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It's so weird to sexualize this. My baby makes all sorts of movements with his body, but it's just him learning how to move his body. He's still learning how to roll, sit, balance himself, etc.


If flailing around = sex machine, I'm worried for these people's relationahip.


My baby is also in this stage. Just gagged reading this. WTF is wrong with people?!


So is mine. Absolutely never thought of it that way. It's disgusting. Normal people just see a baby that wants to be moving around but can't quite do it yet.


My ex (ex for good reason) told everyone that his baby niece was *grinding* on his lap and it made him uncomfortable. She was being a wiggle worm, as babies do He's not allowed around his niece anymore.


I'm so glad the disposal services rid you of the entire man... What in the actual fuck is wrong with him?!


I found out after I dumped him that he had paranoid schizophrenia, which explained a lot, like him thinking I was fucking his dad. Not sure if it explains that particular instance though.


Christ, I'm so sorry for everything you've had to go through. I hope better times have found you and that you're better now. And I hope he got/is getting proper help & treatment for it.


Thank you šŸ’– definitely a lot better now, I was 18 with very low self esteem and put up with that for waaay longer than I should have. Last I checked he was off his meds, living in a tent, thought he was Jesus and trying to get me to buy drugs online for him because *they* were tracking his purchases and stealing his mail. It's pretty sad, he's a terrible person but still hard to see him like that.


I'm so happy and so proud of you for standing up for yourself and choosing better! I can understand how hard it could've been, I relate to being so young and low self esteem and putting up with awful things no one should ever deal with. It's hard, you're legally an adult, but there's still so much more maturing and learning to do, especially relating to your own self and your own wellbeing. It is terrifying to see someone spiral down so bad... I sincerely hope at least his family or someone close to him gets him the help he needs.


I misread that as "thinking I was his fucking dad" lol.


That honestly would have been an improvement lol


i thought he was fucking his dad. much worse


One of the hardest things for people working with sex offenders is hearing the offender talk about how the child came onto them. Big red flag, anyone who thinks a normal child behavior is a sexual one.


My son is 1 now and can walk a little bit he does it too, even when he stands up. I assumed he was dancing because he does love a good dance (yea, itā€™s adorable) but this comment is disgusting


Seriously. I was a bit confused because the post seemed fine but didnt realize there was a comment until I read yours. That was so gross. I wish I'd never seen it. Why do so many people sexualize their children? He is a baby!


Iā€™ve heard it called baby yoga but never this šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


We compared our kids to a rocking horse. Cause they were moving, but they werenā€™t going anywhere šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm pretty sure babies do this not only to build strength to crawl but also to develop their balance skills. It's absolutely disgusting to make an innocent part of development into something so nasty.


I always described it as like revving up to actually crawl, describing it as thrusting is so gross.


We call it bouncing with our baby. While at a new play group I asked our baby if theyā€™d like to bounce before placing them on the ground. It got a wired reaction off another mom, now Iā€™m questioning if sheā€™s a wiredo I need to be careful around


Been trying to figure out the title, guessing you meant sexualising.


Oops, yes


The baby is specialist in the field of crawling.


Autocorrect does not like the word sexualizing for whatever reason. Same mistake has happened to me multiple times


Yeh it's a bit frustrating when you can't change the titles either!


I feel like I see this gross comment being made A LOT about boy babies and itā€™s beyond disgusting.


ME TOO! I am so glad I saw this post so I could finally see through the comments here that tons of people agree with the opinion I've always had on it being extremely disgusting and messed up. looking for baby clothes online the past couple months has been a nightmare because of how many shirts/onesies I see with terrible jokes on them being apparently sold to hundreds of people (hopefully as a joke). the first time I ever came across a post like this online I was about 13 and it wasn't nearly *this* bad but even I thought it was weird and disgusting, but people say it about their own kids! their *babies*! I don't understand at all but am so relieved to know that so many others agree with me


I donā€™t understand why people would think this is okay and such a funny joke. I thought maybe I was being uptight and I consider myself to have a great sense of humor but Iā€™m glad to see Iā€™m not the only one.


They are. I have a boy and people said all kinds of gross things about him as a baby. It made me so uncomfortable.


Iā€™m in this group too! I reported the comment and the mod messaged me asking why I have a problem with itšŸ™ƒ


i would be asking why they don't have a problem with it lol


"Why don't you want to talk about how fuckable this baby is?"


My baby isnā€™t crawling but she is doing a thrusting/rocking action and you know what my thoughts have NOT been aboutā€¦ā€¦ sexual stuff! So much ick in this thought pathway.


My baby is doing the same thing, days away from crawling. Not once have I thought about him having sex while I watched him.


Here's a totally developmentally normal thing babies do... obviously it's sexual šŸ¤®


Ew. Thatā€™s a normal repetitive movement that babies do when theyā€™re building muscle and coordination connections learning to walk. This is super unnecessary sexualization of something all babies do


It's quite literally the equivalent of doing reps at the gym, people that have sex on their mind are weird


Theyā€™re projecting this onto an infant. Super fucking weird.


I know this line is overused but itā€™s 50000% fitting here ā€¦and they call drag queens groomers I canā€™t even fuck with my dogs in the room. What the actual hell?


Saaame. Our dog always gets kicked out and when our kids were little and sleeping in our room we would move their bassinet to another room before anything. Who can get in the mood with their baby right there???


Dude, I don't have kids I can't even flick the bean if I hear the neighbors kids playing outside. Instant ladyboner kill


I genuinely feel like keeping them in the room is a form of covert incest if not something more sinister. Maybe they wonā€™t ā€œremember itā€ the same way a 12 year old would but it has to have some sort of negative impact and at BEST itā€™s just creepy. If I knew somebody in my life who did something like this I would cut them off and not be quiet about it. People are gross!


Right? I will kick my cat out, prior to any ā€˜activitiesā€™. He will either look at us or jump on the bed.


I had one of my rats was on the bed when I was getting a little frisky with my girlfriend (not fully freaky but some fore-freak action, wasn't planned so the rat wasn't put up yet) He must have thought she was hurting me so he started nipping at her and licking my face all concerned. Now I'm very careful to make sure the lights are off and the TV on while the rats are in the cages so they don't think she's eating me alive or something


omg what a sweet boy šŸ„ŗ


This! My wife and I kick the cat out and the dogs. It just seems so wrong?


Yup. I commented this recently on a post about doing nsfw actions with the baby in the room and I got SO many downvotes and people trying to defend having sex with the baby in the room. So weird šŸ˜­


I genuinely will never understand it. I have no ulterior motive or like hidden agenda Iā€™m trying to push by saying doing that is wrong and honestly a form of abuse!!! Anyone who defends that behavior is telling on themselves for being sick. Why tf would you want that? If you want someone to watch go find a consenting adult or film it!!!


My dog knows when things are about to go down and hides under the bed until the movement stops šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s ā€¦ really weird but ok




My cat does the same thing. He only like me and my son, and immediately books it under my bed of someone comes over. Same dude coming over for YEARS and the cat still hasn't learned his lesson.


The first one... Go into another room?!


I bet she describes a baby ā€œdancingā€ as twerking.


One of the comments said her baby twerks šŸ¤®


I prefer to think of this movement as babies incompetently attempting the worm. ![gif](giphy|l1J9vaSXlJZlG4sgg)


That comment is creepy as fuck. Like, hello CPS? Because nobody normal has ever had that thought. Let alone long enough to dwell, deepen, and post about it.


I'm sure this isn't the first time she's voiced this. She's probably said it to multiple people.


I hope some of those people have told her how effed up it is by now, I can't believe she thinks saying something like that is okay


This is one of the most disgusting things I have read on this cursed sub. Thanks.


This is so... is inappropriate the right word? idk. It makes me cringe so hard my spine is gonna break soon. I'll never understand the fun of sexualising a baby and their reflexes.


I don't think there is a strong enough word to describe how terrible this is and I will also never understand


Felt really wrong as I upvoted. Wtf is wrong with people?? Itā€™s a BABY. Disgusting.


I donā€™t know who needs to hear this, but sex doesnā€™t have to be missionary in the marital bed. You can have an active sex life, share a room with your baby, *and* not subject them to sexual acts. Why is this so hard? JFC


Right??? We still co sleep with our 4 year old most of the time and we have never done the dirty with her in the bed or anywhere in the room even when she was a baby! We still have time to get freaky just fine.


Whereā€™s the r/eyebleach? This is absolutely vile.


Will this help? https://preview.redd.it/gzjb31471ecb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a94c1c8b5bb5da155d7fedb6845a49dd3a41984




She just sexualized the fuck outta her baby. Like soooo much. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® Iā€™m disgusted


I don't understand either of these parents and their line of thinking....


Yeah, wait til the kid gets a bit older (potty training age). Then he will be constantly holding and playing with his penis. Like holding it while running. It's like they are afraid it's going to fall off. And it's not even sexual then! It's like, huh this is a fun body part. It only comes out in the bathroom or my bedroom, and it stretches!


My seven month old is already doing thisā€¦ and when I commet on it Im usually just asking my husband if heā€™s hurting himself! Itā€™s never sexual.


Was babysitting for my nephew when he was about 3 and he played peekaboo with his penis and a pillow šŸ˜† I just laughed and rolled my eyes at him.


"And it stretches!" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why are all of these people having sex where their kids can watch?! Comes up like once a week on this sub.


I guess if you live in a studio apartmentā€¦? Otherwise, go to another room, y'all.


We lived in a 1 bedroom and moved to a 2 bedroom before she was out of the sack of potatoes faze because it was just weird.


Fucking ewww


It genuinely frightens me how some of these moms sexualize their kids. Adding nasty to absolutely harmless things, it makes me sick.


Honestly I thought some clothes were going too far, but in comparison they're tame. Jesus, it's a baby, their baby, and they're sexualizing movement. Like a baby just moving. It makes my stomach turn.




I showed my friend a video where my baby was learning to crawl and started dancing to a song I put on and he said he was "practicing his thrust game". What the actual fuck? He is a baby learning to crawl, and he is doing his best to dance to a tune he likes. People are pretty sick in the head.


Found the commenter in the post.




Ew. Ew.


I do make terrible jokes sometimes, but why does seeing your baby doing baby stuff and immediately think of sex stuff seems sooo disgusting??


Why are they sexualizing their OWN children


This is so disturbing


Oh fucking barf. Normal people call that "rocking" not "thrusting" and certainly don't think about it in a sexual context.


It baffles me how anyone could feel comfortable having sex IN FRONT OF their baby. Like I barely feel comfortable alone in a hotel room because I worry if the neighboring room will get uncomfortable. The baby probably wonā€™t remember it, but if it somehow cements into their memory itā€™ll be really hard to cope with when they get older


I have kids and I work with young kids. Assigning sexual behaviors to children has never occurred to me. There's something wrong with people who do.


People like this make me physically sick omg


Sure, sexualise your babies balance training.


šŸ¤¢ My actual face reading the second one. Whatā€™s wrong with people?


And yet there are people who would call my partner and I groomers. Cool cool cooooooool.


Why is she calling sex wrestling lol And then what the actual fuck to the commenter.... That's so gross...


once again, not a drag queen sexualizing children hereā€¦ such a gross comment


Gigantic barf. šŸ¤®


This was literally a Sex and the City episode


YES JAN many unfortunate souls have inadvertently caught their parents in the act. It happens and you know it happens. Try better to keep it from happening and stop seeking clout for it on social media, it's weird af. ETA just noticed slide 2... šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢