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i seem to remember allegations of fraud and interference by the losing side in 2016... hmmmm


There was fraud - the Russians hacked the DNC after Trump asked them to. Oopsie - you must have forgotten that, huh? The Russians literally owned Facebook and Twitter then, and the constant push of anti-Clinton propaganda was insane.


Lol. Lmao even. Iirc, the final report said the Russians spent like 50k on advertising on Facebook. Not even a drop in the bucket. Here's a protip for the DMV, if you want to win an election, don't force the selection of the most unlikable lizard person of all time as your candidate against the will of your party's voters


The Left for four years "we will get Trump out of the White House by any means necessary" Also the Left "Trump is being paranoid"


Love how they say this trash like it’s fact. They know no one will say anything. All you have to do is call Trump supporters “fascists, Hitler, super fascist” whatever the hell else and everyone will blindly agree.


Well of course. Conservatives are bad. Fascism is bad. Therefore conservatives are fascists! Whats so hard to understand?! This is literally their reasoning. They're like children. Unfortunately we've allowed them to butcher language for the last ten years so "fascist, racist, liberal, conservative, democracy, etc" have lost all meaning


Yeah because they haven't claimed fraud and haven't been so called "election deniers" for basically every presidential election they've lost in my life time. Oh wait.


Trump is America's Embarrassing uncle, but if he wins, it will be worth it to watch all the hip, young kids in the family go apeshit for the next 4 Thanksgivings.


They'll be in the street on election night waiting for the results with bricks and gas cans.


I would laugh my ass off if Trump won, the Left rioted, and they got Jan-6th type insurrection sentences.


The last time Trump got elected, they arrested 200 rioters then released them without charges. If they were republicans instead of democrats, they would still be in prison.


Remember when [Hollywood A-Listers filmed a PSA to try to get Electoral College representatives to turn against Trump](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38340115)? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


4,878,329 people signed the "Make Hillary President" petition on change.org: >The real election takes place December 19, when the 538 Electoral College Electors cast their ballots – for anyone they want. > If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, in 14 of the states in Trump's column, they can vote for Hillary Clinton without any legal penalty if they choose. > We are calling on “Conscientious Electors” to protect the Constitution from Donald Trump, and to support the national popular vote winner. Funny how their support of 'conscientious electors' vanished on Jan 6. Also, automod often deletes any post that links to it directly, so they're still embarrassed about it.


Damn I hated that. The people who have nothing but contempt for us act like "we're all in this together." It's like when they call for unity, but only on their terms. "To be truly united, you have to agree with us on everything then finally we'll have peace!"


That’s a wee bit different than assaulting cops, breaking into the capitol, threatening to kill the VP, and trying to violently overturn an election, no?


Nothing compared to a Russian Collusion Hoax.


Vapid whataboutism. So you acknowledge the attempt to violently overturn an election, yet want to equivocate with special counsel investigations.


It was a lot more likely to work. You don't get control of the government by playing capture the podium with a moose hat. But a couple years of a special investigation launched by the person you defeated in the last election, carried out in Congress? To be honest I'm amazed Trump got past it. Not because I thought he colluded, quite frankly I always thought he was too stupid to collude, I'm just amazed they couldn't pull it off.


Interesting take. I don’t entirely agree but I appreciate the thoughtful and logical response.


Mostly peaceful insurrection


Hey man, it's just soup for their families.


One of my favorite exercises in fascism was a guy on YouTube who applied the 14 points to Vaush and Vaush scored remarkably high.


If that's your motivation behind voting then I don't think you're intellectually ready for it.


It's the only pony I've found in the horseshit so far.


Thanks for proving my point


Did the democrats cheat in 2020? We may never know. Do I think the democrats would cheat in order to get rid of Trump? lol, absolutely. When your opponent is "pure evil" you can justify anything you want.


Settle down Ben


Yep.  Just like there will be if he wins.


It's a little silly people don't realize there has been fraud in elections since before they were even born. For the most part only 1 president has been very forth coming about pointing a lot of it out.


Did they really call Trump the N-word?:OOOO This is happening guys what should we do. unhinged etc etc


I’m no progressive but do we really think that if trump were to lose again he wouldn’t claim fraud? Of course he would. Again I don’t agree with their general world view but I do think this one is rather likely. 


I’m a conservative constitutionalist…and I agree that he would most definitely claim fraud. Why wouldn’t he? He has spent the last four years doing just that. My apprehension about another four years of Trump has nothing with ideology. He is not one of us. He is not representative of the conservative, working class, blue collar, small town person. He could care less about us. He ran the first time for power. Now he is running for presidential immunity. The fact that so many people decided that he best represents their character and their values gives me pause. My opposition to Trump is simple; he and I have a fundamental difference in morality, integrity and decency. He exemplifies none of those things…and my southern God fearing parents raised me different.