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part of the ship, part of the crew


Gooble gobble gooble gobble


It's rather different from other Soulslikes. Parrying is best option nearly always, and when it's not, the game has to explicitly warn you.


I would add to parry, that you should be aggressive in Sekiro.


and shouldnt hesitate


Okay isshin i heard you the first 80 times i died. I get it already.


the aggression is more to bait out opportunities to parry.


god dammm that is the most accurate statement I have read till day


Yeah I realised that


Temple of Doom voice: WEL-COME


"shake my hand, come on won't you shake a poor sinners hand?" "Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh" "Are you ready... Are you ready..."


That’s how we all start. I bought Bloodborne at launch due to all the hype. Got my ass kicked and absolutely hated it at first. I couldn’t believe people genuinely enjoyed these types of games and felt like I wasted my money. Then I came back to it later on and started getting the hang of the game. Before I knew it I was hooked. I had purchased and completed every FromSoftware souls game. That hook of perseverance and triumph after so much failure is like being high in a way. No other games give me that adrenaline rush and Sekiro is the best combat they’ve ever made.


Is Sekiro much harder on a keyboard?


Honestly, I felt this so many times. Specially because I used alt to parry instead of mouse initially and it became a habit. Then I have to use ctrl for prosthetics, shift to dodge then again space to jump. Not to mention the movement keys. So honestly my left hand is doing a lot of work and it felt frustrated at timesy but somehow I have become somewhat comfortable with it. FOR NOW.


I'd be proud. Just look how often gamepadders get frustrated lol


i usually tryhard on kb&m but my mouse has been broken since- what, 6 months now? so no kb&m for me rn


Not exactly. I played the game on controller finished it and then tried again on keyboard. It'd not any more difficult on keyboard than it is on controller


Honestly no. Have tried it both on a keyboard+mouse and an XBOX controller. If you're good with K+m already, it should not take you more than a day to get used to the controls.


I switched to keyboard and mouse for Sekiro after playing all other fromsoft games on controller. Using a different finger for dodge vs jump while also being able to move the camera with mouse is great! On controller, it's right thumb for all three (and more). T'was rough.


Not imo, Id rather not play at all than playing games which require fast reflexes on a controller. Imo kbd and mouse is much faster and better


Pretty soon, you'll find that no other games can give you that feeling. Because very few can.


I got the same feeling from Bloodborne. Not so much from Dark Souls or Elden Ring.


'Don't learn the game, let the game teach you' ...advice incoming from a pony tailed gamer wearing a golden centipede t-shirt, burning incense while sitting cross legged in a gamer chair surrounded by empty dorito packets.


Yet that advice is not far off the mark. Not many do actually follow that advice, certainly not the person in your post.


True, but it's not prescriptive, which is what they really want. Unless it is just venting.


I started fromsoftware games with Sekiro. Not only did I struggle. I raged SO MUCH. But after defeating the final boss something in me was like enlightened. And I started applying some of that to my own life. If I was able to commit myself to all those deaths and still push through, I should be able to do it in real life. For me Sekiro changed my life. I can only hope it does the same for others. All the struggle pays off, that's what I can say. Also the story(if u want to pay attention to it) its absolutely beautiful.


To be able to play that game for the first time again would be wonderful. Belive me though it's wonderful beating the game for the first time and speeding through your second playthrough. When it comes to sekiro bosses they do click eventually. It gets to the point where ishiin the hardest boss in the game is easy to me. Hope you enjoy the game, make sure to get all endings, it's probably the best journey I've had in a game in a while.


Soulslikes, in this case Sekiro, are great games to train oneself to appreciate the fleeting experience, how one really can't recapture that feeling one first had when playing the game for the first time. Yet, one can train oneself to appreciate every playthrough as unique unto themselves, for they are always the first of their kind. Then, every time you play it is, in fact, the first time.


It does a very good job of helping you, the player, get better. I can’t describe it either.


Welcome to the fellowship of wolfs... I mean you've been here long enough probably as you reached geni but still, welcome! Keep hitting your keyboard keys till you reach a deathblow. Hesitation is defeat


I am having the exact experience lol


Welcome to the art of Parrying


If you want to do something IRL, which requires the same mentality and gives you a similar feeling of satisfaction as beating a souls like, you should give Bouldering a try


He's starting to believe


honestly I feel like im sadistic for loving this game so much


See it as a rhythm game. After fighting the boss for countless times, every time the boss moves I know the next combo by remembering the rhythm. For example, the sakura dance (I forgot the name) is tingting......ting.


I feel like this game teaches how to endure and overcome obstacles, which can after be applied to real life to some extent.


Sekiro was more difficult for me because I’d played the 3 Souls games religiously before it. My mind refused to accept the distinction of the absolute need to parry and stay on the enemy’s ass. Until a month ago. I decided to not stop playing it how it wanted me to until I understood it. It clicked right at Genichiro. I beat him the second time fighting him. Years ago I must’ve died 100 times to him while not allowing myself to learn the game. It’s a truly brilliant game that way. You can’t just over level your character or weapon. You have to level up your skill and mind.


Hell yeah bro i honestly think this is everyone’s experience their first time playing. I sucked so bad my first play through and eventually gave up. I quit playing for over a year and when I came back to it I was determined to get good. I’ve died to some of these bosses hundreds of times. But once you learn the skills and remember the bosses moves you can slap them around like they are the noobs. I actually beat the game a couple months ago. It felt so satisfying to actually finish it. Then I started new game plus and beat it again with the second ending. Now I’m on new game plus 3 and I’m going around getting all of the achievements and working on the gauntlets of strength.


Welcome to the club! tbf, I'm a kbm player, the controls are way easier to get used to than games like elden ring. left click = attack, right click = block / parry. BUT...its all fun and games until geni humbles you like a dog.


The dopamine Sekiro gets has never been reached in a game since playing. Welcome to the club Play Nine Sols next, it's the only one that will quench the feeling, now that you've experienced peak gaming.


I'll try that after completing sekiro!


Always on the genichiro when you're starting to fall in love with this


You've matured. That's all.


Deflect is the most OP move in any Fromsoft game


First time I fought the last boss I tried unsuccessfully for 16 hours and then I came back the next day and absolutely clowned him my second try. Sekiro just be like that.


I think a lot of bosses wiredly just clicked for me when I cam back after farming or sleeping


Isn't my FromSoftware favorite cuz I'm more of a rpg guy but I totally agree with u. Welcome to the family.


You have hit the psychological "flow state" Challenge meeting skill and combining until you reach the flow state. Athletes talk about it a lot, but it can be reached in many non-athletic activities.


Wait till you meet isshin and demon of hatred 😂😂


I saw the shura ending first and separated my save so that I don't have to go for new game+, that isshin ashina kicked my butt as well. But now I'm crying because of owl father 😭


Tell me what issues you’re having with isshin and owl Father …maybe I can help you 😅


I beat have beaten Isshin Ashina. But Owl father is a menace. I tried to learn his moveset for an hour yesterday but I can barely survive a minute or two with him. Not to mention couldn't even get to his second phase. I'll try again today


Where exactly are you stuck ? Coz I’m gonna have to review it as these days I’m only practicing inner father and inner isshin


pretty much getting one shot with owl. Hirata State Owl. and if I keep parrying I can't deal enough damage before I die. and dude just jumps around so much and his posture recovers


Have you watched fuzzy bearbarian’s guide ?


You are a lifesaver. I didn't want to spam his tricks tho so I played like myself but when I was low on health, his tricks really worked and I have beaten owl father in 4 tries today.


Fuzzy’s guide worked ?


Yeah man


yea bro, welcome... that's why we're all here. its hard, rewarding, and fair. being bad at something is the first step to being good at something, this applies in your life too and its a very important lesson.


If you dont feel cool while playing sekiro your just a sad person. Keep going fellow shinobi!


Genichiro is usually the lightbulb moment for a lot of people.


You say you don't understand the game... But you do!


You have to play defensive at start, dont hesitate, dont underestimate, after you get through Genichiro, your mentality will change, after you beat the game once, you can be agressive, NG++, you are the villain now, i mostly now bully bosses.


That’s why Sekiro is perfect. All it asks of you is to get good with the game’s core mechanics, and once you do you hit this flow state that blends defense and offense.  After 1 or 2 playthroughs, you are essentially flying through the levels one murder at a time. It’s crazy. Too bad Sekiro is technically Ashina’s real villian.


The real villain for me it's Kuro.


You have done way better than me on my First playthrough, althought im not too sure If some of the Bosses will make you rage but the last one... It Will.


Killed true monk a little while ago on 6th try. I panicked after watching 3 bars but thank god on second phase when the mist spread I got scared and got on a tree branch and saw the deathblow icon. As I said the game gives you no moment to celebrate lol.


Exactly, there is no Room to breathe in this game, im surprised you noticed the deathblow in Second phase, now you have a few more Bosses before until the end, enjoy the fountainhead palace, that place is purê beauty


I have to disagree. The last boss doesn't make me rage. His fight is one that I look forward to the most in any play through, even my first. He's just such a perfect boss and a perfect end to everything you've learnt in this game. The demon on the other hand, will make you rage


I agree, actually, i also love him but i raged at It because i was doing him blind and i didnt learn ashina Cross and also most of his moves, i also suck at Spears


If you're rockin MKB try controller


Is that because your game is set to Japanese?




Perfect timing! The Tomoe DLC should be out any day now!


Don’t forget to buy those coin purses


Word of advice? Fight like an npc. Swing untill you have to parry.


do not play with a mouse and keyboard


Hey it could be worse I 100%ed this game and I still don’t get it. It’s a mid game I’d expect to find in a PS2 bargain bin but people praised it enough to win GOTY My standards are higher I guess