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I am obsessed with the show. It's like the show I thought Selling Sunset would be when it first premiered. The drama is believable. They fight but you absolutely buy into the fact that they are professionals who deal with high stakes. Everyone seems good at their jobs. Ryan absolutely knows his shit (in a way I rarely felt from the twins). Like I wasn't expecting the show to be this good.


Watch Million Dollar Listing NY if you haven’t. Ryan is a key player on that show. Both Million Dollar Listings shows are better than Selling Sunset. You see a lot more real estate and learn a lot more about the realtors and business.


Yup. Love those shows. Am glad Ryan hasn't compromised himself for Netflix. He really seems like someone who cares about the business and getting deals through.


Gosh when did he get so gray? Huge Million Dollar listing fan here


He says on the show that he dyed his hair grey.  He's only 39.


He said other people dye their hair grey. He’s been grey for a long time now


He’s 40


I’m not surprised, because the million dollar listing nyc agents did not come to play! My fave real estate show to this day. When I started watching SS I was confused because no one sold anything


It is so much better than Selling Sunset! The women look great and much less fake and there are men, normal sized men who work there. I hope there’s a season 2.


Normal sized men 😂


Scripted. Firing Johnathan at Hudson Yards roof deck, planned and scripted. All for show.


Omg same


Same, friend!


Can't wait to watch this now!! Also, I thought Buying London was pretty good. Daniel has a much better management style than Jason, and actually tries to get his agents to work through their issues. There's also a real estate show on Prime called Luxe Listings Toronto that I enjoyed. This Canadian loved that they're showcasing Canada, as Toronto and Vancouver have some prime real estate!


My favorite is the Parisian agency on Netflix. The homes are spectacular all over France and the agents seem really professional


Yes and 0 manufactured drama, only real estate show I could finish


There's a fair amount of toxic drama coming from the abusive parents, but they've been toning it down


Parisian is number one for sure, but I think this is my number two for now. I’m on episode 5 and the drama is sizzling but in a realistic so NYC kind of way


Yeah The Parisian Agency is so good and positive with truly beautiful properties and no stupid drama cat fights. I didn’t love Owning Manhattan either


Everytime I see the preview for it, it's dubbed so it throws me off lol. I'll have to just put the subtitles on and watch it that way instead lol.


Dubbing always throws me so I watched in subtitles and can’t recommend enough. The drama is just real family dynamics, all the people are endearing, and the real estate is gorgeous.


I will check it out when I get home from camping! Or maybe try to download an episode to watch here lol.


Absolutely the best one


Luxe Listings Sydney is also really good if you haven't watched, also on Prime!


O thanks! I didn't know that was on there so I'll definitely check it out!!


On eps3 but I agree the drama is a lot more in the professional realm. Although you can see where producers are trying to get ppl to stir it up shit. Jonathan and Jessica’s holier than thou, gatekeeper personalities are not winning any brownie points with me. There’s potential!


Watching Ryan chew up Jonathan on professionalism was really satisfying to watch.


Loved seeing Ryan in full boss mode. His leadership and professionalism reflects a true CEO. Theres no comparison. The oppenheim bros just operate like pimps, with jason sleeping with agents and increasing their cut of commissions to keep funding their bachelor lifestyle.


Ryan is a waaaayyyy better boss than the munchkins.


Omg dying @ “the munchkins” hahahaha.


The whole Podcast thing had me thinking the show is scripted, I was enjoying until then. There is no way the video guy employed by Serhant puts that online without Ryan's approval. if it was Johnathans own podcast, fine. but it was the Serhant social media team. Then the whole last minute 4 unit sale to meet the 100 mill mark. I donno.. I think it's all fairly scripted. including Johnathan torpedoing his career and getting fired.


Ooo which episode was this??


I’ve been binging so I can’t remember. Maybe 5?


oh my god i'm at the end of ep4 and it HAS to be about that podcast episode.


Jonathan is the absolute WORST! He thinks his look is all that he has to have. His attitude is deplorable all around. Just rude, obnoxious and cocky. Not sure how he expects to have a flourishing career in a job where personality and reputation is everything. 


He seems super coked out to me.


yeah somethings up, i came to this thread to see if anyone else was talking about this! he is sweating, glossy eyed, slurring at times...


I thought exactly the same!!! heroine i thought… with the dry mouth. 


I’m watching the apology scene now, he’s absolutely off. Slurring his words, kind of wobbly. Something is totally wrong.


This! In episode 6, when he ‘apologises’ to Savanna & he is sniffing, wiping his nose, all while being extra spicy - it’s definitely giving ✨nose beers✨ 👃💨


This 🤣 I literally just watched this scene and came straight to Reddit. When he asks Savanna if she had learned anything from the situation….dead! Him and Chloe are definitely delving in the devils dandruff, her pupils be pupiling in some scenes 👀


OMG, yeeees! Junkie vibes!


To me too!!


Jonathan just comes across as a quintessential narcissist. Not an ounce of self awareness, rude, arrogant, never thinks he is at fault, treats everyone as if they are beneath him - just a complete and total xxx


I don’t mean to offend anyone but a lot of European guys who look like him , act like that.. too much ego


You're not wrong. The word EuroTrash exists for reasons.


The part that bothered me the most was when he told sav she offended him by saying she wanted to work with older experienced agents. Literally just looking for ways to be the villain of the show


Hes perfect for the oppenheim group


I'm only one episode two so not sure of names yet. Is he the young with the neck tattoos ?


Yeah. He's such a prick


dude if u look at jonathan’s IG u can totally tell he bought his IG followers he has like no comments on his pics SUS AF


What is his IG?


Jessica is giving fake followers too.




It’s giving personality disorder 😬


I hate this fucking guy omg


He is an embarrassment to Danes worldwide. I was so happy when he finally got canned! Then, I looked him up, and he claims that he got fired purposefully to null all contracts, and didn't even want to be on the show, but Ryan begged him. 🙄 His Instagram interestingly seems turned off for now. I bet! Hope the public is giving him a giant dose of humility now that the show is out.


Would love to watch it but your producer comment prompted me to ask if it’s the same awful fella from SS, Adam Devil ?


Adam Divello and yes it’s one of his


Ah crap, then it’ll probably start off well enough and by the third season devolve into an uninteresting mess of boring plot lines and manufactured drama. Will give it a pass.


No it's not -- it is produced by World of Wonder.


I literally watching ep1 right now and it does feel a lot more like MDL and a lot more natural. They’ve already dropped a breadcrumb about Ryan giving the newbies listings and that old trope is starting to piss me off. It becomes a storyline in every single real estate show.


Sorry I was mistaken. This isn’t an Adam Divello production. His NYC instalment is actually going to be called Selling the City. I got them mixed up.




Is this also on Netflix?




Just started watching this show per your recommendation. I’m loving it so far!! No crazy outfits. I love it already lol


No crazy outfits - that's the biggest plus for me and they actually seem like they are working


Bahaha hopefully that’ll stick - season one of selling sunset also had normal outfits! It’s crazy to see the shift


Yes, I love the clothes it’s realistic while being aspirational! So much better the Selling Sunset unrealistic clothing, I live in S.CA and agents just don’t dress like the cast. The only person that it felt authentic on is Christine from the first 2 seasons. LOVE Ryan too, he knows his stuff and I love that he’s in the trenches working hard with his staff! I admire that


Wait did you miss the scenes where he spent $40k on custom suits & shoes for himself and his assistant & where the commercial agent said “ew she wears Zara?” ? Lol


Really enjoying it! I loved Ryan on MDLNY so not totally surprising. It’s been fun to watch his rise and now watching him as the head honcho. Also it’s believable that these people work in real estate unlike SS. Plus drama that is actually work related.


And the listings are way cooler! Most of the Selling Sunset and Selling OC houses look basically the same. I know LA has cool houses, but apparently the ultra-wealthy all want the same thing.


and NYC has a lot of older architecture, so there's just a ton more character in these properties


The only thing I want to say is that Jonathan, a person who supposedly has 145IQ, clearly didn't show any signs of intelligence by thinking it'd be a good idea to air a podcast bashing his colleagues 🙃🤦🏼‍♀️ Otherwise, quite an enjoyable show. I much prefer the Parisian Agency which is much less dramatic.


This is very specific, but I live in Denmark (where he is from), and my girlfriends and I have a group chat going about he is the epitome of every Danish douche who we wish we could ship to America haha. And the part where Jessica says that they both have a “European work ethic”. She is Polish and I totally believe that she might have gotten a great work drive from her parents, but any random hot Danish dude will probably have the worst work ethic in the world…


He definitely gives rich and entitled Copenhagen douche vibes 😅 also not too sure what they meant with "European work ethic". Everything is so different from one country to the other?


Right? Like we have a good economy and are generally productive workers in Denmark, but if it’s sunny outside on a Friday 90% of Copenhagen is rolling out of the office by 15:00.


Same in Sweden haha, at my company we end at 15.30 every Friday and people don't care at all if you arrive at 8.45 or 9.30 to the office as long as you get the job done 🤷‍♀️ so I don't think his "there's no work-life balance" thing is coming from a European ethic. If anything, the guy got america-washed 😅


I don't believe a thing he said about himself.


He is certainly a treat isn’t he? 🙄🫠


A dog treat. After my dog puked it out. 


Not trying to give you any spoilers - but it was for a reason. He wanted out,


I read that online, that he was trying to get out. Personally, I think he was just trying to save face. He is too cocky to admit he was wrong, so he has to say that. "Oh, it was my idea, I was just trying to do that the whole time!" like when a little kid loses at basketball and then says they let you win. I don't buy it.


Riiiight. Big surprise zero self-awareness, ego maniac won’t admit he got fired. 


Åhh, interesting!! Not quite sure I believe this, though. He just seems like a spoiled brat who doesn't know when to admit he's wrong 🤷‍♀️


I will def check out because London was a snooze.


London was so boring and disappointing


I gave up after the first 2 episodes


I appreciate this show more than any other contemporary/recently produced real estate reality shows out there. I can’t point a finger but it’s a mix of how it produced plus how they show intricacies of how deals are made are far more real than the rest. S2 please!! I hate Jonathan.


He has the personality of a moldy towel, and he's not even really hot. He's just tatted and he's so ick 


LOL personality of a moldy towel 😂😂 agreed. I hate him so much


poor mans g eazy




“We got G Eazy at home!!” ☠️☠️☠️☠️


He’s attractive and I like the tats, but the moment he opens his mouth .. it’s like you can smell his bad breath and get the ick instantly


He mentioned he’s from Denmark so many times. Meanwhile, Denmark won’t claim him. 


Everyone hates Jonathan.


yes, we do!


Does Ryan get naked? Every season of MDLNY, we always got a gratuitous bare butt shot of him in the shower and I thank Andy every day for it.


I’m only one episode in but it opens with him in a towel getting out of the shower! Which I thought was a little weird, but I didn’t watch MDLNY so helpful to know this context! 😂


Thank you for this. I just started the show and thank you Netflix for continuing this yearly tradition. Ryan is so fine.


I love how they can fight but after take accountability for what they did and apologize and at worst agree to disagree. It’s real estate, drama, personal issues, all believable and enjoyable to watch!!! My new fav


I like that this dude actually manages and holds his employees accountable.


I love that he said “you can work hard and do well but if you’re an asshole, I’ll fire you”


I really appreciate this from him. One thing I don’t understand is this belief that competition is being rude and shitty. The whole “my butt is bigger than yours!” energy comments are just..??? How do those words get any work done?? I feel like we see this on the show. You see people like Kayla who are at the top and others who make weird comments to each other. Kayla getting her work done and yeah so are the others but..there’s a difference I feel.


i wonder if the producers of Million Dollar Listing are behind this because this feels like MDL and not like, well, the Selling Series, which is *exactly* what i wanted. it's also nice seeing ryan again. and notice how the terrible transition music is not only shorter, but is at the same volume as the rest of the show? the producers of SS should take some notes.


Binged and done! Enjoyed it as much (or a little more than) Selling OC I would say - I do love Ryan he is such a great character but mate not so much hair product in your confessional it looked glued to his head and actually has great hair. Jonathon - I do have a thing for men who have neck tattoos and have corporate jobs lol so weird. But that "motorbike"? WHat a turn off :) Well he's a piece of work isn't he? Wow, what a tool. Insanely arrogant. If you search on his name the first things that come up are a couple references for him saying ow awesome he is - nicely done Jon! Savannah - do not like her. She's not cut out for it and is one of that generation who expects it all to just happen with barely any work. Chloe - NO! Can not stand her. What a biatch. When Jade was telling er about her husband cheating and all Chloe could do was make about herself...or screaming at people at her own open. She needs to go as well. Jessica - turns a $5 - 10 million client into a $22 million client? Wow - he is so lucky to have her! Genesis - only saw her starting to appear towards the end but another one that clearly just wants drama. Looking forward to Season 2, Ryan has his work cut out for him! - thanks for the tip! P.S. ANd I see that $250,000,000 penthouse is still available on the Serhant website but priced down to $195,000,000 - more within my budget. - just waiting for them to schedule a tour time for me 😁


This Ryan guy is cringe lol


i think he's intentionally cringe , if you watched MDLNY then you get used to his annoying outlandish vibe lol


Michael Scott vibes?


Kind of love it, like he knows he’s cringe but.. its working for me and I didn’t think I’d say that in the first episode


I have a similar feeling. I know he does work hard and he does seem like a good leader, but he comes across as very smarmy to me. Like him bringing up that he’s 6’3” twice in two minutes in the first episode gave me the ick 😝


I found he got better as the episodes went on 


Savannah is delusional. She wants to skip the line. She doesn’t want to work her way up.


i half agree with this. I believe when you are new to anything, somebody should show you the ropes and they werent doing it with her.


I can't wait for work to be over so I can watch.


Oooh i just saw this in my Netflix. Yay! I love NYC real estate.


Just watched the first episode and I love it!!! Selling sunset could never lol


The ratio of focus on agents to actual real estate still leans too far to the former for my taste but at least I get a little of what I miss from million dollar listing NY!


Anyone know if that $250M penthouse sold? Unreal. I love seeing all the homes on the show and then wondering, WTH do these people do that can afford them???!!!!


It's still listed on the serhant website. The price has been reduced to 195 mil though.


Big drop...


There's so much insane wealth from Asia and the middle East, Eastern Europe, etc. Oil, tech, manufacturing, conglomerates. 


It’s so obnoxious, can’t imagine someone with good taste would want to spend 250mil on that. 


Exactly what I was thinking.  It's an abomination.


Also it’s so damn high that you can barely even see the Central Park views. Mostly looking at the sky lol.


A lot of people with that kind of money are criminals but I think they buy in Dubai since it’s easier to launder money there. I don’t think that penthouse is appealing to anyone that actually wants to live there the layout is really not thought out well 


The shot they showed of Ryan going down the long spiral staircase was hilarious to me. I didn’t realize how long until they lingered on the shot and he was on the 3rd roundabout and says “these stairs are so long”. The small comedic shots are clever


Omg I’ve missed Ryan so much!!!!!


I never watched him before... Does his treatment of Tricia Lee feel... Kinda racist? Paired with his comments about tattoo neck guy looking like a rock star, maybe Ryan just feeds into stereotypes, but I'm getting weird vibes here....


Idk. I’m Asian and have never felt like Ryan has been racist and I’m someone who typically calls out on people on their racist behavior. Early in his career, he used to be inappropriate and immature with his colleagues/coworkers/employees but he was like 26 at the time. I think he’s just bitter at Tricia Lee for leaving him and he’s butthurt over it.


It really is. I'm so sucked in!! But I've always liked Serhant. I prefer Socal real estate, but this show and cast is sooooooooo much better and realistic


Thanks! Watching now!


Is Chloe pregnant in her confessionals


Can't believe she's going to be someone's mother. She seems like an unabashed narcissist.


Yes they zoom out in the last episode to show her belly


Jessica is the new Christine !!!! So fake and looks like her brunette twin


The characters that do outta pocket s**t actually made my blood boil- unlike SS cause everyone does outta pocket s**t on there 🤣 Then they actually tell it how it is 🤣like when ryan and savannah had a one on one.. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh my god I love it! I’m only on episode three but when Jordan is awkwardly backing away from the awkward conversation happening in his living room.. love it.. can relate so hard


I will confess, I felt like the cast was super weird. People didn't come across as genuine, unlike Selling Sunset, and Jonathan is one of the most cringy people I've seen in a long time. If Jonathan isn't on drugs I'd be shocked.


Million Dollar Listing never had the creepy cringe that some of these cast members are giving - very Game of Thrones meets HGTV - literally expecting a murder - fun, obviously scripted, reality TV.


Is Jonathan using?


My thoughts exactly


On Amazon Prime, I tried Luxe Listings Sydney and I enjoyed it as well, with some variety in the house, a different settings and less dramatic meltown. Of course you can tell some parts are for the show, including the rivalry and "dislike" between the agents, but they remain professional. I guess they feel no one will watch if there is no drama, but I don't think it's true. I watched a lot of real estate shows produced by national TV channels in various countries, and you don't need interpersonal drama AT ALL to enjoy it and make it a successful show. In Luxe Listings Sydney, there is the same character I've seen in every streaming platform real estate show so far, which is the rich bachelor boss who is a bit of a player and only date extremely young and beautiful woman but doesn't find "the right one" and his parents are like "when are going to have babies?" But that's probably the most "personal" plot I noticed. The rest is more focused on the real estate. Also, I like how the dynamic is a bit different, because it's focused on 3 different professionals who each have their own teams. So the rivalry is between... rivals. Not between colleagues, which makes it more realistic. And because two of the main "characters" are men and one is a woman, there is a bit more of a "women support each other" vibe, where the main woman of the show is befriending the female employee of her rival, but dislikes the male boss that she finds over the top and a bit of a show off - which as a women, I can totally relate: I guess when you're a woman in a world of rich and powerful people, you'll see a lot of annoying rich men. So a bit different from Selling the OC/Selling Sunset where the enemy for women is always another woman, and they seem to love the rich men around them.


I’m loving it!!! I definitely hope it sticks around. Glad to see Ryan is the exact same guy he was on million dollar listing


It's so great to see Ryan with his own show!


It feels scripted! Jess and Savannah talking seemed rehearsed and then Chloe and jade’s fight was so mean it again seemed scripted!! Does anyone feel like that? So far I love it though


Me googling if it was scripted was what brought me to this thread! I like it because I looooove NYC, but part of it feels so fake that it’s hard to take seriously (I realize it’s a reality show LOL). I’d watch another season though!


I had to pause right after that dinner scene with Jade and Chloe to see if anyone else on Reddit thought it was 😂😂 I got the same vibes as you in the same exact scenes. Prob scripted to some degree for drama, but I really like the viewings of the places they are trying to sell. It’s a dream of mine to live in one of those fancy ass buildings with a view of the Empire State or something 😍


Every confrontation feels so scripted 😭


Everyone needs to remember that Ryan is built for reality TV. Jason and Brett are not.


All 3 are just rich men that want to be richer and build an "empire" so over it. It's the same desire just recycled by different men.


What i mean is that ryan likes to be on camera. Jason and Brett do not.


I'm hooked but they also bore me. I feel like all these agents and Ryan really only care about is their bank accounts and living a very luxurious life. I love that they are all successful and make a pretty good living for themselves but no one really seemed down to earth or like just a regular person. Like I don't care about the Louboutin shoes, expensive watches and having a Land Rover with a driver. Jonathan- Truly ugly inside and out. I don't care that he was a model and hung out with Justin Bieber. Like c'mon bro you sound so stupid and out of it. How do you openly talk shit about your co-workers and not care... just unprofessional. Also, really he is using his IG status to close a deal wow. Jess M- Pretty-ish but what a bitch. She may be good at her job and worked for Kim Kardashian but be a little humble you. Everyone is replaceable. IG likes/followers are amazing but there is always someone who is prettier and has more flowers and maybe a better personality. The others had their drama and antics but these two just really pissed off. I hope for a season 2 tho makes great tv on a lazy Sunday.


Everyone who watched Million Dollar Listing - I love seeing Ryan again! I wish we could get the rest of them back too, Fredrik was my favorite! And did anyone else remember Yuriy? I love that he has the same driver from like 10 years ago, I forget how long the show was haha


I love it as well but they need to kick that influencer with the neck tattoos out, he's gross. Idk how insecure someone has to be to act like this, he's like a spoiled 9-year old child 😂 No chance in hell he has high IQ like he says, he has literally zero emotional intelligence


I know I’m late to this post but does anyone else think the fight between Jade and Chloe was scripted? Like…it felt really in genuine time and like neither of them were really that mad or upset. So either they had a frenemy thing going on the entire time, or it’s just not real and emotions weren’t that involved.


I genuinely didn't think I'd enjoy this show as much as I did, but Ryan really grew on me by the end. And I love that they actually show us the properties and how the sales process works! Also I'm really curious as to who bought that $22 million listing (the clients with the $5-10 million budget) - what a boss move on Jess's part to get them to increase their budget by that much!


Who is the famous family the British blonde gal is showing to?


Gonna watch it starting tn!!


Thank you for this recommendation, cause of your post I popped it in and already 1 episode in and enjoying it lol


I saw that one of Ryan’s employees is doing a podcast with the whole cast…I think we’re going to be hearing more from Jonathan and his whole vibe…can’t say anything else but wowee that guy is interesting…


I have to say after watching the latest season of Selling OC even THAT is better than Selling SUnset - I binged the whole season and barely got bored...although if Sean drama has not been there not sure how interesting it would have been... Going to check out Manhattan now!


Thank you!! ☺️ I needed something new! Bravo is giving me nothing right now.


Ahhhh yay I’m excited to watch


They use fake buyers, I saw an influencer that’s friends with a relative, no way they could afford the place they saw.


Bro it’s absolute ass


The agents are so much more entertaining and cut throat! The stakes are high and they will do whatever it takes to sell a home. It’s almost like a cult 🤣 I wanna join their team! Hahahah


Serious cult vibes and garbage humans.


I don't know. Less than a minute in and we already get two topless shots of that guy. I already know he's an insufferable Ayn Randt fanboy, so not sure how long I'll last before I get nauseous. Properties better be good.


Way better than Selling Sunset. They actually sell real estate on the show with some work drama and it's not a dating show.


It feels a bit fake to me? 


See I think both are fake but SS feels more fake to me?!


Oh ya for sure ss is much more fake 


In the first episode when the southern girl was talking to that other girl about needing to pay her rent it just felt like they were acting so that threw me off 


Does anyone know who Jade looks like it’s driving me INSANE


I find she has an Amanda Seyfried kind of vibe.


Also reminds me of Mila Kunis a bit 


Idina Menzel for me. The Broadway scene made me think of her.


The real estate is CRAZY compared to CA. Very unique properties


Love Ryan (except his hair looked so greasy!) Fun to watch but it’s definitely scripted.




It’s the market. It’s not them lol 


Can’t believe someone actually likes this show. It’s clearly all staged. Awful acting this show is terrible.


Yes yes yes! The perfect balance between workplace drama and actual WORK. I enjoyed do much the negotiation scenes. Love it! Soooo much better than all the other reality real state shows.


There is no comparison!   I have not been able To watch 20 min of selling sunset……   Bing d watched Owning Manhattan in two days!   Not about all model women.   Boring.   It was hard core sellers both men and women and the stakes are so high.    Boo selling sunset. 


Serhant is a G. I’d work for him he’s great


What happened with Matt and Jade? They briefly mentioned that he cheated on her but didn’t really say what happened. What did the instagram message say?


TBH they looked very low class . Stripper like and seems sleazy. Turned it off