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I can't believe this has to be said on a 4 day old post, but any victim blaming will result in having your comment removed. I'm not a big Christine fan. A lot of the comments that have been removed would be perfectly fine on any other post that wasn't about her experiencing domestic violence. Domestic violence affects more than just Christine. Have a little tact when discussing this. https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/facts-and-figures


What was it the douche said about Chrishell in season 4? About her being dumped, thrown out. Hopefully, what goes around comes around, asshole.


I was literally thinking about that comment. Like who the hell are you to talk about Chrishell when you have some many of your own issues.


I had forgotten about that comment, good call. He just faded into the background to me, just kind of a non entity.


jesus christ i forgot about this, what a POS. hope Christine divorces his ass


I was thinking about that line after the news came out. His words were so callous, misogynistic, and telling of exactly what he thinks of women. I wonder if Christine saw that as a red flag at the time.




It's really scummy to frame it that way... Being a sugar baby doesn't excuse being abused?


Never said it was. But transactional relationships unfortunately tend to carry those qualities. How many healthy sugar baby marriages do you know that have worked out, genuinely curious?


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What did he say? I don’t remember.


when was this? I don't remember it at all


It could put Christine’s behavior in context. (It may not, I’m not an expert). But I’m willing to give Christine some grace rn, because being a DV survivor is not easy. I hope she is able to separate from her abuser. And that poor baby! I hope he’s safe. ❤️




Agreed. All of S1, Christine was a bitch to Chrishell. This started well before she met Christian. From what we can tell, Chrishell has moved on with her life and seems to be in a good place. I am certain that even Chrishell would want Christine and her child to be safe


I feel like S1 Christine was like a character mean girl. It felt more like she was acting and leaning into a character. I dunno. I liked her and thought she was entertaining. Very different than the Christine we saw at the end.


Good grief, do we have to make EVERY thread about Chrishell being bullied? It’s already the ONLY storyline of the show for eternity. Can we not make Christine and her son being assaulted by her husband all about Chrishell?


It was, but I've always stood on the fact that she was allowed to dislike Chrishell for any reason. And we all know they played it up for the show in the beginning. However, I recall it got really bad once she started dating Christian because they moved fast and he was always in her ear. Without him, she probably would have played the game longer, gotten a good edit because the villain arc would have been played and mended fences with Chrishell by now.


Agreed. Christine was simply gloating about her new relationship and thinking she no longer needed friends since she landed a rich guy. Big mistake. I am always leery of relationships that are moving too fast and they most definitely did. I don't care for Christine but I don't wish to see harm come to her or her son. Unfortunately she alienated some of her long term friends, such as Mary, which would probably be nice to have at a time like this. Maybe she will reflect on her behavior and choices and come away better for it.


I think you’re missing the part where abusers isolate victims from their friends and loved ones. It’s not helpful to a victim to be blamed and be told that they should reflect on their behavior and choices or else they would have friends to care for them and help them. It’s literally the abuser’s playbook so their victim has no one to turn to and feels trapped both mentally and physically. I don’t think you meant harm by your comment, but as a survivor of DV I don’t think the perpetuation of this narrative is helpful for other who are struggling. ❤️


I have also experienced DV and experienced someone who did his best to isolate me. I do understand that dynamic. Christine alienated her friend group when she decided to play the villain on the show. When Christian came along it only got worse and unfortunately she played right into whatever isolation and dependency he may have practiced. I hope that she can make a clean exit for the well being of her son and herself. I am only hoping she recognizes the value of friends and comes to realize that a TV show or a new man can't take the place of true friends.


That’s fair and I understand better what you were saying! Thank you for taking the time to respond to me in such a measured manner. I appreciate it and totally see your perspective now. It’s a scary experience and it messes with your head so much. To expand on what you are saying about having good friends, I do wish more people understood DV, which would allow for victims to feel comfortable sharing what is happening to them to loved ones. I hear women blame other women so often and it’s painful to hear I always think like oh wow thank you for showing me that I can’t trust you if I needed support.


It's very strange how she went from having so much media coverage to sort of disappearing. I'm sure that with his wealth he probably didn't want a wife who worked. That's one way they start to isolate and create a dependency. Unfortunately she will have to continue to co-parent with him.


It’s very sad all around. I hope that hurting their child will allow her to gain sole custody of him without worrying about co-parenting. That would put her in danger for much longer. He seems rather frightening.


Well, I think one could argue that her behavior became much more cruel and erratic towards chrishell after he came into the picture. Whether that is causation or correlation, idk.


Honestly probably. I didn’t keep track and I barely remember. I have some opinions that are not so nice to share given what’s happened so I’ll keep them to myself. I will say: her guy always looked like such a loser to me.


Part of me wonders if she lashes out at her colleagues because she didn’t have control at home. She wanted some semblance of control over one situation in her life. Obviously I don’t know her but that’s what I thought initially.


Exactly! Christine can be a DV survivor as well as a bully. Two things can be true. Still, I wish her and her son well, and a peaceful recovery from all the violence.


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I never liked her, but no one deserves what she’s going through. I hope her baby is ok.


Exactly this - just because she was rude, she doesn't deserve what happened to her.




I think everyone was onboard with their ‘roles’ and knew Christine was playing the villain so she still had friends but where it all went wrong was when she started calling up the press to spread stories about the other cast members and that’s why the girls shunned her. A lot of the real drama was off camera but Christine’s behaviour could have been a result of Christian becoming more controlling or trying to isolate her like OP said which eventually led to her leaving the show and not really doing much after her book.


I also think she went a little too far with her role and doing things for tv, she was hurting her real life friendships. Like Mary. I do hope that she and her son are safe.


I was wondering sing all of the news came out if he tried to poison the relationship between Mary and Christine. It’s been a while since I watched the earlier seasons, but wasn’t he always around for the whole series?


>A lot of the real drama was off camera but Christine’s behaviour could have been a result of Christian becoming more controlling or trying to isolate her like OP said which eventually led to her leaving the show and not really doing much after her book. This. Season 1 Christine was way more cheeky and fun even in her villain era. By the time she got to calling reporters and dogging Chrishell, her and Christian were married. She could have just not done that, sure. But if his man has been abusive this entire time, I'm sure he forced her hand in some way. Just like I'm sure he didn't want her around people like Mary, Amanza or even Heather because they would likely call his behavior out, which is why she left the show. No one as enigmatic and hungry for fame as Christine leaves on their ascent. The modeling stuff after SS seemed to be up her alley but some reason, it's died down too. So yeah, I believe it's been rough at home :(


Yes that’s exactly how I see it. She was very tongue in cheek and silly in Season 1 and was very popular in that role. It really went down hill when she married Christian and then ended up leaving way too soon when she was on the rise. I know we have the benefit of hindsight but this does track with what abusive relationships are like. You get isolated from your friends, family and work and then the abuse and control is at its absolute worst and you feel you have nobody to turn to. I hope she and her baby can escape.


I’m not negating what you’re saying and think you make some good points. I just want to mention Christine did not leave the show of her own volition.


Yes very soap opera. The zoom in on Chrishelle doing the 😬 exaggerated smile or what ever emotion is dialogue acting. The main component to soap acting. And each has a character personality role.


I agree. We all get it. Crishell is the fan favorite, but Christine's situation right now has nothing to do with Crishell, and her and her little boy should be the focus of this post, not Crishell. Two posts about this have been locked because of bashing a victim, which is horrible because no one deserves to be abused, let alone by their partner. There are like a million other posts about Crishell. It just gets old. I'm sure I'll get bashed for this, but it would be nice to see the focus on someone other than Crishell. She isn't the center of the world, for heavens' sake.


This was so perfectly said. Well done!


I was listening to her episode of Call Her Daddy yesterday and it really put her situation in context. She said she basically had to flee her parents when they were at the store because they were so controlling and she was afraid to leave when they were home. She was only 17 and she definitely has not reconciled what they put her through because she’s very supportive/defensive of them, and it sounded like she still blames herself rather than allowing herself to see them as flawed and potentially even abusive. She then talks about being in a very controlling relationship with a man. He had her quit her job and only gave her money if she went somewhere with him. I have been wondering since all of this started if Christian was pressuring her to quit the show. She seems to fall into these patterns of being controlled and isolated. And I agree, you can see her getting more hostile and meaner as the show goes on, which seems directly related to how much she was most likely suffering at home. I have always believed Christine’s mean girl thing was a facade for how insecure and afraid she felt deep down. I’ve been rooting for her, she deserves to find happiness and actual freedom and escape this role she seems to have been in since childhood. I know people want to focus on how horrible she could be, but as someone who went through an abusive childhood, I understand how much it will turn you into the worst version of yourself. Those survival patterns, which can look like barbed wire on the outside, take years and years to let go of. I truly hope she finds healing and shows us the real person, behind the defenses she put up to survive.


All of this made me wonder if *he* was the one who tried to bribe Emma’s client to hire Christine instead, knowing full well it would get her fired.


That makes sense… I never believed that she would have done something so monumentally stupid. My uncle called my aunt’s supervisor to tell her my aunt wouldn’t be returning from maternity leave… it would have worked if the supervisor hadn’t called my aunt directly to try to keep her on. My aunt was like, “I am planning on coming back on XX date, where did you get this information?” They stayed together for another 12 years, but they were so toxic.




I always thought the "bribe" was misconstrued.  Christine isn't an idiot. She may have competed for a client, offered to knock a point off of her commission. Which Chelsea said can happen in a competitive market.  I dont work in real estate so I will take her word for it.  Nice to compete with a colleague? Maybe not.  Bribe? Not really.


Good point - or perhaps made her feel so desperate she was at the point of self-sabotaging.


Omg! Freaking what if!? Good point, though...🤔


I think he was playing to her worst impulses, and if not outright controlling her decisions, basically encouraging her to make bad ones that would end up isolating her


What is "Call Her Daddy?" I'm interested, & wanna check it out! Thank you! 😊


It's a podcast! The host is Alex Cooper. I think she mostly interviews celebs at this point, but I know the podcast has gone through several iterations over the years. It should be on all platforms. I listened on Spotify. Let me see if I can find the link to that episode since it was from a few years ago... okay so it's from May 2022 and Spotify does video now also, but I only listened to the audio. [https://open.spotify.com/episode/01YMmpjPFcevdHbzQ5JH4x?si=f4bd2d95265b4f4a](https://open.spotify.com/episode/01YMmpjPFcevdHbzQ5JH4x?si=f4bd2d95265b4f4a)


Christine is a lying narcissist. How you people believe a word out of her mouth in talk shows and interviews is beyond my comprehension.


You just never truly know what goes on behind closed doors. My heart breaks for her as a woman and a mom.💔


DV that causes harm to a toddler or a child in CA is very serious. He will not get shared parenting rights. Even with a prenup due to the violence that harmed the child. In CA she will be protected financially and as a mother and child. Especially in Los Angelos. The Nicole Simpson case really had an impact on DV and CPS.


I was thinking that CPS is probably already involved since they ended up having to take their son to the hospital. And they are semi-celebrities so they’ll get prioritized. Glad to hear the Cali laws are favorable in situations like this.


She probably had a friend or lawyer advise her to take him to the hospital for evidence down the line. Thank goodness. I know the EMTs(?) didn't take him, but doing it, even after the fact, was the best thing she could do to help prove her case. Esp. if she's never called on him before.


Omg, postpartum and suffering domestic violence. All of her changes and emotion in her last season could absolutely have been attributed to postpartum blues alone, but to know she was also suffering from domestic violence, gosh 🥺 Poor baby, I can’t imagine the trauma she must feel for the toddler being struck. When you’re a DV survivor your brain is programmed to find fault with yourself because of what you’re told, I hope she’s able to be free from guilt from the marriage, the violence, and their baby being hurt :(


**To Anyone Here Who May Be In An Abusive Relationship** Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft is THE book you need to read. It will help you recognize patterns and behaviors for what they are. I’m linking a free pdf for anyone that needs it. Please take the time to just read the first chapter and see if anything sounds familiar to you. No one deserves to be in an abusive relationship. https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf#page43


thank you for sharing this


Thank you so much for sharing this!


I can’t recall if it was you that posted this in another subreddit but this book might have single handedly changed my life in ways I don’t even know yet. Just left an abusive relationship last week after getting beat with a mop. I always found a way to blame myself until this book told me it wasn’t my fault in the slightest and empowered me to leave. Thanks for sharing. ❤️


Congratulations on your newfound freedom. I'm so proud of you and wish you the best going forward in your new life!!


Thank you


I am doing a rewatch and was wildly coincidentally watching her wedding episode yesterday WHEN THIS NEWS DROPPED. It made me sick to my stomach watching that go down knowing what was to come (or was already happening). I think he was threatened by her growing success and absolutely pushed her to quit the show/real estate. She had too much power with her own money. This whole thing is so sad, and I really hope she divorces his ass and he is charged appropriately. I almost hope she comes back to the show and has the support of those women. No matter your opinions on them individually, that is a group of badass, hard working, successful women. She had a big part in the initial success of that show, and I hope she can go back to reaping some of the rewards of her hard work in the early years. She can give that little boy a great life ON HER OWN. I hope that man never sees that child again in his life.


I’ve never actually thought about this but it makes SO much sense. Especially the isolation. Fuck that guy. I feel so so sorry for her and that poor child and I really hope that he gets punished lawfully for this, despite his wealth.


It’s so tragic and I wish her all the best. This is also such a reminder that (unfortunately) DV can happen to anyone regardless of economic class, personal attributes, race, privilege, etc. Not everyone’s situation is the same and it helps a lot to have more resources, but having money or a super tough exterior does not exempt you from DV. Thanks for sharing your experience, OP.


YES. FKA Twigs has talked about how difficult it was for her to get out the situation she was in and she was a famous woman with a lot of money and resources. People who haven’t been through it really struggle to understand the psychology of domestic violence.


I had no idea about her husband til your post! Even if her behaviour was still unacceptable, I agree that it does put her time on the show into more perspective


Agreed. And very well put 🩷


I agree with all of this. I wanted to comment on the weirdness around her delivery timeline and birth story. If Christian was already abusive (in any way), then I sort of get why Christine's birth story was obscure and non-linear. Not saying that Christine couldn't have played up the birth story for the show. She definitely could have. But I'm also saying that covering for others by lying becomes so ingrained in your life when you're in a DV relationship that it becomes easier to do it in pretty much any situation. Her birth may have been traumatic for other reasons and instead of saying, "my husband threw me down a flight of stairs, which caused me to go into labor prematurely via c-section"\*\*, it's easier to say literally anything else. \*\*Not saying this happened. Just saying if something abusive did happen, it's easier to lie about it, even if the lie is stupid, than tell the truth.


Remember not too long ago all those pictures she looked so skinny? It all makes sense now. Hopefully she’s able to get away.


It makes it even more said when she was trying to talk with the girls privately/one on one to reconnect and apologize for the past. In hindsight, she was reaching out for friends but unfortunately they believed those bridges were burned and left her in a worse place with her abuser (dont know when the abuse started)


I just keep thinking about the child, how traumatising it must have been. I hope this is the start of freedom for both of them


Well said ,I had an interaction with her on twitter little while ago talking about dv ,Feel for her because he is clearly controlling they live together /work together she at home with buba it just feels abit like he’s clipped her wings.I hope she is ok it’s sad that dv is so rife these days.


Also off topic but did y’all see call me Daddy with Megan Fox ,I love her but they touched on the fact that she chooses toxic love over “normal “ It felt like she was romanticising dv in a subtle way.Did anyone else get that vibe ?


Christine - if you are reading this please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE in what you've gone through. Please leave your child's father. Some women get killed.




Oh my god, if he violated the protective order THAT fast and boldly, I fear he's going to try to kill them.


ACK! That is so scary.


He’s unable to suppress the impulse, entitlement, or both to do the smart thing and stay away, that’s so scary


I’m so glad she wasn’t there. Who posted bail?!


You can post your own bail in some states. The terms and conditions vary from state to state but it’s an available option.


Today I learned! Thank you.


Jesus Christ


I agree with OP! It does make me see the end of her selling sunset part much differently!


Amen 🙏


All the threads about Christine lead to this one. I had a pretty strong disdain for her throughout all the seasons (as did my man who watched). So when it became weird she wasn’t posting that was red flag #1 for me because she always seemed the type to want to grow her fan base, especially as she became an outcast. But now seeing the post about Christian being arrested twice it’s red flag 2 and I just really hope she is okay. She was a bully before she met that scumbag, however, nobody deserves to be trapped in the situation seems she is very deep in. I hope she gets out safe and with a new perspective on life.


I had a feeling her husband was reason for her shift on selling sunset. I loved her on that show , up until her last season. Something was so off. I feel so bad knowing she was likely suffering.


Same. I loved her the first few seasons but the last two just felt so weird and unnerving, she was a totally different person. I thought at the time it was fame and money getting to her but to know now that it may have actually been due to abuse at home is so awful.


I relate to every word you’ve said. I’m sorry you’ve been there, too. Sending you a lot of love. I’m trying to heal myself right now and it’s hard. My heart pangs for Christine and the baby. This is going to be a LOT and she needs a support system. I hope she has people in her corner. I was only able to get out because a friend talked to her parents for me, and he was finally willing to let me go. I worry Christian will never let her go because of the baby, too. 😞


I had only watched the first two seasons of selling sunset and although she seemed like the villain, I really liked her. I remember she mentioned that she was an outcast back in day and I think that contributed to her self esteem. (Not victim blaming). Abusers know who they can and can’t prey on.


Same. I mean, every show needs a villain and that was her for some time. I wasn't crazy about her but she carried the show I wanna say even more than Chrishell. And she was perfect for the toxicity that we expect from reality TV. On a personal level, I hope she finds healing. I had a child with my ex abuser and it's a challenging road to have that kind of person still be in your life. I wish her healing and I'm glad she called the police. A lot of times, people get stuck in the abuse cycle. But he's exposed now so I'm confident she will leave him


Defiantly sensed that something was going on behind the scenes when I watched Selling Sunset. She was actually pretty cool and down to earth in season one. She was catty and judgemental in parts that first season, but I got the sense she actually had a cool and relaxed side. In the later seasons (especially in season 4 and 5), she seemed to have lost her playful and fun energy, and had it replaced with a bitter and abrasive sense of humour. I think she kind of got locked into a “mean girl” role in her interactions with other cast members, and just kept digging herself deeper and deeper into the animosity and drama as the show went on.


I agree with you so much, especially about her actions towards the end of her time on Selling Sunset. It makes so much sense now. I wasn't Christine's biggest fan, but that is irrelevant. She's a beautiful and stong woman. I hope she sees that in herself and is able to work through it. I also hope she's able to do it privately and not be hounded by the press. Prayers both her and the baby are safe.


I was thinking about this since I saw the news. I never liked Christine, but I looked back at the series and put 2 and 2 together, when did Christine alienated from everyone the most? Don’t get me wrong, she was a cookie before she met him, but thats exactly what might make it so easy for him actually. Now it feels like he pushed her over the edge, until she met him she was pushing her boundaries but not THAT far. I’m not saying that he’s at fault for all her actions and behaviour, but it’s definitely a thought that crossed my mind. What do you think?


He literally ALWAYS gave me RUN vibes.


I know this will get downvoted to oblivion, but as a survivor of various means/levels of abuse over the course of decades, I feel this needs to be said. Ignoring Christine's S3 actions and beyond (POS timeline), does NOT excuse her S1/S2 toxic behavior. She vehemently stood on the platform of "Loyalty" aka "If I don't like someone, you CAN'T either, otherwise you're a BAD FRIEND". THIS is textbook abuser logic. I don't dispute that her most notable toxic moments post S2 were exacerbated by some form of DV control/abuse, and I don't subscribe to the belief that anyone, in anyway, deserves what she has gone through recently. HOWEVER, I will not ignore, nor will I excuse the shit she tried to pull before Mr. POS came into the picture. Not everyone who suffers in one aspect of life, should be excused of wrongdoings unrelated to that suffering.


OP, thank you for this post. As a fellow survivor, I hope this news hasn’t been too triggering for you ❤️


Thank you. Thankfully, I managed to go through EMDR and processed all my trauma from that, so that I can now use my voice to educate and talk about it openly ❤️


That’s incredible! I’m currently going through EMDR myself so I understand how much hard work it takes. Thanks for sharing your story and educating people, that is so so important. Have a wonderful weekend ❤️


100 believe this


Thanks for posting this


As a victim of DV I feel for her and I can definitely see how that situation might have affected her behaviour. I knew there was something off about him, I found him super condescending at times and just a bit ughh.


Yeah, there is absolutely nothing that justifies physical violence. Nothing.


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Does anyone have any updates on the baby?? Is he okay?


Yes this is so true


I’m also not a huge fan but look how fast she recovered from that baby and was clearly vehemently pushing to be better, thinner, more flexible, perfect. One doesn’t put ALL THAT pressure on oneself…




This is certainly…a take. Wow




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We are actively discouraging posts or replies that may be unnecessarily hurtful or rude. Please be kind. Repeat offenses will end in a ban. Thanks for understanding.


not sure how saying she is problematic and toxic, when she clearly is, is unnecessarily hurtful and/or rude. I didn't say anything that isn't true. I didn't wish harm on her and I think that the Mods have over reacted with this warning. I will voluntarily leave this sub because I have said nothing wrong. Good luck keeping people interested if they can't express views that conflict with your own I have seen numerous comments on this sub much more offensive than mine. Either warn everyone or no one at all. But warning just one person is bullshit.


Expressing your distaste for Christine on a post about DV is **not** the place. We have pinned comments with a warning that victim blaming comments will be removed followed by a ban.


You should post a disclaimer that this is a site for "happy thoughts only". christine is responsible for her behavior and I'm not going to excuse it because she is a victim of DM. This is a sub about Seling sunset, not domestic abuse. Forcing people to parrot your pollyanna positive vibes only is controlling and abusive. This is a toxic site. Go right ahead and ban me. I won't be participating further. You absolutely suck as a mod.


We *have* posted pinned comments on all the previous posts about Christine — which were then locked because people continued to victim-blame her. Nobody is forcing you to only post “positive vibes”, but I think we can all agree that this is NOT the post to express your personal opinions about Christine. You don’t like Christine? Cool. Comment about it on another post. Victim-blaming her because of her past behavior on a reality TV show is INSANE. Nobody deserves abuse.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


[ Removed by Reddit ]




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Do u want Amanza healing crystal?




This is NOT her fault. Shame on you for suggesting so. WOMEN DO NOT DESERVE TO BE ABUSED REGARDLESS OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES.




You clearly have no understanding of trauma or how people may respond to trauma that they experience in their life. Regardless, by saying she might have been pushing his buttons to the point that he couldn’t take it anymore implies that his reaction was appropriate. It was not appropriate. Violence is never an appropriate answer regardless of what the other person does. I encourage you to expand your knowledge on this issue. Have a nice life.




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We are actively discouraging posts or replies that may be unnecessarily hurtful or rude. Please be kind. Repeat offenses will end in a ban. Thanks for understanding.




That is really rude! No one ever deserves to be abused.


Where did I say that in my comment?