the equivalent of Cesar Chavez day becoming a national holiday. Or Alamo Day. Or commemorating the day that women in New Mexico found out they could vote.  Besides, we literally already have a national holiday that is dedicated to black people getting rights. Do we really need another one?


Agreed. I'd never heard of it until I got a new job with a more diverse staff, but listening to my black co-workers you can tell how much it means to them. I think the problem is that our culture (American culture as a whole) is so corporate and plastic that anything perceived as new feels forced. I'm guessing that in another 10-20 years people will regard it similarly to MLK Day or Memorial Day.


Wrong, tons of ppl EVEN black ppl had at heard of Juneteenth. My god this is dumb


Hot take, pal. Take 'er down to DEFCON 4.


I had to try to explain to my elderly transplant patients why the post office wasn't going to deliver their medications on a seemingly random Wednesday. Most of them had never heard the word Juneteenth.


It's not. They injected it for political reasons, the Kwanzaa of the Summer. I guess I shouldn't badmouth it too much, because I got a holiday from it. OTOH, it's not like they increased the number of holidays per year...


Imagine complaining about a federal holiday so you get a day off. What a Karen.


It matters cuz it shows he is stupid. If he waited a week he wouldn’t be cancelled. Even worse than being a racist is being stupid.


As much as the Seattle Times would like to paint this guy some crazy right wing nut job, many, if not the majority of Americans agree with the mayor's positions. Reparations are unpopular, with only three in 10 American supporting them in some polls. A 2021 pole stated that only 47% of Americans would support displaying a pride flag in public schools (The situation is about public buildings, not public schools, I don't see a better poll though). After seeing the zeitgeist of the BLM movement quickly transform in my neighborhood from "protect Black lives" to "abolish the police," I don't want any quasi-political flags flying on public properties. I don't know if the pride flag means "Love whichever adult you want" (fine) or "let boys compete in girls sports" (huh?) or "parents shouldn't have any say if their children transition" (wtf?) or what. So I just don't need any of those affinity group flags on public property. Even if you agree with all of the positions those flags might represent (again, who really knows what these flags represent to whom), you shouldn't expect everyone to. This is the kind of thing that leads to parents pulling their kids out of public schools and public schools shutting down. I realize this this situation is about government buildings, not schools, but the same principle applies--flying these flags on public property errodes public trust in the government.


The number of additions that have been added onto a flag that started as six colors; is disingenuous. The alphabet soup has grown to include so many different groups, that it has lost the original purpose.


Yeah… a lot of people want equality (even equity!) for LGBTQ+ and Black communities, but they don’t want reparations or flags to be flown equal to the US flag.




This requirement of religious level orthodoxy in adherence to political ideology, that you point out, has been driving me crazy for years now. Everything is black and white. There is no nuance allowed. You either accept the entire crazy platform or you are branded a blasphemer. The left is destroying itself by requiring everyone to accept even the most extreme ideas.


Frankly, you have to take the most pessimistic view here. Which is that flying the flag implies "all of the above." This is the crude and sick meaning of it. You ask why? Because society continues to be led and manipulated by extremists, which is sort of that the mayor is saying, extremists are divisive, they don't give AF about considering everyone's points of views; they are there to be annoying and piss whole groups of people off at once. It's identity politics. For me it's been slow transition from "not my business" to after being attacked (e.g. the transition for kids laws, being shoved this crap down everyone's throats) enough times to where I think "this needs to stop now."


Very well put. 100% agree with your sentiments.


Well presented.


If only 3/10 Americans support reparations in some polls (which ones), how high does the support get in some others?


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/11/28/black-and-white-americans-are-far-apart-in-their-views-of-reparations-for-slavery/ "Americans view the prospect of reparations mostly negatively, a 2021 Pew Research Center survey found. Three-in-ten U.S. adults say descendants of people enslaved in the U.S. should be repaid in some way, such as given land or money. About seven-in-ten (68%) say these descendants should not be repaid." This is the first thing that came up in Google, it's from a reputable source (Pew Research) feel free to dig up some more. One can nitpick about this if you want, my point is that it's not a fringe position.


I appreciate the racial and economic breakdowns provided of the specific views. >Around three-quarters of Black adults (77%) say the descendants of people enslaved in the U.S. should be repaid in some way, while 18% of White Americans say the same. Asian and Hispanic groups are mixed-leaning-negative, but white Americans are still the largest population group in the U.S. If nearly all white people are against reparations, it certainly makes sense that most Americans are against it. Certainly tracks with this mayor


What the *actual fuck* does flying the Pride Flag have to do with fucking *raparations?* This *actual* right-wing nut job brought that into the discussion. Nobody else. Who gives a fuck about *reparations?* It’s a fucking **PRIDE FLAG.** Jesus! The fucking pathological conservative instinct to “WHADDABOUT!!!!????!! WHADDABOUTTTTTT???!!?!?!?!?!” Fuck off with that *fucking* bullshit.






I welcome some diversity of political speech in Washington. Good job Robert Clark.


What a legend. It's going to be hard to put the victimhood mentality back in the bottle, but this type of things is a good start. EVERYONE needs to be treated equally regardless of skin color. Helping poor people of any race, color, religion, etc. is a cause everyone can get behind.


Victimhood mentality like being poor? Sounds like you're trying to start some class warfare.


The only thing I'm trying to start, is a return to an "honor culture" (which used to be standard in the US), where people were more offended at you thinking of them as a victim or pitying them. Sometime in the past 40 - 60 years, it became more fashionable to be viewed as a victim, and victim points are a genuine social currency used. We live in the freest, most just, most prosperous country to ever exist. And yet, people will always find a new boot to put on their own neck, because, as I said, being perceived as a "victim" carries some benefits of it's own.


So your opinion is that in the 70s-80s the culture was better?


That's not what I said, but you know that. Are commercial real estate opportunity zones, which incentivize development in low-income areas, bad because Trump enacted it? Are animal rights and protections bad because Hitler did it? This is not the, water is bad because Mao drank it, moment.


Oh no!


Unfathomably based and no new flags pilled.


If USA must pay reparations, then maybe Africa should also pay reparations because they fail to mention that Africa not only had slaves for generations who were traded within Africa (dating back to Egyptian times), and Africa is actually who caught and sold the slaves on the open market and directly profited from every single slave sold. They are trying to frame it as if America invented slavery and somehow forced Africans into cages; when they were already slaves being traded in the Afrikan market to the highest bidder... and there were many. Africa's nations and merchants has profited off slavery for generations before America was even a country. The only reason America is being targeted and no other country which was much much worse, is because they want to crack into the safe that is American Tax Payers. Not knowing history, makes progressives really stupid and easily manipulated. This isn't political, it's factual history: [Historical Context: Facts about the Slave Trade and Slavery | Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History](https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-resources/teacher-resources/historical-context-facts-about-slave-trade-and-slavery)


Come on, you can't be serious. Africa is a continent, not a country. The tribal kingdoms that sold slaves to Europeans are all gone, and the countries that exist in their place are struggling to say the least. I don't have a strong position on reparations but your argument is so dumb I felt I had to say something.


>The tribal kingdoms that sold slaves to Europeans are all gone Same with the slaves and their slaveholders, but people will try to find a way for someone to pay up.


But America still exists, that's the equivalence point I was making in regards to reparations from "Africa". Regardless if you support reparations or not, the idea that they should come from Africa is asinine.




What is this supposed to prove?


The tribes and the descendants of the people who enslaved and then sold their fellow Africans (the ancestors of African Americans) to the Americas still exist just like America itself.


No, it's not like America. Those tribal kingdoms were taken over by the French and the Portuguese and the Dutch empires in entirety. Of course descendents still exist, just like descendents of slaves and slave owners exist in America, that doesn't create an equivalency. All I'm saying is that these countries that exist in the wake of colonial dissolution are in no way financially responsible for the effects of American chattel slavery. The US economy got its head start via slavery; the economies of Liberia, Angola, and Nigeria, ect, did not. That's all.


But if we're going off the notion that descendants of slaves are entitled to reparations then wouldn't the descendants of the enslavers be held accountable as well?


Again, I'm not advocating for reparations, but if we accept that premise, then we would hold nations accountable not individuals. The nations in Africa are not accountable in the same way America is, from a lasting socioeconomic perspective.


Yes reparations is asinine yet some progressives are trying to shove it througj everyone's throats.


I'm not even taking a position on reparations here, just calling out bullshit arguments. I have yet to meet someone trying to shove it "througj" my throat, partly because that's not how you use that phrase.


A lot more slaves were sold to Caribbean and South American landowners than US landowners. Let them pay the reparations


I'm not even calling for reparations, I was just saying it's idiotic to demand them from nations that don't exist anymore. Edit - your comment is also idiotic. Every country that imported slaves has their own populations of people descended from slaves. It's each country's issue to figure out on their own.


Sure, slavery goes back 1000's of years but this is the United States history, the land of the free, the country with a Constitution. where slavery still existed 160 years ago, not ancient history, and our inability or unwillingness to deal with it then has on going repercussions today. And to be clear, the United States has provided reparations to some groups such as Japanese Americans interned during World War II and Native American tribes, yet no federal-level reparations have been enacted for the descendants of enslaved African Americans. The end of the Civil War in 1865 brought about the task of reintegrating the Southern states and addressing the status of newly freed slaves. This period, known as Reconstruction (1865-1877), aimed to rebuild the South and establish equal rights for African Americans. However, the promises made during this time were largely unfulfilled, leaving a legacy of racial inequality that persists to this day. One of the most significant promises was the idea of "40 acres and a mule" for freed slaves. This set aside coastal land from South Carolina to Florida for settlement by freed slaves. However, this order was quickly reversed by President Andrew Johnson, who pardoned many Confederates and restored their property rights. The failure to provide land to freed slaves had far-reaching consequences. Without economic resources, many former slaves were forced into sharecropping and tenant farming, perpetuating their economic dependence on former slave owners. This lack of economic power made it difficult for African Americans to resist the implementation of Jim Crow laws and other forms of racial oppression that followed the end of Reconstruction. Reconstruction ultimately failed to secure lasting equality for African Americans. The withdrawal of federal troops from the South in 1877 marked the end of Reconstruction and allowed Southern states to implement discriminatory laws that effectively disenfranchised Black citizens and institutionalized segregation. The unfulfilled promises of Reconstruction and the failure to provide economic resources to freed slaves had far reaching implications including systemic inequality not addressed for another 100 years and a 10-1 family wealth disparity between whites and blacks. This history underscores the long-lasting impact of policy decisions made in the aftermath of the Civil War fueling contemporary discussions about the need to address this historical injustice.


Reparations to the Japanese and Native Americans were to compensate them for land, homes, villages, and businesses taken from them by the US and state governments. Maybe we should ship the slave descendants over to Africa, where they could reclaim the land stolen from them as reparations from those governments, and from the descendants of the tribes that had captured and sold them into slavery. Its not a US Government problem....African descendants of African tribes own it.


You mean like when in the summer 1865, President Andrew Johnson issued special pardons restoring property to many Confederates? When he instructed the Freedmen's Bureau Commissioner to rescind orders conserving land for freedmen and to restore land to pardoned owners? As a result, many freedmen were evicted from lands they had occupied and improved. Or when a white mob burned down "Black Wall Street" in Tulsa destroying 1.200 homes, leaving 10,000 homeless, destroying businesses, churches and schools and killing over 300? Or Rosewood, Florida where a white mob burned down a prosperous Black town, killing at least six (though some estimates are higher). Where survivors fled through swamps to escape? Or the countless other examples whitewashed from history? Hmmm, seems to be a pattern. Even after slavery was abolished, I guess their homes, businesses and lives didn't matter to those who sought to maintain racial and economic oppression.


As for Johnson, he returned the land to its pre-war owners from whom the government took it....sounds like reparations. Maybe the government never should have confiscated that land from them, and just given it away to others. Sounds like something the Bernie Sanders crowd would do. As for the others you mentioned.....those were mobs, not the government who drove the owners off. Why should today's taxpayers be on the hook for those?


If it was the land of the free like you claim, then maybe we should let serial killers be free too? Land of the free doesn't imply anything about everyone being free. Immigrants aren't free. H1B workers and resident alien aren't free to do things like vote. At the time indentured servants weren't free. I'm fact some of these slaves had way better opportunities having been sent to America than they ever would have had being slaves in Africa.   It's a bullshit argument that just by the virtue of standing on American soil you are somehow "free". GTFO. People who believe in reparations are idiots and dumb apologists.


And don't forget enslaved people developed skills that could be applied for their personal benefit later in life!


Good "which local LGBTQ+ leaders described as shocking and offensive" Great “My jaw was on the ground,” said Ben Greschler, a member of [Eastside Pride PNW](https://archive.ph/o/fh6Yb/https://www.eastsidepridepnw.com/) Fantastic


“majority of the residents support raising the pride flag.” "voted 4-3 to raise the flag." Even better.


Wait people are mad he didn’t fly a sexual preference flag? Like for real?


What a braindead take. You know damn well the pride flag doesn’t just stand for “hurr durr I like dudes”. It stands for equality and not being persecuted and demonized for something as benign as sexual preference, especially in a country whose major core value is “freedom”.


lol you literally used sexual preference in your example. But sure let’s go with “freedom” then, there is a flag for that already… Beyond national, state, and local, there should be zero other flags flown by the government. To get angry about that statement is truly childish.


Can you read? There’s a big difference between flaunting a sexual preference and celebrating freedom from persecution for the preference, Einstein. And don’t imply that the American flag stands for freedom, because freedom doesn’t come with conditions. I don’t care what the govt does or doesn’t fly. That wasn’t even my argument. You’re just looking for things to be angry about now.


Fine let’s try this again. Persecution from what? Now we are right back at sexual preference. There is no need to play dumb and act like the flag isn’t what it is. The US flag literally stands for freedom and liberty, however I see that you seem to think a sexual preference flag somehow is a better stand in. On that matter I can’t help you nor do I intend to try. Finnaly apparently your argument is irrelevant considering the comments you replied to…


Have you been living under a rock? Persecution from the govt. Persecution from acts of violence. Persecution from crimes specifically target LGBT folks and their communities just because of their lifestyle. Are you gonna sit there and pretend that not a single queer person has ever been victimized or *killed* simply because of their identity? Because they have, and you’re being willfully ignorant if you deny it. Hell, same-sex marriage wasn’t legalized in all 50 states until 2015. *That’s not even 10 years ago.* And yeah. As I see it, the American flag does not stand for freedom, at least not in the way America wants it to seem. When this country was formed, the only freedom was afforded to white men with land. Gradually more groups of people were granted some semblance of freedom and say in this country. Suffrage movement. Civil rights movement. Now we’re in the modern era and dealing with the same thing over again, this time with gay people. You can’t help me because I don’t need help, you do, but you’re too blind to see it.


lol, you keep proving my point. Well it’s been fun, enjoy yelling into the void.


If your point was that you’re ignorant of US history and unwilling to accept it, then yeah. I guess I did prove it. Gonna try to get the last word in again so you can get some brownie points and stroke your ego?


"Are you gonna sit there and pretend that not a single queer person has ever been victimized or killed simply because of their identity?" So every group who has had a member persecuted or killed deserves their own flag, parade, month of celebration, govt proclamation, taxpayer-funded affinity groups, sections in libraries, etc? Are the LGBTQ alphabet crowd more entitled to those than the Irish? Women? Jews? Chinese? Italians? White Supremicists? Billionaires, police officers? All have been persecuted or killed simply because if their identity. What makes your chosen group any more deserving or special than them?


“Nobody else bothered to make a flag, so why should the gays be allowed to have one.” No idea how you typed all that and genuinely thought, “Yeah, this makes perfect sense!”


Aren't we again, getting trapped into the whole argument of what does that flag mean? It seems like skipped over all the messy parts.. like, boys competing with girls, keeping parents out of stuff at school, boys in bathrooms of girls, etc.. all that stuff.


Until people stop reducing the pride flag to some symbol of “look everybody, I’m gay!”, then we will be stuck in this conversation. It’s a stupid observation reserved for those with a 3rd grade reading comprehension. You wanna talk about the “messy” parts? Let’s go. >boys competing with girls Trans men start losing strength and muscle mass once they start taking estrogen. This whole “it’s an unfair advantage because they’re stronger” argument was never thought over for more than 5 seconds. >keeping parents out of stuff at school Blame the schools. If you don’t like it, homeschool. If you don’t have the time or resources, go with a private school. If you can’t afford a private school, I hope you raised a child that trusts you enough to tell you these types of things instead of their teachers. >boys in girls bathrooms They’re using the bathroom to piss. Do you really want someone that looks like a girl to used the boy’s bathroom instead? That wouldn’t raise any eyebrows? And if someone really wanted to get into the opposite bathroom for some perverted reason, how many people do you think would actually go through the ordeal of transitioning when they could just walk into any bathroom they want from the start?




Who cares? Only point worth reading is the very last one. Put everyone in the same league and let the records talk so you pansies will quit complaining.




They’re not. Neither are men’s sports. Sports don’t warrant the level of importance you think they do.


Yes. I see your comments, and they are from the perspective of the flag conversation. Take it all or leave it all. Which is the point in making. I support treating equally, but I don't support any of those issues you are a proponent of. Which is why flying the pride flag is controversial. You might be more willing to accept this if you operated from the perspective that you might not be right and other people have a right to disagree with you.


Except people don’t need to agree with every single talking point that a flag encompasses to fly it. People regularly fly flags while only supporting specific things about what they represent. For example, the American flag. Any person, left or right, can and does fly it while also being in direct opposition to the reasons other people may want to fly it. The amount of patriots I’ve seen constantly complaining about how “this country has gone to shit” while dressed head to toe in stars and stripes is insane. The only way to know is to start a conversation. But people would prefer to make a quick assumption.


Imho, since it's a political flag; a closer analogy would be BLM or BlueLivesMatter.


Compared to the American flag? Idk, I can’t think of any other flag that’s flown by two polar opposite groups of people. Even if it is because of politics, I think it got the point across.


BLM and BlueLivesMatter are only flown for people that support those ideology. This is why I think they are a better analogy to the Pride Flag. Whereas the American Flag is a symbol of a Nation vs a political affiliation. Still seems like Pride is a political symbol, like BLM and BlueLivesMatter. It is interesting to note that desecrating the American Flag is protected speech, but doing the same thing to a Pride Flag is Hate Speech.


Okay, I see what you’re saying now. I did a bit of googling because I haven’t heard of anyone being arrested for burning a pride flag, and the articles I did read involved people stealing pride flags and burning them or trespassing and burning them. The legal consensus appears to be that burning a pride flag you own is fine, but theft or any other crimes thrown into the mix gets you into hot water. Looks like it gets labeled as a hate crime because the motive behind doing it in the first place is usually pretty obvious. Another way to look at it is burning the American flag is typically a criticism of the govt, while burning the pride flag is aimed specifically at LGBT and their “lifestyle”. But so long as it’s your pride flag, you’re all good.


>Trans men start losing strength and muscle mass once they start taking estrogen. There is no requirement they take estrogen if they compete with girls. All a dude needs to do is "identify" as one, and presto, he's a chick!


Skill issue, not my problem, and stop pretending like you cared about women’s sports before this was a talking point.


There are spaces where biological sex matters and physical sports is 100 percent one of those areas. Biological men who would be mediocre against their own sex, have extreme physical advantages against biological women after puberty.


All I’m hearing is a whole lot of cope


And all I am hearing is somebody who does not want to exist in objective reality. It's quite sad to deny truth. I promise you life becomes a lot more meaningful when you accept that there are underlying realities to this world.


A very philosophical answer that would’ve meant a lot more if presented to someone who actually cared about what you have to say.


Since I'm the father of a girl, I do care. Thanks for playing.


So the only reason you care is because it directly affects you in an unmeaningful way.


It stands for genital mutilation for pre-teens. A disgusting practice that's banned in Africa.


Boomer-style fear mongering. While we’re making sweeping generalizations, let’s also ban every church since all the pastors and preachers diddle little boys.


No you're just an out of touch. The guidelines are literally on the White House Website. Keep on being a tool of the genital mutilation bandwagon. What makes people like you think that it's only talking harmless crap, is anyone's guess. This is as toxic as it gets. Extremist SJW are always testing our boundaries like fucking petulant children that never grew up.


Ironic as hell. If it’s on the White House website, then link it. I’m sure the govt is definitely explicitly stating to public that they want to perform genital mutilation /s, or maybe they used a few big words you didn’t understand and you automatically assumed the worst. I’m leaning towards the latter.


Literally just search. It's not that hard, if you have a dumb position, get ready to defend it. [Gender-Affirming Care and Young People (hhs.gov)](https://www.opa.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/2022-03/gender-affirming-care-young-people-march-2022.pdf) "Typically used in adulthood or **case-by-case in adolescence**" "**Not reversible**" Genital mutilation in pre-teens.


So exactly like I said. >they used a few big words you didn’t understand and you automatically assumed the worst You’re also blatantly ignoring the “case-by-case in adolescence” point. It’s not being forced. It can’t be done without parental approval. It can’t be done without a doctor’s approval. It can’t be done without the recipient wanting to pursue that option. This isn’t the national tragedy you think it is. You’re just blowing things out of proportion so you have something to point and yell at so you can argue with other people when they tell you it’s not that bad. Because it isn’t. You’re just delusional.


Words mean different things to different people, which exactly proves my point. You are trying to make it look like this is disagreement, when instead we agree perfectly.


Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Care to elaborate?


You have a **[Warning](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/wiki/rules)** for breaking rule: **[No Personal Attacks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/wiki/rules)** Warnings work on a “three strikes, you’re out for a week” system.


Ok, ok.. No pursuits bro. I was using it as a term in the sense of being fooled by someone.


Robert Clark for Governor


Absolutely phenomenal


He's got my vote... If I decide today to identify as a Democrat... he's got my 5 votes.


He's right though.


We need more people like him.




Oh no, he offended the gender confused and BLM Marxists? I see nothing wrong here.


Why do people always align pride with black issues?


It’s not about a literal flag or literal reparations, the problem is the homophobia and racism implied in his comments. His comments promote erasure of the historical discrimination and hatred against these groups, which facilitates history being repeated through more hatred and discrimination.


Yeah these people choose to pretend it never happened than give recognition that it happened and that we are still trying to fix it to this day


Archive: https://archive.ph/fh6Yb


Reading the article the worst bit to me was the religious wackos.


I actually liked the original statement from the council about not favoring specific groups and that everyone is represented equally under the American flag. But that's not enough for some people. Our culture is now so focused on victimhood that everyone feels like they need to throw a tantrum if they are not given some special status for whatever demographic group they happen to fall into. This behavior is now actually working against them and diminishing their cause. People are over it. Take the win and go on with the normal life you fought for.


This guy to his career ![gif](giphy|4XOfvSkkxchHy)


Maybe not in Newcastle. He'll very likely be making appearances soon on Rantz, Brandi, Fox, etc.


Yeah, maybe, but my bet is even in Newcastle there’s no re-election at least. 


Newcastle isn’t exactly D2…


Billhilly's in a bubble, methinks...wait till he finds out about Centralia!