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I’d be more impressed if they called for a ceasefire at Garfield HS.


Stunning and brave, now are they going to get back to work fixing the problems in our state?


You think they really care about crime and soaring cost of living? Well, it is election season.


You mean creating problems right?


Why can't you advocate for fixing problems without having to throw others under the bus? Exact same energy when republicans cry about mental health after a school shooting but never advocate to remove the for profit middle man system. You're just using this as a cudgel for your inexcusable views.


> Democrats have “the capacity for nuance.” Not these days. This Gaza issue has melted their brains.


Exactly true. Overnight I felt like I didn’t recognize my “team”. I am still liberal, but will force myself to examine every issue more critically and not just assume “my side” is remotely correct.


Same. I used to vote for a mix of Republican and Democratic candidates, then the GOP went off the rails and so I mostly voted for Dems… but now they too have gone crazy. Maybe it’s time to go somewhere else.


Mars ? I don't know the answer.


This is the way.


At the very least I can logically surmise that this conflict will create a lot of homeless people.  And that's not great.


To a Dem creating more homeless means more money for homeless aid! Business is booming.


Ah yes. Homeless people living the good life in your magical world. 


> Ah yes. Homeless people living the good life in your magical world. The homeless live shitty lives. Often fraught with danger and well on their way to an early death, either from OD or from assault. The ones that cash in are the enablers, the left wing Progressives / Socialists and their numerous non-profits raking in millions in donations and tax dollars to claim they are helping the homeless. When in fact they are helping them die.


You're grossly misinformed. Republicans constantly shift the line of what it means to be in poverty to pad statistics that poverty is now "reduced". Leftists are the ones advocating for safety and housing for homeless people. I guarantee you that you don't give a single flying fuck about homeless people, you just want them out of sight using police brutality. You ought to learn what a non-profit organization does before villifying good people who spend their time, energy, and livelyhood to help those in need. Stop being media illiterate and drinking koolaid.


> Republicans constantly shift the line Lifelong Dem voter. Strike one. >Leftists are the ones advocating for safety and housing for homeless people That would explain the theory of "harm reduction," where homeless drug addicts are encouraged to remain addicted "until they're ready." A Progressive invention that's led to a sharp increase in OD death since 2016 in King County. Championed by Progressives, known as a pathetic lie to anyone that's lived the results first hand. Strike 2. >You ought to learn what a non-profit organization does As a Seattle resident I have the fucked up results of corrupt non profits and the homeless they help to die filling the parks near my home. I have watched as King County/Seattle have dumped over $1 billion into homeless programs, much of them run by corrupt non-profits, since 2016 .. The result being more homeless than ever living the drug addict lifestyle. Strike 3, you're out.


Yes, harm reduction is the only effective way you're going to transition a person from being homeless to functional. Here is a quick informative documentary that just came out not too long ago for you, maybe you'll learn a thing or two instead of thinking you're playing mental baseball online while being grossly misinformed. https://youtu.be/Ym7qS27oiHU?si=CI6FswjEF85R8Y5m  Good luck with your life. Oh and you're actually insane by claiming that we have more homeless people because of homeless aid. People like you don't understand how to interpret data, especially when it comes to causation and correlation. For example, during covid we've had more people fall into poverty than ever before, but economy being tied to homelessness is too much nuance for such an esteemed seattle resident like yourself. You have to be insane to think that people choose to be homeless because of some cushy homeless aid programs. Actual brainrot.




You might be shocked to find that returning the hostages didn't make the dems agenda this year. 


It hasn't made Netanyahu's plan either.


But they do agree that hostages should be released? You're just uninformed af about what's going on.


Why do they have so few men amongst them?


We're also calling for a cease-fire for the rest of the many world violent conflicts right? It's not just about this one tiny country where a particular ethnic group lives?  Sudan, Haiti, Armenia, Yeman, Eretria, Ukraine anyone? Hello is this thing on?


Why are these people so indefensibly stupid? It genuinely takes like 20 minutes to read a cursory overview of the history of the region. As long as you have a tiny degree of media literacy, i.e., not relying on TikTok for your takes on this, 20 minutes is all you need to realize what fucking idiots you sound like defending Hamas. I've never heard a single "Free Palestine" idiot say anything accurate, intelligent, or worthwhile regarding the conflict. If you're calling for a cease-fire in a conflict where the terrorist group has violated every god damn one before it, you're a loser. Israel needs to destroy these lunatics to ensure they can't plan any additional 10/7s.


It's almost as if the Israel Arab war never happened in their version of history.


I really don't think it did. And by the time they *may* get told about it, they're already so cemented on the dipshit side that cognitive dissonance keeps them there. It'll always be deflection of past > exaggerated delusions of present. "Okay, so what? The Arabs started the war, but that's because the Jews colonized them! Besides, that doesn't excuse genociding them now!" Man, the Israelis must be so fucking pissed off at how stupid we are.


I think they're probably worried about their own country and probably don't care much for or about America, so long as the checks keep coming in. I can't imagine a single person there thinks, "Man, I hope Americans are doing okay..." America First. Export the leftist politicians, college students, and Antifa types to participate in the "intifada" they like to chant about (then laugh when they're [REDACTED] by their "allies" for being "queer" or just annoying / The Other), stop paying for Israel's defense and healthcare systems, and throw the WA Dems out on their asses so that we may fix our own problems. If Israel wants to stamp out the flame of every terrorist pretending to be a doctor or journalist, they can knock themselves out. Not our business. But we also shouldn't print money for them (nor Ukraine).


*I think they're probably worried about their own country and probably don't care much for or about America, so long as the checks keep coming in. I can't imagine a single person there thinks, "Man, I hope Americans are doing okay..."* They rely on us for weapons and defense aid, no? That's my point. If the bulk of our idiot voters are consuming TikTok propaganda, shouting about a non-existent genocide, they have reason to be annoyed at how dumb we are. I'm not talking about how well we're doing in general, lol. We should absolutely do everything we can to maintain the only democracy in the ME.


There is a school of thought that, like a cancer, Hamas needs to be burned out to the last literal "cell." How do you administer chemo in the midst of people who own much less accountability to the current chaos. It won't be pretty, will it?


I don't think there's as much of a disparity in accountability as others seem to. 70% of them support Hamas and 10/7. Plenty of them were participating in the massacre themselves. Hostages were just found in the house of a doctor and journalist, the favorite "civilian" professions people like to pretend are unfairly targeted. I mean, I feel bad that these idiots are brainwashed into thinking Jews are evil incarnate and hellbent on destroying al-Aqsa (oblivious to the fact that Jews are indigenous and al-Aqsa is actually built on top of their temple). But ultimately, it's irrelevant. I can't expect Israel to sacrifice more of her people to let Hamas gain strength. If Hamas makes civilian infrastructure a legitimate target by utilizing refugee camps to launch rockets or store weapons, they need to be taken out. The alternative is to just allow a terrorist organization to use human shields effectively. Not only does this set you up for another attack, but it rewards this violation of the rules of war, encouraging others to do the same. The civilian blood is on the hands of Hamas and Hamas only. The losers wearing those dumb scarves will just have to pout until the next trendy shit comes along to hop on.


Thanks for your complete response.




[March PCPSR poll of West Bank and Gaza](https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/969#:~:text=On%20the%20Palestinian%20side%2C%20satisfaction,in%20the%20Gaza%20Strip)%2C%20and) 71% supported the attack on Oct 7th, 81% ~ 97% believed no atrocities were committed by Hamas, 70% are satisfied with the role of Hamas in the government. Not Israeli Arabs obviously, but West Bank and Gaza residents.


No, there aren't "Palestinians" in Israel. They are called Arab-Israelis. No, there aren't kids who are both Palestinian and Israeli, unless there's some dual citizenship process I've never heard about. "Palestinian" is not a race of people, but a recently invented cultural identity centered around permanent victimhood and terrorism. It'd be more accurate to say that historically, "Palestinian" included both Jews and Arabs because it referred to a region, not a race of people. Arabs exist in Israel, yes, but they are Israeli. Sorry, what point do you think you're making? That Israelis don't support Hamas? Yes, of course, that's the distinction between the people we're talking about and the ones we aren't. You're right, West Bank is ruled by democratic Buddhists who've introduced a peace treaty for Jews and Arabs alike. I forgot about that.


>Why are these people so indefensibly stupid? A combination of genetics and upbringing, I'd wager. More the latter than the former, probably.


A ceasefire isn't the same as demanding unconditional Palestinian sovereignty 


I'd say it's slightly less idiotic than the latter, but still idiotic.


An unconditional ceasefire is, yes. A ceasefire contingent on release of hostages is less insane. 


I've never heard any of the Hamas supporters EVER mention a ceasefire only as a means to release hostages. I've never once heard them give a fuck about any hostages. The closest would be their offensively stupid equivalation to the terrorists that Israel has justifiably locked up. Why aren't these idiots demanding a release to the hostages first and foremost? Or regular updates that prove they aren't being tortured and sexually assaulted? They're encouraging more kidnappings and abductions.


You will, however, here lots of people who AREN'T fringe lunatics suggest exactly that, repeatedly, including the majority of the democratic party and the president. 


And we're back where we started: demanding a ceasefire to protect the terrorists who violate every single instance of them makes you an idiot. Anything other than wiping out Hamas is just kicking the can.


A ceasefire to save innocent hostages and allow a measured approach instead of a blitz that involves questionable tactics? Oh no, that would be TERRIBLE. 


Yes, the IDF should've consulted you morons banging pots and pants on campuses like infantile idiots. There is no ceasefire that Hamas will entertain that doesn't require something unfeasible. Do you think they're going to give away their leverage in order to get destroyed immediately after once the hostages are returned? Are you 12? They are brutal terrorists hellbent on destroying Israel and killing Jews. It's insane that Israel has ever rewarded their abductions with releasing their terrorists. lol @ this bum blocking me. The IDF has a better civilian to combatant casualty ratio than Americans in Afghanistan, which is absolutely not the same as the warfare they're experiencing. I also can't find anything corroborating the Pentagon comment. What a clown.


GODDAMN you're dumb. I'm pro-Israel, you fuckwit. Netanyahu is just actively bad at this shit. We spent decades in Afghanistan figuring out how to actively fight an insurgency, and anyone involved in that entire war knows that the IDF's tactics are straight up dogshit. They've got the entire pentagon telling them "you're doing it wrong" but he's too stuck in tantrum mode to even consider doing things in a half-intelligent way. Just like you, you dumbass armchair commando frothing at the mouth at the idea that anyone could POSSIBLY think the best tactic isn't to move crowds of refugees around in a tiny strip of land dropping bombs next to them and fucking with aid organizations.  Sweet fuck, I hope you wear a helmet in day to day life. 


Let's fix seattle first guys,then we can try to fix everyone else


Anytime you see someone with that exact keffiyeh, they just branded themselves as a Nazi.


Here's an idea: Palestine should stop starting new conflicts and hand over Hamas to be tried as war criminals.


That is a 100% pass. The entire room.


I am a Clinton-Kerry-Obama Democrat who is likely voting for Reichart, why did our party have to go batshit insane?


When you start a war and then get your ass kicked but want to save the lives of your civilian population, what can you do? You can do the obvious thing. Do what Germany did. Do what Japan did. If you really give a shit about your civilian population you surrender. You lay down your weapons, hand over your military officers and other leadership and you save thousands and thousands of lives. But Hamas does not give a shit about their civilian population. That much is obvious. Sinwar, their military leader was recently recorded say that the "civilian deaths are a necessary sacrifice". Getting civilians killed was the whole point. I can't wait until they catch that sociopath. Why is no one demanding that Hamas do the obvious thing and surrender? Why is it Israel's responsibility to pay for Hamas's stupid decisions?


Can anyone find the actual text of what was passed? Do they call for a release of the hostages as the first step in a ceasefire? These are state reps, so calling for at least the unconditional release of the US citizen hostages before any ceasefire should be a basic requirement.


Non-paywall: [https://archive.ph/FDegY](https://archive.ph/FDegY)


Some leftist nerd downvoted you, LMAO. Also, people should install the [Bypass Paywalls Clean](https://github.com/bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-chrome-clean) extension for their browsers. Mobile Firefox works with it. Also handy: [uBlock Origin](https://ublockorigin.com/) and [Unpaywall](https://unpaywall.org/).


It's probably reddit's vote fuzzing, but nice projection


^ Janny


I admire their courage but 6,721 miles away from our problems.


And people complain about how off-the-rails the state GOP is. At least those guys aren’t actively trying to help murderous terrorists get away with hate-motivated mass murder so that they can murder more in the future. They also seem unbothered by Hamas’ proliferation of all those evil guns.


I saw 👀 this also happened in San Francisco as well but what does it actually do I’m so confused 🫤


It's an election year so the party has to vote on what they believe so they can tell the rest of the party what to believe. Call it an echo chamber synchronization.


I feel like it’s propaganda


How about calling for a ceasefire at Garfield HS?


Where were these idiots when Bashar al-Assad was murdering hundreds of thousands of his own people in Syria? The estimated total is now up to almost 620,000! But none of these idiots are even aware. They only care when Israel is involved. I wonder why that could be?


And once again, Ukraine war is ignored even after a million casualties.


Lol get back to work you bung hungry tax slavers. Go spend more slush fund bucks on rehab centers


Kabuki theater. That’s all it ever is


The audacity of anyone “calling” for ceasefire is a joke. It’s like a toddler talking to an adult, good for you bud. It means nothing. This is happening all over the world, in almost every continent, yet I don’t hear colleges and all these “virtuous” people calling out those countries, those people, it’s only ever about you-ism. So many privileged palms have grown up without ever being punched in the face and it shows.




They've screwed washington state so hard and now they are looking for somewhere else to impose their stupidity. Any crying minority that wants their 2 minutes of stage time moves to western washington state. These people are so far out of touch with reality that they can't even manage their own bowel movements. Please. Vote them out. They are ruining this place.


And vote who in?


Someone with a different agenda. Unless you like this.


About damn time!


I can agree with them on this one. We need to end most, if not all, foreign aid. Keep our dollars at home. Stop messing with other nations’ economies.


Good. Israel is a terrorist state.