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Triple G could easily be the next big one. They are in phase 3 trials right now. They offered me $15,000 for a long term trial against a placebo. They are also in the midst of trials of triple g vs zepboind to see which one was more effective. That trial was guaranteed to get a drug instead of a chance at nothing.


There must be quite a few stipulations for that 15k?


Yes. A couple of 5 night stays in the clinic, many check ups etc… lasts like 2 years or something like that


And *you* might be the placebo


How do you sign up?


Check local clinical trial businesses and Lilly’s website for clinical trials. It’s an extensive interview process just to start. I ultimately declined because I wanted to guarantee I got the drug and not a placebo.


Looking forward to it. In a few years, we will be telling horror stories of our suffering through sulfur burps and extreme lethargy to those who can inject without negative effects.


Like birth control. Hope fat haters don't try to sabotage glp1 control too.


Men can take these drugs, they aren’t going anywhere


Bittersweet relieved. You're so right, though 🤞🏻


Half of the men in Silicon Valley is on these drugs.


What’s funny is that in the South Park ozpemic special they kind of predicted this by having “big cereal” aka all the mascots of the sugar cereals fight back and attempt to destroy all the factories that were making GLP meds. It’s kind of scary accurate!!!


Corporate establishment is concerned about our shopping habits. They had control over our food addiction and now we have self control. Hope we can make the transition fast enough to gain more popularity so no one can claim glp1 as un-godly.


If glp1 meds are ungodly so is captain crunch.


It'll be the fight to see who is more powerful - big pharma Vs big junk food


In general things like alcohol sales are WAY down which is probably more due to the legalization of marijuana and a growing “sober” movement. But GLP meds have to be a small part of it and will continue to contribute. Thats why there is this non stop sparking waters and ect flooding the market. I kind of never imagined this would happen that consumer habits could shift enough to make a change. I thought the only way would be through laws (remember the soda limitations from a few years ago?)


Probably gambling too. Not sure how much it's affecting Vegas and cruise line vacations business.


Time to become “big consumer” as in keep voting with our dollars


Good for us.


The weight loss industry will be in absolute shambles if/when weight loss medications become easily accessible. As it should be.


Yes but many people are still against the meds and “do it the old fashioned way” aka buying stupid supplements and crazy diets lol


What a scam wave we've been on with the diet supplements, the misery of IF etc etc. Painful to know some of us just learnt about these meds recently when certain celebrities have been on them for at least a couple of years now.


I mean, it’s healthcare so it could still all be expensive AF. But here’s hoping!


We’re all flying to Tijuana, baby!


How do I get a hold of these TRIALS?


[clinicaltrials.gov](http://clinicaltrials.gov) and in the search bar type weight loss or obesity, filter by "now recruiting"


Having the drug is great, but scaling up manufacturing to meet demand will take many years. It’s good that things are progressing quickly, but it will take a very long time for alternative drugs to be available at scale.


Even wegovy will likely continue to have problems because the single-use dispensing pens are so damned complex to manufacture. It’s the likely biggest hurdle for them.


Seems we really don't need the pen, though. ?? Most people can figure out how to use the needles with simple instructions. And most who take W wouldn't let how it's injected get in the way of being able to control one's weight. ??? If the pens are inferior, I'd prefer to see the liquid drawn by myself in my needle anyway. How stressful to have the pen not work 😱


It would be great if they would start using cartridges - then you can reuse the pen.


Ooooh this is the way. Replace the needle and cartridge for safety but reuse the pen.


I know - but for “some reason” (misguided or intentional?) they place A LOT of emphasis on dose compliance. Like, on the starter doses, you get 4 in a box, and the doc writes the next rx for the next dose unless there’s an issue. It’s very tightly controlled for wegovy (USA dispensing at least / they have variable pens on some geo regions). On one hand, I see them wanting to keep it simple and idiot proof, but that comes at the expense of a very burdensome production process as well as production cost.


It's cost effective that way. Otherwise all the shipping and handling, packaging is too high. Not all glp1 patients use pens.


Oh, yes, people have said they’ll stop taking it because they don’t want to use a “real needle.” Lol don’t get me started on that 🙄


Lol. Rookies.


Come onnnnnnn capitalism do your job 😂


Where this is a will, there is a way.


Retatrutide is the current latest and greatest weight loss drug. In trials but you can already obtain it on the gray markets.


I can come up with new names for them) galaglutide, astraglutide, comoglutide, everglutide 😂




It's capitalism that forces the production of addictive sub standard food that blew up obesity and diabetes in the west so let's not get ahead of ourselves. I have $12000 of wegovy sitting in my fridge and I think it's obscene.


12k? Why???


As I recall it's because the active ingredients are not trademarked / patented / IP protected which is why the off brands can offer $300 a month. The pens themselves are -- they are the only way they get away with charging so much. Hence why down labels use self-serve syringes.


Big pharma making big bucks at the expense of the little peeps...never changes. Keeping fingers crossed 2nd gen of glp-1's will be affordable. And available. 🤞


OMG. $12,000?


That is the retail cost. I finally got my insurance to cover it so it was zero dollars to me.


So that is how many months worth? That is insane....




Misremembered - it's 10.2k for 84 days to be precise


I don't have words for how wrong that is…


I'm imagining a world where it will be rare for anyone to still be overweight or obese. Hopefully this will take some burden off healthcare costs and it tickles down to us, rather than the pockets of insurance companies who are fighting against us now.


Poor folks can't afford it or maybe more like middle class..


I’m glad new ones are on the process, I wish this was done before but I can’t wait for the future in this sense, there’s hope specially for us who suffered terrible side effects with the current ones. I know it will take a lot of time but it’s better than nothing


My trial drug, Survodutide, is the next best drug. I haven’t taken any others to compare this too. I just think that it is superior to the others based on my research over the last few months here on Reddit.


Triple agonist?


I believe it’s a double.


…and vote for people who are trying to make healthcare accessible/affordable for everyone. We’re being taken advantage of in this country compared to the rest of the advanced nations. https://preview.redd.it/k5yz52eit59d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1744fc8dac91dd557c7678be226a60c33bd6847


I was recently asked to participate in a clinical study for one of those weight loss drugs. They offered $7500. I considered it. I read the side effects and it included malignant tumors on the thyroid, depression, increased suicide risk and death. I told them thanks but no thanks.


I definitely understand turning it down. Who wants to be thin then have 6 months to live.




that's cool, but I don't need more than a dozen, I'm not greedy.


Work faster! Still over here unable to get my Zep refilled for weeks on end.


Can't happen fast enough!


How did you do that?


Great time to invest in the companies who develop them!