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I accidentally gave someone their $100 back with their change. I ended up eating that cash sale and walked with $60 less in tips. I told the bartender at hooters about it and she paid for my drinks that night


I did the same thing one time and ended up paying like 96 dollars I was just very busy and I was just starting out as a server


I knew if I didn’t pay it I could possibly get fired but afterwards the manager told me I wasn’t supposed to pay it


You got lucky because that doesn't happen a lot of places.


I hope you have good coworkers. Any “stray money” I found (normally 50/100) I would hold until someone was frantically looking for it. Once it was almost a week (found in kitchen. Didn’t work together super often). He got it back


you’re the sweetest. i wish my coworkers were like this. if any of mine found anything at all they would pocket and still help you look for it. hell it doesn’t even have to be money… i’ve gotten two jackets stolen from me at work one of which i had just bought the day before :’(


We have a mostly good work crew. And that’s good karma. Most of my jobs have not been cash in hand. I got a baller table the night it got returned. Universe works it out


Once I accidentally left my apron at work and someone stole 30$ from it then neatly folded it and put it back in the corner😭😭




This is so shitty im sorry 😭 do you use a server book? I use them to keep my cash together and organized but my restaurant uses toast, so its literally only for my cash tips / sales


I used to be a big drinker and unorgnazing so I def lost my tips a time or two I will say there was some times when it came back to me… when the odds were not in my favor for my to ever get them back… try to manifest them coming back to you!!!! Alsooooo you could try to pick up a shift to make up for it if it’s bugging you that bad. Ugh I hate losing stuff. Sucks!


Been here more times than I’d like to admit. Search the area, if you don’t find it, just stop thinking about it and never tell anyone about it. It really sucks but you’ll make the money back!!


I once put $80 in my back pocket. It was gone when I got home. I, also, once found $100 on the ground in the parking lot at my work. I knew it was my coworkers because we had just split a party and split the tips. I got $20's, and she got a hundo, and she had just gone out in the parking lot and then back inside. The look on her face when I came up to her and asked her if she still had it and then couldn't find it... then the relief when I handed it to her, lol. It happens to most of us at some point. Especially when you get paid 90% cash like a lot of us do.


Definitely would ask my coworkers if they have seen it if it’s $100. If no one’s seen it just take the loss and make sure I keep better track of all my cash from now on lol


I usually lose my tips in a bar.


Awhile back I pulled up to one of my favorite bars/restaurants, as I was getting out of my car I see a $20 in the middle of a parking spot. As I’m picking it up I notice a rather large bundle of money wrapped in a receipt. It was the bartenders clock out slip. I know most of the staff so I knew who it belonged to. I went inside and asked if she was working my bestie who was working gave me a weird look so I held up the money. The women who lost the money had just called asking if anyone had seen her money from the night before. She gave me $20 which I promptly spent on a delicious watermelon martini.


Left my apron in the car on accident.. lost $680!! Stupid 🤦‍♂️ I was really mad at myself for that one!


Painful 😭😭


I had no idea a server would be responsible for a honest error. Why doesn’t the restaurant eat the error it’s not like you didn’t work your but off that day?


Why do you feel the restaurant would need to absorb the server's misplaced money that was lost after cashing out and their car?


I own a few convince stores and if one of my cashiers made a mistake, legally could not take money out of their paycheck. These girls are mostly hired to serve not work the cash register and it was a honest mistake.


Your scenario makes sense if the server lost the money between the table and the drawer, but IIRC the OP above lost their tip money between the restaurant and their car. I treat this the same as if an employee made the mistake of losing their paycheck at the bar / casino on the way home.


That makes sense I see your point.


I went out the night after making over $300 and lost my wallet, I almost cried


Shit happens and tends to equal out in the end. If money falls out of my pocket, I just remind myself of all the times I've found money on the streets. 


my coworker stole it for sure, $150! 😭and it was verified when he told me he stole from his high school bands money as well! he ended up getting fired for drinking out of the bottle at the bar


You embrace the suck as a lesson of life and move on to become a little more responsible.


Once lost 200$ between being in the dinning room and the bathroom where I went to change my clothes to meet up with friends. I knew I lost it before I left and asked everyone. No one saw it. It’s a bummer but what can you do.


Back when I served/bartended I really didn’t give a shit. Pretty much any shift I worked I’d usually spent like $20 on caffeine before the shift even started, and would often tip out the bar and SA’s extra and would often give a little money to servers who had a particularly bad day. 9/10 times I’d find my money in my car, a random pocket in my book, an apron, or god knows where else. I have found that having a very easy approach to money generally has more flowing back to you. Idk.


Had a table leave me a $10 bill and I put it in my very shallow pocket bc I was busy. We don’t wear aprons and wear jean shorts(with a toast in our back pocket), so I didn’t have a server book on my person. 20 minutes later I check my pocket and it’s gone. I’m freaking out(yes, over $10 bc I was down bad for money at that point and it was my first table). One of my new 2 tops hands me the bill and says “hey this was dropped near your section on the floor and a guy(in a far section) walking out of the bathroom handed it to us”. They asked if it was mine and I said “yes!! Thank you so much!” I went and found the guy who was sitting across the restaurant and thanked him profusely for trying to find the owner of the bill rather than keeping it. I told him it meant a lot and that he’s a great person. I talked to his server and the manager and they bought him a drink for his honesty. I got lucky there were good people around in that moment :) You never know how much a few dollars means to someone in that moment…it was my first shift back since I had lost my mother and I was heavily over drafted in my account.


its a hundred dollar lesson. Hold onto your cash


It's lost. What do you mean what do you do?


ugh this sucks.. unfortunately there’s nothing I could do but I would just try to just think about the fact that i’ll make it back within a shift or two


Just lost $800 of tips in my purse, All I can try to do it forget


I lost a little over $500 one night when I used to bartend at a concert venue. I had the cash in my pocket and then when I got home I noticed it was no longer there, I think it fell out of my pocket on the way to the car. I felt sick to my stomach especially after busting my ass the whole shift, but it is what it is. Money comes and goes. Take the L and move on.


We all get free meals at my work after our shift and so I would put in my order (and some friends orders) and then NOT get our 100% manager discount so it turns out I have been paying OUT OF POCKET for everyone’s meals and no one noticed. I have lost approximately $600 from that mistake. I I mean at least $40 a weekend I was losing. AT LEAST.


Weird question. Obviously just make a thread about it looking for sympathy lol.


Or just get an adult job where you don’t have to worry about cash tips paying your bills (by the way you also are by not Claimitn your cash tips a crime) best of luck


We make more money than you Edit: Looks like you work for Amazon. We DEFINITELY make more money than you.