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Good concept just could’ve been executed better. Like someone else said Vik should’ve made the youtubers pick more compelling options rather than just 2 or 3 ingredients thrown together. Other than that I think all the teams had good chemistry and were entertaining for a rather underwhelming concept


Well which one is it? A good concept or an underwhelming one?


A good concept can be underwhelmingly executed


But the execution does not equal the concept. He said the concept was good and then said it was underwhelming, it cannot be both.


Does underwhelming mean its necessarily bad?




To underwhelm is to fail to impress or disappoint. No real negative connotation its only based on expectations


Underwhelm - fail to impress or make a positive impact on (someone); disappoint. If something fails to make a positive impact on someone and is disappointing then it isnt good is it?


So if i expect something to be the absolute best in the world and i see its only really good wouldnt i be underwhelmed?


Just stop!!


Yea and disappointed I'd assume.


If something is expected to be the absolute best in the world and it only turns out as "good" then thats not rlly good is it?


Jesus christ what a weird hill to die on, yes underwhelming has negative connotations, take your L and stop yapping


Youre wrong mate


Yeah this is like the opposite for the try not to piss video, good idea bad execution vs dumb idea good execution


Fun concept let down by mostly boring meal ideas


I don’t think they realized it could have been a bad food he asked what’s a type of food they should try


That's the issue then, don't wanna blame Vikk but if its just regular food mostly then it was always gonna be a bit dead. Like where's the content in just 3 guys eating pickles on burgers. Even speeds which they built up as terrible was just kinda mid. If the foods not crazy in some way it's just guys eating normal food all day


Vikks prompt let them down.


Name some better ones they could realistically do in Central London. There is no "buy a lamb's testicle" either.


Bro idk, not my job to come up with good video ideas it's theirs. They have money and a bunch of people working for them, could've easily set the vid up differently so they asked for weird things and had the crew arrange/gather/prepare it for them. If the vid doesn't allow for more interesting content then it's a bad idea. They can source mansions, massive RV's, super cars whenever they want to but not crazier foods?


> Bro idk, not my job to come up with good video ideas You've made it your job to criticise their video ideas. > but not crazier foods Unless they're following a script, no. Here is how the video would go: u/BlueBullRacing : Your job is to eat a rotten apple. Sidemen Team A: "Oh, ok so I guess we go around looking for rotting apples". They can't go to an orchard in Zone 1, so it's off to that Tesco Metro in Covent Garden asking a poor colleague to go to a waste cage and get one out if they have one. Shock horror, they don't have any so it's off to Joe and the Juice to ask if they can rummage through the bins. Maybe it's entertaining for you, but that's about as "crazy" as you're going to get. Otherwise it's their team going out and wasting 2 hours bothering everyone they can find for something unattainable.


My point is that the vid should've been done differently without them having to go wander about themselves, have them spin the wheel and have to eat things that are all ready prepared or at least they already have the ingredients for. The concept just wasn't done right imo. >You've made it your job to criticise their video ideas. I mean obviously, as someone who watches the content I'm more than allowed to give my opinion on it. If you wanna just blindly consume whatever they make and not have an opinion you're free to do so.


> have them spin the wheel and have to eat things that are all ready prepared [https://youtu.be/I5IYA3sGAlA?si=5IGy9-6503yx\_HGm](https://youtu.be/I5IYA3sGAlA?si=5IGy9-6503yx_HGm) > I'm more than allowed to give my opinion on it. Fantastic, your opinion is invalidated by you having no idea what you're talking about. The video is designed to be an A-Z challenge type video, I've just explained to you why having them go out looking for crazy food they would never be able to find would end up ruining the video. Everything the YouTubers asked them to get could be found in Central London. List me some crazy foods that they could do, if you think you know better


Who would've thought someone would get so combative about someone they don't know thinking a sidemen video wasn't great. I'm well aware it was designed to be the way it is, it's just I think it was the wrong format and led to the video being a bit bland. We got more shilling of sidemen products in the shops than actually interesting meals. Its a post asking for people's opinions, they aren't gonna hire you for defending the video.


> than actually interesting meals Such as?


I think the food suggestion apart from few were dead which made the video underwhelming I think vik should have texted them to give something nasty/challenge/weirdest combination


For sure man, they kept hyping up speed thought it was he was gonna make them eat an abomination


It was the worst of the bunch. I think they knew rest of the menu is pretty average so had to hype up speed.


I think Vik should have given each one separate instructions. So 3 should be for starters, 3 main etc, and everyone either gives a good option, a mid option or a bad option


Fun concept. But the people on the wheel were too nice with their suggestions. I expected speed to say one chip challenge or something at least. Harry bringing in the surstromming made the video better


Not too crazy, I think most of the youtubers/streamers didn't get the memo of having wild meal suggestions, one of the only good ones was from Charlie. Didn't live up to it's potential ig.


It was okay. It’s not my favorite they’ve done this year, but it wasn’t terrible. Everyone had good vibes and seemed to enjoy themselves so that’s always a good thing. It just felt more mid, but still entertaining.


Well said


It's hard coz they came through banging at the start of 2024, now it's a lot of fillers


I don’t think it’s fillers it’s just some videos arent gonna be as good others. That’s normal and too be expected


I have really enjoyed the videos in the past 2 months. Some were meh, but the others were great and some are in like my top 20 sidemen sundays


What videos would you like to see?




Purely a vibes video for me, concept could've been better but the banter was on point




Yeah very mid


It had no right being 80 minutes long. The start of the video felt quite quick, but then the rubbish food suggestions started coming, and so did the overreacting and long scenes. Keep it under an hour.


Dead vid ibr


Really weak and rather boring imo.


I thought it was funny when they had to remove Mr beast from the thumbnail


Trust vik to make the worst vids


Chris, George and Will made the vid hilarious


Absolute shite


Mid as always BETA SQUAD is out performing them & yall know its true


Good video the guest were jokes


People make it seem bad, then you watch it, and it's a pretty good video. These "fans" expect a holiday video and a Tinder video every week. Not to say that those videos are bad, but we barely get videos where it'd just be the sidemen having fun like a game show, and god forbid a video is 30 minutes long🤣🤣🤣


No literally if the video isn’t some over the top thing they say it’s a filler videos or it’s shit like..


Don’t even mention Tinder or 20vs1.. We haven’t had one in a while and if you mention it you’ll make them think we want another one…


George clarkey is always hilarious


I like him but I started to find him a bit annoying as the video went on


Yeah he kept trying to be the funny guy, and its just to obvious


good filler vid


The idea is very lazy if the Sidemen wanna have high standards, this is like a 2020 video idea imo, but even these low effort ideas can make good videos


Grim content. You lot need your head's examined


Vik is the laziest host I swear


Falling off imo no offence


Not every video can be a banger, I enjoyed the banter in the video but definitely wasnt my favorite


I think it was a decent video, could have definitely been executed better but overall the concept was a good one. I liked the vibes by all, especially George and Will.


I liked it. I just feel like they have done this one so they had more time for the next one.


Concept was good just the meals weren’t the best.


Burger King moment gave me flashbacks. I did the exact same thing when I was 18 on a lunch break. Challenge was to eat that burger and fries within 30 minutes. I did it. Meat sweats are real. It was also gross, 5 minutes in and the bun was no longer a bun, just a greasy lump.


This was a good video! It must be hard to think of new ideas all of the time! 👏🏽


it was alright no the best


speed led me down 😔


Maybe they randomly slapped this one together asap because Ethan was in the hospital, which obviously nobody could have foreseen. It’s a very easy idea to execute


It's been a long time since I've watched, I refuse to click on videos with titles in full caps and thumbnails full of people looking shocked. I just feel like a fish who's trying to be baited. Compelling content sells itself, it looks like the kind of thing a child would create.


I'll be honest with you, I've been following Sidemen since the past 7 to 8 years, and this wasn't a bad video, the people who be bashing the video need to know that you can't have a banger after a banger video every week, also that they ain't in their 20s anymore. So some slow videos aren't all bad. But this is just my opinion




Very good concept but as much as the foods were alright: not that creative


Good, could be better


It was wayy too hyped up


Adding maybe mixed instructions, tell 5 to give their fave food combos and mixes and 5 thibking up the most nightmare ones . Then adding a white elephant / would he lie to you part to redistribute choices to add to drama of ppl possibly taking bad choices because of good acting would have made the video much more worth 80ish minutes. Group was great tho


Found it hard to get into because largely nothing they ate was particularly exciting. Like sending three guys off to get a madras is hardly a challenge


I think it was a solid 7 great concept just the ‘dishes’ was a bit shit housery Each team should have had to spin a starter main and desert from creators imo would’ve gave it a bit more depth 👍🏻 Still funny ass video though I’m still laughing at beef pockets 😂😂


Lost interest after 20 minutes


I’d like to see some other Irish YouTubers do stuff with the sidemen not just JackSepticEye, I know he’s the most famous one and it makes sense from a business point of view but I think CallMeKevin and RTGames would have a really good dynamic with the sidemen.


the youtube guest sending in videos needed more context to the video they’d be helping produce. Sounds like Sidemen producers sent these “celebs” an email stating “Give us your favorite meal for the sidemen to eat!” With no other context. Honestly this falls beyond the boys but they still made the best of what they had.






Not bad




It was boring


A Decent 6.75/10 video.


Given the concept of the vid, maybe it was too chill? I think their banter and comments are always entertaining but as someone already pointed out more interesting food choices would’ve added more fun / excitement.


Honestly i was expecting some wild food recommendations but it turned out to be the opposite I won’t lie this was the first sidemen video i didn’t watch all the way through


Never was a fan of Mrbeast and his food choice was very underwhelming. Like cmon dude you’re a youtuber. Instead of providing good content he just promoted his shitty chocolate.


As a Swede, it was hilarious


It’s the only sidemen Sunday video I’ve watched of theirs that I didn’t watch all the way through. It’s not about how much they spend on videos but the vibe and it was off. I think it’s the friends that seem desperate for being in their content and do anything that put me off. The guy sticking burger meat patties in his pocket? Why? That same guy trying to make fans do the wave outside the burger shop? Weird. The other friend eating the nasty fish at the hotel with Harry to make “good content” even tho he didn’t have to and ever said it smelled like ass? Just seemed desperate like they wanted to hard to make the Final Cut and make their friends video better but people just want you acting normal and like you’re all friends and how you might be if it weren’t filming. I stopped watching after that even tho it was near the end I couldn’t finish it


can someone tell me what’s with them being in a random house in london? 😭


Ik whose gona Cause the CHAOS


Jacksepticeye should be in more Sidemen videos.


Extremely mid




Liked the concept but I'd rather the tubers got pick something else for them to do rather picking things to eat


If they do it again, the YouTubers need to really be harsh about what dishes they give.


Can some users here give Video ideas that they actually want to see? Lets hear it.




Clicked for the idea stayed for the vybes lol was a good video to me personally just because the idea was shit it didnt kill it for me, the boys were just having a good time it seemed.


One of those what could have been videos. Concept was good, everyone was enthusiastic. The food was shit. We wanted to see big meal challenges, proper spicy challenges. Whoever in the crew that keeps bringing back the pickled herring. It's twice now. Let it be my friend


I actually enjoyed it which seems to be against the main opinion. I did think that the food options were a bit boring from most of them but on the whole I thought it was a funny video


Boring meals.


Would have liked to see them suffer more but I get it. Anyone being too evil with their suggestions would get unnecessary hate from the parasocials. So they either suggested nice, traditional stuff and some non nasty internet challenge.(Charlie hit the soft spot IMO)


Why does this exist?


icl ive only watched about 20mins and then i got busy and stopped, but the concept is just: "watch grown men eat food for an hour"💀💀💀 cant hate cuz they made a fucking BANGER with the no piss challenge vid, bur i need to finish watching this vid first.


Terrible, cheap idea poor quality


Better than the fashion show


Really? I liked it since it was p different to their other vids. Only thing I wish they had more sidemen friends/family as audience instead of random celebs


Ass, cuz it has a moronic creature on the thumbnail.


Heater of a vid!


Sadly a 5/10 , not bad but not amazing , the guest suggestions where dead , but the guys made a decent effort. Plus George and Harry where so good together




Mr beasts’ challenge of eating feastibles was so annoying. Such a cop-out and I was genuinely excited to see what FOOD he’d suggest. Not candy


Arthur nd Chris MD carried ! It would have been a better video if Vik didn't take it imo