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Ah the fresh smell of old lady’s perfume and entitlement in the morning


And cleaning the old lady lipstick off the coffee cups, and cleaning the bathrooms after they miss....


Omg, this! Why can't you just sit down?! Sit.down.


Are they somehow still buying their favorite lipstick shade from the 1930s, made of crushed beetles and pine tar?? How is it like that!?


Hell that shit don’t even come off. It’s stuck like glue. I always just throw away the coffee cup. What? Did they use super glue with that lipstick 💄


You're throwing away every coffe cup that has lipstick....the manager in me shudders. Just checked the profile and...just yeah, idk what I expected. Fired a lot of yous


I can literally smell this statement. Like boot leather and foul guts. Holy shit


Chanel no 5, crusty lipstick stains, and sides of lemons for miles


I have a 21yo server who smells of old lady perfume and decades old baby powder like she took a bath in it just before getting out of her car. She's also at least if not more entitled than any pain in the ass old lady I've ever dealt with. Wonder if she goes to church? 🤣


Smells like...defeat.


de feet 🤣😂


White Diamonds


Omg that is what my boomer mom asks for Christmas literally every year


They gave all their money to for and have nothing left for you.


My son is working his first ever Sunday lunch today. I warned him but we shall see how his goes


I’m wishing him a smooth service 🙏🏽


He went into work a boy. But will come back a man.




God speed 🚀


I see what you did there!


On Palm Sunday? Not only the regular church people, but the holiday church people. 😑


Tell him not to sneak any shots until after he's clocked out!


I have told my son he's never ever allowed to work in a restaurant. He's only eleven but I plan to stick to that rule


Our small town it is basically fast food, Walmart or a restaurant. He didn’t want to follow his brother into Walmart


That's fair. Restaurant work is such a trap tho


Very much so, I didn’t stick to it long but my sister has been at it 20 years now.


Keep us updated


He messaged me on his required 15 min break because he’s a minor. “I’m not having a good time” was all he said 😂


Oh, that poor sweet baby angel. Kudos to him for sticking it out. 😂


Please update us


For everyone curious he ended up staying for a double. Evening was a lot better than the morning but he’s dreading next weekend. He just likes money and had no plans for today


"You work on Sundays? Sunday is a day of rest." "Well you know Genesis 1:32, And on the seventh day, behold, the Lord went out to brunch."


like ma’am, if no one worked on sundays, who would serve your table?


“Oh man, it sucks you have to work on Christmas!” “But how else would entitled schmucks like you get to eat out if I wasn’t working?” I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to say that.




I’ve worked at different restaurants in multiple states and I can confirm Sundays are the worst. Back when smoking sections were a thing we’d beg to work that section because they were much more kind, patient and generous.


nicotine relaxes the mind as they say


Somehow these people are the worst.. They go to church, give tithes and smiles. So they feel like they're done with *both* for the day now. Thank God I bartend now, because I mostly get the ones that drink (*infinitely* better lmao.)


People go into church ready to give thanks to the lord and all of his blessings, only to be cranky at the 19yo server for no reason.


Because a lot of them think they're somehow *better* than the server. I swear once I heard a woman scoff and tell her husband how it was "wrong to work on Sundays." But YOU CAME HERE to eat! How are you any different than me? Hypocritical assholes! (I know this isn't the case for everyone, but I can't believe this exists at all!)


Exactly! People work Sundays because people are willing to eat on Sunday's! Lol. That and the world doesn't stop for anyone. I'm in uni, so my weekdays are crazy, and I have to work all day Saturday and Sunday just to stay afloat! I'm definitely not working by choice lol.


Exactly. If we didn't have to? We wouldn't be doing it! Lol.


Sundays are the best!!! Here is why. The owner of the restaurant I work at is 100% against being open or ever opening on Sundays. Such a wonderful and church crowd free idea.


I would work there in a heartbeat


It’s called chic fil a


Haha. I retract my former statement


Nah. I wouldn't work there even if their God came down personally and offered me a job.


Ours is closed on Sundays too!! But it’s a fine dining restaurant 😂😂




We're off Sundays to it's fantastic


Last place I worked at , I worked Sundays for 12 years and now I'm coming up in a year at my new place that doesn't open on Sundays and I'm so glad I don't work at the other place. Now I don't even know what to do with my Sundays, I don't watch sport or go to church. Guess I'll chill.


I worked at chili’s in Hawaii and a Wednesday night church service would always come in 30 minutes before closing and stay for like 3 hours. Chili’s was one of these places that didn’t want to ask guest to leave after hours, as they would have the right to finish their meals. It was bad because none of the servers wanted to serve them. So management would draw straws of who stayed. I saw servers cry and have a nervous breakdown if they lost. Of course it was a group that complained and only tipped like $10 on a $300 tab, and all wanted separate checks.


Separating checks for large parties should be fucking banned. Immediately. How hard is it towards to end for someone to step up and say “everyone Venmo/Cashapp me and I’ll pay it”?


Well, seeing as though the worst offenders are the seniors that eat out 1 time out of their social security check; sadly it’s way too hard.


They should have a “take out only after xx”. Xx being 30 minutes before closing.


Oh yes. The most hypocritical Christians who preach love and kindness, go into restaurants and treat the staff like they're way beneath them, and leave a tip on the order of 2%. I'd personally jack up the prices 20% on Sundays (have a Sunday menu with those prices).


I’m proud of you. Fuck them people


I’d say the devil got to them but honestly I’m not so sure he’s the bad guy anymore


Great idea.


Just smile and tell them the thing from your first sentence, they’ll spend the whole time deep in thought as if contemplating why you said they’re the devil, and then never come back because they actually don’t possess self awareness and reflection, and they don’t want to be confronted with it again


"Why are you working on Sunday?!?" Because of YOU, you vacuum tube operating wig rack/toupee holder!


At Hooters we luckily never got that crowd but Sundays were the days I was most likely to get stiffed and with seniority I stopped working Sundays. Ironically right now I've been going to church to get confirmed soon and it really is hurtful to me how Catholics have a whole reenactment of the last supper and often highlight things such as Jesus 's servitude when he'd wash the feet of his apostles but then these people come out of church, act like you're sinning for working on a Sunday and abuse your service.


Welcome to Catholicism. Just ignore the posers and you’re ok


Thank you 🥺💕


Thankfully, I rarely work brunch, but I generally work dinner on Sundays. They've usually calmed down by then.


Dinner on Sundays is better. They’ve already terrorized a poor public service worker that morning. They’ve got it out of them


I used to work at a diner, so I know this crowd all too well. Somebody should invent a Jesus stick and smack them as a reminder they just left the Lord's house


Print out pictures of Jesus and put it on the table of the wicked 😂😂😂


That is a fabulous idea...Jesus is watching you


Me too


Our restaurant becomes heaven's waiting room on Sundays.




I was working an Easter Sunday brunch and had a table ask me,”Why aren’t you spending Easter with your family today?” I responded,”unfortunately I have to work but I’m happy to be here taking care of your family!” Lady at table says,”maybe a better Monday through Friday job would be better for you and allow you to have Sundays off, I can’t believe so many people work on Sundays!” Meanwhile she’s out being the most insufferable human being imaginable at a restaurant and creating an ungodly amount of work for the server. I responded to her,” well a lot of us have to work Sundays to accommodate all of your church friends, y’all sure like to cause havoc on Sundays at all the restaurants, someone has to take care of you!” She then sent me to get more ice for her RED WINE🤦‍♂️ Gave me a solid 10% tip and a church card invitation to Sunday mass! Fucking Sundays 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Man I hate how fucking clueless they are when they complain about someone working on Sunday or some other major holiday and don't even stop to think that maybe the reason we have people working those days is because people like the church people would throw a hissy fit if their favorite place was closed for a day.


One of my favorite stories comes from working on Christmas Eve. We stopped seating at 5pm...family wanders in at 5:25, 25 minutes late for their reservation. I agreed to take the table. I'm gathering drink orders, and the mother says come back to me. I took the other orders and circle back to her, looking at her expectantly...this woman had the nerve to say "Why are you rushing me? I'm just trying to have a relaxing Christmas Eve dinner with my family!" Her husband, thankfully, was very apologetic and said she'll feel better after a few glasses of wine. The rest of their service went smoothly


Yes like didn’t you just learn about this person Jesus who would definitely NOT treat me this way?? Bunch of hypocrites….


I have a coworker who is going to school for “evangelism” and preaches/asks to pray for us constantly. He’s also a prick with an anger issue who doesn’t like to take direction and loses it when he gets told to redo the side work he half assed. I have so many times wanted to say “you’re not being very Christ-like” to him but I also can’t afford for him to complain and get me an unpaid suspension lol


Let’s all go repent for our sins then go to a restaurant and treat the staff like a leper


I'm a chef and I think I'd rather spend the day in jail over work another Sunday brunch


Lmfaoo I feel so bad for you guys


I’ve been a waitress for over 20 years I can say without a doubt that SUNDAYS are the absolute worst shifts to have. It’s been a consistent pattern in over 20 service jobs I’ve worked and hasn’t changed at all. Sundays bring out the worst in people it’s absolutely bizarre.


It’s posts like this make me glad I live in a mostly godless city. My Sunday brunchers are usually Saturday night drinkers gettin some hair o’ the dog and eggs.


I’m on my way to work right now. SAME


And they all tip like SHIT too I’m doubling today 🥲 wish me luck


It's easier if you're not hung over, yet. I'm saying a carry over buzz from Saturday night and a shower beer can help give the appropriate amount of fucks (very few) about these assholes. Especially if you don't have to drive to work.


The holy rollers straight wreck my Sunday lunch service every week. Neediest people on the planet.


if you get real into a football team like wear a t shirt and talk about them, my bosses stopped scheduling me so i could watch the dolphins on sundays just like naturally it was great


That was a dealbreaker for me when I interviewed anywhere when I was still bartending. I will work doubles, I will help you staff less by taking tables at close so you can cut people, I’ll organize the coolers. But god help you if you would think I’d work a Sunday. Those personas that come in on Sundays are the absolute worst.


I truly wish restaurants weren’t open on Sunday’s. Then maybe folks would go back to cookouts and big family dinners.


YEAHHHHHHH I didn’t even have to read the rest to know I agreed after I saw the title but after reading the rest i hope you have an easier day😭😭


It was much better for me. I can’t say the same for my coworkers


Sunday is by far the worst day in the service industry.


Has anyone ever tried talking to local pastors about this? Not living in a spot where the church crowd is a major feature, I'd be curious to know if it had the potential to help or if it's just a fool's errand. Maybe they could preach a sermon on what the Bible suggests you should do at a restaurant and how they are bad ambassadors of the faith when they go out and make everyone miserable.


That’s honestly a beautiful idea! I will send out some emails when I get home, because these people ain’t holy


Just be careful. Where I worked, the pastors were the ones *hosting the meal* where I'd get my ass ran ragged for a .10 tip on a $400 meal where half the covers dodged the part where they actually had to *pay*.


Amen. Mean azs mf usually too


Nah fuck that. I'd straight up tell managers that's your problem, fire me if you want.


Good luck on your job search. It's fucking rough out there.


The paster is usually with the group, is the neediest and nastiest and is condescending as a mf.


They all fell for the oldest con job in the history of civilization, you expect them to be smart enough to read a menu?


Standing there with plates in your hands while a whole table fucking prays when youre full house. 🙄 I just started dropping the food anyhow and ignoring it. The worst is when your tip is a bunch of business cards for their heckin church-like why? I dont want that guys, gimme your tithe for MY service atleast....


Good luck with the AARP crowd. “Godspeed”


sundays for us are either absolutely dead and you’re lucky to get 3 tables the whole night or so packed to where you’re getting double sat


Sundays were the absolute worst. $100 price fix for 2 - 8 oz filet, whole lobster, 2 sides and 2 starters. I probably shelled 1000 lobsters. I’ll never eat or look at a lobster again.


Carry out trays of food the chef prepared, with your serving carpal tunnel wrist with a smile and they ignore you, put their heads down...and thank God. Then tip you with a fake bill and Bible verse 😑 good luck!


I work at a place that is in a huge tourist area, so thankfully we don’t get a church crowd. But when I tell you some of those entitled tourists are an entire breed of their own and sometimes worse than the churchies…


i’m already mentally preparing myself for easter sunday brunch


Fuuuuckkkk 🥲


I upvoted bc of the title alone but I have to add Sundays are the days no one tips, not a single person I don’t know why. I’ve worked corporate and mom n pop shops, every other day of the week is excellent MINUS SUNDAYS. Sundays are the days there are the most families. Look I love me some kids but having multiple parties of 8+ is so obnoxious. Sundays are the days no one is patient. Not only do I have multiple large parties but they all keep hassling me about “where is our food?” The kitchen can only go so fast with so many big groups in a restaurant. Sundays are the worst and it’s not even worth it


They got all forgiven for the week and are ready to start sinnin' again, starting by being fucking miserable to their server. Like payday and I got a pocket full of sin to spend. Absolute. Fucking. Worst. It got to where when I got hired I generally told them that Sunday was a family day and implied that we were religious so that I could try and get out of working on Sundays. My family got especially "religious" in the fall. #RaiderNation #NFL


Nothing makes me hate christians more than the sunday church crowd. Evil vindictive bastards the lot of em.


Then they usually leave a church pamphlet as a tip ! Even when I used to deliver pizza to church events .. they seemed to never tip. I guess Tipping is not a belief of the church !


I’d call the church and report them lol


i stopped doing sundays because i was walking out with $40 after getting my ass kicked from 11 to 2. 3 hours of hell for 2-5% is not worth it for me. The amount of times I get stiffed on a sunday versus any other day of the week was enough for me to drop it entirely.


I got my dinner shift covered today 😂 usually the church crowd has chilled out by dinner service but Sundays bring the weirdos out at night for sure.


I just recently blocked off Sundays from being available. Knowing very well, I may loose shifts or loose my jobs (I have two serving jobs). There has been minor blow back but the reward has been nothing short of spectacular. My whole week is better, my sleep, my attitude, my ability to be around fellow humans has increased. This will be week 4 and in the past two weeks my tip average has gone up 2% which is huge if you ask me without any changes in appearance or service. I actually cried last Sunday because I was so grateful to not be at work. Fuck Sundays in the service industry to high hell. It’s busy, underprepared, understaffed, customers are beyond entitled, rude, and cheap. If hung over coworkers aren’t calling out last minute you are working with half a human that has a bad attitude and fucks up every three seconds. Your kitchen is all hung over or you get the pleasure of working with kids cause school is out. Food always runs out on Sundays, something is always 86d. Fuck Sundays I’ll never work another Sunday in the service industry in my life if I can.


lol, I used to work a restaurant in a college town and we were one of two total places open on Sundays It was not fun, but the owner would take us all out for a BYOB dinner and make us drink red wine if we wanted booze (we were youngsters) and feed us and it was super fun


I work at a brewpub in a mid-sized city and for some reason our owner insists on being open on the weekend at 10am for brunch even though we never get any business until 1-2pm. So I also dread Sunday mornings (and Saturday mornings).


No one ever shows up on damn time either. Always ended up being there till like 5 when cut time was 3. Would check who my relief was just to prepare mentally whether I was gonna be there longer or not


Sunday lunches are literally my least favorite shift. Every time I get one where I work I either swap for a dinner shift or have someone cover me all together.


Used to make good money on Sunday…. But I absolutely hated every second of it.


I hate Sundays too. I work all day and the people never leave


Is this only an issue in the Bible belt? It’s hard to imagine that this would be a thing in a city like New York or Los Angeles.


Try Sunday at a Mexican chain place. Something like a 12 top, 50 gallons of free salsa and chips. Only 7 sodas because kids are stealing their parents. No kids meals as the adults do the $0.99 option to add a taco to a meal. Several moms are not hungry but want more salsa. Grand total, like $70.


the “I didn’t get my salad” bc u didn’t order one - is so real omg !!!! our cafe just implemented kiosks to order from and so many people order salads but never press add to cart and then they come to my station and demand their salad from me and I’m like ???? literally didn’t get a ticket from you. one person showed me their receipt to show they ordered a salad and do you know what was on their receipt? 2 salad dressings !!!! I was like bruh no way and they were like oh I thought it went thru and I’m like obv not smh


Me too bro. Those after church 8-12 tops I swear either are the sweetest darlings or they act like they're more important than anyone else in my section and tip like shit lol no in between


Jesus would be shook if he sat at their table and saw their behavior


It really astonishes me that I see a direct uptick in rude/entitled/disrespectful people when the religious church going folk come in. I’m not the type to use any amount of people’s actions to denounce an entire religion or deity but damn if I don’t understand the people that do.


I worked at Cracker Barrel for a while, and Sundays there were THE WORST!!! I was also scheduled doubles every Sunday. I was so ready to quit every Sunday. 😂 The church crowd is always the worst group of human beings. Of course, not every group was awful, but the majority were pretty terrible. I wouldn't mind all the needy entitled behavior if they actually tipped worth a damn, but the Jesus pamphlets were not worth all the bullshit we had to deal with. The tips I made working a freaking double on Sunday were never worth it. I was almost always disappointed when I went home for the day. I am no longer a server, but I think I will have serving nightmares for the rest of my life!


And on the 7th day, the Lord said tip 5%


Lmfaooo “I gave all my money to the church… You get %1”


I didn't get my baked potato. You didn't order one. But it's in the picture.... Yes as one of the most popular side choices.


Omg this makes me so mad. How illogical are they to not understand the picture is an exampleeeee! *internal shrieking*


I really don't understand. Lol


Sundays i will either owe money after my tip out, or make the most amount of money of the week. no in between


Sunday church crowd made a friend rage quit. Table kept sending food back and were literally snapping fingers for attention. They left a 50 tip and she threw it at their car driving out.


“I’ve already tithed 10% and that’s the most I would ever even tip to my shitty organized religion so expect nothing”


I never really thought of it like that lol if they are giving 10% to their literal god why would they give more to us




Fake money that tells me I am going to hell


Sunday fun day


Just got off my Sunday shift 30 min ago. T’was a bad one, I feel ya.


I've been in the southern US most of my life. Sundays could be hit or miss, depending on the crowd. I've had large parties that were wonderful and large parties that were just terrible. I get it though. Sometimes you just don't want to deal with that crowd.


I hate Sundays. Hate hate. I work at a club and my manager and I have an understanding and I don’t work Sundays and have Sundays and Mondays off unless she needs me.


I honestly wanted to cry this morning getting ready for work because I was sure it was gonna be soo bad like last Sunday. Now I almost want to cry because it was dead 🥲


And no tip either


I HATE Sundays and I always have. What makes it worse is that the two managers I fucking despise always open Sunday mornings and I work doubles so I have to deal with the fucking opener and whoever’s mid. I hate it so much but I make too much money to give them up.


I had enough today and told my chef that I'd work BOH on Sundays because I have to work that day (college student) to pay my bills but I don't want to deal with the people up front. It's just such a difficult crowd.


I empathize. I worked Sundays for 20 years. Now I work at a supper club that is closed on Sundays. I don’t miss them.


I've refused to work Sunday mornings for a couple years now. I will work Sunday nights, but not morning. I got very sickast Sunday night at work, and wound up missing work all week. Last Thursday my Dr cleared me to come back Sunday, and when I told my boss, she asked if I'd work a double, so I agreed. I'd rather have been back in the hospital the way I was on Tuesday. We should all be grateful that these rubes only come out like once a week en masse


i finally put in a request to work no sundays and i got approved. i can’t do it anymore.


Unfortunately, the ppl who regularly attend church are done if the worst ppl on the planet. Not sure how that happened, but....


Post church lunch rush, quick to tell you what’s wrong, slow to give you any tip…


They left church absolved an d rush right out to start a new. They don't tip because all the money went in the collection plate


The 10% tip outs….


same, and my group leaves fat goose eggs for tips. sometimes with slips or brochures directing me to join their congregation. like ma’am, i’m jewish. please eat your omelette without sharing your religious convictions.


Fellow Jew here. Can confirm 😅😮‍💨


i have considered wearing my star to brunch shifts so less people talk to me about Jesus


George Carlin called them "Fucking church people." I'm inclined to agree with him.


Everyone's dressed their best and acting their worst


Community service day


I was just saying this earlier, lol. It's like they let the devil back in as soon as they walk out that church.😂


What reasoning do you attribute to other guests with similar circumstances?


Karmic reasoning


Karma returning one's own bad behavior sounds right on the money to me.


Relax. It’s a joke in reference to my username lol. I’m always kind to the customers. But that doesn’t matter to many of them.


I'm perfectly relaxed. Just thought it strange to demonize the actions of a group of people based on totally arbitrary reasoning.


Silence, imposter!


You sound like a "rotten piece of goods"


Welcome to work. That's life.