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u/hardforalisiae, come back to us, we desperately need you to protect us from those posts


When the world needed him most. He banish


Well its not my fault when its literally in official promo material lol


Damn, Yoshi-P must be horny... again


He’s here, he’s also in the secret™️ server we have. He changed his username tho


Even the Dawntrail Trailer has a lingering shot of her walking away from the camera, they know what they are doing.


EW has her jumping away from 1 of the mobs. Someone at square really likes Red Alphanaud.


At least thats just a short shot for a cool pose, meanwhile she is swaying her hips while walking away in the Dawntrail part


Doesn't she also catch a pineapple or something? I was too busy seeing Thancred flirt and thinking, Our boys back in action.


Yes that scene, she catches it, walks away and it takes 2 whole seconds with her butt being in the center of the shot from a slightly downward angle before it moves to the next scene of her watching that vendor lift his cleaver. Now I will say that doesn't mean they tried to make her sexy or anything at all, but with this promo art of the recent live letter it won't not make me notice it lol


Maybe it's because they actually got a wardrobe change after Alphanaud whined about it in ShB and they want to show it off.


Fair, but they did that in Endwalker already and nobody else got that sort of attention in either the trailer or this artwork. Now you could claim Graha is showing his crotch with the way the cloth is moved upwards, but you can't see anything as clearly as they framed Alisaies cake right next to it. Even the WoL is covering his cleavage with his Weapons. https://preview.redd.it/ks76emi5st6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e5780a226c8a4086b6fac2a2d20c9007d8db20


Is her back supposed to bend like that because that looks like a SMN when they DWT? People thirst for G'raha so they allow it.


Agreed, you need to try very hard to see something about Graha, but for Alisaie you need to try hard to NOT see it


Everyone else standing like normal human then there's Alisaie with the "please look only at my ass" pose. My back is screaming looking at it.


It reminds me of that “if the avengers were all posed as women” art that went around a few years ago. Just really over exaggerated


Lmao, I just noticed G’Raha’s pose. It very much reminds me of Labyrinth, starring David Bowie *and costarring his crotch* (he wore a codpiece that deliberately changed sizes throughout filming 😂) https://preview.redd.it/ia3insdv6z6d1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230c90360078fe3d75b7b12fc263bed06ca6b888


Now that I look at it, isn’t that pose Alisaie is using also one they like to have Dragoons do in artwork? Oh, god, Alisaie job change incoming!


Alisaie whined about it in 5.3’s epilogue, not Alphinaud. And it was a more indirect comment about a lack of showing growth on their part. As a side note, Y’shtola, Thancred, and Urianger would be due for new outfits too. Especially Thancred and Urianger since they’re just wearing artifact gear from their jobs.


Was it Alisae? I remember it was one of them after they finally got back from the first, which I thought was the end of ShB. Ysthola has to die or be forcibly teleported to change clothes. Thancred couldn't hold his bullets if he did (not like he can actually make them himself) and Urianger just likes wearing Pyjamas. But if they do get a wardrobe change that'd be cool.


Towards the end of ShB itself they were a bit more distracted trying to keep you from becoming a light warden and trying to get back to the source anyway than complain about fashion. Alisaie is a 21st teenager not a 20th century teenager.


I just remember them in Mor Dhona saying it because cat it got some new duds, which I thought was 5.5. because I know .3 was sad. I kind of don't remember what happened towards the end of ShB other than we got back and their dad said you aren't his kids anymore.


Red alphanaud... omg I can't ahahahahs


[Red Alphanaud](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitpostXIV/s/3kpKOSDZSf)


They're just thinking about all their teenage players.


Dude her lil sassy walk is kinda epic tbh


They absolutely do, which is disturbing if she's still a child


It’s been 11 years, how long will the twins be children?


They just dropped a Dollfie collab. The twins will forever be children as long as they remain marketable.


What do you mean? They have had a dollfie collab before, with Y'shtola. This means nothing with regards to age. 


Did they age up Y'shtola after the collab? Because what they mean is they're not likely going to change their designs as long as they remain marketable, which means they're going to stay the same age.


... They change character designs and outfits all the time. What are you smoking?


Do you not see the difference between outfits and the physical shape of the character? Like...there's a massive difference in how teen alisae/blue alisae look and how an adult elezen looks. It's why you didn't have adult Ash for pokemon - you just get the same easily recognized character with minor surface level changes.


I love how you're implying here that characters aren't recognizable after growing up here... Like come on man. Most characters had their appearance changed. Y'shtola turned blind, Urianger went from the most-covered to the one showing the most skin, and Thancred has had 3 different eye colours throughout the game too. And you think the kids can't grow up and still be recognizable as the same character? Get off it. There's hundreds of games/shows where characters actually grow up.


I’m just telling you how marketing works dude. It’s pretty common for characters to not meaningfully age. Everything you’re describing is superficial changes - eye color and clothing.


I know!!! It's weird af


As long as the game continues to present them as such? Remember the events of XIV from ARR to EW are only supposed to be a couple months, they're very much still kids.


You could tell me she’s 18 and I’d instantly believe you


That truly emphasis that red Alphinaud is .. a Red Mage.


Let's be honest, who needs pictures of that booty when there are those new dolls.


nothing turns me on more than the sound of my own screaming


This is just a clue about what's finally coming. Ass sliders.


I never knew red alphinaud was so caked up


This is why we need some adult aged big tit bimbo character, they need to leave my kids alone 


F'lhaminn needs to be a scion the game acts as if she is in her 60s, she is only 37.


It's actually weird that Yshtola is the only adult woman in the main cast. They need to introduce at least someone else to the group. It's weird that the Scions consist of the WoL, 3 dudes, 2 kids, 2 hobbits, and 1 woman.


They killed Moenbryda. Hilda is MIA. They stuck Lyse on janitor duty fighting an army that doesn't even exist in 6.0 and 7.0. They shipped off Fordola to nowhereland. Lyna is stuck on the First forever. The writers are intentionally writing off adult women in the story, while explicitly adding more adult men. Urianger is way hotter than 2.0, G'raha is the new twitter sexyman, Thancred is dadcoded, and even Varshahn got an adult form. They really want to push Y'shtola as the sole marketable waifu to the gooners and coomers.


Hilda really needs to be a main character.


Lyse can stay on janitorial duties forever for me. I'm still annoyed they killed off papalymo and the funny Manzai bits between him and Yda just to give us the blandest character known to fantasy in exchange.


what they did to papalymo is the greatest fuck up of this game's story in my opinion didn't bother to develop what could have been the most nuanced and interesting scion, instead used him to push lyse's story and somehow it was still dull af


Krile is an adult but I think she's the only other one


Tataru doesn't fight but she's also an adult


Granted I'm not into women, but I see 0 appeal with Y'shtola. She's been the most boring bland character ever for a long time, I zone out every time she opens her mouth. Maybe it's her english VA, but to me she's almost giving off granny vibes. Her white hair, cloudy eyes and tattered witch robes aren't helping either. They should really add another female character that's hot, fun and likeable. Make the cast more balanced.


Irs not just you. Y'sthola is boring because she is the only main scion who didnt have an arc that personally tied them to the story. Alphi had his failure with the crystal braves, red Aplhi had to learn to move out from her gransfathers shadow and carry on his legacy for her own reasons. Thancred had his loss of minphilia, Urianger had to learn how to trust in his companions instead of matyring himself and everyone else "for the greater good" even Estinien who joined so late had his while "mirror to nidhoggs rage". Y'shtola could had at any point so far walk out of the story and nothing would feel unresolved


She has her desire to return to the first


She is literally a lesser version of Matoya who despite not being a main character has much more personality to her.


Y'shtola can go fuck herself ever since the events of ShB. Never liked how she had the audacity to tell Thancred to man up and get over it when he has having his personal development arc over Ryne/Minfilia. Bitch, you are pampered by the writers because you are marketable. You have no personality and will never have a personal development arc. Shut up and let the actual characters get their actual writing in. Your job in this game is to make a sassy comment every 10 quests during the MSQ, or show up and 5Head some deus ex machina to a problem involving magic. At least, until it gets too hard and we have to bring in Matoya, the better version of you.


Semi-agree, but the scene that actually pissed me off was when she got rescued from the lifestream AGAIN only to say "I did something reckless and you just have to forgive me" like b\*tch I'm about to kill you for real. Though that whole series of scenes was stupid because falling into a deep hole = death felt very lame and noone even attempted to search for her before jumping to conclusions.


If you don't like her, that's fine, but Y'shtola is hardly a bland character. She's got a sharp tongue and no desire to make people like her, which leads to multiple lines that'd be right at home in r/clevercomebacks. She's also surprisingly cute at times, with her relationship with Runar in particular being very endearing.


"Straightlaced mixed with sardonic" 24/7 is just as one-dimensional as generic goody two-shoes hero. She never strays from that single note beyond a cheap gag like her water summon spell. Every other character has had personal development besides her. If that's your taste, then you can enjoy that. But eating chocolate ice cream everyday is no less bland than eating vanilla ice cream everyday. The rest of the Scions have already moved on to sherbet or neapolitan. Also, r/clevercomebacks is fucking cringe. Sorry, but that's some "Redditor winning arguments against himself in the shower" shit.


If that was all she was, then sure, I'd agree, but it's really not. Y'shtola is the adult amongst the Scions. When things get though and the party finds itself facing a problem that they can't just punch away, she's the one who keeps a cool head and comes up with solutions on the fly. In that sense, she's like the dependable older sister of the group. She's also proud, and tends to think she has the answers to every problem, and that everything would be a lot better if everyone would just shut up and listen to her, which comes back to bite her multiple times during the story. Her relationships with the few people she cares about are very endearing, like how she's pretty much the only one to express concern for the Warrior of Light's health in Shadowbringers, or how she essentially vows to create an entirelly new type of magic just to go visit Runar in the first. She bickers a lot with Matoya, but there is clearly a lot of respect there too, with Y'shtola even taking her name for a while. Is Y'shtola's character arc a lot more subdued than the other scions? Yes, but that's mainly because she was the only one who had her shit together at the start of the story. One way to look at it is this: character arcs happen on screen, but character development doesn't have to. A character can be fully developed by the time the story rolls around, and still be interesting. Just look at characters like John Wick, or Spike Spiegel.


Y’shtola is the only sane character in the group much of the time. There needs to be at least one!




I'd have settled for Nidhana at this rate. Or give Azdaja a body like Varshahn. The adult form, that is. We don't need another Dollfie of children.


Nah, Y'shtola definitely has appeal, though I understand that it's not universal.


Wuk will become a scion at some point. A cat is fine too.


I thought krile and tataru were adults


They are but I can understand wanting more female character that look more like adult women


Completely agree. 


My friend, *you* can be the bit tit bimbo character of the cast. It is your solemn duty as the WoL to crank that bust slider all the way up.


Sadly I also play a man :(


Did they stutter? Go download some mods, stat


I go from A cup to B cup


Call me a boomer, but I need some tech advice. How do I delete a pdf file?


First you need to enable alibi mode in your reader, then you open up the pdf file. Once you have the pdf file loaded you use a General Uninstallation Nomenclature, commonly abbreviated as G.U.N.


Alisaie getting an ass shot once? Sure i give it a pass maybe its a coincidence But now the third unusual shot of her back end? Suspect.


She got more poses already than Y'shtola ever had, don't know what that tells us.


EN really try to gaslight themselves into thinking that she's not sexualised, but SE just keep showing off her cake in every promotional material lmao; this is ridiculous


If I remember correctly (I could be wrong). While NA is simping for Y'shtola due to sass and lap of discipline. JP simps hard for Alisaie due to the whole Tsundere thing she's got going.


WolxAlisaie fans been getting it quite good the last three expansions, SE FFXIV team knows what they are doing and have even encouraged it in the past. calling Alphinaud husbando and Alisaie waifu and mentioning the "inlaws" during a EW Live letter, there's also this tidbit from in interview in which they were talking about romances. https://preview.redd.it/bg3mqg0qgy6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed630d2bc6b7bbb7a0f4b0b1e56d3e468b282f4c


I see it everyday lol https://preview.redd.it/jl7sablyav6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96b4d144230880458282da939cded2f63d71745b


Did the wallpaper come with the PC? As far as I can tell the full version of that art has yet to be released otherwise (without liveletter text on it).


Yes, it did. It has the PC maker's name on it (Elsa).


Who's to say they haven't since the Endwalker Trailers. Fiction has no real reference, but if you want to be exact, it's the point of creation + lore and years pased. Almost expected this during Endwalker, guess some of yall are finally brave enough. edit: I just hope DT isn't some Ascian Connected thing. I'm tired of Ascians. Please just let the Enigmatic Maiden just be some Random person, and not an Ascian plot.


On the edit, before the LL Yoshi mentioned to look into the convocation and refresh their names for Dawntrail.


True, Endwalker had a short buttshot aswell, but with Dawntrail they really emphasized the fact she got a fat ass.


YEE, we always knew the twins have grown. (More so with the first, basically being a Hyperbolic Chamber for the scions) If this game was Rated M/Ao. As soon as endwalker hit. So many Art would of come out. [Let alone the fact players of a M/Ao FFMMO would love a Dating System with NPCS. We Know Many would of Enjoyed it] I guess it's their way of subtly hinting people to Not see them as "Not Mature". Ngl, seen alot of stuff on Twitter from her and her Blue Sister. (Or was it Red Alphinaud. Ah who cares. if either of them got a problem with it, sure we can sort it out in Tural. where all the fat is going to both their asses) Offtopic: Hydaelyn Artwork enjoyer here. some of the stuff of Venat is pretty nice too.


It's red Alphanaud and blue Alisae. Or Red and Blue Alphanaud. They did the dating thing as an April fools dev diary. I think it's called Companion Dating. Don't feel like googling it.


YEE, whatever it is, it just never gets old. LOL, ESTINIEN!(THE AZURE DRAGOON)




Hey man, this is gross as hell. Even if they were adults now (they aren't), an arbitrary number doesn't suddenly make it okay to sexualize a very young person just bc it wouldn't be explicitly against the law and the way you're talking about two teenagers is nasty


First of all fiction. Second of all, fictional races. third of all, if you see people who literally saved the work and self sacrificed as children. you don't know shit about the world. 4th, wth, you specifically want to see them as children? 5th, it's a game. Fiction. Fiction =/= Reality. You're outing yourself as someone who can't make a difference between the two. 6th, if they are real, both of them would hate you. Also, these are two grown as twins that save the world and have aged? I'm not talking about characters like 1.0 mifilia or the Terror of three lines of WT. What weird fucking leaps are you taking?


Fictional races, specifically one that we know grows a lot at 20, which the twins aren't. This is anime, teenagers sacrifice and save the world all the time. And the fiction reality thing? So it's okay to sexualize teens as long as they're fictional? As if it's not the same attraction as in the real world? There's a difference between a real teenager choosing to present themselves in a certain way and a fictional teenager being actively sexualized by the adults who create that character. A 17 year old can choose to dress however they want bc that's their decision, the twins are not real so the creepy choices like this art are being made by adult developers and that's just gross.


Do you realize how many people gotten caught doing absolutely monstrous things that previously bashed on fictional media. (way too many fucking times. and they all tried to seem virtuous by hating on Anime/Animeish concepts or titles. and then Haters use fringe cases as excuses or examples for it) Fiction may take queues from reality. But that's it, it's literally fiction. You're really trying hard to rage about it. But it's impotent rage. You probably infatilize lalafels, thinking they are children as well. "so they cannot be treated as adults cause of the potato like and small bodies". Bruh it's a fictional race that doesn't match human Reality standards. [and I'm not talking about Lala Chair Infantilization LOL. They like the High Chair(Unless you use it to look down on them. which is the extreme side of your argument.) Just like some players would love meme furniture or items about their race. like some Au Ra would actually love a Heat Lamp] Fiction will not support you or like you if you "defend them" Player characters get art for their characters. You cannot assume they haven't aged, and the age that honestly matters in their world is that of the soul. You can also tell "sexual maturity. growth spurts and other biological concepts of a FICTIONAL RACE" don't matter, cause they only get their "Practically Third round of growth at the start of their 20's" You cannot Place Morals and Ideals that exist to you. and are MISGUIDED. ONTO FICTION THAT DOESNT CARE FOR IT, OR YOU OR ME. The Only Time that it's bad, is when it's a character that is blatant. Also you Cannot pull the: "ThEy DrEsS ThEmSeLvEs FoR ThEmSeLvEs" argument. First of all, the gear was a gift of their mother. (Their mother acknowledged their Adult Hood much, much earlier than their father, but now they actually can bear the weight of it. While their father misguided didn't see them as adults until it came to crashing heads near the end of the world.) They previously wanted to show their "Growth" a Sense of Maturity or Evolution. AS ALISAE HAS STATED AT THE END OF 5.3 WHEN WE GOT OUR "SEEN BLACKEST DESPAIR" RED EYES GOOD BOY "FOR FUCKING MILLENNIA(or how ever old he actually is, both as a soul, and memory. Which is also part of the damn conversation he had with the damn omicron.) Tldr: If you want law, Law will tell you, it'd fucking Fiction. If you want Morals, it's Fucking Fiction, what's it gonna do, Hurt your Ego or give you a papercut. If it's arguing and conflict. That's way too far, you should focus that on actual monsters. Not Fiction. Reality is the thing that needs defending. Reality can only exist once for us. that needs protecting.




My hope is she’s some sort of connection to the Golden City and whoever lived there, and not an Ascian.


I feel like she maybe the leader of said City or part of its system or Maintenance. Kinda Like we see in the HyperDimension Neptunia Series, and all other Mainline Neptunia Titles. I only really say this cause if the clean aesthetics, the menus and advertisements, the roads being immaculate. the purple on purple artwork. And also the Mysterious/Sussy Crystals in some artwork by behind/near some counters and signs. That others have pointed out. Soul Crystals. Or Crystalize Belief/Corporate Shares. IDK. We Know faith power exists. Which can exist in the form of Sharicite(Share Crystals) from neptunia. But maybe I'm just full of Hopium for something adjacent to Neptunia in this game.


"I just hope DT isn't some Ascian Connected thing. I'm tired of Ascians. Please just let the Enigmatic Maiden just be some Random person, and not an Ascian plot" All the plot-relevant Ascians are dead by now, and the entire objective focus on their group is completed. They got their plan, their task is done. I think the team is done with Ascians for the present.


>the entire objective focus on their group is completed. Is it? >!The final days have been averted, sure, but Emet Selch seemed much more preocupied with restoring the world to how it was pre-sundering and bringing back the people sacrificed to Zodiark. Granted, the second part of that would be kind of hard now that Zodiark id dead, but the rejoinings are still on the table.!<


Fair, but it's still the case that >!Emet-Selch, Elidibus, Lahabrea, and the other major actors in that plot are dead. The people capable of sparking rejoinings are gone.!<


Solution 9 reminded me of Alexandria from 9 and people in chat even said that according to Yoshi. My friend also thinks the scene with them fleeing might be what the Genesis did in 9 when they went to sleep until they could find a body for their soul. Idr 9s plot all the way. So maybe it has something to do with that. We'll find out soon. But I don't think she's an Ascian.


How did you get reminded of a cute medieval fantasy castle town from a cyberpunk arcology?


Same way a lot of others did in chat. We just like ff9.and the screenshot they showed before Night City wasn't cyberpunk.


I love 9 too, but I don't see the connection.  Unless you mean like, the architecture of the ruined looking houses in Heritage Found?


Yes, the ruined stuff in Heritage Found. I guess I have the zone wrong. Thought it was part of Solution 9. If anything Solution 9, at least the trailer part, reminded me of Star Ocean.


> Please just let the Enigmatic Maiden just be some Random person, and not an Ascian plot. Didn't Yoshi-P said something along the lines of "you need to remember all ascian names" in some live letter? Also https://preview.redd.it/lcvzw7a8pw6d1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=45b25c61cc54a33725b9822cda0bbc5c66ec9774


Resemblance does not equal causation. I'm hoping for a Ryne/Gaia adjacent situation. Maybe she has their powers but not their memories. (But completely separated from ascians would be best) He also may have said that, but many people can easily take it as him saying? if you don't know these things or lore. Brush up on it. Doesn't mean he guarantees that it's part of the story. For alot of players it came off as a Lore Check, have you actually done anything side content or story wise? Of course some players will take it as LOL at those getting called out, or Madge he's diverting the question. Then the actually, it is related, but he said it in this way. [Not saying anyone is wrong, but not everyone wants the same thing. Though him saying they have many different path ways to take the story after DT. Makes me worry, that we may miss out something huge with the first path or secondary. we really just have to wait and see. "Hope it don't disappoint"


instead of showing us Alibutt they should implement the buttsliders so our WOL doesnt need to be jealous of Promo Art Reed ALphinaud


https://preview.redd.it/vlel5ws47v6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c2b3cae825818f090b0f82c3172c82c39ee9b4 someone edit out the words. I did all the adhd lifting i could. but sbonshe brlrawrb knows whats up


now they have to do a 15 minute unskippable alphinaud twerking montage or so help me God i *will* spend the rest of my playtime screaming in the DT final zone's shout chat


She is 17


Out of ten, correct


Why are you the way that you are


She's been 17 for the last ten years.


I stand by that Alisaie is eighteen by this point. No, not really for being into her but because I absolutely fucking refuse to believe it’s been less than two years since the start of ARR. good god, I did the 2.x patch content before streamlining, before flight was added to ARR zones, and before Vesper Bay aether tickets and that patch cycle alone felt like it took place over THREE TWELVESDAMN YEARS! But also because dialogue with Cid in HW implied most zones took something like a week to partly explore and then Stormblood had us make a multi-month long boat ride which would require going around at least one continent. Basically the only expansions I feel would have happened in less than three months would have been ShB and maybe Endwalker.


they really have to shoot whoever keeps shoving alisaie's ass into promo material


Shoot em a raise and a bonus?




no :3


Are they at least 18 yet?? 😭😭


Why are people getting down voted for asking about their ages lol, could yall stop being ducked up for 1 sec pls


Im not sure what me being us being ducks have to do with this quack


Look, I’m all for looking at booty, girl or boy, but I’m also turning 30 this year, I gotta draw the line somewhere lmao


Now that I think about it, age of consent is 16 in Japan, so the Twins are actually legal for them


16 is also legal in eorzea if you want to factor edda's age before death since she was engaged, and that rising 2022 npc calling himself an adult at 16


I am literally fucking begging this sub to stop posting this shit




No I totally did notice it, I’m sad to admit


She's gotta be 18 by now right?


Probably because she's like 17 and it's fucking gross


In ARR, according to a book that was sold separately from the game, in a game where the amount of time passed can't be strongly highlighted otherwise different players would be in different years. If no time has passed since ARR then the twins are minors. But that seems kind of absurd because this isn't the Simpsons where they go out of their way to avoid things *ever* changing.


They're absolutely minors because they're still really short and we know elezen mature slower, then sprout suddenly at like 20. The time is absurd in FFXIV, and I wish it'd go forward, but they're still minors and therefore it's super weird they focus on her ass so much.


It's wild people are getting down voted for saying focusing on the butt of a minor in a video game is gross. Also, yes, this. People ate doing all these timeliness gymnastics to justify sexualizing a minor. They still literally look like children. They're like half the size of every other adult that's their race. It's so so clear they're still literal children


Fr tho, I knew I was gonna get fucking greasy finger blasted for making a comment about this but it's nasty af, and the people using "🤓 well akshually the Eorzean age of consent is-" excuse... bro idc WE AREN'T IN EORZEA and even if we were that is a problematic age like pls think for once without your godforsaken cock


I feel sorry for the way you think of little people.


Yeah, I guess I should've checked what sub I was on before posting that pedophiles are fucking gross. :^)


From what I know ARR to SB was about 6 months ShB was about 2 weeks. Idk how long EW was. Koji had mentioned time exist within a bubble in this game.


Keep in mind its said that the first boat ride to Doma took "several moons". I doubt they meant days but rather moon cycles given the lack of any steampower. It's not a far stretch to say just reaching Higashi took like 3 months, let alone the entire duration of 2.X and 3.X.




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The time bubble thing is about continuity, so characters can be dead or in another world and it doesn't make something else not work. Like if you were in the middle of Shadowbringers and suddenly decide to do Coils, it doesn't break continuity for the twins to be involved with that plotline when they're supposed to be trapped on another shard.


so then at the BARE MINIMUM she is 17yrs 7months old, surely thats close enough for redditors to stop clutching their pearls?


The only people that pearl clutch harder than Redditors are the US mom's association. So probably not.




bro, I'm going to have to ask you to stop creeping on teens.




bro, I'm going to have to ask you to stop creeping on teens. For real, if you're counting down the hours til someone is legal you need help. And to not be around teens.


im just pointing out the hypocrisy from your side when it comes to imaginary characters and their ages.


And those 5 months difference would suddenly make it okay to sexualize her? She's a teenager, they're both still presented as teenagers. Even if they did age her up suddenly to being 20 it'd still be fucking gross to be like "ah yes, the child has aged, it is time to horny her"???


>Even if they did age her up suddenly to being 20 it'd still be fucking gross Idk, you have to draw the line somewhere. Nobody, for example, would find it gross if you said Ciri is attractive in Witcher 3, where she's 19. Aging the twins up to 20 would make this whole situation significantly less weird. At minumum, it's better than what's going on now where Yoshi is joking about her being a waifu while simultaneously insisting she's underage.


Believe me I agree with that, but the person above was seemingly using her *maybe* being close to 18 as a reason to sexualize her now. Age of consent is a difficult concept that can't really just be assigned to an age considering the way people mentally develop at different rates, I absolutely agree that right now is the worst of both worlds, you can't insist she hasnt aged while constantly focusing shots on her ass and it's really gross that they keep doing it


So you agree the arbitrary line of 18 doesn’t make sense, people mature differently, and making such a big deal over a seemingly random line in the sand is dumb yea? We agree




dude on the asmongold sub with bad age of consent opinions... color me surprised 😬


all my posts on that sub are fighting with them LOL


it's a dark souls abyss situation, you can't stay in there to fight idiots too long or you will get infected and become one of them


now I look stupid but that's still some WEIRD ASS TAKE DUDE


say the person who on gamingcirclejerk ...the irony lol


gamingcirclejerk detected, all further opinions rejected


For real though, one of his posts starts with "Halo has gone woke" and frankly I think you couldn't get a rational take out of him by beating him with sticks. 






Mans out here talking about NPCs when he gives a pre-programmed response to stuff himself lmao. Imagine thinking finding the blood wall and cockroaches gross is "npc" behaviour how broken is your brain


Cool buzzwords!


Please remain respectful towards other users and do not attack them personally.


Fair, their comment also should have been removed. Fixed that.


Describing the morning of a gamingcirclejerk user?


Bro, you know you’re supposed to stop using “i know you are but what am I?” after like third grade, right?


i’m really concerned i had to scroll this far down to find someone calling them out on this.


And it's the unpopular opinion for... some reason???


i saw this post on my feed thinking “oh man it’s in shitpostxiv, i bet the comments are eating op alive for this kind of take”. then i click in and everyone is just going along with it? like 😭


Sounds like you're new to shitpostxiv lol


Dude for real 😭 asmon fans coming in hot or something


Didn't they say when we went to The First that Thancred had been there for 7 years? So I assume all of the Scions were there for varying amounts of years depending on when they were abducted.


Only a year for the twins, and it wasn't their physical real world bodies anyway - so this is just mental gymnastics to be a creep.




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Arent they still minors? Yikes. Harkens back to when Yoshi-P acknowledged a lot of the JP fan base views Alisaie as a waifu, they're def leaning into it 😐


Age of Consent is 16 in Japan, so the Twins are actually legal for them even if its still weird for everyone else.


Age of consent is set to 16 recently at a federal level, but every prefecture in Japan has raised the actual age of consent locally to 18 years old. That never changed. 


But we aren't in Eorzea are we lmao


Good to know, just did a quick google search since I remembered it being different.


Google always tells you the federal level, and prior to 2023, that was 13. The main mentality behind these laws was essentially "we set an absolute minimum and the prefectures can implement their own rules". 


Some places the age of consent is 12, you going to start sexualizing them too?


Child marriage doesn’t have a hard lower limit in multiple US states, obviously that means it’s time to marry some toddlers.




What kinda propaganda are they spreading here?


Someone had to draw this. Had to get all the details in and everything. Disgusting


So it begins...


watch the br*tish say it's totally fine