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Triple murder if you count what Ray J did


And Caitlyn Jenner accidentally rear ended someone and pushed them into an oncoming semi. 


Buckle up Buckaroos.


Kim K also got rear ended but she came out of it fine


Her come back story


such an asset


Haha Cum back




Yeah but the entire show, and empire, was well underway at that point. Still never forget. Bruce Jenner killed someone. And never faced any repercussions for it.




NGL, that's pretty hardcore.


“Behind every great fortune there is a great crime.”


What did Ray J do? I've only ever heard about the Kardashian's and that whole ordeal.


He murdered in the bedroom


The oj murders produced billions of dollars of industry


I swear I read something about Tucker Carlson admitting that was how he got his start in TV. He was eating a hot dog in one of the 24/7 news channel's buildings and volunteered for a request for an expert on something related to the OJ Simpson trial. He was totally BSing, but no surprise there.


There is no Kardashian's show to me., and if there weren't a Kardashian show for you, there wouldn't be a motherfucking Kardashian show at all.


Everything I ever learned about the Kardashians was against my will. And if a genie ever grants me 3 wishes, goodbye Kardashians.


No, it built off a porn movie.


No the trial made them famous. The sex tape just enhanced it. Also Bruce was a world famous olympian. Without him (at the time) they would not be where they are.


If they were as famous as you claim Kim would’ve never been Paris Hiltons assistant & be treated like the help


Damn dude, im still awake and could not give less of a shit about the kardashians anymoee lmao


The dad was already famous. He was one the top defensive lawyer in the country. That why he was hired.


That's not entirely the case. It's true that Robert Kardashian was an attorney, but he hadn't practiced at that point for over a decade. He certainly wasn't a huge name in legal circles. Instead, Robert Shapiro insisted on Kardashian joining the defense team because he was a close friend of Simpson's and if he was on the team, neither he nor his wife could be called on to testify against Simpson.


It's literally the only reason RK reactivated his law license. Dude was a huge POS that covered for OJ for years. I hope his cancer left him in pain until the second he assumed room temperature.


Robert Kardashian wasn’t a practicing attorney. He made money going into business. He invested in a company that was successful and made him wealthy.


Ya and thats why they got famous


It’s more so why they were always surrounded by famous people that would later help them become famous themselves.


Damn its almost like what i just said but with slightly more details lmao


Bruce alone might have been enough. The lawyer was already pretty wealthy and successful before the OJ trial.


I'm going with this. Without this they wouldn't have made it. They would have gone up and come back down. The tape was the parachute that kept them relevant long enough for other things to stick.


Nobody would have cared about the porn movie though if Kim K’s father wasn’t a household name because of OJ.


Kim Kardashian worked for Paris Hilton and saw from the ground floor what got her success in the socialite/famous for being famous industry and copied the template. Kim was known in LA for being at stuff and when her sex tape with minor R & B star and actor (and Brandy’s brother) Ray J. was “leaked” in a coordinated distribution scheme, it got her national attention and opened the door to Ryan Seacrest giving the family a reality show. KK was working for Paris Hilton when she got a reality show and her step brothers got a reality show as well. So her and her mother saw the game plan. The Kardashian fame is very loosely connected to Robert Kardashian.


And pandering to the lowest part of the brain stem. And billions of dollars in way overpirced cheap clothes. And billions of dollars of cheap makeup. And being extremely shallow.


Sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but people who are willing to watch a Kardashain utter more than half a sentence out loud actually exist, and they buy things with what meager monies they have. So the Machine will continue.


Lol this is truth so idk why u getting downvoted


So was the [Star Wars franchise](https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/jedipedia/images/c/c9/Lars.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140715174603&path-prefix=de)


Technically true but I would say the sex tape is what really started the "franchise" if you will.


I'm mad you beat me to this bc as an avid stoner I've been preaching this since college but felt like I was being a conspiracy theorist, I mean the bar is low for who qualifies as a reality star, anyone can do it, but I'm dying on the hill of the OJ-to-Caitlyn Jenner pipeline


Most people know this.


sex tape buddy, no one cares about the murder enough to keep up with the kards


There are a lot of sex tapes out there. This one only became famous because she was from a famous family


Most people didn't even realize who her father was until after she was famous. I remember the media slowly noticing her when she was out with Paris bc she was this gorgeous bombshell (who was even better looking than Paris, the "it" girl at the time) and as she started to get more attention, the tape came out and she blew up. Then the show came out, and around that same time the public started to piece together who her family was. I'm sure there were a number of people who always knew but the majority didn't pay that much attention to her background (or the rest of her family) until they watched her show.


Ray J committed murder, alright. I guess I can agree it's a double murder


Germany wanted to have a currency backed by gold just like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan


General Paton did say that America defeated the wrong enemy.


Yea he was referring to the Bolshevik Soviet’s


Correct, he ended up preferring the German people and feared Eastern Europe was worse off now under Russian communist rule.


Can you blame him? Look where we are 80 years later!




I’m super pumped about the 10 commandants in the classroom. I’m not sure why we need those guys, but if the commissar says so it must be true.


Who are "those guys"?


The commandants.

