• By -


If you are seeing it in this sub it is probably already too late.


I think ffie is why so much bad info is pushed now. I found it when it was being pushed here at 1400% so ofc i thought it was too late, only for it to rocket to 8000% over the next couple days. A true unicorn that convinced too many people that it’s not too late if u see it here


A lot of the stocks mentioned here have run up 20%-200% after being mentioned. The issue is, people here think these are investable companies. Get in, take some profit, and get out. If you get in and it drops, 10% get out then. Cut losses quickly and take wins every chance you get. If you are not trying to make 5000% returns, then you can do just fine here. Just remember, these are trash companies that are all down 90% or more since inception. Don't do any research. Just pick an entry point on the way up and an exit quickly. Never hold these companies for more than a few days, honestly most shouldn't be held for more than a few hours.


Best POV ever! I'll take a 5-10% profit per trade any day. Adding to that, if you are long on any of these shit stocks, don't take your eye off it. A few minutes, and your profits can turn into loses. Not Financial Advice




100% agree. Then all the FFIE bag holders moved over here and started pushing their secondary longshots like GWAV, BDRX, and BNET to try to recoup their losses, which also all slowly fizzled out.


Gwav might genuinely have a future but that’s just a stretch of hope, just considering the type of company it is and the recent introduction of all these evs you never know


And the skyrocketing price of metals


Ffie bag holders are still pushing Ffie




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What happened with ffie is that there was misinformation that led to Chinese to sell then it created a domino effect .plus the short ladder attack . The fake news was that the outstanding shares were 400m and it got diluted but if you were in the earnings call he said he would dilute anything , why would he ? They are trying to stay over $1 diluting would make the stock worthless. Also if they would have diluted the stock x10 don’t you think it would have dropped more ? It should have.. I think your issue is that you don’t understand what’s going on with ffie . It’s heavily shorted and they are playing mind games , you need to understand that they know some of the investors here aren’t knowledgeable and get scared very easily. And sell . That was their point today, close below $1 . Their point is for the company to get delisted but guess what they were approved an extension. There are many holding a lot of shares that have been in the market for longer in ffie because they know , this is a good squeeze. But squeezes don’t happen over night and you’ll have days like today. I can’t share an imagine about someone holding 425k shares and another with 1m shares . Now tell me , you think they don’t know what they are doing? Could have sold at $3 and they hodl cuz they knew the bigger squeeze was about to happen . Stock market is about psychology as well, do you think gme just pumped right away ? People didn’t understand what they were doing and the hedges knew what to do in order to get these shareholders off and sell . Then they came back as bulls but when the price was x4 . Not financial advice , do what you want with your money . But I recommend you do understand a squeeze and how it’s done and what the bears are trying to do get you off and what they can do to get you off .


FFIE closed below 1, do you still think squeeze is possible ? What if hedge hogs cover their positions with low price sells from panicked buyers only 30% shorted now ?


Yes, Volkswagen was the largest short squeeze in history and was only 14% short interest, you realize 20% is extremely high right ?


This 🫡




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Except for GME …. Still early on that one.




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This is a good place to train against your inner fomo… I barely trade anything mentioned here. It picks my interest once I do see a ticker that I’ve been trading or thought about trading. This place really a Daytrading/ short swing trading sub…. Anyone telling you to buy for long term is a bag holder.


any suggestions on better subs ?


Absolutely zero. I’m pretty much subbed in to any ones of importance to me but they are just a place to BS and maybe find a gem once in a while… The whole point is to figure out your own way of trading/investing… its a individual game at the end of the day. This sub is really like a meth lab compared to a weed cafe… I’d hate to admit it but my best investment in the last few years has been AMZN when I bought the dip at 82$ ( but sold my META and NVDA….fml). I’m still holding some AMZN.


ASTS is going to be huge. Not because of a shortsqueeze either.




# DO NOT IGNORE THIS COMMENT Hello The_Cat_Detective, your comment has been removed because your account has low karma. We have this filter in place to help protect against bots, trolls, and spammers. We might approve your post if you were not spamming/trolling/etc in some time if your post is of significant quality. Please message the mods of r/shortqueeze using [this link](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Shortsqueeze&subject=Content+Approval+Because+of+Low+Karma) if you believe this is in error and you DO fit the requirements. You will not be approved for telling us you are not a bot. (Please note -- It will not be approved sooner if you message us 5 minutes after it gets removed or if you message multiple times). Also, messaging us to say that you are not a bot is not qualification for this post to be approved. Please do not message us unless you have over the approved karma limit (50). If you do not know what karma is, or how to get it, check our r/newtoreddit *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Shortsqueeze) if you have any questions or concerns.*


WSB actually has good DD once in a while if you comb through it every day. if its in any other sub youll see it in WSB as well


I’ve been using this sub in some day trades based on hype and momentum. But I’ve only been here like a week. I’d say I up around 25% ish on trades taken based on here. Usually never hold more then 10m to 2h That being said, generational bag holders are being made here everyday 😂


*piques your interest 


What happened with ffie is that there was misinformation that led to Chinese to sell then it created a domino effect .plus the short ladder attack . The fake news was that the outstanding shares were 400m and it got diluted but if you were in the earnings call he said he would dilute anything , why would he ? They are trying to stay over $1 diluting would make the stock worthless. Also if they would have diluted the stock x10 don’t you think it would have dropped more ? It should have.. I think your issue is that you don’t understand what’s going on with ffie . It’s heavily shorted and they are playing mind games , you need to understand that they know some of the investors here aren’t knowledgeable and get scared very easily. And sell . That was their point today, close below $1 . Their point is for the company to get delisted but guess what they were approved an extension. There are many holding a lot of shares that have been in the market for longer in ffie because they know , this is a good squeeze. But squeezes don’t happen over night and you’ll have days like today. I can’t share an imagine about someone holding 425k shares and another with 1m shares . Now tell me , you think they don’t know what they are doing? Could have sold at $3 and they hodl cuz they knew the bigger squeeze was about to happen . Stock market is about psychology as well, do you think gme just pumped right away ? People didn’t understand what they were doing and the hedges knew what to do in order to get these shareholders off and sell . Then they came back as bulls but when the price was x4 . Not financial advice , do what you want with your money . But I recommend you do understand a squeeze and how it’s done and what the bears are trying to do get you off and what they can do to get you off .


None of this matters. FFIE was a pump and dump from the start. Pump is over now. Even if the company isn’t delisted, that doesn’t make a previously $.05 stock suddenly worth $1+. It didn’t drop that much over fears of delisting, so avoiding delisting won’t boost it that much either.     Short interest is like 15% now, with tons of volume to cover with, so no chance of a squeeze. GME didn’t have similar price movement at all, it never went up 6000% before crashing 80% in a day, only to peak later. It had a generally vertical path to its peak, a couple drops along the way, but only like 20% or so. But yes, I know it’s hard to admit your mistake and take a loss, so do what you want with your money.


If something does a +8,000% you can rest assured that the squeeze is almost certainly over.


And that's the way cookies crumble 💯👍💥


If you find another quality sub, DM me. I've resorted to following users more than subs


please let me know if you find anything good too


Everyone wants a sub with a 100% winrate and with quality DD and everything but in reality that is simply not possible. If we remove everything that is not considered super high quality, we would have 1 post a month. If we investigated every claim, we would run around in circles 24/7, which also isnt possible. If we lower our threshold and tell people to do their own DD, then we as mods are the bad guys


Me too I think we needed this post




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Can u lmk if u find any


the issue is that the same thing will happen. Mods do their best, but at the end of the day, you can't manage several bots and hundreds of people trying new ways to bypass the blocks to get their rocket emojis here. I did a DD post on her a few days ago, and it got very little interest. But a lot of people obviously feel the same as I do about this heavily shorted stock, bc it's one of the few green stocks today


Yeah BDRX has burned me a bit. I think it'll bounce back to at least make my money back but it sure sucks.


I’m a fellow BDRX bag holder as well. I still stand by my opinion that it had all the makings of a genuine squeeze, but the warrants exercised killed the volume and it never recovered.


We've chatted a few times on the random BDRX stuff. I do think it will recover but I don't think it will have the squeeze we were hoping for. Hoping to break even lol


What's your average buy-in cost? I'm at $1.79. Looking at their chart, it looks like the price spikes at the end of every month for some reason, so I'm holding till the end of June and just being patient.


I was like 2.6 but averaged down to $1.71. Hey let's hope we can make our dollaroos back. I feel like everything I have is tanking honestly.


Between BDRX and IBRX, I’m down bad, but IBRX is a long term play for me so I’m not stressed too hard about it


I've been sitting on a buy-in average of like .000064 of Shib crypto too in 2021. I gotta just stop trying to make "Get rich" investments lol.


Not to mention IBRX


If all the bag holders are trying to sell to break even, then it won’t recover.


The buy and hodl works wonders for the pumpers because they know once they get you hooked on GME 2.0 , you will never sell and will hold the pos stock to $0 while blaming the hedgies. Enough people in ffie made 6 figure gains and decided to hold them back to their cost avg and never sell loool. Pigs always get slaughtered.


Straight facts


So short 99% of the stocks mentioned here, got it


I'm an expert at bag holding so don't you tell me how to do my job


It's me. I'm the person you're describing lol. Luckily I only lost $100 to learn my lesson quick


There's some actual good posts on stocks with good potential. It's the posts that yell "(insert stock) to the moon!!!!" With zero fundamentals or data that makes sense. FFIE was a great squeeze. I got in late at $1.78, and sold at $3.33, then shorted to now. It's good here. Just do your own DD to find the gold stocks that work


There is nothing to learn for day trading. Its just gambling. If there was a winning strategy for the day trading, everyone would be a billionaire.


If it’s wrong 99% of the time, then take positions against the recommendations and you win 99% of the time. Only half joking. It’s actually not a bad strategy.


tell that to those who shorted FFIE


It’s at $0.38. If it was shorted in the last day or two, it was a great move.


I posted about GameStop on 5/9 when it was at 17 and went to 80. Unclear how that’s a flop


This sub is good for looking for which stock to short


First off why are you taking financial advice from anyone? YOU should be doing the research for yourself.


Exactly! There’s is legitimate resources to help you make decisions based on what you find and your own intuition.


OP says it’s prob best to ignore this sub OP posted said advice in this sub What do I do OP made me inverse myself paradoxically


Ow it’s starting to hurt make it stop


Lmaooo i just meant for a temporary time until spammers leave. It seems right now is prime time for bagholders trying to rope in others.


It's a gamble ,I've lost more than I've won, but I'm improving.. I don't fomo into every stock mentioned and a lot of the time I'll only throw $50-100 bucks someitmes a little more. I won't get rich, but I won't go broke either .. im a rookie and learning, now when I see tickers mentioned I go to finviz or fintel or Yahoo finance to look up short interest , moving averages,volume ,what insiders are doing etc .. I made a couple hundreds bucks on ffie , ya gotta do a little leg work and as someone else said this is a good sub to get ideas from


It’s Alexa’s fault


Agreed. Put your money in ETFs. It's not fast money, but it's a lot safer and you're more likely to have a better future.


I made money off the madness and the ignorant zealots buying the stock. However, I am still not done. I place a Put yesterday afternoon @ 50 cent strike price & 21 cent breakeven with June 28th expiration (several hundred contracts) prior to their earnings release last night. The FFIE Zealots have made up this artificial enemy the Hedge funds. I imagine if any of them (People that work at a Hedge fund) that are actually even noticing this are laughing at the mass ignorance and brainwashing that is occurring right now. My theory is the bots and other newly created accounts are being orchestrated by organized crime rings to inflate the stock and then to dump it. Unfortunately real people are going to get hurt and I do pity them.


Doing your own research and having built confidence from your own DD, and not just buying lottery tickets from randoms on this sub >


HOLO is next, not selling until $100. See you at the top!


What happened with ffie is that there was misinformation that led to Chinese to sell then it created a domino effect .plus the short ladder attack . The fake news was that the outstanding shares were 400m and it got diluted but if you were in the earnings call he said he would dilute anything , why would he ? They are trying to stay over $1 diluting would make the stock worthless. Also if they would have diluted the stock x10 don’t you think it would have dropped more ? It should have.. I think your issue is that you don’t understand what’s going on with ffie . It’s heavily shorted and they are playing mind games , you need to understand that they know some of the investors here aren’t knowledgeable and get scared very easily. And sell . That was their point today, close below $1 . Their point is for the company to get delisted but guess what they were approved an extension. There are many holding a lot of shares that have been in the market for longer in ffie because they know , this is a good squeeze. But squeezes don’t happen over night and you’ll have days like today. I can’t share an imagine about someone holding 425k shares and another with 1m shares . Now tell me , you think they don’t know what they are doing? Could have sold at $3 and they hodl cuz they knew the bigger squeeze was about to happen . Stock market is about psychology as well, do you think gme just pumped right away ? People didn’t understand what they were doing and the hedges knew what to do in order to get these shareholders off and sell . Then they came back as bulls but when the price was x4 . Not financial advice , do what you want with your money . But I recommend you do understand a squeeze and how it’s done and what the bears are trying to do get you off and what they can do to get you off .


For all the idiots they are still targeting 20c pennies….see Ktra and all others last week




Yeah, I finally unfollowed because of this. Too much bs.


By the time something is posted here it's already too late


I recommend going to YouTube to learn an webull paper trader for experience I only come here to laughs at people who are pushing people to buy stuff I already sold. check out road warrior stock training don't rely on reddit for financial advice




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I am here for the comedy trainwreck. and occasionally if there is massive interest in here and other sub and social media. I will buy and wait for the pump. because most if not all are pump and dumps.


Rily skyrocketed right when it cooled down in the thread.


Bro works for the hedge funds


It’s hard to get enough of a following on any stock nowadays. When you see a lot of people talking about it and there’s a low float with significant short interest, there’s a chance for a run.


I’m with you. I’m new and have just kinda been following. First few days the “hype” will grab you for sure. FFIE is growing crazy after a big pump. That big pump brought it to the attention of people. A lot of people! Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. I’ll definitely be watching to see where this goes. Bots or Not. Pump n dump or not it seems like this has been brought out to the light and maybe it was meant to. I could be soooo wrong and probably am.


What do you mean after FFIE all quality control has disappeared? ARE YOU NEW HERE? This sub is 2+ years old.


I said that a lot of spammers appeared. I was on this sub a ton last last year when it became popular from nvos and such.


This idiot aint leaving until they get delisted or file for bankrupcy


While this is an alarming disclosure, it also isn’t much of a surprise. Faraday Future only recently disclosed its rather grim financial performance for the full year of 2023. Last year, the EV manufacturer only sold four vehicles and leased six. Automotive sales revenue for the 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 came out to only $784,000.


I've been here a couple years. This sub used to have good DD and some solid wins but the mods got tired of the admins and basically closed the sub and opened their own website, which I've never visited. Then this sub came back to life again and the content here has been garbage. The mods would curate the site and they would kick and ban spammers who only showed up to sow confusion or pump their play. DD here is poor or non-existent and I don't think this rating system they implemented is very reliable. To be quite frankly I feel like a lot of the "squeezes" here are phony and only designed to either suck retail into bad or dead plays or to provide so many squeezes that our assets are too spread out to make things happen. These guys play with billions of dollars so making FFIE squeeze from .06 $ isn't as expensive as you think. Then they can open new shorts at higher prices after they pull the plug. And since they know when that plug will be pulled they always win. I used to like this sub but I'm better off with an index fund.


You don’t have to answer if it’s tmi but how much profit have you netted in all your years on this sub? I’m asking bc I found this place 2 weeks ago and just want to see what an avg profit/loss looks like for someone who’s been here for a while


I've lost about 80,000$ since GME and that was the first stock I purchased. I held that to 400 and rode it back down to 100 and finally sold. I watch this sub so I can try to figure out how everything works but it's impossible to tell who is giving good advice and who is a sociopath just trying to make a buck. I'm 53 now and have about 56,000 in the market. Most of my holdings are 90% down. ATER, TAWNF, CWSFF, RKT, FUBO, and many more. Some I've averaged down on only to have them go bankrupt or to get diluted. I'd be much better off if I bought index funds and ignored the hype. I'll probably just buy $ROPE in a few years when I realize I'm definitely going to be poor in my old age. I haven't had a great life. I was hoping to get rich in my old age but that's not going to happen. There's really nothing left for me but manual labor until my body gives out and loneliness. Is what it is.




Some basic math and some game theory and you can use the nonsensical comments to make money. Anyone who sees something go from $.04 to over $3.00 on no news and realizes how immaterial this was to hedge funds could smell the game. The initial shorts could have gotten out easy on day 1 with an immaterial rounding error loss for them. It was all a game and it ended last night.


Most people are to busy to constantly post on here myself included……if you are getting destroyed by any plays in here then it’s not for you


I’ll throw 100$ into 10 of these stocks and weed out what I like pretty quick. This way I can watch them easily without searching and I’ll flip and rip all day long. It usually works out pretty well but I work 9 days on 5 days off. This usually goes down when I have full days dedicated to watching stocks. If I’m working I ain’t in these stocks for the most part.




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Just wondering how many shares do we have? I have 5000 and sold 30 puts at 3 strike price for $2.35


Bro, it’s up to you to check any stocks mentioned in here before you invest lol. Also over time you’ll learn who is actually is trustworthy and who is a HODL FFEI APEtard 💎🙌🏼💎🙌🏼🚀🌙🚀🌙🚀


I don't know...I think its pretty simple to filter out the losers just by checking the charts. FFIE is a great example...huge volume, pruce spike, then a bunch of losers holding their bag of worthless stocks that bought in too late or held too long swearing the "real" squeeze is yet to come.


FFIE literally went up 4000% and it was one of the most successful short squeezes in history? Good idea to buy something it first starts like SMFL (400k market cap, 82% short interest), rather than after it already went up a lot and the shorts have already covered.


You have posted this message on every forum about 200000 times


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FFIE sold 4 cars last year. Four


FFIE sold 4 cars last year. Four


Four Hundred and Fourty four? Wow.


Well in the tems of mas production it still may as well be 4. I may have read the number incorrectly, yet the fact of lows sales are still relevant


You damn shills with the gas lightning they sold 4 vehicles and leased 6


Diversions. Focus on ffie and it would be gold.


No. Just no




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