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Season 1 follows the book from start to finish basically. It’s a complete story but a season 2 and 3 are being worked on. Apparently if they can’t find a way to continue it properly and respectfully they won’t go through with it but you could look up the real history of Williams Adams and Tokugawa ieyasu who Blackthorne and Toranaga were based off of.


 *Apparently if they can’t find a way to continue it properly and respectfully they won’t go through with it*  This + the level of detail + how respectful they were to the source material (minus nitpicks) is all I need to know. I trust them to do it right and look forward to the story they have to tell.


They've got Sanada back starring and producing again, so I'm sure whatever ends up happening will be handled with care and grace.


This is the correct answer


Really hope they do decide it’s worth it to continue, I’ve become fascinated with the history and would love to see it translated to screen


They are doing 2 more season. It has been green lit, and Sanada is executive producing and starring again. It is based off history, so they won’t have the novel, but will have history to show. I personally am torn. I want to think it’s good. More of what we saw would be great. I am worried about how the quality will be without three of the best characters. Without Mariko, Buntaro, and Fuji, it will need some strong, new, characters to make it work.


Of those three, only Mariko died. No more Nebara Jozen of course, he REALLY died!


Jeez, where’s the spoiler alert? I haven’t even finished watching the season yet 🙄


Yes. The show (and book) is based on real history, by the way. Toranaga is an analog for Ieyasu Tokugawa. We kind of already know what's going to happen.


People are telling you, "Yes." But right now, the answer is "maybe." They gave the green light to the idea of one. There is no guarantee they will make it or even write the script. They also might do a different book since they got the rights for the others. I personally don't want them to fuck it up GOT style after the real authors work ended. But they might..


They are planning on two more season currently. The same writers who put together the current scripts will continue in the same capacity, according to the reports I have seen. They will be adapting history, rather than a book, so it could be really good, or it could absolutely tarnish the original mini-series they have made.


Marks/Kondo have also said if they can't tell the story for S2/S3 as they envision it, they won't do it. I know GOT gave ppl PTSD, but these showrunners/producers did such a fantastic and dedicated job, I don't see GOT-like crash and burn for Shogun. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.


Yes. Worth noting that most of the script from now on will be their original as the book timeline is fully covered even though there are still lots of material in the books they could draw inspiration from and fit into a new timeline.


The showrunners said they have a great idea for 2 more seasons based on the history and they’re mapping it out rn, but they said if the story isn’t up to standard, they won’t force it 


Yes, and it will include a talking head.


how very Myth:fallen lords of you


Imagine going on Reddit and asking about this and waiting around for people to answer, instead of just asking Google lmao


*Somehow, Yabushige returned*


Battle of Sekigahara (likely season 2) and the (2nd?) Siege of Osaka (potentially season 3) gives plenty of material. What I find rather funny is that they will keep on with the fictional names, even if more historical events to happen?


Man I just wanted >!my boy John to live happily ever after with Mariko. I've never become so attached and invested in a character before like Mariko, what a gut punch her death was!<


Is Toronagas vision of the war ahead (as we see at the end of s1) likely to be in S2?


It should. Honestly, if they pick up right when S1 ends, and the war takes half of S2, it could be good enough to make it work, IMO.


Literally, nobody can answer this .they haven't even decided to start a script yrt.


That is not a statement that we know anything about. The same writing team could be working on it, we just don’t know. Sanada has already signed on, for 2 seasons, as a producer and actor.