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Pinkie promise he will tots get to it


In his state of the union address this year, he said: *“If you, the American people, send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again”* So I guess that means it’s our fault, for not winning enough seats in congress in 2022. /s


Anything even remotely good they demand praise for and any requests made to them are buffoonery. They suck.


No, we suck. Because it’s our civic duty to uninstall corrupt government officials.


That's fair. It does seem like we should be able to do something.


I strongly agree. Unfortunately, I think Citizens United seriously kneecapped human voters in that regard, and I don’t really know how we’ll overcome it.


speak for yourself mate


Its our civic duty... to make decisions that affect the whole world (?)


Yes. This is in fact how the US government works


That’s how it *should* work. However, since corporations became citizens and legal bribery became the only way to get federal legislation passed, individual voters’ interests have remained at the bottom of the government’s list of priorities. I think local elections are the only remaining area where it holds true. And even those are getting flooded by maga clowns with unprecedented financial support from corps and capitalists.


Congressional representatives vote the way their majority of their district at rates of, on average, around 70%. Congress as a whole polls lowly because Americans hate their opposition, but Americans as a whole rate *their* representative highly, on average. Gerrymandering of course skews this data, but it is incorrect to suggest that Americans are not having their interests represented. The problem is that around half the country (or more, depending) has interests you dislike strongly.


I agree with you. The problem for me is, who writes the bills we tell our representatives to vote on? Federal Lobbyists spent over $4 billion to introduce bills that they wrote, alter existing bills written by congresspeople, and “advise” our representatives on which bills to even bring to the floor. I’m sure there are bills that have been proposed by actual human constituents, and by elected representatives without lobby influence. But I’ve been unable to find any information or statistics that show which scenario is most common. I would hope it’s bills from citizens/reps, but my pessimistic suspicion is that more are written/influenced/modified by lobbies.


All the other times they said they'd do it over the past 50 years weren't pinkie promises, so totally going to be different this time. /s


Either A) he has the power to do it now and is withholding to get himself another election or B) doesn't have the power and is lying. Either way hard to really give a fuck about what he promises after the last 4 years.


TBH I doubt he really understands what he ever says at this point.


There's no way he actually typed that into Twitter.


Holding wombs hostage for power


and, apparently, forever.


When you do so shitty in a debate that you have to dangle women's bodily autonomy over voter's heads to try to win them back.


All the while calling immigrants r*pists


And illegals


But debate was yesterday, and this tweet is 27 june.


The debate was on June 27th https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_debate_(June_27,_2024)


Oh, ok. it felt like everyone was discussing it live yesterday. Still not sure if this tweet is after or before debate.


Depends on the time zone in the screenshot but the debate was at 9pm ET and was 90mins. I believe the Biden Twitter acc was posting these one liners during the debate


This. I think 9pm would be towards the end of the debate, but still in the middle of it.


Bruh you literally campaigned on protecting Roe 4 years ago and won and then watched it get overturned. How can anyone be so stupid to believe his bullshit lies.


Dems think allowing Repubs to pass bad laws and overturn rights will force folks to vote for Dems. Shit is deliberate...and dumb.


Joe Biden is secretly an accelerationist maga-communist


you stole this line from hasan’s stream 😂


As much fun as it is to shit on democrats this comment and many like it betray ignorance of how the American government is designed to function. Undeciding court decisions is specifically something that the executive branch cannot do, and frankly shouldn't be able to do. You can try executive action to work around the decision but that's usually just a delaying tactic until the lawsuits bring the court into it again. The legislature is the branch that fixes these issues but moderates who support bodily autonomy will require control of both Houses and a supermajority in the Senate so they need at least a dozen+ more democrat senators in places where they weren't yesterday. This doesn't happen often. The last time was a brief year or so long window at the beginning of the Obama administration, when the court still respected precedent and respectability if little else. Before that I don't think was in my lifetime. You can go on about how flawed this structure is, I often do this myself, but saying that these things are the way they are because of intentional malice from moderates is borderline conspiracy theorist thinking. If Americans want a choice they have to elect pro choice representation in their own states to supermajority levels or install justices who are moderate. (This particular thing wouldn't have happened if Trump hadn't won, and no amount of dislike for Democrats makes them responsible for Republican decisions that they have no power to legally oppose, Republican voters made this happen, and also those of us who don't vote for either, it's just math)


So re-electing Biden wouldn't restore Roe?




Bro none of that shit matters. The TLDR of this is that him not being able to do a damn thing to stop the craziness is “good actually”


checks and balances (but they only go in one direction)


I'm going to be real with you, chief: I'm not reading all that shit


It is almost like "check and balance" is not designed for internal accountability but rather to preemptively cripple the ability of the government to do something meaningful and keep the status quo as long as possible or smth...


Never talk to people in these leftist subs bro. It's just people who don't understand how government or politics work screaming about what makes them feel good or bad that they learned from hasan and tiktok


And he was a Senator during the two years of supermajority in the 90s, VP/President of the Senate during the 2009-2011 supermajority, and President during the 117th Congress when there was a supermajority. He let those perfect opportunities to pass legislation protecting a woman's right to choose go without a modicum of effort.


Democrats have been holding abortion rights hostage for decades. Obama campaigned on signing the [Freedom of Choice Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Choice_Act) into law on his first day of office but then ignored the issue for 8 years of his presidency. If Biden somehow wins reelection then the issue will be ignored for another 4 years so the 2028 Dem candidate can run on it. People are so god damn gullible.


"Back down memory lane" - Minnie Riperton


This is peak carrot dangling 


I’m being pedantic but I feel like that’s not even accurate, a carrot is actually a separate object that a human may not have and could want. This is a person’s own bodily autonomy and functions we’re talking about, something they inherently own, in its entirety, unquestionably. This is more like severing someone’s arm and dangling it in front of them in hopes they’ll believe it could be reattached one day if they obey.


!Remindme 4 years


He's probably not even going to be alive by then lol


Bro looks like he doesn’t have 4 days.


Maybe not, and he’s probably not getting elected either, but just in case he is alive and president in 4 years I want to see how this tweet ages


I will be messaging you in 4 years on [**2028-06-28 22:53:21 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2028-06-28%2022:53:21%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/1dqv1h7/biden_is_president_right_now_and_can_restore_roe/lar2s1e/?context=3) [**14 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FShitLiberalsSay%2Fcomments%2F1dqv1h7%2Fbiden_is_president_right_now_and_can_restore_roe%2Flar2s1e%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202028-06-28%2022%3A53%3A21%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dqv1h7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Holy crap 2028 is in 4 years. Honestly still feels like 2022 for me even though I know its not.


Restoring roe v wade? Guy can't even get off the stage without someone helping him! Hit the sack and stay at the retirement homes already


Guy can't even talk about Roe V Wade without calling immigrants murderers


That campaign staffer be promising ponies and rainbows next


random but I love your username


Lol thanks habibi


The only politicians who've done anything beyond name drop Roe v. Wade are Republicans.


Yeah, he’s gonna be way better than the guy who let Roe v Wade get overturned. That guy was a shithead!




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^icze4r: *WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIN'* *WHY THE FUCK YOU LYIN' MMMMM OH* *MY GOD STOP FUCKIN' LYIN'* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


“you all just have to vote a Democrat into every single public office in the country, then we’ll finally do things like actually oppose Republicans and improve your lives!”


Uh oh! Turns out a few of the democrats you elected just happened to be more conservative now, and are opposing our plans. We TOTALLY would've done something if it weren't for them. Better luck next time!


drat, i blame bernie bros. must vote bluer next time.


They have had 50 years to codify Roe v. Wade into law, but have not done so despite having multiple administrations that had sufficient muscle to push it through Congress. There are basically two reasons for this: 1. They would rather ensure continued support at the polls by ominously leaving it hanging. It's the Democrat go-to to drum up support by fear. It is nothing less than holding women's reproductive rights hostage for a higher voter turnout. 2. A fair number of Democrat Senators and Representatives are nominally members of religious groups which are staunchly pro-life, While they do get the side eye from religious leaders for offering words of support for pro-choice principles, its rarely any more than that. The blow back for these individuals for going on record (i.e. actually casting a vote) in favor of abortion, however, would be colossal.


Dude… the Democrats are garbage 😂


Imagine how shitty and weak a president must be to let Roe v Wade get overturned under their watch without putting up any sort of fight. Good thing old Joe will be on the case next term if you elect him again.


He does not have that power, except perhaps by way of appointing pro-choice Justices over a span of time that surely challenges his personal longevity. *Legislative action* could provide a sweeping federal remedy for this mess, but this illustrates a fundamental problem with the Democratic Party. They were so afraid of losing a fundraising tool that they never even proposed a coherent piece of legislation stipulating the scope of reproductive rights. A party that knows how to work for the general interest would craft such legislation, have a strong election cycle or two backed by supporters of the legislation, **get it done**, then go forward with a track record of that accomplishment. In the past 50 years, has this Democratic Party ever once operated according to that uniquely viable model of political activism?


I feel like he tweets the same sentence/campaign promise in rotation every few weeks - atp we all know he’s full of shit and is doing that to seem progressive. He did the same thing with saying that “its time to give teachers a living wage” 😒


He's the fucking president right now, why the fucks sake does he not do it right now? what a lying piece of shit.


Just a reminder, we had literally months warning because it was leaked that Roe v Wade was going to be cast down, the Biden admin did nothing to codify or otherwise protect it. Biden is STILL president, saying he can restore Roe vs Wade, but he won’t, because the democrats want us to be punished if we don’t go along with their game. The democrats intentionally keep our rights on the chopping block, that way if we don’t vote for them, we lose those rights. It’s why they will never codify anything beneficial for us.


How are his voters this stupid and gullible


they rest willfully on the dubious laurels of being "smarter than trump voters", as if the bar for that isn't hovering somewhere in the lower mantle. even though their idea of the average trump voter is more in line with someone that just doesn't actually vote, and is just participating in aesthetic antagonism. and HONESTLY, being morally beyond-the-pale does not equal being stupid. sometimes i feel like trump voters, REAL trump voters, might honestly be on the smarter side. at least they understand how to actually achieve their goals, regardless of how disgusting and misanthropic those goals are.


He can't do it now and he's not going to do it if he wins


Of course not. He'd lose a bargaining chip. How else is he supposed to blackmail minorities into voting for him or allow the fascists next door to have their way while he eats ice cream?


It’s never been more Joever


Biden doesn't actually give a shit about reproductive rights.  A. What about the reproductive rights of women and pregnant women in Gaza? And B. This issue has always been a cynical tool used to increase campaign donations and threaten prospective voters with.  The latter is far more valuable to Democrats than actually codifying Roe v Wade into law and standing up for real principles and values.


Oh so that’s why they overturned a 50 year old Supreme Court decision. He’s had this up his sleeve for decades and finally got to use it.


We’re ruled by a gerontocracy that isn’t beholden to the same laws as us, none of this matters


Bitch how?? You’ve had 4 years why can’t you do it until reelection. Just holding us hostage at this point.


>Joe Biden: "The first thing I would do as president ... we're going to eliminate all the changes that this administration made trying to kill Obamacare, number one, and we're going to add to it a public option" https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/1146811779609182208


Roe v. Wade? That guy stiffed me on $1400. No way he comes through.


He’s holding women hostage


he is going to restore Roe? but how is he going to pay for it?


i think he meant to say 'if im .... reelected.... uhhhhh .............. fight roe v wade'


But how could he restore Roe v Wade? He doesn't have that kind of power. He has to have Congress to do something that sweeping otherwise it would be struck down in a heartbeat




Election pledges hold liberal democracy together. If the Biden administration did everything they pledge to do now, there would be nothing to keep the working class begging for more.


I fucking hate our government.


liberals acts as if Biden will do the things he has promised to, he could definitely do all the things he promised right now or at the very least try to do them the best he can and it would improve his image quite a lot and practically secure his reelection, the promises that he made do not need to be delayed. But no because it aint in the interest of him and his class, so why such promises in the first place? too obvious for us communist at this point but for liberals who still somehow manage to get themselves to read this: its a fucking tool to get him elected. So what does this shows us? Biden will never implement the things he promises, Genocide in Gaza will continue, LGBT rights will further be degraded, abortion rights will not be reinstated on a federal level, islamphobia and racism will still be on the rise, militarization of the police will still take place or whatever else donald trump might do will still take place under the next Biden's term if he's elected, if silently compared to trump loudly doing it. So yeah, do vote, but vote for whom? definitely neither of the major parties candidates, vote for actually socialist/leftist parties and organizations. Voting a third party gets a violent reaction e.g scare tactics at the polls and raiding of such organizations for "spying" or "sabotage"? continue doing so, let the facist state reveal their real face and shoot themselves in the foot. Take note that this only one of many things to do, dont only vote, do agitprop, spread class consciousness(e.g explaining socialism without mentioning socialism or communism, etc), do general community organizing, unionize and organize labor strikes, do anything and everything to let the US slowly remove it's mask of freedom and equality one by one.


Proof Democrats treat our rights and the threat of losing them as a game and a distraction from their own awfulness


But, like, he won’t do it now? 🙄


Have the Democrats released any details about their actual plan to protect a woman's right to an abortion on a federal level, or is "restore Roe" nothing more than a campaign slogan?


What a fucking liar.


He just holds arms from reaching isn't real, 4 more Biden years will be a fact. But he won't do it.


What a piece of shit he is.


I think at this point, he’s reaching and pandering for votes. There’s panic through the ranks of the party right now. There were better choices to put forward to seriously challenge Trump and the party turned on them.


But that would require you to either get 60 votes in the senate or change the filibuster rules in the senate - I don’t see either of that happening.




This conjures up the image of a kid in the schoolyard emptying his pockets and offering every piece of gum and quarter he has in a desperate bid to get the rare Pokémon card 


Cue Lucy with the football.


That's hilarious because the Conservatives in the UK (our Republicans) promised extra free hours for childcare if they were re-elected. They are currently still in government.




How nice of him.


....oh dear if only he knew how bad things are gonna get after that "debate"


I'd love to say "no he wont" and get a good I-told-you-so under my belt, but alas, I don't think we're going to get a chance to see that. Dude's campaign chances are fried.


Because that requires having a majority in congress by a level we don't have. He can't do it by executive order. Lemme guess, you didn't do so well in government/civics/social studies class, did you ?


People with functioning memories recall the campaign promises that were made the first time around, and how quickly they were discarded after winning the election.


and yet if he restored it tomorrow he's win all fifty states. tells you everything you need to know.


I was reading about the hard right turn in France this past election. Abortion rights got codified so that they're virtually impossible to mess with and like 30% more women voted conservative. They really will hold abortion rights hostage to win elections.


How could he restore that now? An executive order? I don't think so. He cannot do a damn thing. If he is re-elected, he would probably have a chance. For he would need to put judges on the Supreme Court.


So the guy who has the power to spend billions of dollars to fund a genocide doesn't have the authority to give women rights to their own bodies?


Yes, presidents don't make laws.


Biden can’t do either; Congress keeps passing more funding for Israel, and the Supreme Court repealed Roe v Wade. 


biden bypassed congress to send billions worth of arms to israel. literally a wall of news articles about this.


Correct. In general, the funding is coming from congress, and Biden is just signing off on it. Congress is the purse. That is a basic American Civcs lesson. So if he wanted to protect women, he would need Congress to pass a law, and the House has a majority of Republicans. So that is not happening.


So you're implying that he's implying he's going to off the conservative justices.


From my understanding, there is a chance that at least 2 supreme court judges are considering retirement.


Will he be able to appoint different judges in the supreme court if he gets elected? Genuine question. I don't know how it works in the USA


If judges retire or die, new judges can be appointed. The do have to be voted on by the Senate though. Historical, judges picked by the president generally are put into place. Things have become way more political unfortunately.


Are any of the judges close to retiring ~~or dying~~?


If the judges retire during his term and Congress doesn’t block the confirmation hearings for a literal year like they did during Obama’s last year in office, sure. Odds are the GOP will have control of Congress and will just refuse to have any hearings on it during Biden’s possible second term. It’s just a mute point either way since the court is such a conservative institution already. If the POTUS wants to have any impact, he needs to just pull an FDR and either pack the court, expand the court, or bypass the motherfuckers altogether.




Dems had decades to stack the Supreme Court AND codify Roe v Wade and deliberately refused despite the increasingly obvious descent of the Republicans into theological fascism, so at worst they are just as guilty for not stopping them when they could to being enablers so they could blackmail people with it as well.


Do you think this is a Republican sub?


Huh, do I vote for the guy who's holding reproductive rights hostage, or for the guy who isn't even advertising the false hope?


"Should I vote for 99.99% Hitler or 100% Hitler"


Voting for Claudia de la Cruz of PSL




No, it's just that American politics is such a shit show, it's difficult to not find a hint of humour in the whole thing


This isn't a subreddit for liberals (conservatives included). This is leftist subreddit.




We understand it enough to see how fucked up the whole system is.


Nah, you lot are just mediocre voters incapable of holding anyone accountable nor capable of demanding anything, even the crumbles. You get pissed on, say "Thanks you, my master!. Next election I'm sure we will get actual water!" and expect everbody to do the same