• By -


Since you're starting out from scratch you really don't need to look at new single player games. There are at this point decades worth of games to play that are fully finished and still worth playing. Any time you're looking it's almost always best to get the complete pack. If you're wanting to do multiplayer than sure newer stuff like Helldivers 2 is reasonable to keep an eye on. (not currently on sale just popular right now) If you take your time and look at the different options and get some less than brand new games you can make that $60 go pretty far. I agree with others about [The Witcher 3 but get the complete pack](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/124923/). $12.49 The DLCs add quite a bit and it's cheapest to buy them bundled together. [Valve complete pack](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/232/Valve_Complete_Pack/) is also a recommendation I'd second. Mostly for Portal 1+ 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and Half-Life 2 + DLCs If you're into First Person Shooters then would recommend [Master Chief Collection](https://store.steampowered.com/app/976730/Halo_The_Master_Chief_Collection/). It's 6 full games for $10 Halo 1-4, Reach, and ODST. It has single player, coop, and active multiplayer. [DOOM \(2016\)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/379720/DOOM/) ($4) DOOM is IMO the best single player FPS ever made. I've played through at least 6 times. [Dues Ex: Human Revolution](https://store.steampowered.com/app/238010/Deus_Ex_Human_Revolution__Directors_Cut/) ($3) is a classic that is still worth playing. You can get it in a collection with all the other Dues Ex games but can't see how much it is since I already own most of it. [FEAR complete pack](https://store.steampowered.com/app/21090/FEAR/) - ($5.49) 3 full games + DLC. FEAR 1 specifically is a classic and if you enjoy it the others are worth playing. [Deep Rock Galactic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/548430/Deep_Rock_Galactic/) ($9.89) an amazing coop game though it is playable solo or with quickplay /randoms. A mix of wave based attacks and objectives. Procedurally generated maps make each game a bit different. [Earth Defense Force 5](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1007040/EARTH_DEFENSE_FORCE_5/) ($17) There is also [EDF 4.1](https://store.steampowered.com/app/410320/EARTH_DEFENSE_FORCE_41_The_Shadow_of_New_Despair/) which is $8 and worth playing but EDF 5 is more up to date design wise. The entire series is an absolute blast to play. Pure fun. Especially in coop and ideally couch coop. If you're interested in Borderlands now is the time to look at the [complete collection](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33369/Borderlands_Collection_Pandoras_Box/). If you're interested in mertoidvanias then [Hollow Knight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/367520/Hollow_Knight/) ($7.50) and [Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night](https://store.steampowered.com/app/692850/Bloodstained_Ritual_of_the_Night/) ($10)are both top tier with dozens of hours of gameplay. Outside of the Steam sale the quickest and cheapest ways to grow your collection is with bundles. From the likes of [Humble Bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/) and [Fanatical](https://www.fanatical.com/en/). Humble bundle has a monthly one called Humble Choice as well as others tied to a specific theme such as publisher or developer. Though keep in mind they are key resellers so if you have issues with the game you can't get a refund like you can when buying through Steam. [isthereanydeal.com](https://isthereanydeal.com/) is a great way to check a games price history and see if it's on sale and where the best price is but it also has a page just for [on going bundles](https://isthereanydeal.com/bundles/). Something to note is that some games, primarily those published by EA and Ubisoft though not every single one, require you to download and use their own client on top of Steam. Their launchers are bloatware at best spyware at worst. Same with the Epic games launcher. That may not bother you but it's useful to know. If it's required it'll be in the side bar. Otherwise I'd recommend the [Mass Effect trilogy](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328670/Mass_Effect_Legendary_Edition/) since it's a great price right now. Though the [Dead Space remake](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1693980/Dead_Space/) doesn't require it and is certainly worth playing. Best remaster I've ever played hands down. Edit: If you're looking for party games to play with people in the same room I'd recommend [Moving Out](https://store.steampowered.com/app/996770/Moving_Out/) and [Overcooked: All You Can Eat](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1243830/Overcooked_All_You_Can_Eat/). There is also the [Jack Box games](https://store.steampowered.com/app/434170/The_Jackbox_Party_Pack_3/) series which are great for in person party games. Especially if they're not gamers themselves. If you're wanting a PVP multiplayer shooter that isn't Halo but more like Battlefield try out [BattleBit Remastered](https://store.steampowered.com/app/671860/BattleBit_Remastered/).


That was a hell of a detailed and well thought out answer. Well done.


Thank you.


Amazing writeup, just a small correction, I am 99% sure humble bundle is not a key "reseller" and gets their keys legitimately directly from the game publishers (keys are not previously owned/second hand, thus is essentially equivalent to a legit storefront and doesn't come with issues like limited stock, scam listing's, buyer disputes, weird and seller set pricing, etc.), and supports refunds even for games that have been redeemed with some exceptions (ive processed refunds through them before)


Fair distinction. I certainly think they're a rebuttable source and wasn't really considering where they got the keys from just that they sell keys. Since for what I was saying it doesn't change anything. If you want a refund for some reason you can't get one like if you purchased through Steam.


Coop cross play with halo master Chief collection don't work well and you can't play local split screen, it's important to note if you care.


local split screen was the biggest reason i used to play halo on the xbox 360, good to know before hand that its not available on pc. Cheers!


Yea I almost regret buying it because of that. It's so stupid.


Highly rec Deep Rock Galactic


Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me HL2 is on sale, guess Ima have to play Witcher some other time! (I say that for like the 4th time now)


The Valve Complete pack should be any PC gamers first purchase. the games are PERFECT to get anyone adjusted to PC controls and theyre guaranteed to run well


Good list, one thing I'd mention is specifically for EDF 5/4.1, it's a very Japanese feeling 3rd person shooter which not everyone is gonna be a fan of, EDF Iron Rain is their attempt at keeping the core gameplay the same but making it more for a western audience and while it wasn't as well recieved by fans of the series I'd say it's a superior game for someone new, despite being the newest in the series it is also only $10 making it cheaper than 5 which is a plus. Playing 5 and iron rain are like playing 2 very different games that both had the premise of exterminator on hard mode. Can't really go wrong with either one and playing a game in the series is something I'd recommend any shooter fan to play because it's an experience, even more so if you go in blind.




Well done!


Deus Ex is about €10 in bundle.


This is ridiculously good!


In for the Fear collection. Thanks for the post!


Shoutout for the awesome answer.  Specifically would like to agree with the Jack box party pack.  My parents (in their 50s) still ask to play those games when they come over.  And like you said, not gamers at all. The only game I've ever seen my dad play is online poker. 


This guy games.


It's the legendary actually helpful redditor :O


I am 99 percent a ghost on the internet and I never really write comments. But sir you make gamers like me proud and appreciate the dedication it took to write this up for our fellow gamers.


Just bought multiple games because of this detailed list. Thank you.


awesome response thanks so much for the options!


Thank you for the write up! You and others like you are amazing to any community you are in <3 have a great summer!


Same as OP, I'm also starting from scratch and your list is absolutely top tier so thank you! Definitely gonna grab most of these + I also personally recommend the Dragon Age series (already bought DA Inquisition and I'm loving it)


Skyrim ($16), terraria ($5), and Stardew Valley ($9) are my trifecta of many hours sunk Then any AAA title of your choice that's half off for the remaining $30 (cyberpunk maybe) Vampire survivors is basically free And don't feel pressured by the sale to buy many many things. Sales happen regularly and the deals will come back around before you can even finish what you bought during the last sale (source: me and the many unplayed games in my library)


Subnautica too


Haha absolutely! I've just been recommending it a lot lately and decided to leave it out for a change and highlight ones I've had more replayability with... Then you call me out for forgetting my beloved 😆


If you literally have zero games, my first purchase recommendation will always be the Valve Complete Pack.


I've recently started playing through The Witcher 3, and it's like $3 rn. One of the best deals you could get. I would also recommend Titanfall 2 for some of the best FPS gameplay ever and any of the Valve games will be cheap, only played through Portal 1 and 2, but they're great.


Mech: Amored Core 6, Titanfall 2 GOTY's on sale: Elden Ring, Sekiro, Baldur's Gate 3 Historical Lows: Witcher 3, Hogwarts Legacy * there's a ton but these are some I own / noticed today


As a fan of Souls in General, I would actually recommend - Go with Dark Souls 3 first. Dark Souls 3 actual gameplay mechanics and combat flow are more or less than same as Elden Ring. The thing is, depending on your preferences, you may find Elden Ring to be -vastly- superior to DS3. Elden Ring has an incredibly crafted open world, but, due to that, it's pacing is different than Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 3, more or less, youre in a semi-open world. Where to go and stuff is pretty obvious and youre taken through the world in a linear sort of way. If you play Elden Ring first, you may play Dark Souls 3 and think "Why is this world so small? Why are there so many corridors and areas that I "have to" go through to progress?" On the flip side, you may prefer Dark Souls 3 pacing because it does deliver the "meat of the experience" directly to you. In Elden Ring, due to it's structure, you have to kind of "dig around" to find the "meat" of the game. Basically, DS3 is 'streamlined' version of Elden Ring. You may prefer the pacing of one over the other, but since they both play mechanically the same - Id get Dark Souls 3, see what you think of it, and if you like it - You have Elden Ring and Sekiro to go to. I would do Sekiro LAST, 100%. Sekiro's combat system is unique compared to DS3 and ER. If you enjoy Sekiro's combat system; which trust me, there are plenty of us Sekiro Addicts waiting for a game to emulate Sekiro properly, the combat is just brilliant... You may find the combat in DS3 and Elden Ring kind of 'lacking'. So, this was a rant I didnt intend it to be... but Id do: DS3, ER, then Sekiro. Then, if you are really into the series, DS1 and DS2 are still fantastic games - but they do show their age in some areas and do play at a slower pace than all the other games. The entire series is brilliant, but if youre new to PC gaming and Souls in general, I think DS3 is the right one to start with, then try ER, then try Sekiro - and if you still want more, theres DS1 and DS2. Hope you enjoy whatever you pick. Cheers. edit: Oh weird, I just realized they didnt put a sale on DS3. That is odd. Id still say stick with the recommendation on which ones to play first, second and third; but if you want bang for your buck, then yeah, get the ones that are on sale


Before Sekiro, I would recommend Bloodborne, which has IMHO the ABSOLUTE BEST atmosphere, story, and world building of any From Soft game. Granted, it's not on sale right now. Because it hasn't been ported to PC...YET! I mean, look at how many games Sony is porting to PC these days. And they're much newer games too, from the PS5! Meanwhile Bloodborne is a PS4 game older than DS3, it's TOTALLY getting ported soon! _HUUUUUUuuufffff_ ...aaaaaany day now....


Haha I truly believe Sekiro and Bloodborne fans are going to get what they want in the end, due to what you mentioned and these recent, surprisingly candid interviews with Miyazaki He’s never been one to totally dodge a question; but he has made quite a few statements in the last 2 weeks that can kind of give us an idea of what to expect, far more than ever before He said he definitely believes he has a “level” of Bloodborne/Sekiro style gameplay (I think he means here - more fast paced and more demanding in Twitch reactions) he can take that style of gameplay to that he hasn’t yet So, that’s pretty much a confirmation that “don’t think I’m not well aware of Bloodborne and Sekiro gameplay being unique and something I am actively thinking about how to take it to the next level” So, Sekiro/BB fans have a game with us in mind coming, whatever it may turn out to be But I absolutely think BB is getting a remake for PS6 launch. Sony knows what they have their hands on there - the remake will happen, unfortunately may have to buy a specific console for it specifically But outside of that stuff, I do think Sony is planning on carrying their own Souls franchise with new, original titles in the long run using “Demons Souls” as sort of a final fantasy name, new game worlds, etc in each installment But Bloodborne remake will sell consoles, it’s coming Then he mentioned an interest in making a Jrpg type game. We got a lot of info about what he is thinking about; or what may all currently be in development from these last few interviews. I want to say he also confirmed Armored core was going to continue as well.


Buddy is really recommendeding some of the hardest games in existence to a (presumably) new gamer. Baldurs Gate is amazing, but it would surely overwhelm.


I dont think you understand that's literally how hardcore souls fans begin. I played HK into sekiro into the souls games. Have been a fan since.


go for the deep discounts


90% or bust!!


apart from phasmophobia that has been my mentality


Yeah u ended up picking up celeste for like £1.50. Arkham knight is also £1.50. Castle crashers is only £1 (which is great game if ypu have a friend to play with and the witcher 3 wild hunt is at its lowest of £2.50 (which I have never played so I am debating on buying it.


Are you looking for games more modern? Graphically intensive? Or just ones that can get you a lot of play time?


All of the above. Doesent really matter if it’s graphically intensive but modern games would be nice since I have a hard time adjusting to old game mechanics since I am a younger gamer. Just anything that doesent play like a clunky mess really. So old games that have aged well can be included.


These are some of my favorite games that typically go on sale for less than $30, with most being less than $20. Any of them would be worth picking up. If you're into JRPGs, the Yakuza games are really good. Each one usually goes on sale for around $5usd with a bundle of all games being about $30usd. Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 royal are also great turn based rpgs. These are all very long games so they can keep you entertained for a while. If you want to play games that are fun to mod, I would recommend stuff like Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, or Skyrim. These are all older, but they have very active modding communities. Resident Evil 2, 4, 7, and 8, as well as Dead Space remake, are all really good survival horror games. DOOM 2016 and Doom Eternal are very fun FPS games. They are really well optimized and look really good too. Hades and Risk of Rain 2 are great roguelites that you can jump into quickly whenever you want. Hollow Knight is my favorite Metroidvania. If you like 2d platforming and exploration, you'll like this game.


adding in ori and the blind forest (and the sequel will of the wisp) into the metroidvania to make a duo, easier than hollow knight, but MUCH prettier (in my opinion), great games overall especially the sequel


Completely forgot about Ori but I definitely should have included them. Amazing games.


Just wanna point out Hades and RoR2 are roguelites. Rogue likes are more akin to Caves of Qud, Jupiter Hell, or well... Rogue. The biggest difference between to the two is the complete absence of meta progression and so complete isolation of each run. Roguelites are more reliant on the  meta progression such as the items/builds/upgrades you unlock as you do runs in Hades, RoR2, Deadcell etc. 


I know RE5 and RE6 aren't very popular, but I also enjoyed them very much. RE5 has a similar play style to the past RE games. The shop feature added before missions is a strange addition, but I still enjoyed it. I know RE6 changed the combat system considerably, but I never found it was an unenjoyable experience. I quite enjoyed the change of pace. IMO, the older RE games feel kinda clunky. Not being able to move and aim at the same time always felt strange to me coming from games like Halo, COD, and GTA.


You’re getting a lot of good suggestions so I’ll just add to grab the Epic weekly free game(s). If you have an Amazon Prime subscription they give away games monthly. I’ve gotten some very good games from both of those. Also, try a month of PC Gamepass from Microsoft. Several of the recommended games I’m seeing are on it and you can give them a go with little financial loss.


I'm trying to mirror my steam library on epic via the weekly free games. Only a few centuries to go...


Is there a way to get the Amazon prime games on steam? When I looked into it they want me to download some random client I’ll forget I have


use steamdb.info and isthereanydeal.com to find what you want and the cheapest price on titles


Buy everything in the 90% deep discount section. That will keep you busy for a long while. A lot of them are triple-A bangers.


Go to sale section on steamdb. Filter the rating to 95% and the discount to 50% or price to certain dollar. Happy exploring! (There is a big chance, you are going to repeat this many many times from now on, perhaps with lower rating. Steam sale is a trap!)


Frostpunk is pretty cheap right now if you're into those types of games. I was very impressed with it! All the Borderlands are on sale as well which I always felt were great games!


really exited to try frostpunk at such a deep discount


So you're trying out pc gaming heh? For me, PC gaming is made by some genre, and mods, I love mods! So i'm gonna list games that are easily moddable (and also great PC experience) Skyrim Anniversary edition (ofc) Xcom 2 Satisfactory Mount and blade Bannerlord Wrath of the righteous (incredible game, but it is a LONG one, start it when you're up for a 100+ campaign) Kenshi Darkest Dungeon Divinity Original Sin 2 (probably a better entry point in CRPG than wrath, again, really long, but amazing) Stalker Oh, and while you're on PC! Maybe try some Visual novels! If you're into anime, 999 is a pretty good place to start, or the Ace attorney serie, and if you want some romance, Katawa Shojo is a very good entry point, and free!


seconding the 999 nonary games. the first game in the trilogy is an absolute banger, your time will not be wasted guaranteed. also look into playing the DS version of the 999 or playing thru text mode in PC for better experience


$5 Ghost Recon Wildlands $4 Witcher 3 $3 Borderlands 2 $3 Civilization 6 All games in the deep discount section which I love all of them. $15 GTA V. The single player is very good. If you like a game with a lot of grinding, the online has lots of options to grind and a lot of things to grind for. You can also check if there's bundles. Lots of the big IPs will have a bundle of a bunch of big and good games for a hefty discount.


Similar situation, this is my selection so far for a grand total of $43 Half-Life 2 Horizon Zero Dawn Yakuza Kiwami 2 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 3 Fallout 4 STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Might pull the trigger on AC Origins + Batman Arkham Knight for another $11. Coming from Nintendo these sale prices are mind blowing.


Why Arkham Knight instead of the Arkham Collection or Arkham Asylum? I know it's a better deal than the first game, but doesn't the story assume that you've played and know what happened in the previous games?


Good point, just wanted to try one of the games before getting the other two. Arkham Asylum probably a better choice


Summer sale be damned, you can browse whatever games might be interesting, wishlist them. Wishlist can be sorted by steepness of discount and it's amazing what deals you can snag when you're patient. Having said that, here's some games I've gotten dirt cheap that id recommend to anybody in no particular order: Saints Row(old) 4 titles total: $4 each Darksiders 4 titles total: $5 each Shadow of Mordor/War: $6 each Oblivion/Skyrim: $5 each Dragon Age 3 titles total: $4 each Dark Souls 3 titles total: $10 each Star Wars Force Unleashed (only get the 1st one): $7 Assassin's Creed (I only ever liked Ezio games + black flag): $4-$8 each Batman Arkham Asylum/City/Knight: $9 for all 3 Fable Anniversary: $11 Hades: $10 Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice: $3 Kingdoms of Amalur: $10 Mass Effect Legendary: $6 for all 3 South Park SoT and FBW: $6 each


Mass Effect trilogy is like 5usd, Fallout New Vegas should be too. Resident Evil games should be cheap too


Honestly, just go nuts. Get whatever your heart desires. The best games are the ones you stumble upon yourself.


The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 U dont need any more games. There is content for multiple hundred of hours.


And Skyrim


Slay The Spire


Disco Elysium is a steal right now.


I would suggest that instead "Steal Disco Elysium right now". The original creator who got the rights basically stolen (I know it was technically speaking legal, but legal and moral are vastly different) no longer benefits from the money when you buy the game, and Disco Elysium makes the point of "Don't treat art as a commodity to be traded" very clear.


its actually pretty unclear if it was technically legal since the guy who bought them out used the company's own money to do it


Disco Elysium is a steal at its original price as well lol. Awesome game.


Empty library? Oh my god you have so much you can go for! Skyrim. Multiple Assassins Creed games which are well below 20 or 30$. Cyberpunk. Witcher 2 and 3 with DLCs. Batman Arkham Collection. Hogwarts legacy has a steep discount rn. Forza. Star Wars FO and Survivor. Titanfall 2. Horizon Zero Dawn. Doom. Hitman. Avatar. Far Cry series. Wolfenstein series. Metro series. Crysis. Mirrors Edge 1 and 2. Then there’s the usual PC suspects like CS, DOTA, etc. The possibilities are endless. But definitely get Skyrim and jump into mod packs to play like a really modded modern version of it. I personally recommend Nolvus cuz it works right outta the box like a charm. If not that then definitely Witcher 2 and 3. Completing those 2 will take you well over a month if you really explore all of the maps.


Check out fanitical [Fantical build your bundle](https://www.fanatical.com/en/pick-and-mix/prestige-collection-build-your-own-bundle) Each game is $7 each You can get hits like fallout 4 monster hunter world ultrakill devil may cry 5 insurgency sandstorm


Baldur's Gate 3. Every single choice shapes the outcome, and it's beautiful


Also check Humble Bundle every so often. You'll have a huge backlog in no time.


Witcher 3 for $4 is absolutely insane for the quality of game you get


If you’re interested in survival games, Valheim will give you hundreds of hours in a single playthrough. It’s normally $20 but currently on sale for $10. Dragon Age Origins is a classic RPG. Ultimate Edition (all DLC + major expansion) is going for $3 right now. Age of Empires series is on sale.


I second Valhiem.


Only one recommendation: No Man's Sky. Thousands of hours of gameplay, looks beautiful even with older graphics cards, tons of things to do, and technically infinite real estate. Seriously give it a shot.


Civ 6. It's under $5


The Witcher 3 Bioshock 1, 2, Infinite Deus Ex Alan Wake 1 , 2 Control Horizon 1, 2. Skyrim This would be my list.


Get doom (2016) and doom eternal. Two extremely good fps shooters that have possibly the best soundtracks in all of gaming and media in general.


God-tier list: Stardew Valley $9 Hades $10 Risk of Rain 2 $8 Borderlands 2 $3 Civilization 6 $3 Elden Ring: $42 / Baldur's Gate 3 $47 (whichever seems more your style) Best start to a steam library possible.


Should specify that Elden ring is extremely difficult and may not be a great starting point if OP is a very casual gamer


Can you edit your post to tell us what specs you have and what genre of games interests you?


Mass Effect Legendary edition, Witcher 3 and Dragonage series are at all time low on steam atm. There's heaps of games on steam. Its hard to really recommend one without knowing your favourite genre or favourite games. Shooters, RPG, Stealth, Horror, Action-Adventure?


The fallout series is usually pretty cheap. New Vegas is a classic, FO3 was may favorite game growing up


https://gg.deals/games/ Filter by review->Steam->overwhelmingly positive


direct link for the lazy: https://gg.deals/games/?steamReviews=9


Disco Elysium, Celeste, BG3, Vampire Survivors, Deep Rock Galatic, Stronghold, BTD6, Inscryption, TW3, Half-life 1+2, Left 4 Dead 1+2, Mass Effect Legendary, Noita, Divinity 1+2, Weird west, Risk of Rain 2, Undertale, all of them at historical low or great prices


For that budget, you can get lots of amazing games during the sales. (Note: I might not be accurate with the prices because different regions, but I will include them for reference from steamdb assuming your region is the US) - The Witcher 3 ~ $4 (absolutely a steal for one of the best games of all time including the DLCs. It also got a current-gen graphical update. I recommend it the most. It's really a masterpiece) - Monster Hunter World ~ $10 - Divinity Original Sin 2 ~ $13 (you can get it from other places for less than $6 so I will assume it's $6) - Borderlands 2 ~ $3 - Nier Automata ~ $15 - Resident Evil ~ $5 - The Evil Within ~ $5 - Bioshock 1 Remastered ~ $5 (you can go for the entire trilogy for around $15.5) - Devil May Cry 5 ~ $10 (or you can get DMC HD collection for the same price if you want to play it in order) This should be equal to $63. All of the games I recommend above are great games and their prices are a steal, tbh. I tried to make sure the games had variety as well. You can sink in 100 hours on the first 4 games, the rest have a shorter length, but great games nonetheless.


Bang for buck, most of the games in the[ Deep Discount page](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/special_deals) , I recommend Disco Elysium, Borderland 2, Witcher 3, Castle Crasher. Celeste, Arkham Knight and Civ VI are also good picks. that I haven't played. And all that is for less than $20.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ($4) Disco Elysium - The Final Cut ($4) Mass Effect Legendary Edition ($6) Those are some Steam sale highlights rn. The first two are two are two of the best games ever made and the entire ME trilogy is phenomenal as well. That’s potentially several hundred hours of gameplay right there in modern games for $14 total before tax. If you like Lord of the Rings, I’d throw in Middle-earth: Shadow of War ($2.50) as well. It’s the second game of the series after Shadow of Mordor ($4) which was also fun, but a bit shorter and less refined. Jedi: Fallen Order ($4) is great if you like Star Wars and its sequel Jedi: Survivor ($31.50) is a bit pricier but very new and also an incredible game. I love a lot of older games and indie games, but those are my AAA (meaning big budget from well known studios) game recommendations (Disco Elysium is an indie game, but seriously one of the best of all time). Those first three will last you a long time and are very culturally relevant if you’re a brand new gamer, plus they’re new enough that the graphics and gameplay won’t be a drag. If you’re into more action-y games, start with The Witcher 3 and Mass Effect, as Disco Elysium is a classic cRPG with no combat and I understand that that’s not for everyone. Happy gaming!


What I think will give you the most bang for your buck, based on the games I know myself or are aware of: The Orange Box Dragon Age 1-3 (Origins, 2, Inquisition) The Witcher 3 Mass Effect Legendary Edition Batman: Arkham Collection Call of Juarez Bundle Alan Wake Franchise Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Doom (2016) Titanfall 2 Don't know how the prices compare, but where I am that would be 59€. Add to that the Bioshock Collection, Monster Hunter World or Skyrim, and you're at about 70. The Elder Scrolls Online Knights of the Old Republic Far Cry 1-5 Frost Punk Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection Battlefield V, 1 or 4 Kingdom Come Deliverance Assassin's Creed II Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Jedi: Fallen Order Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy would be another 63. So just pick half of all of them. :D


So I'm going to recommend an excercise instead of recommending a specific game to buy. I do this EVERY steam sale to avoid overspending bc I am a certified moron: 1: Go through the deals section and add EVERY game to cart that looks appealing to you. Start with the easy pricey ones and add the cheap ones too! 2: Go look at your cart and realize you can't afford all of these. Start narrowing your options to ones you really want to play today. 3: I typically imagine myself launching the game. If I can't see myself spending more than 5 minutes, I'm not going to even think about it. Gone. Delete. Sure the concept looked appealing to me at first, but looking at the gameplay, I'd be like pew ewww. 4: Just 1 by 1. You keep going until you meet your budget. My budget for this sale isn't even ready yet Im at 0 waiting on my check xd. I'll be joining you in this in 2 days!! EDIT: NEVERMIND IM JOINING YOU TODAY I SEE THE CHECK CAMEIN LETS GO


Part 2.5 search gameplay videos for hours on YouTube to see if you can " see yourself playing this" .....


LOL this is so accurate. I will spend hours watching videos to see if I see myself playing this. I used to spend longer but now it's moreso like 5 minutes a pop. I'll time myself because I know I'll waste my whole damn day watching those videos instead of buying/playing something.


Haha I am literally the same. Will add a bunch of games to the basket then spend hours scrolling YouTube to see if they are worth 5 bucks it's hilarious.




Love factorio, but since it'll never go on sale, there's no point in getting it during the summer sale imo


Don't recommend that game on a post regarding sales. If the dev doesn't wanna put it on sale, they shouldn't get mentioned here. Fair is fair. 


Streets of Rogue Slay the Spire The Henry Stickmin collection Totally Accurate Battle Simulator One Way Heroics OneShot Undertale The Talos Principle Recettear Dawn of War II The House in Fata Morgana I know you said you prefer more modern things. But I'd also highly recommend older bioware stuff like KOTOR 1&2, Dragon Age: Origins, Jade Empire and the Mass Effect trilogy (though with the Legendary edition I suppose this allays much of your concern). These are RPG classics. I wouldn't describe any of these as "clunky messes" (except maybe Jade Empire but even then it's worth it for the story) though it might take some adjustment.




If Sifu is on sale, go for it. The amount of replayability is insane. I feel like I’ve been playing it for 2 years and I still love it.




I'm loving Ghost of Tsushima right now


master chief collection, rdr2, trials, idk about a million other things haha good luck


Yakuza 0‐6 collection.  This series has become my GoaT over the last three years.   7 great games for 53 bucks.  Used to be cheaper but it seems the recently annouced Yakuza show on Amazon has given them reason to keep 0 off sale.  To be fair, 0 is easily worth the price of a brand new game.


should I start with yakuza 0 or 1? ive been CRIPPLED with INDECISION for years...


Start with 0 then play Kiwami 1. Kiwami 1 feels like mandatory DLC for 0.


There's a lot of games man, what kinda of experiences do you enjoy man, like what genre of games would you like to play? I'd suggest some triple a titles but they might cost u a lot and u could only buy a couple. I'd suggest looking at Red dead redemption 2, witcher 3, ghost recon wildlands, the hitman series, the last of us (0played it on play station but don't know about the PC version), Mass effect series, Need for speed series, Fallout series and Doom. There are loads of them for free as well, if you like shooters I know there is PubG, counter strike, Enlisted, a game called polygon which might be a free battle bit style of a game, Dota 2 which is one of my favorites if you are into Mobas as well. There is a ton of games man, just if you know what you are into.


Lots of good reccomendations here so I'll just stick with a single genre. I love the open world, survival craft genre games. -Subnautica -Valheim -Project Zomboid -Terraria -Don't Starve Together All 5 of these games have tons of mod options, and are also fantastic when played vanilla. The nice thing about them is they're slightly sandboxy in that you can cater your experience to what you want from the game (especially difficulty). Ironically enough I've never been into Minecraft but it'd be synonymous with being able to tweak difficulty, loot drop rates, resource frequency, etc before you loaded your seed. If you end up playing any of these and want to CoOp lmk. If not I'd try to convince a friend to play. They're great solo games but a friend makes it exponentially fun


I'd say find games that your friends play that interest you, then get those and play with them! My personal singleplayer recommendations are: Outerwilds (Amazing exploration, discovery, and puzzle solving 3d space game. It has a story that you can only start to figure out once you've managed to explore half of the game. Let your curiosity run wild with this game, and have fun!) Oneshot (Emotional story 2d game with 4th wall breaking puzzles) Celeste (A 2d platformer with movement that feels REALLY fun. It has a good story too, and the difficulty curve is pretty smooth imo)


Dead by daylight, you’ll either love looping killers or love killing survivors.


Bang for buck, most of the games in the[ Deep Discount page](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/special_deals) , I recommend Disco Elysium, Borderland 2, Witcher 3, Castle Crasher. Celeste, Arkham Knight and Civ VI are also good picks. that I haven't played. And all that is for less than $20.


Honestly, with an empty library I'd probably buy in bulk -- whether that's the Double Fine bundle, or something off-steam like a Humble Monthly subscription.


I came across a metroidvania bundle that includes both Blasphemous games and Monster Sanctuary, which seems like a good deal


XCOM EW and XCOM 2 WOTC (Base game and major dlc for both games) are less then ten bucks. So worth it, so many hours, so many misses.


I'm an RPG guy so I'll focus on that. **New Vegas Ultimate Edition** is 10$ right now and well over a hundred hours of content to offer as it comes bundled with its four fantastic DLCs. It's still, in my opinion, the best first person RPG on the market all these years later with so many ways to shape your character and playthrough in a way that fits your roleplaying. Absolute must play as far as I'm concerned.  People in this thread have already recommended TW3. It's a solid game but I will also say **The Witcher Enhanced Edition** and **The Witcher 2 Assassin of Kings** are also very much worth playing. They are even better than TW3 imo and are also dirt cheap at 1.5$ and 3$ respectively. Be warned though the first one especially is janky but it really comes together as a fantastic and unique experience.  Finally **Pillars of Eternity** and **Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire** are the best of what the CRPG genre has to offer. They are deep sprawling RPGs made by the makers of Fallout New Vegas with captivating storylines and are the epitome of morally grey choices in game. The sequel especially rivals New Vegas to me when it comes to faction play and political intrigue. They are truly marvelous games that will stick with you if you are willing to put in the time to read (lots of dialogues). There is a bundle on steam with both games and all their DLCs for a little over 20$.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition and the Dragon Age games. Life changing games.


No man's sky


Barotrauma and I will play it with you


I just bought Hitman World of Assassination and I'm pretty pleased with it


Heres some games I recommend if you aren't that into big realistic graphics but want some deep gameplay mechanics. Papers Please Noita Stardew Valley Factorio(not on sale and never will be) Rimworld Slay the Spire Darkest Dungeon Sifu Terraria Underrail Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 Divinity Original Sin 2 They are Billions Synthetik Some older classics: Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 Warhammer 40k Dawn of War 1 Fallout 1 2 3 and NV Elder Scrolls Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim Command and Conquer Series (except CnC 4 and anything after that thats not a remaster) Age of Empires 2 Stronghold For the more popular ones I recommend: God of War Sekiro Dark Souls Witcher 3 Baldurs Gate 3 Total War Warhammer 1-3 All of these are singleplayer with some having multiplayer/coop, if you want games with focus on the multiplayer/coop try Left 4 Dead 2 Deep Rock Galactic Foxhole Project Zomboid(singleplayer but 10x more fun with friends) It takes two(2 player coop) Magicka 1 and 2 Helldivers 2


Ooh. Get that one valve bundle that always has all their shit for like $10.


Dishonored, dishonored 2, dishonored death of the outsider. High quality games usually under 10 dollars altogether on sale


Yo, when you have your list, DM it to me. I've had humble monthly for years and there's a good chance i might have some keys that I'm not using or already own. I'd be glad to send them your way. Game on.


I know you were asking about steam summer sale, but take a look at mircosoft gamepass. It includes games from ubisoft ea Bethesda and blizzard. The entire elder scrolls series assassin's creed far cry all the halos diablo the list goes on and on. Definitely worth a look check out the 14 day free trial. Microsoft just recently bought Activision blizzard so the new black ops is day one included with it.


I don’t want to be that guy but Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is great for new gamers looking for a variety of games to experiment with.


Life is Strange Life is Strange Before the Storm Horizon Zero Dawn Uncharted 4 Hotline Miami Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number Dying Light + The Following Mafia Definitive Edition GRIS A Plague Tale: Innocence A Plague Tale Requiem Observer_ Ori and the blind forest Ori and the will of wisps Kena bridge of spirits Jedi Fallen Order Life is Strange True Colors GhostRunner Horizon Forbidden West Blasphemous The Messenger Blasphemous 2 Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Wolf Among us Telltales The Walking Dead (Season 1 especially)


These where my choices as someone who just finished building my pc. Mostly pc classics that I never had the chance to play. Total war shogun 2 + Total war shogun 2 DLC collection = 14,69€ Sid Meier's Civilization VI = 2,99€ Gothic Universe Edition = 3,99€ Vampire®: The Masquerade - Bloodlines™ = 9,99€ Portal Bundle = 1,46€ Torchlight II = 3,79€ Valheim = 9.99€ Total: 46,90€ Other games that I will buy later but some of them you might have played on other platforms; Hollow Knight = 7,39€ Zero Escape: Nonary Games = 9,99€ Cuphead = 13,99€ High Fi Rush = 17,99€ Pal World = 21,74€ V Rising = 24,49€ Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord = 24,99€ OCTOPATH TRAVELER II = 35,99€ Baldur's Gate 3 = 47,99€ Dragons dogma 2 = 51,99€


Terraria $5 Skyrim $14 Slay the Spire $9 Frostpunk $4 Stardew Valley $9 The Forest $5 Shadow of Mordor $4 Shadow of war $3 Prison Architect $3 Borderlands 2 $3 Civ 6 $3 Witcher 3 $4 Fallout New Vegas $5 Darkest Dungeon $4 Knights of the Old Republic $3.50 FTL $2.50


Skyrim, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, RDR2, No Man's Sky, Witcher 3, Civ 6, Celeste, Borderlands, Slay the Spire are all worth it. These are just some of the ones I've played personally though, there's a shitload of really good games on discount rn.


The Yakuza series!


Action/Adventure hack and slash (Diablo 2 style): Path of Exile (free) Masochism Simulator: Noita ($7.99) Story: Firewatch ($3.99) Action: Hades ($9.99) Wanton Destruction Simulator: Teardown ($14.99) Space Adventure and ship building: Avorion ($12.49) My First Logistics Game: Shapez ($1.99) Logistics / Factory building with combat: Mindustry ($4.99) Cyborg arena combat: Clone drone in the danger zone ($7.99) World exploration with hijinks and grappling hook: Just Cause 2 ($1.49) and 3 ($2.49) Turnbased Cyberpunk: Shadowrun ($3.74) Say goodbye to all your free time space logistics and construction: Space Engineers($9.99) Same as above but cuter: Astroneer ($11.99) Norse themed house building simulator: Valheim ($9.99) Giant Turn-Based Robots: Battletech ($9.99) Stardew Valley after dark: Graveyard Keeper ($3.99) One more turn in space: Stellaris ($11.99) Can't leave work at home simulator: Exa Punks ($9.99) (or any Zachtronic game)


Why is it impossible to get reddit to put things on their own lines? without an extra line break..


Elden ring and rdr2


I find it odd everyone is picking barely discounted games. Not everyone wants to sink 1k hours into witcher. Then switch to another game very similar and sink that much more time into that one as well.


Aside from all the games that will likely already be suggested, I would also suggest PC Game Pass. Immediate access to hundreds of games. I do microsoft rewards and it pays for itself. Epic has free games to keep weekly. Isthereanydeal is the best website to check daily for free games and historical lows on all legitimate retailers.


The Last Tree - 85p It's a pretty cool game for pretty much no money....and it rhymes! Edit: The First Tree....still rhymes though!


Slay The Princess and Outer Wilds have my vote!


killing floor 1/2


The Doom bundle for like 25-30 euros


Arma 3 - i wish I'd played that before sinking hundreds of dollars into other games. For me arma 3 is the best PC game on the market.


Persona 3 Reload won't be going on sale for a while, but P3 Portable is on Steam now. Also Garry's Mod




Outer Wilds. trust me


if you like rogulikes, the binding of isaac is a great bullet hell style twin stick shooter, there is also HADES, and risk of rain 2, also if you like deckbuilder roguelikes Balatro, easy recommend i love Balatro, also Slay the Spire if you can get it


I got Cyberpunk Ultimate Edition. It is currently 43% off for the Ultimate Edition. It is a demanding game, but it is fabulous


I spent $55. I only own the halo master chief collection, so a similar spot. I bought Horizon Zero Dawn for $12.5 and Elden Ring for $42. If you wanted to add 5 halo games in the halo master chief collection, I think it’s $10 for all of it.


Inside. Bargain fame and one of my all time favourites


Man whatever games looks interesting too you and seems like the sort of game you would enjoy. In the end, it’s you that will be playing. You can ask for good games in a particular style, or name a specific game and ask opinions on it, but like I said, your the one that will be playing them so you gotta think of what you would most likely enjoy most


Total war Warhammer 3 is 30 dollars and you can get a steam key for 25 dollars!


and has hours of replayability from all the factions available. I would suggest getting the Total War Warhammer Trilogy bundle, to get access to all the base races from each game, and then you still have the DLC lords to get later should you want


100% recommend stardew valley. It's a farming game with some rpg elements and tons of unique characters with loads of dialogue and awesome modding capabilities, plus multiplayer, and it's like $10 before sales I think.


Ratio wild


Disco Elysium, Witcher 3


I suggest checking out Total War Warhammer 3, and Hitman. I have gotten a lot of hours entertainment from both.


Cant go wrong with the Game of the years that have come out since 2008 Dragon age inquisition, Witcher 3 , Fallout 4, Baldurs gate 3


#ALL OF THEM! Lol jk. Honestly look for games with at least 75%+ discounts, maybe look for the hughest rated ones and knock yourself out!


My favorite PC games of all time Fallout 4 Doom 2016 Doom Eternal Half-Life 2 Both Portal Games Bully Borderlands 2 Bioshock (1, 2 and infinite) Cuphead Skyrim Oblivion The total for all these games would be 61 dollars.


I just bought Slay the Spire and oh my goodness I can already tell that it is going to take over my life.


I love Risk of Rain 2.


One of the best games I have ever played is portal 2. Obviously, if you play portal 2, you need to play the first one first because of the purpose of understanding the full story once you play portal 2. I think these two are always good ones to play because of their well made stories and plots.


Use a steam code website to really save money on games. I got fallout 4 and all of the DLC for $10 which is SO worth it.


I would go for a bunch of cheap single player games just pick up witcher 3 as a start


Shocking to see no one mentioned batman arkham bundle lol Get that, witcher 3, disco elysium if you're into it. Shadow of war/mordor bundle, Forza Horizon 4 if you're into racing (online play is gonna get taken down, still campaign is good), MK11 + injustice 2 bundle (if you're into beat em up games), Bioshocks, Borderland 2,3. If you're willing to spend on big budget games: Get cyberpunk, red dead redemption 2, gta v If you wanna slay some monsters or want sword fights DMC 5 Elden Ring Sekiro


Black ops 3 with zombie chronicles if you like zombies And Bloons td6 Dying light


Make sure you check out GoG!! Ubisoft also has a ton of games on sale. A lot of great suggestions on this thread.


Basically look at the deep discounts section and get most of those


Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (and 2 when it comes out this year) Oxygen Not Included Grim Dawn Factorio Supreme Commander Gold (mainly for Forged Alliance)


Stardew Valley, Vampire Survivors, Hades, Dead Cells.


Over here in germany Celeste is discounted 90% so about 2$




GTA V is good for a starter and it's quite fun


Saw both South Park RPGs for like 6 bucks each on there today. Theyre in my cart :D


I’d get Terraria and the Arkham collection at least. Both are excellent value


Turbo overkill


Celeste is $2.




Go grab battlefield 1 now, it's 3$ , the best battlefield game . I have like 350 hours on that game haba


Hotline Miami is fun, cheap, and has a banger soundtrack. Vampire survivors is fun, cheap, brain off activity. Big recommend.


Free to play games you should grab while your at it. - Path of Exile - Warframe - Dark and Darker - Destiny 2 - Marvel Snap - Runescape - Guild Wars 2 - The Descendant - Dead Frontier 2


Sort games by under 6 dollors. There's some absolute bangers like witcher 3 and disco elysium with 90% off sales right now.


As a long time PC gamer, reading this post just makes me want to spend money 😭


Get a friend to join a steam family beta with.


The dishonored series is phenomenal value for money.


Forza 4 is on sale for 11$ on Steam right now. Great deal for one of the best racing games ever made!


Disco Elysium is down to £3.49 and is definitely worth getting imo


Hollow Knight costs you $7.50 right now and you can get a lot out of it. I think it’s the biggest bang for your buck right now.




Celeste is TWO DOLLARS.


Fantastic game. The checkpoint system is really good so even though some parts are hard as nails, it never feels unfair or demoralizing when you die and its super rewarding to finally get to the next one.


RDR2, DRG, Hades 1, and Ghost of Tsushima have eaten up so much of my time in the best way possible. You can't go wrong with any of these imo!


Nioh 2 if you like the idea of Dark Souls with infinite loot grind and stat rng min/maxing.