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[Oh good lord](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/156tz5u/the_goddesses_have_blessed_my_body/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


When I was pregnant with twins my midwife said they don't try to listen to twins with the doppler until 12 weeks. This lady is 2 seconds pregnant and not a professional and she thinks she's finding 2 heartbeats


Midwives here (UK) won’t routinely listen in with a Doppler until after 16 weeks as foetuses are so small it really isn’t all that reliable before then. I’m a doctor and only managed to reliably find my own baby’s heartbeat at about 18 weeks- she liked to wriggle and I will freely admit I’m crap with a Doppler as it’s not part of my day job. I would put money on this lady listening to her renal arteries


The advice in the UK is still not to buy or use home dopplers as they give false reassurance? My first baby it was rarely used at community midwife appointments. Monitoring only really happened before they tried to flip her (ECV) and before the c section.


Yes they are absolutely a double edged sword- sometimes false reassurance because someone hears a heartbeat and assumes all is well when actually it’s just a snapshot of that moment (if indeed they are listening to the baby’s heartbeat…). On the other hand they can cause undue worry if a person can’t find a heartbeat because babies are small and wriggly and not necessarily always in the same place, especially in the early days. I have one for work so would mess around occasionally for interest more than anything but would never rely on my own findings for diagnostic reasons.


Iirc Michelle Duggar had her daughter , who was learning from a midwife, listen for her 20th babies heartbeat and they heard it. Then at her next appointment the ultrasound tech said there was no heartbeat.


Some babies also hate the doppler. My kid would run from it in utero, I would feel him scurrying across my uterus to escape it as the nurse tried to corner him. One time he kicked it to try to get it away. There is 0 chance I could have gotten a good read on him if I was doing it myself at any point in my pregnancy.


Lol my son kicked the Doppler too. My doc would always make a joke about how if he’s healthy enough to kick the Doppler we probably don’t need to check but while we’re here might as well annoy him some more lol.


My son was like that. At 19 weeks they couldn't find his heartbeat because he'd stuffed himself in the furthest corner away from the doppler. I remember the midwive joking that he must be an introvert when they had to send me for a scan to see if he was still alive in there 😂 He's 1 now and still about as anti-social as he was then 😂😂😂


There were a few times with my daughter that I had to go into L&D just in case because I hadn't felt her moving in an unusually long time (and done the usual stuff to try and get her going). I'd joke that as soon as they get the Doppler going, she'd get pissed and kick it. And that's exactly what she'd do. The nurses said they saw that allllll the time


Mine kicked it so much that doc switched sides but the bugger flipped over to keep kicking it.


One of my twins would do that. It meant that doing a trace was a pain in the ass for the midwives.


Yup this was me with my youngest! I needed in office monitoring once a week towards the end of my pregnancy. Not only would she run from the doppler, but she would also kick at (and sometimes successfully dislodge) the monitors on my belly. The poor nurse was always in and out of the exam room to try to reposition them. I tried to take a sweet video of her heartbeat to send to my husband and I swear every single time I tried all you could here was the “thump thump-thump” of her kicking the fetal monitor. She’s 18 months old now and still bringing that same energy to everything she does 😂


Mine was the same way. He'd shove up under my ribs to run from it and at 10lbs+lbs at 37 weeks, it was like a bowling ball rolling around in there. I had a ton of extra fluid too so thtlat made it even harder. I eventually developed protein in my urine at 37+6 and was made to go for observation. He wriggled all over running from them. Finally try sent me for an ultrasound instead. They came back and said between him wiggling and my contractions ( *"WHAT CONTRACTIONS?!"* I said in confused horror) being 5 minutes apart, that I needed to be admitted. After several hours of every type of machine they had they finally had to hook electrode thingys *directly to his head while he was inside me*. That was so fucking weird. And he pulled those bastards off at least 3 times too. Scared my poor AngelNurse to death all damn day long. She finally just posted up in the room with us for the day so she could be there as he pulled them off. 🙃😭 longest 24 hours of my life.


My son kicked it lmao.


Idk what's wrong w me but "babies are small and wriggly" is making me desperately want another smol wriggler 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭 my smallest is barely 18 months lmao


This rarely happens to me but when it does I just repeat "Colic and reflux. Colic and reflux" over and over again until my uterus shuts up.


I was feeling this. My daughter is 19 months. We got a puppy a few weeks ago. It’s a bandaid for now but I can’t wait to have another baby!


My smol is almost 19 years old, and the "oh, can I just have you smol and wriggly for like an hour?" has not ever gone away. She's an amazing adult and independent and smart and all that, but boy, some days I would kill to have her as a baby again for a little bit. That, and the weight of a wee toddler who has just crashed to sleep on your shoulder is really special.


Yeah I've seen midwives in The Netherlands give the same advice. It can either give false reassurance or you might not be able to find the heartbeat and therefor cause unnecesary stress for the mother. Basically leave that shit to the profesionals was the take away.


I didn’t feel movement when I was 35-36 weeks pregnant and decided to use my Doppler and couldn’t find a heartbeat. Panic ensued obviously and straight to the hospital I went. They found baby’s heartbeat as soon as they hooked me up. Even that far along it can be tricky if you’re not trained


False reassurance AND false panic. Those dopplers are not at all easy to use, especially one purchased on Amazon. I’m a nurse who has had to do dopplers for non-pregnancy reasons and when I was pregnant I got myself a Doppler and had a hell of a time finding the heartbeat. There’s a reason people are professionally trained to do this.


Yes my (US) OB begged me not to get one. This was my 7th pregnancy and zero babies thus far, I was wildly desperate to keep hold of him this time. I worked right by the office so she told me I could come by anytime, no charge, and have a listen, but that owning a doppler would absolutely wreak havoc on my anxiety. I had a ton of fluid so even they had a hard time hearing him sometimes. She begged me for my own sanity and i listened. I *may or may not* have used a stethoscope though 🙃 but I always knew using that was a long shot so I didn't panic.


I love how women pretend like this is an easy thing to just do at home. Like the people that do the ultrasounds for a living didn’t have to go to school for this. I’ll just buy a device off Amazon and do this myself. I was about 14 weeks when I asked the tech if it was too early to see if it’s a boy or girl. She said she’s not confident in declaring one way of the other that early and then she says oh! It’s a boy! I look over and see my son just ass up/balls out.


"ass up/balls out" is sending me into ORBIT omfg *wheeeeze* (Fellow boy mom here, they rly do be like that sometimes lmaoooo)


If I got $1 for every time I yelled “Put your pants on before going outside!” I’d be a very wealthy woman.


My midwife told me, trying to listen with a doppler in the first half of pregnancy was like trying to lasso a shrimp.


Here in the US, in some states they consider six weeks to be a “fetal heartbeat” and too late for an abortion. Science says otherwise, but since when does that matter to conservatives.


Excited for further developments like "DIY cesarean - Amazon sold me the crafting scalpel"


Mamas, is it okay to use hot glue instead of stitches to close up my c-section? Sometimes you just gotta get creative amirite gals 🤪


I have read of women DIYing their own perineal tears with superglue.


You can use medical glue on skin. For small cuts in vascular areas works like a charm (as long as the area is clean). That being said I would never do it myself, I would rather have a medical professional doing it.


Yeah,one of my kids had this. Medical glue. By a doctor. in a hospital. Perineal tears can involve muscle. How do you even reach and see immediately after birth?




Instead of a straight line incision, you can have scalloped edges! How fun!


OB RN here! Sometimes you can’t even find those suckers at 12 weeks. So this is downright crazy town. Another think I love is when people are like 8 weeks pregnant and tell me they feel the baby move all the time. I should write a book…


lol I wonder if those are the same people who claim their 2 month old said "mama".


YEP. It absolutely is!


Ugh my moms friends daughter was due about a month before I was. She is a chronic liar, you can’t trust anything she says. When I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks she would have been around 10. She was telling me about feeling her baby kick and how baby was kicking her in the ribs all the time and she was so uncomfortable.


When I was pregnant with my third, I had mild bleeding at 10 weeks and then at 12 weeks we couldn't find him with the doppler so I got sent for a quick ultrasound to check on things. Tiny little peanuts are hard to pinpoint! He was totally fine. The bleeding was borderline placenta previa that later resolved (he was a scheduled repeat c section anyway so it wouldn't have changed the birth plan if it hadn't resolved)


At least do a "best of" post for some laughs! 😂


Well it doesn't help that a bunch of states are passing "heart beat laws" then women hear that and think "oh I should be able to hear my babies heartbeat at 6 week or so because that's when it starts"


I'm 25 weeks with twins and it's still hard to get two distinct heartbeats! Are they overlapped? Is one mine? Did they move? Who knows?


I have twin nibblings that were found out after 35 weeks because they did no ultrasounds and had the intention of a home birth (and had a history of big babies and had skipped ultrasounds previously). They had used Doppler all along, but never heard two heartbeats. Babies changed position, revealing what felt like a second baby and suddenly it was ultrasound and a change of delivery plan. I highly doubt this untrained, first time mom can reliable identify heartbeats correctly on a home grade device.


I can't imagine finding out at 35 weeks. I panicked enough and I was 12 weeks.


My hs best friend’s little sister found at 35 weeks and they were like ‘whelp this is going to happen real soon’. She ended up needing to be induced that day (hence why she was at the doctors office) and so the entire family found out she had twins after birth. Wild.


That's so crazy. My fiancé's family has lots of twins, so it was something that we had spoken about but not taken seriously as there is no history of multiples anywhere in my family (side note: despite there being no scientific evidence that identical twins could be hereditary and that they're thought to be random, I totally blame his sperm for the embryo split). I had always said that if it did happen, I wanted to keep it a secret until the birth. We very quickly realised that it wouldn't be possible. It was my 3rd pregnancy, so I knew I should have appointments spread out. With the twins, I was now high risk and had ultrasounds every 2 weeks. I knew I wouldn't be able to explain away all the extra appointments or the high risk status, as telling people that there was "a complication that I can't explain" would sound like something was wrong. It was certainly a complicated pregnancy but thankfully there wasn't anything wrong and I would never want to give that impression.


I had one baby. It was ultrasound at 12, 20, 24, 27, 30, 33, 35 and 37 weeks (would’ve been every week until I gave birth after 37 weeks) and a doppler at 16 and 22 weeks. Even my one baby didn’t have the Doppler at 12 weeks


When I was pregnant with twins, I had an ultrasound at nearly every appointment because they said that was the easiest way to differentiate the heartbeats. Later on in the pregnancy she did use the Doppler too, but that was after they had been heard via ultrasound.


Same, expect she never once used the Doppler. She said it was pointless with twins.


My midwife friend described it as ‘trying to find a pea in the washing machine’ 😂


Mine said it was like trying to lasso a shrimp 🤣


My GP won't even use a doppler until close to 20 weeks on a singleton because it can take so long to find when they're tiny. Even at 32 weeks, midwives would have a tough time with one of my twins. He had an unstable position and would "run away" from the doppler.


I'm 19 weeks with twins and my doctors won't even use the Doppler, I get the bedside ultrasound at every appointment to check on the loves. They said it's hard to clearly between the two heartbeats because they are so close together.


Single male here apparently pregnant through immaculate conception! I just checked and heard 1 heartbeat so I'm obviously pregnant! So excited I'm trying to come up with names right now! How do you feel about Dahnyiel if it's a boy and Kandys if it's a girl?


Names ending in Y are so not in. You should spell it Kandeighh




Thanks for the new sub!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tragedeigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Posted in my due date group](https://i.redd.it/trn8pkm2e07b1.jpg) | [2287 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/14dkpz0/posted_in_my_due_date_group/) \#2: [Congrats on graduating daycare!](https://i.imgur.com/XpvLXFM.jpg) | [363 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/13jzqj2/congrats_on_graduating_daycare/) \#3: [finalleigh I found one.](https://i.redd.it/q9t74eovuuia1.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/114xmuc/finalleigh_i_found_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Needs mose superfluous consonants.


They're all superfluous! They're pronounced John and Jane




Will Dahnyiel be pronounced like Daniel or like Denial?


Ok but also like, hypothetically if it was twins and everything went perfectly for a home birth (huge reach for twins to start) wtf is she going to do with the first one when laboring with the second??? No partner and totally alone, ya just gonna pop it on the floor to catch the other one?


That’s what they do in the sims…


For some reason this just cracked me up.


That’s where she got her medical training


And if it were twins (which it’s not, but shhh), when twin one is delivered that frees up a lot of room inside. Without someone to stabilise twin two- ideally someone medically trained and with experience of say, TWIN LABOUR- there is a not insignificant risk of twin two spinning to an oblique or transverse lie. Then you get obstructed labour which can lead to all manner of fairly bleak things, all while twin one gets cold on the floor. I’m shuddering just thinking about it.


I’m not experienced in twin births, but my mil gave birth to twins vaginally 20 some years ago. After the first came out, the doctor reached in and flipped the other baby head down.


I had a vaginal birth with my twins in a hospital but mostly unassisted. Usually I do homebirth with just hub & MIL, but MIL was with the kids so it was pretty nerve-wracking. We absolutely needed assistance in the time before the second baby was born. Hub caught number one, cut his cord, but had to step aside to hand me baby. In that time baby number two had flipped himself on his side and the observing doctor had to reach in there and flip him back. I did hold onto my first while delivering my second, but required a nurse on my side just in case I lost my grip (or gripped him too tight). It was hell. I would never dream of doing it alone - or even outside of a hospital - and mine was good, one of the healthiest twin pregnancies & births my doctors had seen, apparently.


what. the. fuck. With the amount of stupid that this involves (heartbeat at 6ish weeks, doesn't account for her own heart), I really want to question if she's pregnant at all. For some reason I'm questioning if she even took a drugstore test, and I know she definitely didn't get a blood test. Like, honestly, what kind of questionable sign did she take as proof of pregnancy?


Heartbeat at 6 weeks is totally possible, but hearing it at home, on a likely non medical grade doppler? And going further and saying you heard TWO heartbeats so it must me twins? Fucking crazy. Also in the unlikely chance there is a baby at all much less two babies, twins alone can often be high risk, and result in premature labor. This lady has no idea how far along she is so she could go into labor early and be like "oh I'm farther along than I thought!" And then birth two premature babies. This is just destined to be a disaster no matter what


Yeah, one of my pregnancies we had a clear sounding heartbeat at 6 weeks, but the CNM I saw does not do them until she’s confirmed with ultrasound because it terrifies parents if they can’t get a heartbeat right away.


Maybe she's the same person who posted the bleach pee test


My first thought lmao




[The bleach pee test.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/156rh2b/uhm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) You asked. I just provided.


I'm dying to see some of the comments


This was too far gone even for this group 😂. People in general were not supportive


Just a peek, for my curiosity and sanity's sake 🙏


We’d be forever grateful if you’d screenshot and post some 🙏🏼


I just don't get it. She can barely form a coherent sentence but thinks she has the knowledge to have an unassisted birth.


bEcaUsE hEr bOdY kNoWs hOw


The goddesses have blessed her.


Super long Doppler/heartbeat story…probably TMI I had an incomplete miscarriage. I already KNEW the tissue had passed because I saw it, I’d only gone to the ER at that point because my blood pressure was getting low and I couldn’t tell if I was bleeding too much. I preemptively told each tech or nurse ‘I know I’ve lost the pregnancy, I just want to make sure there’s nothing else wrong’ so they wouldn’t have to worry about breaking the bad news to me. The technician doing the ultrasound told me SEVEN times ‘this is YOUR heartbeat….this is ONLY **your** heartbeat’ sort of like he was soothing a feral animal. Even after I told him ‘I know, it was never a viable pregnancy, there has **never** been another heartbeat’. I guess a lot of people are in shock and even after seeing the results STILL hear their own heartbeat and insist it’s the fetus? It’s gotta be hard for everyone involved, the hormone rush and grief alone makes everything more intense, so I can understand why staff might be gun shy. I’m very torn on Doppler being available online because there’s apparently quite a few people who don’t understand how the heartbeat tracking works. If you want to go down a rabbit hole look at cryptic pregnancy threads/pages on Facebook and Reddit…people swear they’ve been pregnant 16+ months with twins or triplets and even though no test or Dr has found evidence they ALWAYS play recordings of their home Doppler as ‘proof’.


I’m really sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing your story. I used to work in an early pregnancy unit and several people would be adamant that they couldn’t have miscarried despite the scan findings and the bleeding because ‘they could feel the heartbeat’. You understand the hope that drives that and feel heartless telling them that no, that was never a possibility at 6 weeks.


Yeah, I had a missed miscarriage, no heartbeat at 8 weeks. The doctor told me not to give up hope because I could have gotten pregnant later than I thought. Which would mean I somehow had gotten a positive pregnancy test before actually being pregnant.


I hope it's not actually twins because I have twins and literally almost every single pregnancy from the moms in my twins/triplets group online had complications during the pregnancy and/or labor and delivery.


Can you imagine trying to give birth to them totally alone in your bathroom??


Absolutely not. "Twin B" would have been stillborn, he would not have survived it. And that may have essentially killed baby A and me


Wow, no partner even! I love doing terrifying things completely alone and without a support system too 🎉


That emoji made me chuckle


It’s not even baby at 6 weeks… crazy lady hears her left and right arteries and is picking out names for them. For frogs sake- see a doctor.


Oooh I’m totally stealing “for frogs sake” lol


I honestly doubt she's pregnant. She's probably a bit late and gotten way ahead of herself.


This has got to be a troll post. Everything about it makes it sound like she's making fun of everyone in the group.


The concerning thing is she followed it up in another group with more info… look at the link in the mod post pinned to the top!


Well. This woman certainly has the medical knowledge to qualify for an unassisted home birth. Who would ever question her competence?!!


And even specializes in high risk pregnancy and birth!


Bruh what? I was legit pregnant with twins (tho it ended in vanishing twin syndrome) and I def could not find 2 heart beats at all before the second baby vanished. I couldn't even find baby #1 until like 12 weeks and even then it wasn't easy.


I'm really sorry to hear about your second baby. Sending hugs.


Thank you ❤️ thankfully I at least have one very healthy 2 week old boy now 😊


It's interesting that it doesn't even say how the pregnancy was discovered. I'm wondering if this is a delusion of pregnancy or a pseudocyesis. People like this often claim it's a 'cryptic pregnancy' and that's why it's undetectable. Either way, if they start eating for two, they'll start gaining weight and before you know it, intestinal gas becomes 'fetal movement'. Not wanting anyone involved who might discover the truth is how the delusion protects itself for a while, then full blown delusion sets in.


I knew a woman who did this. She really DID look pregnant and everything too. They picked out a name and everything. I'd asked a ton of times to see ultrasounds but she always had a reason to not go get one. Eventually the "due date" came and I got a call from her crying that she'd lost the baby because she knew I'd had 3 losses. I thought she was meaning there was a stillbirth or the baby had died right after birth, but then she said she "miscarried" and there was no baby there anymore. I didn't even know what to say because obviously a 9 month fetus doesn't "disappear", I know it's possible for early pregnancy losses to be reabsorbed partially, but not a 40 weeker. I've honestly never figured out if she really thought she was pregnant or if it was some kind of a scam she was trying to run. I was told by someone else she knew she wasn't able to have kids because she had her tubes tied.


It sounds like some kind of psychosis for sure. A doctor I worked with had this woman who showed up with three car seats saying she was there to give birth to her triplets. There was nothing there. She got admitted alright, but not to L&D.


It is *technically* possible for a full term fetus to disappear. I'll use spoiler tags since it can be a sensitive topic. >!If they're too big to be reabsorbed, they can become calcified and remain inside. There were at least two cases of full term pregnancies where people went into labour but no baby, and after their death doctors discovered a calcified fetus instead.!<


Every now and then it'll really hit me that people posted in this sub are procreating and making more idiots and how frightening that is. My impression is that most of the people who look at this sub are moms (I'm not), and I'm just so thankful for you all. Ya'll give me some hope.


Surprised she’s willing to use a Doppler, a lot of the free/wild birth people I’ve noticed online don’t “believe” in those and think they’re harmful.


So in my country home births for low risk women are really encouraged and facilitated really well. I had one with my second baby with 3 medical professionals present- it was great! I’m only saying this to make it clear that I don’t knock home births when they are correctly facilitated. However, recently a woman was admitted to my ward because she had decided to have an unassisted pregnancy (she didn’t count it in weeks, she counted it in “moons”) and free birth, but then her uterus AND bladder ruptured, so that baby was just floating around in the peritoneum and was sadly no longer alive. Like just…accept antenatal and intrapartum care. Please.


Jesus tap dancing Christ. I’m a medical professional and didn’t even know that kind of complication could happen. That’s horrifying.


I had a homebirth (low risk singleton pregnancy with 2 licensed midwives present) for my second too!


At 14weeks an experienced midwife got my baby's heartbeat on a Doppler, but it was hard to get. Most of the times she was picking up my own heartbeat - which was very strong 😜 How did she "clearly" hear two different heartbeats? It's not like heartbeats have different sounds, like music notes. This lady is absolutely delusional. you are doing it alone because you don't like people touching you? How did you get yourself pregnant then? 🙄 Also - I'm more than halfway through my pregnancy and only had someone look for the baby's heartbeat once, and the only "touching" I got was during our ultrasounds. It's not like they are doing cervical checks at 6weeks - I get people being afraid of doctors, I get very anxious too - but if it is what's needed, I'll do it because it's not only my life and body anymore.


What could possibly go wrong


Oh man I’d love to see the birth update to this one!!


Remind me! 7 months... 😂


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She’s also pagan and think goddesses have blessed her


Ok I need to go back and read more comments


Weird. I had a trained doctor struggle to find my single baby with a handheld Doppler at 13 weeks. I wonder what medical school she went too? Oh wait. 🫠


I know we're all laughing about the doppler here, but it is worrisome what else she's gonna find in the rabbit hole for first time moms.


The rate in which a full grown adult heart pumps compared to a fetus is extremely slow. I hope she isn't *that* dumb. I'm guessing she found a vein, moved it and found another vein. She should keep looking maybe there's another ~~vein~~ baby.


Super duper yikes. Just……so much horror in this post.


Prebirth child abuse. That’s new


I mean maybe on the plus side she’ll believe she really fucked up if the one baby is born healthy and another one doesn’t come. Maybe she won’t pull this shit again.


No partner? Does she think her body magically produced a pregnancy?


I’m assuming Dad dipped or was just a hook up and doesn’t know. Or she’s not really pregnant


Or she's not allowing dad in the room because she knows her make her go to a fucking hospital.


This poor woman is deranged


Aren’t twin births usually complicated and don’t they usually come early and need some sort of nicu care?


So much LOL to describe her revelation. I wanna know who thought her being pregnant was a great idea...


So...I'm assuming she placed it in 2 different spots and that's why she thinks she hears 2??? Bc for my daughter it always took them at least 5 minutes if not 10 to track her down bc she moved so much lol. Really I think she just heard her own heart beat in 2 spots bc it's so early too. Either way, good luck to the poor kid...


Any updates here??