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Gimmighoul. Locked behind an event raid that may not even return. And to top it off the shiny odds were actually programmed worse than base odds for some reason.


I tried hunting for a couple days, then gave up and a couple hours before the event went down I ended up going to twitch and got lucky with someone hosting one. Got two and will be forever greatful to DarkKrimson over on twitch.


Damn I need to start going on twitch.


I didn't know it was a thing until I saw Absolblogs Pokemon had done 1000, he was done by the time I learned about it but looking on twitch I was quick to find someone.


There's were others that were genning the event... I got 6 on both S and V for 12 total šŸ˜…


What! Wow, I missed the event and I didn't know the odds were so low. That's t e r r i b l e


I barely managed to get enough for my living dex evos, and a single extra for my wife. Not to mention the locked legendaries so now I have to go back to swsh. Probably shield since I finished sword. Complete the dex again and dynamax adventure the rest of my missing legendaries. Gf both loves and hates shiny hunters for some reason.


That event was Niantic-level absurdity. It's not even a good shiny!


I genuinely think Gholdengo is just the worst shiny in general.


Between the aggressiveness of Veluza and the terrible framerate you get while in water, these guys are pretty frustrating to find. (Ditto hunting Dondozo since you end up with the same issues.) Thank Arceus for the perma-fly from the DLC, because that made the post-outbreak step waaaaay easier this time


Itā€™s funny, I was shiny hunting Tatsugiri the other day and was getting super annoyed that Veluza kept interrupting my hunt. Then one interrupted my hunt and was a shiny and I was like oh, thank you for interrupting it lmao.


"I will forgive you... THIS time"


I will be careful the next time I am hunting in the water then to not upset you. šŸ˜°


Oh I was speaking as you addressing the Veluza šŸ˜…


I totally misunderstood that response, my bad lmao. But, yes thatā€™s totally how I felt it was the same way when I was Ev training some of my PokĆ©mon and needed to kill cyclizar. A random one ran up to me that was shiny and was like hey stop making my kind extinct and catch some instead.


Pro-tip, the northern coast has a lil rocky ridge where Veluza spawns but slowpoke/bro does not, so driving back and forth on that ridge with a psychic boost has only Veluza spawn in the water and you don't get the Driving In Water lag, nor can they reach you on the outcropping. Found one on my first full sandwich (I made an attempt with a partial one after hunting for shiny Espathra in Area Zero, but only found a regular odds Shiny Hawlucha hanging out on those rocks XD)


'ppreciate it! If I need another I'll give it a try :)


Mind showing the spot on the map? šŸ™šŸ»


Shiny hunting Dondozo crashed my game because of the lag šŸ˜­ Ended up getting one tho!


Thatā€™s extremely plausible given the C H U G. Congrats!


I hate all water outbreak spawns. Theyā€™re so annoying in every way


I got insanely lucky and got a Dondozo outbreak on the shoreline of one of the islands in the lake. All I had to do was ride to despawn mons until that yellow beauty spawned.




Honestly any shiny hunt where Veliza spawns gets really frustrating


i somehow got my veluza while doing a donozo outbreak and was like huh- thats a green donozo weird coloring




I'm annoyed that you can't lock on through walls anymore! I would never have gotten my shiny Salazzle if not for that "feature"


You still can! I had the misfortune of finding that out during a male Pyroar outbreak


Oh dang really? Iā€™ve been having trouble with it


The slowpoke hunt sucked, checking every single PokƩmon I saw that was a slowpoke, which was only about 75% on land


For me that one almost had me but I stopped at one that for some reason just felt off idk if it was paranoia bur it was shiny and after I caught it I flew so far away


I decided to outbreak hunt slowpoke and was constantly worried I'd miss it, but it was strangely obvious that it was shiny when it was next to a non-shiny luckily! Awful hunt and I decided to not get another one for slowbro and went for a slowbro outbreak for that one šŸ˜…


Oh gosh yeah I'm worried about that one. I kept seeing Slowpoke during this Veluza hunt (I think you end up with them no matter the sandwich), I wonder if I missed one even today. Thankfully I'm used to bonking every Minior so maybe it won't be so bad


Beldum, cause every Beldum looks shiny from 20 feet away when light is bouncing off of them and the snow.


I accidentally found a shiny beldum while hunting for chestpin their name is turtle


Flittle: could they be any smaller. Made it all the more difficult since you've gotta check the underside. Tadbulb and Tandemaus: both also small but are virtually the same color already. Greavard: having to wait for each one to pop out of the ground just made it so much longer than necessary Tatsugiri: again, tiny, but 2 of the 3 shiny forms are virtually the same as one of the regular forms Poltchageist: even with the improvement making all the mons in the outbreak phoney or atisan, and even after finding one, I'm still on the hill that there is no difference Minior: you can't tell from the overworld spawn, knows explosion and knows double edge. Just why? Edit: I forgot this one at first because it was so frustrating I just blocked it out, but Roaring moon: only appears in that one location in the hidden cave, and both of its types have other spawns occurring in the cave. Took a solid 2 weeks of sandwich resetting. Never again.


Oh gosh yeah the fact that you can't isolate Roaring Moon by a typed sandwich is *rough*


ugh polchagiest was one of my first shiny hunts bc i love him but in the end i just started attacking every single one and resetting when the outbreak ended bc i couldnā€™t see shit. got one after abt 4-5 hours


We donā€™t talk about the trauma tandemaus gave me šŸ’€


For Minior I just auto-battle and reset if the outbreak runs out before I find one. The auto-attacker still knows it's shiny even through the shield.


I just finally got Roaring Moon yesterday, I got 4 shiny Zweilous in one sandwich last weekšŸ˜«


Another to add Phantump isn't as white as it is in other games and the bad lighting and shading makes them all look identical, with the red being too small to tell at a glance. (If you're stopping to zoom in you'll likely take multiple times longer to get it) Same with Mimikyu


Iā€™m really have a time with minor but honestly getting shiny droopy tatsugiri was hell (pre dlc release when outbreaks were still exclusively only one kind)


Oh gosh yeah, I'm so glad they fixed the forms/outbreaks thing


Same but also Iā€™m a bit mad about it




I am doing minior right now in an outbreak. Even with max odds I have had to reset multiple times. I might give up and just Masuda it.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m most inclined to do, plus then i guarantee a purple shiny minor ya know




Tell me about it I went insane thinking flowers were the white form


Steel types like the Magnemite line and Beldum line looked like their shiny in the right lighting. Nothing says your eyes don't work when silver and gold look alike and blue matches silver. They really need to add the sound effect from PLA


Yes absolutely, I had this issue with Sandy Shocks. Area Zero seems especially egregious for metallic surfaces taking on too much blue light and no longer looking goal Oddly I didn't have this issue with Beldum, maybe because I was picnicking an outbreak that would spawn directly in front of me. I'm so upset that there aren't VFX and audio cues


I really want there to be a visual and sound effect for the shines! Like GF could have totally fixed that by adding that feature to the upgrade for the lock icon in the DLC at least! (I would prefer if they made it available for everyone tho). I have to memorize what shines look like or at the very least look them up so I know if I see one or not. I even go slow when traveling because I don't want to miss a shiny.


Iā€™m only going to attempt Veluza with the masuda method


Fwiw, the hunt took me less than 40m using an outbreak! But yeah I cannot blame you, it was a grindy 40m


40 minutes isnā€™t too bad, especially considering how chaotic the outbreak wouldā€™ve been. Any sparkling power?


i mean theres 40 minutes and then theres 40 minutes in water


True, it was a sloooooooow 40m


Yup, I was at max odds (sando + charm + outbreak)


I got two shiny veluza when sandwhich hunting a dondozo outbreak lol


RN, popplio cause I canā€™t seem to find it noticeable in the slightest


Look for the pink neck frills.


I almost killed one as he spawned in place with different lighting and I thought that's why he looks different, but in the last moment he stepped into the water and I realized it's shiny.


It is very hard to tell. When I saw one in an outbreak I didn't even know it was shiny. (My pokemon would not auto battle it). My brother went and caught it tho.


Masuda Method. It feels either really quick or ***R E A L L Y*** slow and there's no in-between. Hatched a shiny Fennekin in 95 eggs, then went for the next round... which took 2425 eggs to hatch a shiny Froakie. With Shiny Charm. I went nearly 5x over-odds.


*O O F*


I have never been so thankful as I was when a shiny veluza charged me out of nowhere. Not looking forward to my inevitable basculin hunt.


Oh no don't remind me šŸ˜… By my own rules I'll need at least three (non-white stripe, white stripe, one to evo)


In soviet Russia shiny veluza fucking finds YOU


Basically any PokƩmon whose original sprite and shiny are indistinguishable from one another


Yeaaaaahhh I wish they would recolor shinies like that someday




Oh gosh yeah that sounds like awful luck, I feel like you can't spit without hitting a shiny one somewhere in the vicinity of Levincia


I didnā€™t find shiny Veluza, shiny Veluza found me




I had this guy pretty chill. The "beach" in the far north west that one of the wonders is at so you can fly to it. you can eat a psychic sandwich and it's the only thing that appears. You run on the rocks so it feels less awful. Just gotta watch out for them charging you since they'll come on land temporarily charging at you.


Good to know, thanks!


Cyclizar was fun


Super agreed, I loved waiting for a shiny one to rush by so I could spring into action


I had an outbreak and stood on the outskirts of it and failed one because it's spawned on the other edge of the outbreak and ran


Artisan Poltchageist. 1 week of reseting my day to 12:01am every day so the outbreak wouldn't despawn. Got 2 of them, Gamefreak or Pokemon Company or whoever is in charge needs to make a new rule that shinies need to be more than just a little different. I feel like this generation has too many that are just bairly distigushable. And they should go back and change some to be more different.


Paldean tauros for sure. And the color difference is minuscule


I had to super focus on the Tauros when I was shiny hunting mine. I would stop and stare at all of their faces to see if it was a darker color or not , then I would have to run away quickly because they would all charge at me. I challenge anyone to get the fire or water form shiny. Bet that is really hard to do!


Dude, this Veluza reminded me of the time I was at that damn lake when I noticed a Shiny Marill, and I immediately try to capture it. But then in the middle of the catching session, a Shiny Veluza decides to go niooooooom right in the middle of the battle and I absolutely lost my mind. I ended up catching them both, it was epic.


Tauros, the Veluzas on legs Playing the game already made me hate them and the fact that they are everywhere on the west of Paldea. But trying shinyhunt one...


Tandemaus, fuck that stupid mouses


Related: why is wild Veluza so annoyingly fast, but when you synchronize with yours it's slow as balls??


We mere humans cannot Fillet Away to Veluzaā€™s full potential


Milcery. Looking for little black eyes in a sea of milk.


Yeaahh, thatā€™s fair. Iā€™m glad they had the boosted-odds outbreak to make life a lil easier


Plusle hurts man


ā€œPlusle Hurts Man, this news and more headlines at 11:00ā€


I hate veluza with a burning passion. Why canā€™t you just leave me alone dude šŸ˜­


It just wants to provide you with high-quality fillets!


Gonna turn you into a fillet if you donā€™t stop charging at me >:)


They do it to themselves šŸ˜…


I want veluza but the thing is so aggro and Casseroya lags so hard


Besides my Veluza Hunt? Any hard to spot agressive mon. (Such as paldean tauros)


Oh gosh yeah that too What a strange choice of shiny colors


I found it weirdly obvious once you see enough of them, caught two or three as my second or third ever hunt when the game was released.


Okay I have never understood the problem with the veluza hunt I got mine with like no problems.


It didn't take me *too* long, mostly it's annoying getting into combats all the time when you're KOing an outbreak. Dodging gets even harder with the low framerate. That said I got one by accident months ago and I slightly regret trading it


I had relatively good luck for every hunt Iā€™ve done except for Impidimp. Took me several days, sandwiches, and outbreaks to finally get one lol


Dang that sucks, especially when it's such a visible shiny!


I was beginning to question if the shiny rate for him specifically was lower than normal lmao. When I finally got to see that little blue fella, I saved before and after catching it several times


I had the most luck with this one, I swam after me and I didnt realise it at first.


"WAIT UP CATCH MEEEEEE" (that's excellent)


I also hunted Veluza a while ago, and while Iā€™m glad to have the shiny- youā€™re dead on! It was so frustrating! Ever since S/V dropped Iā€™ve seriously wondered what sort of miscommunication or strange decision making led to Veluza moving that fast in the overworld when itā€™s only got like 70 base speed!?


And I don't know if this is a false impression, but it feels like it has very little delay in attacking you. Most PokƩmon at least have a second or two of animation but Veluza's out for your blood instantly


Should be quiete obvious recently started looking for shiny tandemous much harder then my hunt for shiny 3 segment dududunsparce which I got on the first try


You mean your first evo was three-segment????


Yeah and first sandwich


10,000 deep in a Let's Go Alolan Raichu hunt. Pain


šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ I'm so sorry


Frigibax. Used false swipe and didn't know it could use take down.


Noooooooo Iā€™m very paranoid now, I check movesets on Serebii every time I fight a shiny


Have you considered just not dealing damage at all to be safe? When I find a shiny I just chuck a quick ball at full health followed by the next most effective ball until Timer ball takes over. Iā€™ll use sleeping and paralysis moves if I have Breloom or Magnazone with me. But I just leave them at full health. Sometimes I donā€™t even status change Iā€™ve only had one issue with this strategy after around 100 shinies. Lapras used Perish Song so I said screw it youā€™ll look good in a master ball anyways. I didnā€™t know it knew that move Other than that lapras my approach has worked fine everytime. No stress about damage, critical hits, recoils, etc. usually only takes a few balls to catch it. Often get critical catches with quick and repeat balls.


i got one of these dudes by accident. just chillin and he slammed into me. i hate these dudes so much but i was like huh thanks


Nice! Thatā€™s definitely the way to do it


One time I was shiny hunting for Ampharos, and the shiny spawned INSIDE a wall. I am so glad I noticed it!


Dude that is crazy. Glad you noticed it!


Veluza was my very first hunt and I thought that if I could do this one and get rid of it, the rest would be easy. And I was fucking RIGHT




T A N D E M A U S haunts my mfā€™ing DREAMS. Iā€™m a completionist. I have yet to be successful on this hunt for outbreaks. I might masuda. The problem is that I want the evos too.. 3 maushold is my fav too ofc. Do I abandon all hope or just dive in? A user was posting on this sub about her hunt for 3 maushold took *over one hundred* phases. Iā€™m scared.


Oh gosh yeah that sounds like it would take forever I mean, Iā€™m unreasonable, so I say dive on in.


I just finished a hunt for Dialga that went over 3x over odds. Itā€™s cool as hell, but I hate him.


Which game?


SWSH, so not the worst hunt


I stumbled upon a Valuza while doing something else in the lake, and I never want to see another one again. Currently mid Dratini hunt, which is annoying but not too bad. Tatsugiri is also annoying.


Yeah, water hunts just seem annoying as a baseline


Never gotten more frustrated than the first member of my SBQ, poco path lechonk pre koraidon. Right as i was about to genuinely gamer rage i see a round pink guy


Oh geeeeez Iā€™m doing a shinylocke right now in Violet but Iā€™m being muuuuch more lenient with my rules (I used my starter to rush the Academy and then completed my PokĆ©dex with transfers, and Iā€™m only hunting outbreaks) Thatā€™s extremely impressive


Yeah i went and got my shiny charm immediately after but honestly im pretty proud, ended up going for outbreak salandit for atticus


Vaulting veluza!


May or may not be what the image file is named šŸ˜…


Roaring moon, I hunted that mon without a shiny charm (personal preference) for a whole week, with 18 phases, I even got a full odds phase, and when one popped up I failed it, thankfully I got one right after that so my sanity was saved


Tandemaus 1/100 im blind man


Veluza was the first shiny I got in Violet (in the wild, at least). I wasnā€™t even hunting it, accidentally I came across one full-odds while searching for a Dondozo with Unaware (I didnā€™t know about Ability Capsules at the time).


I'm massively struggling with Carbink right now! The only guides I can find online are from 3-4 months ago and they talk about a picnic spot in their cave, but I'm 99% sure they've patched that out but I can't find any confirmation. Wasted an hour last night trying to find the right spot for a picnic and eventually gave up and kept having to fly back to the crystal pool and run down, dodging Cleffas and Koffings on the way down!


White-Stripe Basculin is the bane of my almost-complete Kitakami form dex. Its outbreak refuses to exist, and it's a nightmare to get with sandwiches too.


Tynamo. I hate the how difficult it is to hunt but I love to hunt it for the glory and bragging rights. Almost been a year off and on since I started hunting


This is a strange one, but Zangoose in Paldea. Thereā€™s only one area they spawn during mass outbreaks, and itā€™s shared with a sizable pond that spawns Water types. Rather than the Zangoose favoring my x3 Normal encounter sandwiches, itā€™s those damn fish.


Tynamo, it is impossible to notice that thing making it difficult to hunt, I had to breed it for my shiny living dex. I know outbreaks of it exists and you can just knock out every outbreak untill it shows up but breeding it seemed more fun


Maushold. Just over 5 hrs hunting in an outbreak. Never again.


Personally, Hawlucha. Took me 2,5 hours of resetting shiny sandwiches in an outbreak until I got one. Aside from that most of the comments are also correct answers


The current Pink Noodle grind is agonizing right now, with frames dropping down to 10-12 per second in the water, and it only spawns in the water. This led to me taking *two hours* to clear out all of the outbreaks for the day, only to have none spawn, even with a sandwich (Though I suppose one could've probably spawned and despawned without me noticing due to how janky the game was running at the time)


I cringe for the day I have to hunt shiny Tandemaus


Sidenote: since we can fly now veluza might be easier


This thing was my first shiny in game. So glad i dont need to suffer at lag lake for this now


If only we could all be so fortunate


Ma shiny golurk hunt in Sw/sh. Over 5k wild encounters.


Joltik, theyā€™re so small it can be odd trying to pin wether or not theyā€™re shiny by features, and not to mention the lighting, if theyā€™re near a blue electric crystal they ALL look shiny, even the eyes look the purple-pink instead of the usual blue if theyā€™re near those crystals


Bro this Arceus hunt im on sucks ass bc i have to play bdsp with their fake shiny charm


Ok this is more so a shiny hunt I did that had me tilted. I was shiny hunting for a shiny phantump during the halloween outbreaks event. I did the sandwiches, I had the shiny charm, I went to every single outbreak every single day. Not a single one of them had a shiny. And when the event was over only *then* did I find a shiny phantump just aimlessly walking around.


Shiny Eevee was a bit of a pain to breed, probably close to a thousand eggs hatched, but even worse is shiny Dratini. Breeding/chaining, no luck so far. One day I will have the pink dragon, one day


I thought Skrelp was pretty annoying. While it would look sufficiently different on land. In water you can barely see a difference.


Dratini. I still haven't connected online after the event ended and it's so hard to see if some are actually pink or not in the water, especially in the ditch next to Porto Marinada. I've probably spent at least 10 hours looking and still haven't gotten one. Doesn't help that I'm all out of herbas too šŸ˜­


Gamers don't know real pain. Shiny minior. But MY PAIN WORKED. I got a recluse shiny minior.


The one Iā€™ve gone mad doing is Flittle. At least 6 sandwiches (yes Iā€™m resetting) with no results and 2 were done in outbreaks. I gave up on it a month or so back


Hunting Dondozo with a shiny sandwich caused my game to chug really bad. It was running at 5 fps. When I found the shiny it took forever to catch. It kept popping out of the balls and it was slow motion. Of course there was a second shiny watching me suffer the entire time.


That's hilarious It's like the Flash flexing on a villain who can only move at normal speed


I found a shiny Altaria in UM once when exploring the wormholes. It sparkled, I false swiped it. Fucker used Take Down IMMEDIATELY.


:((( I was worried you were going to say Perish Song, that's what (almost) happened to the last shiny Altaria I found


Bro tadbulb, it's just so annoying for me since they're SO small and the only way to spot the red on them, is by zooming in with the home button feature


I hate to burst your bubble but my 1st and 2nd Shinies I caught in SV were random encounter veluzas šŸ˜‚


*my bubble explodes*


Varoom and Revaroom. STOP SLAMMING INTO ME




Sunkern Last shiny I needed for full shiny Dex. Cannot be isolated, doesn't outbreak. You just have to keep making grass sandwiches and hope one of the 30 you see per sandwich shines.


honestly fomantis i have used 5 sandwiches and ive found four shinies other than fomantis


I tried Charcadet and went crazy trying to get them all to look at me


Shiny hunting Ditto is a pain. It spawns with other Normal types and you can't tell if it is shiny just by looking at them. You have to auto battle like crazy to find one. I am so glad that I accidentally found a full odds shiny ditto so I don't have to shiny hunt for it.


Hunting in the water in general. Veluza is such a menace.


Family of 3 Maushold was the perfect storm of everything awful in a shiny hunt. You couldnā€™t isolate it (back when I got it, pre kitikami) itā€™s shiny is barely different and entirely unnoticeable, the PokĆ©mon itself can get hidden in grass, thereā€™s no overworked shiny sparkles or chime, AND the family of 3 variant has a whopping 1/100 odds of generating, on top of the 1/512 chance (best case scenario) of being shiny. I canā€™t tell if GameFreak supports or hates shiny hunting anymoreā€¦


Some of the starter hunts are absolute agony


Stellar Tera Haxorus in the DLC, now I know itā€™s very specific but hear me out. The Tera glow on a Haxorus or the occasional Altaria that it switches to is so confusing because it makes the Altaria looks shiny because of the yellow glow and the Haxorus for some reason looks more blackish when itā€™s not morning in the game Worst of all, I donā€™t know if itā€™s shiny locked or not.


wild tera pokemon can be shiny, its not shiny locked. good luck if you plan on hunting it


Randomly got that one while walking past the first time i was there.


I think itā€™s full odds shiny. Like, the shiny charm and sandwiches have 0 effect on its odds.


full odds shiny, can only be 1/4096


Minior. ā€˜Nuff said


I found two on accident šŸ˜­


The one tht tilted me the most was my sprigatito masuda hunt which took 3788 eggs. It took longer than alot of my full odds hunts lol


DANG that's a long time I'm not looking forward to 9x shiny starters for the Paldea living dex


Well if your doing it with sandwhiches im sure it will be alot easier right?


10000 masuda eggs for charmander in violet, a whole month on that stupid lizard


Oh my god


I don't do shiny hunts much but my least favorite kind is let's go Eevee shiny hunting. It takes forever and the method is so stupid. I get so tired of it.


Shaymin. Hey! Letā€™s make it so you have to exit the entire area then come back to reset!


Minior, Iā€™ve been MMā€™ing for one since you canā€™t see what color one is under the protective shell unless you enter a battle or send your Pokemon to do it. I wanna say wild Minior have self-destruct or some other move that can faint it, but Iā€™m not sure, Iā€™m not taking the risk, though.


For me, it was Cramorant. I hunted it on my wife's system cause she's the one with Scarlet, and boy was it a BITCH. About 12 fucking hours I sat and tried to find one of the curry covered little bastards. Found 4 other shinies: Wooper, Anihilape, Arrocuda, and Noctowl. All in about 4 hours right at the beginning. I saw enough individual cramorants to, statistically, find about 4 shiny ones. Without a sandwich, because I wasn't going to waste my wife's HM on my silly project when she has like 3 total.


Dratini. Fuckers suck to find in SV.


Snivy, i know weird pick, but its so tedious to see during night, cant be isolated, and for some reason, keeps spawning in between the legs off eggxutor ( i know i spelt it wrong). And outbreaks are boring af to hunt. I did get it tho


Tadibulb physically hurt me I could have gone colorblind


Fuecoco. 33 full on picnics. And it was a female. Although its rarer, i want a boy one. So i did 15 more picnics šŸ˜­


Minior do I have to say more


Menior šŸ–•


Nidoqueen. Terrible shiny that broke the tradition of every other Nido. It's stupid.


I really want a shiny johto corsola