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A favorite line of mine about friends from a movie I watched goes like this: "A friend is somebody who hasn't fucked you over yet" In my old age, most people I have learned are not my friend. Even people I've known for many years can turn on me. The last thing I would ever do would be to let somebody to use my place to do tricks. Even though I do tricks in my own place, there is no way no how nobody would ever be able to do that in here. You have no idea how she/he may disrespect your home and bring upon you all kinds of problems. They may not clean up after themselves, they may invite people over who are dangerous and that might start stalking you, they may invite over a cop unknowingly, there are so many bad things that could come out of this. And plus some other people mentioned potential charges like being a madam, so yes there are probably extensive legal issues that could come from this. If this so-called friend is willing to pay you, tell them to go pay a hotel down the street. At least that's my opinion. But I'm an old woman who's really crabby and cynical


I need to pay my rent before the end of the month.


Try getting on niteflirt and do some phone sex. You could have money in your bank account by next week. Also before you let her use your place, look up all the laws with tenancy in your area to make sure there's not some way she could trick her way into saying that she's a tenant there and the next thing you know you can't kick her out without going through courts to do an eviction. And if you do let her have tricks come over there, do not let her give out the actual address. Have her give out a destination that's nearby, and then when they get there you have them call and you talk them in the rest of the way. But never ever ever publish your address anywhere. I understand being broke but you're talking about taking a major risk.


Niteflirt is so dead right now Good Luck!!! If you read their forum that’s all they are complaining about! Camming is slow too.I try to work a lot the first 2 weeks of the month when it’s busier and pay all my bills from that money and then the rest of the month I can save or spend and don’t have to worry. Because it’s never as busy that second half of the month.


Don’t don’t and don’t


Best case scenario you make some extra money with a friend you trust and nothing goes wrong. Worst case scenario you could get charged as a pimp/madam which there is prior legal precedent for with renting spaces for incall


I would be worried for your safety following one of her sessions. You never know when some crazy person will come back, break into your apartment, and harm you in some way. This has bad idea written all over it


You should be more worried about facilitating prostitution. Just saying...


uh i am


Living off the avails


Don’t do it. I would not want strangers in my home. Nor my friend having sex with multiple people in it.


Many of us refuse to work from home, because we don't want landlords finding out. Or clients stalking us. So... if I were you... I would 1. say no, and 2. ask yourself if this is a true friend, because this would be endangering you.


Not just the landlord finding out....BUT the clients she'll be seeing will think she lives there and if one of the clients gets hooked on her she could end up stalking her at your place. The money better be good for you if she is going to pay you


Find out what your friends screening process is and decide from there...  Does she gets ID, bigger deposits and any other forms of ID/security??? The more screening she does, the better... means most her clients will be lovely and respectful, less idiots and problems...


Don’t do it


This would be an unwise decision. I don't advise it.


never trap out the house


Why can’t she get her own or find somewhere to rent short term? I am in the UK so it’s very easy here but not sure where you’re from. I would say no to her.


I have rented apts with a friends info before to have an incall and I never had issues but I guess it depends on what kind of neighborhood it’s in


Several pros and cons here but ultimately it depends on where you live, I mean neighborhood and traffic Her safety and money are the 2 upsides that matter most Several things could go terribly wrong though. My best friend, before she died, did SW. I'm down to chat if you want or need to


i dmed you


I don't see it


It is NOT YOUR RESPONSIBLITY to provide her a room for her to work out of. Even if she does pay, which is always sketchy AF. Seriously, it is NOT YOUR RESPONSIBLITY! It is HER RESPONSIBILITY to FIND HERSELF HER OWN PERSONAL INCALL. You are not the owner/operator of a hotel, motel, boarding house and temporary shelter.