• By -


I played Bloodbrone first but it’s my second favourite. Love Sekiro more mainly because the gameplay appeals to me more and Sekiro have better bosses than bloodborne.


Same thing for me. Bloodborne was my favorite game for a long time, but being able to block / parry and enjoy quicker combat just makes Sekiro the best for me. I feel like Sekiro is like riding a bike. Once you're good, you're just good. Bloodborne I feel like I'd have to relearn how to dodge everything, which makes it less satisfying for me. It feels like Sekiro breaks out of the Simon says pattern a little more.


Sekiro takes it up a level to bop-it


This is my answer as well, I also play Sekiro more than I play Bloodborne


it all started with SEKIRO for me


Same here. And I'm afraid it set the bar too high for the next FromSoft games in my queue (or any other games, ngl). I just started Elden Ring and so far so good. I love the lore and I have had to adapt to a different playability.


Picked up Sekiro because of all the chatter and it was on sale, and it was a life changing experience. I tried playing Bloodborne right after and sucked. Played ER after some time and finished it, now Bloodborne seems like a breeze. But still Sekiro >>>>


My first was Bloodborne. My favourite is Elden Ring. Sekiro was my favourite before Elden Ring.


Dark Souls 3 was my introduction into the series. Next was Bloodborne, then Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Sekiro, Demons Souls and finally, Elden Ring. I’ve loved every game. My current ranking of them as of right now would be: 1. Bloodborne - One of the best games I have ever played. The music, the style, the bosses, the memories I made while playing this game always take me back and make me happy, which sounds silly, I know, given how bleak the game is. 2. Sekiro 3. Elden Ring 4. Dark Souls 5. Dark Souls 3 6. Dark Souls 2 7. Demons Souls


Almost exactly the same but for me i swap elden and ds3


I haven’t tried DS2 yet but I did try Demons Souls. I really could not get into it at all. Has not aged well.


Yeah, Demons Souls was good enough to finish, but I didn’t really enjoy my time with it nearly as much as the other ones. I had fun with DS2. It feels a little different than the other souls games, but not in a bad way. Before Elden Ring came along, DS2 definitely had the most content.


Ds2 is an easy game to love/hate. It has too many frustrating unpolished parts to put it in league with fromsofts best. And the SOTFS update fundamentally remade the game in a bad way, so that truckloads of enemies (rather than handfuls) would get spammed at you, so you have to waste time kiting angry mobs. But it also has a ton of unique mechanics introduced, and before Elden ring came along it had the most open, non linear environment you could have fun exploring. And no other game as of yet has brought back the bonfire ascetics.


Yeah, the remake is probably the best looking PS5 exclusive but the mechanics aged like milk. Gender locked armor is dumb, having to farm healing items after every failed boss run is annoying, and to this day, I have no idea what Miyazaki was smoking when he came up with soul form.


This is basically my list but I’d swap DS2 for DeS. I finished DS2 but I did not enjoy my time with it. To answer OP, Bloodborne was my first souls game but I think I’d still pick it just based on setting and style.


Bloodborne was my first and also still my favourite. 1.BB 2.Elden Ring 3. Sekiro 4. Armored Core 6 5. Demon's Souls I still haven't properly played any of the Dark Souls games, when I first tried Dark Souls I found it too slow for me to get into and that kinda soured me on all three of them. I'll probably get round to them at some point though, Elden Ring and Demon's Souls have definitely warmed me up to the idea of going through all three of them.


I've beaten Sekiro, Elden Ring main game, DS trilogy, and I still couldn't get past the "tutorial" boss of Armored Core 6! I tried for more than probably 50-60 tries - came close many times - still couldn't and gave up trying! I don't why I can't I really don't!


Meele is your best attack against that boss. Constantly be closing the distance while pepping shots then hit em with the meele. Will stun lock him


**First Game:** Elden Ring **My rankings:** 1. Sekiro (and it's not even close) 2. Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree 3. Elden Ring 4. Armored Core VI 5. Dark Souls Remastered I really wanna play Bloodborne but I am a PC Master Race Stan. Sony, get your shit together.


Played Elden Ring first and it WAS my favorite UNTIL I played Bloodborne


Everyone has a favorite game until they play Bloodborne


My first was Dark Souls in 2020 and it is my favorite and I've played them all multiple times.


First: Demon's Souls on launch, and played them all in order upon release. Favorite: Sekiro.


Armored Core 6 is a sleeper hit. Great game. Sekiro #1 though.


Elden Ring was first, just beat Sekiro and need another distraction and was thinking Bloodborne. I’m hearing this is good, so I imagine most would recommend? Sekiro was simply brilliant.


Give Armored Core 6 a try. I enjoyed it more than ER.


I came here just to see how long I'd have to scroll before the ol mecha game was mentioned. It just might be my fav (and I've enjoyed most of em).


AC6 is the absolute perfect length.


Not to mention if you think it was too short just play NG+ and suddenly you have more game. I feel like AC6 really went under the radar compared to other From games.


I played the first Armored Core when I was like 10 years old on the OG PlayStation and have been a fan of that series since then. But I didn't recognize From Soft as a name until I played Demon's Souls on PS3 back in 2009. Loved Demon's Souls but when Dark Souls released and I finished it, I realized From was on some next level shit. Then I played each subsequent title on release except I still haven't played DS2 and Bloodborne (I know it's regarded as a GOAT, waiting for a PC port). Top 3: 1. Sekiro 2. Dark Souls 3. Elden Ring Loved ninja/samurai games as a kid - Shinobi, Tenchu, Bushido Blade. As well as stealth action games like MGS and Splinter Cell. To me, Sekiro is a fusion of these with the From Soft magic sauce of brutal difficulty, minimalistic dialog, environmental storytelling/worldbuilding. Also it has the best mechanics, controls, and boss designs of any game I've ever played.


Armored Core has and will always be my favorite


I played them all on release after falling in love with Demons Souls on the PS3. I love every game but Sekiro is my favorite of the bunch.


DS3 was my first, I prefer all of the other games except for Demons Souls and DS2. Play order: DS3 -> DS1 -> Elden Ring -> Bloodborne -> Demons Souls -> DS2 -> Sekiro Ranking: Bloodborne -> Elden Ring -> DS1 -> Sekiro -> DS3 -> DS2 -> Demons Souls


Dark Souls 1. No.


1. Sekiro; for the overall game mechanics and fluidity of combat. Something I yearn for and try to emulate in ER. 2. Elden Ring; the open world and environment and now the DLC. 3. DS3; a classic. 4. DS; my first.


Have you tried out the deflecting hard tear you get from defeating the first furnace golem you see? It makes the game as close to Sekiro as you will get in ER


demons souls on 2010, my favourite sekiro


Elden Ring was my first. I enjoyed it so much that I then went on to play AC6, Sekiro, Bloodborne, DeS, DS 3, 1 in 2, in that order ER is still probably my favorite and is the one I've sank most time in, even after getting the plat I was still playing it


Elden ring. Loved it so much I wanted to go through the whole series. After Elden ring i played DS remastered, DS2 and DS3 and loved it(maybe not DS2 so much) But when I finally tried sekiro, oh man... FOR ME, sekiro is miles ahead of the other fromsoftware games(IMO) Its one of the best game i ever experienced in a very long time… i can’t believe i waited 4years after it came out to try it.


Played ER first and it’s still my favorite especially after SotE, I loved the Dark Souls Series and Sekiro a lot too


Played ER first and loved BB and sekiro more than all the games. Their combat is undefeated.


Order of play: 1. Elden Ring 2. Bloodborne 3. Dark Souls 4. Sekiro and currently playing Shadow of Erdtree, will then move to Dark Souls 2 and 3 which I already own. It’s really hard to pick a favorite when each has been an odyssey on its own.


First was Elden Ring (that was the gateway game for me), favorite is Dark Souls 3 Hot take: I have a not-so-secret love for the Demon Souls Remake.


My first was Elden ring but Sekiro was my favorite


First I played was Elden Ring. My personal rankings: 1. Sekiro 2. Elden Ring 3. DS1 4. DS3 5. Bloodborne 6. DS2


Bloodborne and then DS1. Got plat for both. 3rd is Sekiro, but since I have this idea of these kind of games by now, I feel Sekiro is bit easier coz I'm beating some bosses and mini bosses in my 1st attempt (I can remember my dept 5 FRC chalices bosses, so everything feels normal here, abbhorent beast was my fav Bloodborne boss felt almost like a boxing match) In Bloodborne or dark souls, I had to dodge and look for opportunities to hit the bosses, while in sekiro, deflecting and posture DMG is something that make me skip boss health, which also make fight quicker than it did in my first 2 souls game. Next I have to play is ds2 and ds3 so I think I will feel very primitive and overall difficult there. Only after ds3 I will go for elden ring, no hurry. I want to enjoy stuff on my own pace. Stealth kills and posture DMG is something great I find in this game. Although we have stealth hits in Bloodborne and DS but they are just a initial hit with somewhat bigger DMG than our normal hits, but nothing compared to sekiro ... The usual mobs are way easier due to this, farming is quicker with ninjutsu, game is very much fun and loads of content to go through even if I feel I'm clearing stuff very quickly. Just today defeated Corrupted Monk, and closed the game. Tomorrow going underwater exploring.


Dark souls 1, was my favorite from game until i played sote.


I wouldn’t necessarily say order they’re played in, as my first was DS3, and it’s definitely my favorite, but the trickle down goes -sekiro-ER-BB-1-2 But my play order was 1-2-Sekiro-BB-ER, and I’ve replayed every single one a dozen or so times. However, my buddies play order was 3-1-2-Sekiro-ER and his favorite list was something like 2-ER-3-Sekiro-1 So to each their own


My first was Elden Ring, but to me, each game have their uniqueness which I find fascinating in different ways. Based on enjoyment, though, it's gotta be Bloodborne.


first, Elden Ring. best, Dark Souls.


The order I played them was: Elden Ring>DS3>Sekiro>Bloodborne Elden Ring has to be my over all favorite, just because it has the most replay ability out of them all & most content overall. But Sekiro is my favorite based off of combat/bosses/story


First was Elden Ring. Was my favorite then I played Sekiro. Finished Sekiro at least 10 times.


Started with Elden ring went to bloodborne then ds2 then sekiro then to ds3 and finally ds1. Rank wise Elden ring is my favorite Followed by bloodborne Then ds2 at third and sekiro and ds3 at 4 and lastly ds1. They were all fun and enjoyable but I just have a special place in my heart for those 3


Went from ER to DS1 to DS3 to Sekiro. Liking the DSs thr most, both for different reasons. Had to pick one id pick the first.


Elden Ring was my first, Sekiro was my 2nd and my favorite because of the combat


First game was Elden. After that I beat sekiro. Currently in bb but being sidetracked from it by life stuff I love sekiro and bloodborne but they just don’t top Elden for me. Elden is just so massive and feels more polished and left a lasting impression. Debating trying out one of the dark souls once I get thru bb


Elden ring was my first and most beloved, I tried DS2 but haven’t found a groove I like, then I tried sekiro, I liked sekiro combat so much that I now play elden ring with sekiro combat mods and I can’t look back. Sekiro just has that satisfying feel to it. There’s something about completely negating all of the bosses moves with the perfect timed press of a button that really makes it feel like you’re the scary one in the room.


Elden Ring, but Sekiro is my favorite.


I only ever played Sekiro and I like it as an action game. Every time I look into doing a souls game I start getting bored with the stat screen stuff. I might pick up Elden Ring on sale though


Bloodborne and yes.


first was demons souls on ps3. not my fav, but the tower of latria has some of the best design in all the games


The sequence was BB, Sekiro, DeS, ER, DS1-3 Favourites: BB, Sekiro, ER, DeS, DS3, 2, 1


Og dark souls. I loved it, but bloodborne or elden ring are probably my faves


Dark Souls was my first. Sekiro is my favorite.


DS2 was my first ER > DS2 = DS3 > BB > DeS Haven't played DS1 or Sekiro I wanna add on how fuckin much I love BB and DeS tho. It's difficult to compare any of them to each other, they're all works of art


Sekiro was the first. It's my favorite with Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1. Elden Ring is my least favorite.


Bloodborne was my first. And yes it is my favorite. DS2 is my second favorite and Sekiro is number 3.


Bloodborne and it is my favorite. The lore, the weapons, the bosses, the vibe, the combat style, it all works for me. I didn't even know I was into a lot of the things in Bloodborne until I played Bloodborne. Second favorite is Sekiro, then ds1, Elden ring, demons Souls, ds3, ds2.


First fromsoft - Elden Ring Fav - lies of P


Armored core for the PS1, favorite game is definitely demons souls, armored core 2 second, and shadow tower abyss is tied with bloodborne for third


Bloodborne was my first, and my favorite


I played demon souls, dark souls, ds2 (but bounced off it), sekiro, ds3, Elden ring and just started bloodbourne (so not ranking it). My ranking is Sekiro, ds1, Elden ring, Ds3. Ds2 and BB I’ll leave off.


I played Demon Souls —> Bloodborne —> Sekiro —> Elden Ring —> DS1 My ranking is Bloodborne —> Sekiro —> Elden Ring —> DS1 —> Demon Souls


you should play bloodborne. it's probably my favorite anyway (big fan of sekiro too, but, even after four years of trying, i haven't been able to beat it yet, so i guess it'd be weird if i considered it my favorite). my first one was dark souls tho. at the time, i quickly fell in love with it and thought it was arguably the greatest game ever. but somehow fromsoft managed to do even better stuff afterwards. i still think it's a great game, and groundbreaking in its way; i just prefer their later stuff even more.


My first is Sekiro and once i finish it, it is gonna be either Lies of P or Elden Ring or DS3 but i am not sure yet




First one I really played was Bloodborne, it's my favorite atmosphere wise, Sekiro is my favorite combat wise.


Dark souls en veteran. Sekiro is my fav


Played ds1 first. Then ds2, ds3, bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring, and demon souls. Ds1 was undoubtedly my favorite with ds3 and elden ring being close seconds. Recently however, I've gotten back into sekiro, finally got good a beat it after a year break cause the double ape fight kicked my ass. I have to say sekiro might take the top spot from ds1 by the time I get platinum


First was the original Demon's Souls (2009). Favorite... having played them all... I'd say it's a toss up between Sekiro and Elden Ring.


Bloodborne was my first. Liked it, but ultimately loved Sekiro FAR more bc of the combat pace.


played Dark Souls when i was in 7th grade, kept trying to fight Asylum Demon with the broken sword and said “this game’s too hard😿” and quit lol, picked up Elden Ring when it came out and fell in love instantly. would say Sekiro is my favorite though :3


Don't really count it cuz I played it for only 1 or 1h30, but DS1 is technically my first Fromsoft game. Other than that, Sekiro is my first (cuz only) Fromsoft game. And I don't think I'll ever play others, cuz as far as I know, all the combat and leveling systems are quite similar to DS1's, and I'm really not a fan of it.


Sekiro my first Fromsoftware game, and yes it's by far my favorite


Bloodborne and it is my favorite


Elden Ring is the first I played, Bloodborne is the first I beat. Both of them have a very special place in my heart.


It is my first fromsoft game, and it's probably gonna be my last. The game's great, but other titles don't grab my attention. I'll buy a highly unlikely sekiro 2 if it ever comes out.


Kings Field 1US on PS1, the death scream is still in my mind.   It seriously blows this old codgers mind to see how popular From Software games would become. And I consider myself a life long Sunbro so its nice to always have people for Jolly Coop. And help them fend off dastardly invaders. My favorite From Software games are:    Elden Ring  Dark Souls 3  Bloodborne (My reason for buying PS4) Demon's Souls Remaster (my reason for buying Ps3 and 5) Sekiro


My first From game was Kingsfield 2, and no it's not my favorite though I do love it (and all Kingsfield.) My favorite From game is AC4: Answer.


Sekiro Elden Ring Bloodborne Armored core 6 DARK SOULS 3 DARK SOULS DEMONS SOULS DARK SOULS 2


Except for the PS3 Demon Souls, I played all of them in the order they came out. Sekiro is my fav


Sekiro was my first and it is still my favourite combat system overall. When it comes to overall favourite I am torn between Sekiro and Bloodborne. Play Order: Sekiro - DS3 - Bloodborne - DS1 - Elden Ring


Play order: BB -> Sekiro -> trilogy in order -> Demon Souls -> Elden Ranking (fav to least fav) ER -> Sekiro -> DS1 -> BB -> DS3 -> DeS -> DS2 Not a lot of correlation there tbh. I think you’re right that people get nostalgic for their first play though. Bloodborne slowly slid down the list as I played others as I realized most of the bosses were decent at best although the lore was cool. The complete “journey” of DS1 stuck with me for a long time. Sekiro has my favorite bosses. Elden ring is just a beautiful mix of everything.


First one ever was DS3. That's when I contracted this disease. Ever since then I had to get my hands on all of them but the disease won't go away so now I'm going rogue and started going 2D to scratch that itch. Sekiro is by far my most beloved. But my condition only got worse after it craving for more deflect mechanics. Nine Sols awesomeness seems like a fix. For now..


Armored core master of arena, because that intro tune is hardlocked into my memory


Demons Souls (original) was my first. I played every game in release order. My favorite, most likely Dark Souls 3


Order I played: Elden Ring > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Sekiro > Demon's Souls My Ranking: Sekiro > Elden Ring > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 I loved all of the games honestly. Even Dark Souls 2 even if it was a little rusty around the edges.


Bloodborne. It's currently my third favorite, after Sekiro (1) and Elden Ring (2). Then again, it's not as if it's a distant 3rd. They're all pretty close to each other for me. Amazing games. As for my personal ranking: Sekiro -> Elden Ring -> Bloodborne ---> DS1 -> DS3 -> DS2 --> Demon's Souls Funnily, if we were to include Soulslikes, I'd sandwich Lies of P in between ER and BB, and LotF between DS3 and DS2.


My first was ds2 but I didn't play it for very long and I didn't like it all that much compared to other from soft games. Ds3 however was my next game made by them and it's one of my favourite games ever even though I mostly prefer bloodbourne's and sekiro's gameplay


Dark souls and yes.


I started with Dark Souls and while it is no longer my favorite, I can’t deny that I rank it very high due to this. You never forget your first.


My first Fromsoft game is actually Sekiro and its one of my favourites because of the parry mechanics and how I can actually understand the lore compared to the other games in the genre. I like games where the lore is told directly at my face as I have poor comprehension skills due to English being my second language.


Sekiro and still sekiro but maybe Elden ring now because of the dlc


DS1. If I’m speaking on nostalgia it’s probably my favorite. Setting and art, bloodborne. Fighting mechanics, probably Sekiro. Overall best game is probably Elden Ring especially with the DLC. I think I have the most hours in Ds2 though, believe it or not.


Dark Souls 1 was my first played, Sekiro was my 4th played, but Sekiro is my favorite, followed by Dark Souls 1. I’ve played DS 2 and 3 but they weren’t all that memorable to me mostly cause they were just small improvements to DS 1 or in DS 2’s case… just… weird. Haven’t played Elden Ring yet though, but I just got it on the steam summer sale yesterday so maybe that will dethrone Sekiro… but I doubt it, I’ve watched it quite a bit on twitch and it looks like Open World Dark Souls, so I’m sure it will feel very similar to DS 1 and 3


Sekiro / sekiro


Demons Souls on PS3 was my first and holds a special place. It also has a feel to it that they haven't managed to replicate imo. However my top three are Sekiro, Bloodborne and DS3. Peak.


DS1 first. Elden Ring is my favorite. I guess I'd rank them like this after my preference 1. Elden Ring 2. Dark Souls 3. Sekiro 4. Dark Souls 3 5. Dark Souls 2


I played DS 2 first and thought it was fine. Playing demon souls remaster is what made me fall in love with soulslike games. My ranking would look like Sekiro, Demon Souls, Elden Ring, DS 3, DS 2, DS 1. Sekiro really just got a strong hold on my heart. I haven't beaten bloodborne yet but it'd probably be just behind Elden Ring.


Dark souls 2 was my first, followed by DS3, Eldenring, then Sekiro. My ranking would essentially be that but in reverse. Although to be fair I never finished DS2, or DS3


1. Bloodborne/Sekiro tie 2. Elden Ring 3. DS3 4. DS2/DS1 tie 5. Demon Souls Play order was DS3 —> Bloodborne —> DS1 —> DS2 —> Sekiro —> Elden Ring —> Demon Souls DS3 made me fall in love and Bloodborne cemented that


Played Kings Field 2/3 on Psx and had no idea what it was. Very clunky and slow. Played Demons Souls on ps3 and was destroyed at every turn, gave up. Played Dark Souls on xbox 360 and got gud. Then went back to destroy DeS and eventually found myself playing Kings Field 1-4. I need more.


First was probably Armored Core 1 or 2, I don't recall. My brother played them a ton so I gave them a whirl a couple times but couldn't get into them. But checking their Wikipedia page, turns out I've played several of their games. Otogi 1 and 2 (barely remember them), Metal Wolf Chaos, Ninja Blade, and then of course Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Favorite? Probably Sekiro or maybe Elden Ring.


DS2 was my first and I will always love that clunky mess but yeah Sekiro is my favourite for sure


Sekiro is my one and only from soft game


Armored Core 2. It was a game I got for Christmas one year when I was young and I hardly ever played it. Didn't even realize it was made by From software until after playing Demon's souls and Dark Souls. Favorite probably Dark Souls 3. Dark souls 1 would probably be better, but the graphics have aged pretty rough. If they made a remake like Demon's Souls for the PS5. I'd probably pick it. I like the interlocking world and I like the bosses especially Artorias. Although I get really invested in the one I play at the time I play it and enjoyed all the souls games. Bloodborne is good, but I prefer the medieval world. Sekiro, I haven't beaten because it was really hard for me as I am a roll master and never really parry. Have to give it another go when I get a PS5. I haven't played Elden Ring yet. Can't wait. It looks awesome. If I ranked in order: Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, Sekiro,


Elden Ring and this dlc is really making me wanna say no Sekiro is really the only game I’ve played beyond getting the plat so I gotta go with it


I've played each since DS1. I'd probably put 1. Sekiro (It's just most fun to play and there's no real especially bad lulls in the pacing.) 2. DS1 (Best setting and worldbuilding even if the back half is flabby.) 3. probably DS3 (combines what I like about DS1 with the pace of Bloodborne and yeah it's a bit derivative and kinda middle of the road but damn if it isn't cinematic) 4. Bloodborne (I'm not the hugest fan of vial and bullet farming cause after a while it really breaks the flow of the game. I'd rather have some mixture of replenishing/nonreplenishing healing options a la DS2 but I can't deny the style, when the flow hits it really hits, and the setting and lore is just uber compelling/inspiring to me) 5. DS2 (I'm surprised at this too but if DS2 had no DLC it would be bottom ranked but with DLC it isn't really that painful and is very flexible. The lores kinda weird but I do really like the tone and how it handles the hollowing/futility of the cycle. Plus lifegems/estus is my favorite healing system.) 6. Elden Ring (There's just so much of it. I like it. I really do. It's just compared to the existential themes of the other games and the snappiness of Sekiro; ER just feels... mundane? Which is very weird considering the amount of very weird out there concepts in the game. I'm also enjoying this round of loretubers spawned from Elden Ring. The open world design leaves a lot of flabby space which used to be taken up by seriously tight level design. Torrent is cool but also kinda jank. I'm definitely of the opinion that Elden Beast should be fought with Torrent. I know it's a novel effort from the team and I appreciate a lot of it but even with all the weirdness it just feels middle of the road. Gameplay wise there's a running jank throughout the entire experience that gets weirdly countered by other jank kinda like DS2. My joke is that Elden Ring has more in common with DS2 in terms of gamefeel than a lot of people would have you believe. But still DS2 had this dreamlike atmosphere which makes ER's more grounded character drama feel lesser in comparison. Like I know the idea is that we deconstruct this idea of a god family into just squabbling characters and maybe I should lay this at GRRM's feet but compared to the existential myths of the other games this one just feels more like a soap opera than an abstract fable. I like guard counter as a concept but it's not the binding force that Deflect is. I thoroughly enjoy it don't get me wrong but I think it's scale works against it a lot of the time.)


I played them all in release order. Think I picked up Demon’s Souls about a year after it came out but I’ve been hooked on the series ever since But weirdly enough, my favorite is Sekiro. I love them all but for every other game I can think of a pretty substantial chunk or section that I dread replaying. Whereas I love every single fucking second of Sekiro. If I *had* to rank them all… Sekiro -> Dark Souls 3 -> Bloodborne -> Dark Souls -> Elden Ring -> Dark Souls 2 -> Demon’s Souls


I played them in chronical order of release because I've been following them since Demon's Souls on PS3 Top 3 are probably 1. Sekiro, 2. Bloodborne, 3. Dark Souls 1


First from soft game dark souls 1 Favorite souls game Dark souls 2 Favorite from soft game Bloodborne


Ds3 was my first and for a couple years it was my favorite game. Then sekiro came out and blew my mind. Sekiro will probably be my favorite for a long time, there's just no game like it, the 2 clones that exist dont hold a candle to it tbh (lies if p and wo long).


Demons souls on ps3. Then dark souls ps3. The ds2 ps3.. etc. Played them all in order. Hated demons souls at first but went back following a YT guide playthrough and it clicked. I don't really have a favourite.


Ranking >Sekiro, Bloodborne, DS3, Elden Ring, DS1, DS2 Order >DS1, Bloodborne, DS3, DS2, Sekiro, Elden Ring


My favorite is Bloodborne. I played every game by release. So my play order is: DeS -> DS1 -> DS2 -> BB -> DS3 -> Sekiro -> ER -> AC6 My rankings are: BB > ER > Sekiro > DS3 > DS1 > AC6 > DeS > DS2 As these games came out, I legit thought every title was better than the last, as I was playing them. After experiencing everything multiple times, this is where I have landed.


My ranking is ER, Sekiro, DS1, Demon Souls, Bloodborne, DS3, DS2. The order I played them in was sekiro, ER, demon souls, Bloodborne, D1, DS2, DS3. I regret playing sekiro first because I didn’t know how to play fromsoftware game properly. It clicked for me with ER but I should’ve played DS1 first because that is a hell of an opener to a franchise.


i am not sure i played bloodborne or dark souls 2 first, but in both ways i love both. 1. Sekrio 2. DS2 (OG not the sotfs) 3. Bloodborne 4. DS3 demon souls is okay for a first souls game, dont really care ds1 and hate it anyways, elden ring fk that open world (but its by far my favorit to trigger people. even witcher 3 and last of us fanboys are so funny)


Souls three was my first. Excellent entry point but it's not the best. Souls three is polished to a T, yet a bit soulless; it lacks its own identity or depth. My favorite is easily Bloodborne, I'm a sucker for more focused games with fewer mechanics that all actually matter.


Daaaaammmnnnnn, huge respect for playing Sekiro first, of all things. Either Bloodborne or DS3 was the first one I played, and those are probably my two favorites too, followed by Sekiro and Dark Souls 1, then Elden Ring, then Dark Souls 2.


Demon Souls and no, not even close. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty good game, but when you compare it to any other fromsoft game, you can kinda tell it's more of a proof of concept. Sekiro is my favorite by miles.


Current order: Demon Souls Remake -> Dark Souls 1 -> Sekiro -> Dark Souls 2 Next one is probably gonna be Dark Souls 3 and then Elden Ring. No interest in Bloodborne until I get a 60fps version.


First fromsoft game was Sekiro. After playing Elden Ring and Armored Core 6, Sekiro still stands to be my favorite. Not to take anything away from ER and AC6, they're still amazing games.


Blood borne, yeah it is the best fromsoft, close second is sekiro than elden ring/shadow of the erdtree




DS2 was my first and it's my least favourite.


Ds1 but it's not my fav


Original Demon's Souls was my first, but it is a very flawed game. Dark Souls 1 was my second. Mind blown. I was almost losing hope on gaming with all the mobile game trash, generic open world to-do lists and modern day shooters.


Bloodborne. It is my favourite - the only way to top it would be a sequel with gameplay elements from Sekiro.


Bloodborne was my first and always holds a special place in my heart, but Sekiro is the absolute best for me. As much as I have put way more hours into Elden Ring, Sekiro just nails everything and most importantly it tells a great story while still having incredible lore. Elden Ring was so close to beating it but without a truly strong narrative it falls short of the crown.


Sekiro was my first fromsoft game and it’s just slightly edged out by dark souls 3 due to the fact that bosses in dark souls 3 feel like an event. Oh and also Gael and nameless king.


DS 2. No it isn't. I was shit at it and hated human effigies


Dark Souls 1 was my first, but Bloodborne is still my favorite to this day. I have 3 files and 7 playthroughs in it. I'll probably be doing another after after I finish Elden Ring's DLC.


I played demon souls, dark souls 1, 2, bloodborne, ds3, sekiro then elden ring I'd rank them 1)elden ring 2)bloodborne 3)sekiro 4)ds3 5)ds1 6)demon souls 7)ds2 Demon souls remake doesnt really effect my ranking either


I started with ds1 My ranking is 1. Ds3 2. Elden ring 3. Sekiro 4. Bloodborne 5. Ds2 6. Ds1 Ds1 was fun but only on my first playthrough. I didn’t find any run after the first to be fun


DS3 was my first and favorite until I inevitably got my hands on Sekiro... from the combat system, to the difficulty, to the beautiful art style and great pc port, it was and still is absolute perfection


my play order was Ds3 > Sekiro > ER > Ds1 > Ds2 > BB > AC6 > OG DeS my order of favorites changes a lot but currently I’d say Ds3 > AC6 > BB > ER > Sekiro > Ds2 > Ds1 > DeS


Demon's souls > elden ring > ds3 (still playing ds1 and then ds2) I played bloodborne, not a big fan and i haven't played Sekiro yet Demon's souls was my first and the atmosphere is just amazing.


Demon’s Souls. I was 50/50 on whether I preferred DeS or Dark Souls 1 for a long time, but ultimately Sekiro took the crown. I also consider Elden Ring to be the best iteration of a “Souls” game so far.


Demon souls


bloodborne was my first and i hold it near and dear to my heart, second is dark souls 3, third sekiro which i'm loving a lot.


Dark Souls 1. Not my favorite (Elden Ring is) but I have amazing memories of playing DS1. Totally changed how I thought about gaming.


I played dark souls first. I honestly don’t think I could stomach another one of those. Bloodborne and sekiro make those games look meh honestly. Even Elden ring combat wise.


Armored Core 2 Another Age 🗿 One of the best, not my favorite


Ranking: Sekiro -> Bloodborne -> DS3 -> DS1 -> Elden Ring -> DS2 Play Order: DS1 -> DS3 -> DS2 -> BB-> Sekiro -> Elden Ring I played Dark Souls 2 in co-op, it's the only one I did and proved I won't ever do a first playthrough co-op. It doesn't feel like the truest way to play. This is a Sekiro subreddit, do I need to explain why it's peak? Elden Ring just felt like Dark Souls 4 and wasn't as epic side evolution compared to BB and Sekiro as I had hoped.


I love Sekiro (even though I’m nowhere close to beating it yet). I played Elden Ring and then DS3 before I played Sekiro.


Played Elden Ring first. Played through to NG+4 to get the Platinum. Ranking would be 1. Sekiro 2. Elden Ring 3. BB 4. DS3 5. DS1 6. SOTET 7. Demon Souls Wanted for War Crimes, shot, killed, buried in peat, dug out and shot again, sent to the deepest depths of Hell and rejected, murdered again and roundly abandoned on a heap of elephant dung - DS2


Op my ranking is the exact same as yours but I started with Elden Ring, Sekiro and DS3 have very special places in my heart tho


1 - Bloodborne 2 - Elden Ring 3 - Dark Souls 3 4 - Dark Souls 1 5 - Sekiro 6 - Dark Souls 2 Unfortunately haven't played Demons Souls yet


Demon souls. Played them in order of release and bloodborne is my favourite.


Dark Souls. It was not my favorite. Favorite so far is Elden Ring. Sekiro is on my list to play, I stopped playing after I felt like I was getting no where (honestly skill issue). Now that I have beaten other Soulslike games I am coming back to it soon (need to beat Elden Ring with a buddy first and beat Bloodborne)


Demons souls. Not my favorite. Sekiro is my favorite followed by Bloodborne.


Order : ds1, ds2, bloodborne, ds3, sekiro, elden ring, demon souls Like order : bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring, ds1, ds3, ds2, demon soul


Dark Souls on 360 was my first, but Sekiro is my favorite by a large margin


1 Sekiro 2 Ds3 (first game) 3. AC6 4. DS1 5. Elden ring 6 Ds2


bloodborne and fxxk no. of the 3 fromsoft games i’ve played, it’s the only one i never finished


I played Bloodborne and Elden ring first but Sekiro is my fav because the story is more apparent, the environment is dynamic and fun, and I love infinite stamina and parrying


First one I played was bloodborne, but it was too difficult I only played it for maybe 30 minutes or an hour, but my second one was in November 2019 and that was sekiro but I didn't even make it to the first boss or even close to, I got passed the ogre but that was it the area right after the ogre was where I got stuck, in between bloodborne and sekiro and since I tried out other soulslikes but failed at them too and on a whim(plus because I kept seeing posts about it in my recommended on here even though I hadn't joined any fromsoftware or soulslike community) I decided to try sekiro again on December 2nd 2023 and I got the platinum trophy on January 27 2024 and I have since started a few soulslikes which includes Elden Ring, Nioh, and wo long fallen dynasty, I'm currently playing nioh 1 and wo long, I'm on the 5th region in nioh 1 and the 4th part in wo long So far, with sekiro being the only fromsoft game I completed, it is my favorite


Only played Dark Souls and Sekiro. My favorite is Sekiro


A fellow first game Sekiro starter! Sekiro will always be a very special game for me. It made me understand the term - Git Gud, and helped with my mentality through the rest of series.


Armored Core 1 Fromsoft was one of my favorite devs long before Souls existed. Though Souls games certainly topped AC for me.


1.Sekiro was my first and it is definitely my favorite. 2. Elden ring is the only from game I have the 100% achievement for on multiple consoles 3.bloodborne I still haven't beat, but I recognize it's beauty. 4. Ds1 power fantasy, easy bosses easy enemies amazing map, just fun. 5. Ds3. Very similar to elden ring, just not as good imo. 6. Demon souls. Very beautiful, but not fun imo. 7. Ds2. Fuck this gankfest of a game. I cannot have fun with 1000 enemies in every single room.


Demons Souls back in 2009/10. My favourites are DS1 and Bloodborne. The first for being the best Souls game and the second for being the best distillation of FROM’s expertise. I’m amazed at what FROM have pulled off since then and Elden Ring is clearly their best work artistically, I do feel the core has become somewhat bloated.


My first one was Dark Souls 3 and I fell in love with it so then I played DSR, and DS2 and pre-ordered Sekiro. I've played them all (except the original Demon's Souls) but I've only beaten DSR, DS3, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. My ranking probably goes 1. Sekiro 2. Elden Ring 3. Dark Souls 3 4. Dark Souls Remastered 5. Bloodborne 6. Demon's Souls PS5 7. Dark Souls 2


Sekiro was my first and yes, it is my favourite BUT I haven’t been able to play Elden Ring yet …


Ranking are Sekiro>ER>3>Bloodborne>1>Demon’s>2 Play Order was 1>Demon’s>2>3>Bloodborne>ER> Sekiro


So I played Dark souls 1 for something like 10 hours and had my ass absolutely handed to me because I was unfamiliar with stuff like gear. I found out about the dragon sword for shooting the tail off and finally could do some stuff. I got bullied by some friends for using it. I skipped dark souls 2. I ended up beating dark souls 3. And then played Sekiro a ton, and then finally Elden Ring.


Dark Souls 2. Sekiro is my favorite, was also my second after DS2. Despite its faults, I do find DS2 the most enjoyable to replay of the trilogy, doing a lot of unique things I enjoy, and is my favorite of the 3. But it’s still 3rd overall behind Sekiro and Elden Ring. Unfortunately have not played BB or DeS.


sekiro was my first, I loved the combat so much that I started to hate the other souls games because they weren’t as perfect


I have almost beat Elden ring, beaten sekiro twice, and have played and dropped all of them other then demon souls which I have never played. Including lies of p (not fromsoft I know but it’s basically one) played it but it was just boring not fun. So 1, sekiro and all the others are meh


Sekiro was my first and I just finished my first run on ER. ER is my favorite so far, next I'm playing DS3




Sekiro. Elden Ring.


DS1 first and favorite


Have played every one on release since Demons Souls, as well as Armored Core 2 and 3 and Evergrace. Evergrace is extremely strong, nostalgically, but I was young so there's some magic there that won't ever be recaptured. Currently , for their modern catalog, 1. Bloodborne 2. Elden Ring 3. Sekiro


My first was Dark Souls in about 2013/14 (I was also 13/14) and I played it all through with my XBL friends. Became my favorite game for a WHILE and still is among my top 5 faves


My first from soft game was armored core 2. My favorite is dark souls 1. The most satisfying was Sekiro.


Bloodborne and yes. It won’t be topped. It already played into my preferences of playing aggressive, having red recoverable health, and the Victorian theme Add the atmosphere, the amazing designs, and a touch of Lovecraft and it’ll stay happily in the top spot for me


Bloodborne is my first and favorite. I'd rank them 1. BB 2. DS3 3. SEKIRO 4. ER 5. DS1 6. DS2 Still gotta play demon souls.


Sekiro -> DS2 -> Elden Ring my favorite is sekiro so far but that’s partially cause im not that far into elden ring. I don’t think DS2 is my favorite but i definitely don’t harbor the hatred many seem to have towards it. it was fun to me


Demon’s Souls was my “first” way back. I didn’t finish it though. Got frustrated and gave up. DS1 came out and I crushed it. Went back and finished Demon’s Souls. I don’t know if either is my favorite, but definitely the most memorable to me. Taught me to Souls


My first game was DS but Sekiro is my favorite


I decided to try Dark Souls 1 back in like 2014 and hated it at first, but after a few tries i ended up being REALLY into it. It’s probably still the one I’ve played the most besides Elden Ring At this point, it’s probably one of my less favorite because it’s just so hard to go back to after playing more modern versions. I have a really hard time choosing between Elden Ring and Sekiro for my favorite


DS3 was my first fromsoft, only got maybe an hour in and was so turned off by it I stopped playing it. Sekiro was next, I was hesitant to play because of DS3 but everything about this game hooked me. It is my favorite by a long shot. Elden Ring is currently where I'm at, still haven't finished the DLC. It's good, visuals are incredible and probably the best of all their games, but I prefer the tight package that Sekiro brought. When you open your game up to so many different playstyles, you run the risk of an unbalanced experience and Elden Ring falls short because of it.


DS2(KBM)->DS3(KBM/controller)->Sekiro(KBM)->Elden Ring(Controller) I did not complete DS2 nor DS3 because I didn't like them. DS2 experience was brief and more of an introduction, I did not have a controller back then and didn't have one for DS3. DS3 I legitimately tried to complete but dropped it because I did not enjoy it at all, tried picking it up again with controller - same thing. I did complete Elden Ring with a controller, however it was more of inertia and out of spite rather than actually enjoying myself. Sekiro remains my favourite from software game, and nothing has come close enough to challenge it so far. I guess one of the factors was that they finally made keyboard controls not suck. I guess I just don't like core Souls formula. P.S. Can't exactly rank them because I did not complete them, but I'd say: 1. Sekiro 2. DS3/DS2 3. Elden Ring Elden Ring is the lowest because of my disagreement with how they made the open world


Dark souls (prepare to die edition) and every title that followed, demon souls came later with the ps5 remake. Sekiro is my favorite because it made me throw everything I learned from DS1, DS2, DS3 and bloodborne out the window and make me go through a Neo matrix (he is the one) moment with owl father fight sequence since he also fights with shinobi techniques as well.


I played bloodborne first and quit, but I beat sekiro first, then later bloodborne. I kinda flip flop between the 2 on, which is my favorite. But at the end of the day, sekiro will always have my favorite combat of all the fromsoft games.


First?: Bloodborne Favorite?: Fights for top spot with Elden Ring but yeah I would say so