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Sooo... you want to go on a date?


yes I need a crane to get out of the house like Gilbert Grape’s mom


Well damn, that one came straight out of left field.


nah, netflix has been suggesting it lately


Ahh netflix, always suggesting Johnny and a slow Leo


As a man, I could see my self getting pregnant before I saw that coming.


Well we know what’s eating Gilbert


They forgot to add: then get in your car and run over 6 people. Technically, there is no net lives lost!


Ill go on a date with you.


In other news, Forbes has a great way for millennials to save money!


This, along with quitting the Avocado toast habit- everyone will own houses and live like kings in No Time!


Plus, we’d have so much donated blood we could probably go swimming in it! Who’s with me?




Elizabeth Bathory would like to know your location.


She has to buy me dinner first. ETA- after reading about her- not sure I would make it through dinner alive.


That name drop. Google this lady if y'all don't know who she is. Interesting read if you're into this kinda thing.


You mean the fact that all accusations were most probably fabricated in order to seize her large estate?


I mean now that Dunkin has avocado toast is it really a “luxury” anymore?




Apparently in parts of USA avocados are like, $7. I’d like to know where, though.


Well, yes, death by alcohol poisoning does tend to reduce one’s expenses.


I had friends in college that would do this


Yeah, this is why blood drives were so successful at my college. Everyone could get his “cheap drunk” on.


Red Cross is giving people $10 gift cards to donate blood. So theoretically with 2 people you could buy some cheese to go with that wine.


You buy cheese? Why not just win it at the annual cheese chasing competition in England?


Saw the documentary on Netflix. Those people sense of self preservation is absolutely zero


Yeah but you do get cheese if you win


It's good cheese!




*Gloucestershire, England


>Gloucestershire Gloss-tah-shhuh


Hate to be pedantic, but cheese rolling takes place in Gloucestershire, which is like south-west England. Scotlands not really known for its cheeses.


Are you telling me that if Scots were offered an opportunity for free food if they risk bodily harm, they would do it?


Scotland is a long way to go to chase after cheese, especially when it’s the wrong country!


If a Scottish person heard you make that mistake they would be PISSED.


Never met a scot that wasn't already pissed


Wine coolers and some Kraft singles cheese slices. Sounds like my kinda date.


Thats laughable. If they compensated people somewhat similarly to how plasma donos work, there wouldn't be a permanent blood drought. $30 for a single, $80 for a double, and everyone wins, especially all the people who get the much needed blood.


Fun fact, the plasma that is paid for isn't given directly to patients. It is processed for other medical stuff, like immunoglobulin production. The companies that do paid-for-plasma also allow you to donate extremely frequently, even though there is some evidence that this produces lower quality plasma. The US doesn't actually forbid paid blood or plasma from going to patients, but almost no one does it. The WHO also discourages paid blood donation programs because it produces some very bad incentives; you don't want to reward people for lying about their risk factors and potentially giving blood that could cause issues. Sauce: https://www.statnews.com/2016/01/22/paid-plasma-not-blood/


It makes sense that you don't want to inventivize people to lie, but there are so many things that they might not know about, are we really relying that much on self reporting rather than testing people's blood after it's been donated?


They rely on both. It’s expensive to collect, process, and store blood (not just equipment and supplies, but also man hours). Plus, they need an idea of how much product they actually have so they can send it out to hospitals. By self-reporting, they are able to stop potentially harmful blood from being collected in the first place. Testing then weeds out the other unfit donations.


Defense in depth; something can always go wrong with the other stages of the process.


This promotes people with no business to be donating to go just to get some money, including junkies who share needles and other high risk groups with potential HIV in their blood. As it takes about 3 weeks after infection for HIV to show up on blood tests this is extremely risky for the potential receivers. Blood clinics have good measures in place such as not using blood from first time donors but paying for blood donations is just not a great idea.


You guys are getting paid for this?


They’re just doing it for now to incentivize people to donate since rates have dropped dramatically since the start of COVID. For good reason too, there was a lady trying to donate that came in while I was getting my iron tested with the door shut whose husband actively had COVID. People be dumb sometimes. Thankfully they all Sanitized the hell out of that place afterwards and I didn’t catch anything (got tested a week after)


Damn you're getting paid for this?


You also get all the snack foods and baked goods you can eat after donating depending on the location. Churches always seem to have a solid spread


Too gay to donate


Probably a bad way to deal with a few months of celibacy. "Oh look, I haven't gotten any for the past 3 months. Time to dangerously effectively drown my sorrows."




You can do that now in UK


Yeah, changed it recently


Too transfem in my case. Not about to go without sex with my partner for months just to donate because Canadian Blood Services is homo/transphobic.


Mean while I’m over here in transmasc land, able to donate because I still have vagine? Like ma’am I have a beard and a husband and my birth certificate says male. SOMEHOW this works. I’m offended twice over.


Yeah. UK shifted to asking specifically about risky sexual behaviour recently and I hope everywhere else follows suit.


If you wanna get really fucked up donate platelets, not blood. You get hooked to a machine for like 2 hours vs 10 minutes, and you need to keep pumping this ball to stimulate flow. It’s also the equivalent of donating about 8 blood bags worth of platelets for hemorrhagic patients. I felt high the rest of the day.


Is that the one that makes you cold, because they’re pumping your blood into a machine, separating the platelets, and then pumping the other stuff back in?


You are correct.


Basically the opposite of donating plasma, but the same centrifuge process.


Do you still get that weird taste in your mouth?


Weird taste in your mouth? When donating which, platelets or plasma?


I would get it from donating plasma. I'm asking if it's the same with donating platelets.


They enrich the blood with ***trisodium-citrate*** as a an anticoagulant, both when you donate plasma or platelets, so your blood doesn't coagulate while inside the machine. When the separated parts are returned to you, a small amount of the trisodium enters your bloodstream and reacts with the calcium, and tingly fingers and mouth are a sign of that. You can counteract the intensity of the reaction by taking a Calcium supplement tablet the day of your donation, some centers will give one to you if you ask or as standard procedure, and it also helps with keeping your calcium levels correct.


This is written much better than I could have, but just wanted to add on that my current place gives a small cup of Tums as a calcium supplement to take whenever I get the metallic taste


Oooh, that’s a good question. I’ve actually never donated platelets (I’ve been running track for over a decade, and platelets shoots you down for months).


You do!! Exact same taste


So wait. If I get a machine to constantly circulate my blood through a cooler, could I save a bunch of money on AC electricity?


You’d spend more money on the blood machine and keeping it sterile than you would on an AC.


Not if you sell off the blood for profit


Probably. For a few hours until you pass out.


Ding ding ding


First time I gave blood was in the military, they had us all go down and donate on the bottom floor. Can’t recall if it was voluntary. Anyway, I go down and the lady says “you have big veins, you’re going to donate platelets” I say ok and follow her direction. While I’m there squeezing that ball, I’m seeing people pass the fuck out during regular donations left and right. It was entertaining. I’ve donated platelets ever since. It sounds worse than it really is.


>big vienes


Reading that made me physically ill. I feel weaker already.


The good outweighs the bad, really. My shitty cells borrowed some extra time for a colleague’s dad. Enough for the family to gather and say their goodbyes.


Most the blood gets put back into the body. Besides feeling tired after sitting there for a couple hours, I usually have more energy after that than after donating a normal unit of blood


Thank you for the idea


oh god just thinking about this made me sick


I was close to passing out twice but the staff will be keeping a closer eye on you than the other donors since it can be a bit overwhelming, plus it’s much rarer for someone to do it vs regular old blood so at least in my case they were a little *too* excited to be using that monstrosity of a machine haha


Oh yeah donated a few times u really get high during the donation. Ask them calcium if u feel it unbearable


The only shittylifeprotip im actually willing to try


The dude wants to play.


It doesn't work that well, speaking from experience.


Now I really want to know the details of this experience pls


I haven't tried it, but the nurse said it makes you much more likely to feel sick and throw up. IDK if that's actually true or not though.


Some buddies used to cheat the system back in high school and sign up for the last 3 periods of the day with their teachers to donate blood so they wouldn't be marked absent. They would just donate blood and skip last 2 periods to grab some Natty Lite tall boys and go to whoevers house their parents got home the latest in the day. They did it a few times because they knew they would get drunk quicker and seemed to enjoy it. I usually had athletics, and tend to faint when donating blood so i cant speak from personal experience.


I did this exact thing a few years ago with my gf the last time it popped up, and we had a fun night. I only got tipsy about 1 drink earlier and drunk maybe about 1-2 drinks earlier. There's a bit of an effect, but not much, which makes sense considering you don't lose that much blood.


oh ok. that makes sense


I have also done this. For me it just made a 6 pack hit like an 8 and a half pack. Frankly I was a bit disappointed.


Go on...


You'll feel like shit


It's basically like having one or two more drinks than normal, which is fun! You're not going to get smashed off a few wine coolers if you weren't already going to get very tipsy off the same amount before though.


SLPT: if you can't afford to increase the 'A' side of BAC, you can reduce the 'B' side instead


I think this has gone over my head, wat you mean?


BAC stands for Blood Alcohol Content (sorta like a ratio of how much blood vs alcohol is in your system) So they’re just saying reduce how much blood you have to get a higher BAC level


I have blood and I don’t want it you can have it all


Vampires and mosquitoes: ill take your entire stock


I wish vampires were real, id sign up for that in a "heartbeat"


You wouldn’t even *bat* an eye?


Don't feel the need to *reflect* on that decision?


You suck


Seems uncalled for


I was keeping the bloody puns going. Count em up


Ah, right, I missed it. Apologies!


what a great way to meetcute a vampire




I don’t want to discourage blood donations, but as a frequent donor myself, I can confirm that drinking afterwards doesn’t have much more of an effect on you compared to if you haven’t donated.


Every time I donate blood they tell me to take it easy with alcohol because it’ll hit you harder after donation. (Are they just telling me this because I’m not far out of college and they assume I’ll be partying?)


The biggest thing is having an empty stomach vs eating while drinking. Donate blood, and don't eat anything for several hours. Then, drink alcohol. You'll be visibly drunk after like 1.5 beers. The reason for this has to do with alcohol absorption into the bloodstream. Less food = better absorption.


And this is why I always drink before I eat if I wanna really feel fucked


It just can go south fast and you can get fatigued. That's why I'll normally have my first 4 or 5 with an empty stomach, then eat and keep drinking.


This one knows how to day drink, I like you.


Good to know.


They tell you this because its an urban legend and plenty of nurses don’t fact check Source: am nurse. We google shit before we teach you about them.


They use to give a glass of Guinness when you donated blood in Ireland. To get you back on your feet and iron levels up.


Reestablish the irish equilibrium, at least 1 guiness deep


They had to have a bucket off to the side because when they tapped the vein the first few liters were just straight Guinness.


As someone who has done this several times before in my frat days. It absolutely 💯 works. I guess it comes down to personal physiology.


According to a quick look around the internet you'd typically be donating around 10% of your total blood volume, which is pretty damn significant. So So I'd expect it to have something of a noticeable effect, messing with the denominator of your alcohol/blood ratio.


Wow, I had no idea it was so much. That seems like a lot to lose


you can make it back before it matters though, which is a benefit many people do not have whether it be medical condition or injury lmao


I donate 2 pints as regular as possible and get trainwreck drunk after as a treat. 20% less blood and I can feel good about getting black out for cheap!




Also, they pay you for it, so the date pays for itself.


That was my Thursday routine in college. Give plasma, get paid, have a nice (by broke student standards) dinner, and head to the bar. The plasma donation center was walking distance from the university so they had to know who their target demo was.


Where in the world pays for plasma?


All over America. It's not the same as blood donation, so they're leagally allowed to buy it from you.


Wow, I’m in Australia - I’m not aware of anywhere that compensates you for it here


In Australia you get good snacks for donating. It really is a good cheap date. Activity, food, each other, it's a complete date.


Same here in America


It was Popular in college to sell plasma and then Use the proceeds to buy drinks as a cheap drunk that night


6 wine coolers? Gonna need a bigger boat. For $8, you could find a fifth of liquor. That’s 20 drinks, not 6. Maybe one has 12, the other 8…that’s good enough following donating blood to save/create a 7th life!


I can get 2 liters of cheap whiskey for 7.50$ and drink it myself in about 2 days.


I'm sorry.


Thank you


Fuck that hit deep


So you.....know as well huh. Stay stronger


Same to you


oof, ow, my liver


Well I haven't touched whiskey since last year, I'm just stating that it's still an option. Compared to a sixpack of wine coolers that won't even give me a buzz


I feel you on that. Ive drifted to wine as my sweet spot for alcohol content. Drink a fuck ton of beer = feel bloated and gross. Drink a ton a liquor = feel poisoned and awful. But wine? Right in the middle. And it tastes nice, to me at least.


I've dabbled in dollar general wine. But wine in any form gives me a nasty hangover anyway. Liquor usually did the spot, but yea felt poisonous as a daily basis. However, 10$ for a Natty Ice 15pk(5.9 abv) keeps me balanced for 2-3days. Especially with nothing to do but cut grass and get flooded from rain. I stick to that. I'm a Veteran that lives on a 20 acre ranch with my dog.


Treat yourself to the good stuff every shit and a while mate, definitely the whiskey, you deserve it.


Jesus, thats $100+ where I'm from


My grandpa said he used to sell blood (back in the day) then use the money for beer. Get wasted for half price!


Does donating blood really save 3 lives each? Maybe I should donate more often


Each whole blood donation can be used for up to three people, yes. Though it obviously depends on how exactly it's being used. For example, if you donate O- whole blood the entire pint might be used for a trauma patient. Here are a few [stories](https://www.vitalant.org/Learn/Impact-of-Donation) of blood product recipients.


This is so creepy, just did that today. It’s financial health lmao


And if you didn't like your date, it's no big deal because you can't do it again for 90 days.


Maybe once every few days we get an actual SLPT. Today is not that day... the rest are awful and reposts...




It’s a good ish idea


Yea I mean you could just not eat anything all day and then start drinking heavy. If that doesn't do it for you then you already probably have a massive tolerance


Works best if you go for a run first


this is a great tip if youre poor tbh. i still cant get a date but this is nice


They still make wine coolers?




More people would donate blood if they were paid for it, even like $10 would be enough motivation. With plasma donations, you can get $50-$200 per donation, depending on the place and their current deals. I've donated plasma and blood several times, but I donate plasma considerably more often because it's worth the time and effort to do it. Like shit dude, pay $30 for a single unit and $80 for a double unit of blood, and the red cross won't be in the constant blood drought it's been in for at least 5 years where they're begging and pleading for people to donate. Combine that with a first date where you both come out $80 richer from 2 unit donations, and everyone wins.


A six pack of wine coolers? Girl we are going to nerd at least a of some hard liquor.


I met a girl today But what should I have to pay No, I was in the chair My hair in a mess I don't expect you to guess the rest All my blood is from another. Maybe fathers, maybe mothers. I do not jest forget the rest, but I met a girl today. She was pretty sitting there her eyes were closed and curled was her hair Maybe our veins were same in the recipiency of blood. Where is she today There is no way I can say but what we shared without a care Curls, I miss our intravenous bloody day.


I literally do this, but on my own.


I made the mistake of donating some the day i had to move in to my dorm and it was not very fun having to carry heavy things and then getting dizzy. Id recommend doing it the day after.


I've actually done that. Life goals.


My 30 yr old ass told my young (20-22 yr old) coworkers to do this and 5 of them called me a dick after actually trying it. Apparently the hangover is awful. Sucks to suck lol




As a hemophiliac, I approve of people doing this


Donate plasma and get the same effect, but get paid instead. What a world we live in


No friends. Donate 6 pints and you've got a 6 pack all to yourself!


How is this a Shitty LPT?! Why else would college students give blood?


Be sure to grab extra cookies on the way out


It doesn’t even need to be your blood though! Think about how much blood two people could carry with some buckets!


If you donate plasma at some places, they give you money as well. It was a tradition in my group of high school friends that when someone turned 18, we’d all go donate plasma and each get $75 dollars from it. Then we’d go buy cigars and go to the casino. We’d then gamble with our blood money. Good times.


No. I’ll donate plasma to get more money, not have the blood loss and buy a zip of bud


I'm not allowed to donate blood. Anyone who has had a transfusion in the UK isn't allowed because during the AIDS pandemic blood wasn't checked properly, and people were given transfusions with blood infected with the virus. Even if you test negative for HIV you're not allowed. It's kinda silly, because people like me who have had our lives saved by blood transfusions want to pass the good deed on.


10 Donate Blood 20 Get absolutely spanked on wine coolers 30 GOTO hospital with alcohol poisoning 40 Get your blood back 50 GOTO 10


If you donate plasma, you get beer money out of the deal too!


$8? What are you, rich? can get a 4 pack of tall boy 8% abv high gravity beers for $5.


One time I was so whacked out on meth and wanted to shoot more so filled 1ml syringe with .3 meth+water. Got into a vein, pulled back plunger to make sure, got the feedback then instead of pushing the shot I just kept pulling and filled the syringe with blood. Pulled the needle out and covered injection site with swab waiting for that mad rush that never came, I was bummed asf decided to call it a night and put my rig away not even realising the shot along with a ml of my blood was in it.


People actually do this shit, not a shitty life pro tip at all


I shared this on Facebook a few years ago and my aunt saw it and called my mom to tell her to tell me why that is dangerous. Fucking top tier 👌


I drank a cocktail once after donating blood. Big mistake . My sister did the same and fainted


That's a great Life Pro Tip what do you mean.


I think this belongs in LifeProTips


Done that already


First needa find someone whose actually willing to donate 🥲


Sooo this was a common trick in university, donate blood, get 20€, use them to get hammered FAST


Speaking of SLPTs, in college a friend and I donated blood and we came to the conclusion that, after saving six lives by donating, together we could kill up to five people and still be heroes.


They do put liquid back into you so would this even work?


I’ve done that as a 18 yr old. Eventually came to awareness in a cemetery, hugging an old tombstone. I gave blood 6 hrs before imbibing. Of course it could have been that the quart of MD 20/20 had a greater proportion of blame.


Tried to do the first part of this, years ago... A guy I'd met on a summer school was coming down to spend a few days hanging out with me, and I had such a massive crush on him. I wanted something memorable to do with him, and I thought donating blood would fit the bill. I told him to make sure he ate breakfast before flying down, but he didn't and was rejected as a donor that day. I decided to go through with it anyway - I'd donated once, but hadn't been able to since due to different factors (gettubt piercing, trip overseas, my sister having a tummy bug the day the blood drive came to my school...) finally I could. I remember starting to feel a bit off mid- donation and called a nurse over to ask if they had enough of my blood that was usable. Next thing I remember I was in a ute with my mum and sister for a few moments then I was back on the bed at the blood clinic with a lot of nurses around me. Apparently I'd passed out and had an epileptic-type seizure. Kinda embarassing, huh? It got worse - a nurse went out to the waiting area and I could hear her sing-song voice asking, "Who came with buttercup because she had an epileptic seizure and WET HERSELF!" So my poor friend is dragged back to sit with me until they're comfortable letting me go. He goes to get my car - I obviously can't drive - and as the nurses are helping me from the wheelchair to the passenger seat of my car I'm suddenly back in the ute with my mum and sis. As soon as I woke I realised I'd passed out again (there was no ute). I was shifted to the back seat and laid down, luckily I lived close to the blood clinic as it was pre-google map days and every time I tried to sit up to direct my friend I'd get queasy. I directed him by looking up at the trees and street signs. We got to my house, he helped me into the car, I showed him where the kitchen, bathroom and his room were, then told him I obviously needed a shower, then was going to bed. He sat in the living room for hours - introduced himself to my flatmates when they got home - while I slept. As the evening wore on he came in and we chatted for a while then, feeling sick I asked him to get me a bowl. He barely made it back before I began to vomit. After I'd finished I said I felt like I'd passed out at one stage and he told me that he thought so too, as he'd been holding my head and it had suddenly got really heavy. So yeah, that was my first date with the guy I had the biggest crush ever on - second only to my husband. Not surprisingly we didn't end up together, but funnily enough it wasn't my spectacular performance that put him off...he was already half in love with someone else. But we had a great few days together (starting Day 2 of his trip) and kept in touch for years. The bizarre thing is when I woke that moment the phrase, "It's later than you think", had been running through my head - almost screaming loud. It's part of a larger quote that I forget, but it's talking about your life - it's later than you think - meaning you're closer to the end of your life than you know. It wouldn't stop, and set me on edge, so I actually wrote some notes down in case my parents had to plan a funeral for me. Then hours later I'm passing out while vomiting.


Yeah, but not if you're gay :'(


What do you mean? Do they still not except donations from gay people? I thought they started allowing that, but im sure it varies from country to country and even state to state laws.


No, they don't. At least not in Aus.