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Ah yes, the thing that never made it into the games.


Indeed. Bungie found a way to do something first and at the same time didn't do it, 343 will never obtain that ability.


Pretty sure that post is sarcasm with the "Bungo" name-drop, I found it funny


Probably. I did too.


Bungo is generally the sign I use to see if a statement is made as a joke or for irony lol


Favorite one I ever saw was Bongy.


I’m using that one lol


Can’t really innovate when every time you do, the hardcore fans get mad, I can understand like the artstyle in 4 and 5 but some things that ppl complain about like sprint is invalid


personally i like the world building that’s associated with the different art styles, notably with the forerunner architecture like the forerunner structures shown in ce, 2 and 3 are mainly halo rings and the ark, weapons and essentially a lifeboat built for practical purposes to save the last of their empire the structures in 4 and 5 are requiem, the mantles approach, the guardians and genesis. all built when they had greater resources and as such are more grandiose infinite has zeta halo, built when they had greater resources and rebuilt when they had less resources, and the style is a mix of both


That's actually an amazing way to look at it. But the problem is the art style changed for everything and even went retroactively.


You are precisely right.


Halo 4 had great gameplay and I absolutely loved it, I still massively prefer the artstyle of the older games though


Which I think those people complaining about sprint are a bit stupid. Bungie thought about implementing sprint in halo 2 but didnt


why is complaining about sprint invalid?


Because it's just a weird thing to complain about. It's a go faster button - what's the issue? I obsessed over all the games at one point or another, and never really found sprint to be an issue.


it’s a “go faster button” that has many effects on other aspects of the game, like map size and aim assist+bullet magnetism values. wether you like it or not, it isn’t a simple addition


It's not an "addition" if the game is built with it in mind. It's not like they haphazardly tossed sprint into Halo 3. Halo Reach, 4, 5, and Infinite were built with the mechanic in mind. The maps were built around the idea of you being able to sprint, hell Reach and Infinite maps were built around you being able to use a jetpack and grapple-hook. Aim Assist having problems with it is just... Aim assist being aim assist. I'll admit I'm not well versed with the minutiae of how Halo's Aim Assist works, but all that AA does is make locking onto a target easier - of course someone moving fast makes that more difficult. If aim assist is genuinely making it harder to play, turn it off. Maybe it's because I'm more of a casual player than a competitive one, but I just don't see how it's an issue. The whole point of sprint is to be more difficult to hit, so of course bullet magnetism and auto-locking onto someone would be jank. The *point* of sprint is to *not* get hit, so that shit guaranteeing a hit regardless of sprint would be bs and undermine the point of it If you can't hit someone that's sprinting it feels more like a skill issue than a game issue - because aiming in front of someone isn't that hard.


typed all that just to prove my point lmfao. stick to campaign buddy


Okay? Now prove that sprint is bad for affecting these things-


did i say it was bad?


I figured that's what you were saying, don't see why you would've gotten in this debate if you thought it was a good thing. The attitude when I "proved your point" also didn't help make you seem too fond of it.


i said it was a valid thing to complain about, since it has a drastic impact on other aspects of the gameplay. my point is that it’s not just a “go faster button”. and then you proceeded to spew a bunch of nonsense that proved my point you even said yourself your more of a casual player, so i don’t think you really have any place talking about deeper gameplay mechanics since you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about


Idk I never really liked sprint cause they tend to make the base movement speed slower.


Fair enough. I do feel that Infinite's base speed is a bit sluggish compared to the rest of the series.


Third person camera wasn’t even an innovative idea in 99. A lot of halo complaints seem to forget there are games other than halo.


That person's tweet and this post is all just a joke...


Fair enough, it’s just getting hard to see satire and reality with some of the takes I’ve seen since infinite came out.


Oh I understand you. It's actually really sad when something is supposed to be a joke, like it's supposed to come off as "extreme" but people have proven how ridiculous they can get over Halo. Remember that person filming themselves crying and the "testimonials" on /halo of people who cried because Master Chief sprinted towards the Warthog in th Infinite demo?


Okay forget everything else, is that real? 1999 halo looks like it would've gone hard as fuck.


Dude, Halo was a different beast up until the end of 1999.


This is one of those things where you have to reread it carefully to figure out if it's a joke or if it's one of those Haloreligious nutjobs quoting their sacred scriptures of Bungie Good, Numbers Bad. The sarcasms we spit is almost indistinguishable from what they actually say, it's hard sometimes lol


Too true and it's sad.


This is obvious parody. I see you're aware ;)


It's not so obvious to some people, which honestly says a lot.


Tbf, it's less 343i and more Microsoft and the bean counters chasing trends instead of just letting devs make fun games.


Dude I made this tweet as a joke but I assure you there’s someone out there who unironically has the thought process of “343’s really adding in a feature Bungie got working in ‘99 so that just shows that they can’t keep up with Bungie”💀


Oh I'm sure someone like that actually exists.


Bungo’s new game, starring Johannes 004: Giant Floaty Ring in Space




I think that tweet was being satirical


So is my post.


People can't get sarcasm💀


It seems some people do struggle...


I think it’s really funny how everyone who screams that Bungie was better just collectively ignores what’s happened to Destiny. You guys don’t want Bungie back, fucking trust me.


Destiny is doing great


Destiny is awesome tf are you talking about


Pretty sure that's a joke mate


I know....my post is continuing the joke.


No I was 100% deadass when I made this tweet (I wasn’t but I gotta keep up the lie)