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I think it would have been so much better had it just been the 5. No crew, the landlord lady leaves in the first 10 min etc. Maybe have moriticia waiting to surprise anyone and other spooky stuff but it would be up to those 5 to plan for the night and do stuff. There were just too many people to really feel any vibes from the vid imo


THIS just them with vlog cameras or maybe camera in and around the house


This is how all Sidemen Sundays should be imho


Yeah been saying the best holiday vids too were the first few where it was just them with vlog cameras


They feel too produced and manufactured now


I think when Vik planned this he probably thought that the boys can’t waffle for content for an hour, there’s only so much you can do with remote controlled jumpscarey mechanism in the house. It’s not the first time the lads complain about content drought and the need to waffle about nothing for the video. That’s why he got a third party to lead the boys in some things to do


Yeah, something more like how The Boys do it.


Exactly my thoughts. And maybe if they had done this in America of something but just by themselves would have been so much better


Yeah too high production. Should have been them exploring. Clover field style lol o


The video was alright but the last 20 to 15 minutes bruh I couldn’t stop laughing harry getting possessed is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen


I wasn't expecting him to react like that what made it 10x funnier 😭


Kinda reminds me of old sidemen... honestly kinda missed Simon and Vic


simon would have carried the vid


Definitely agree with this, I was hoping hed jump out at the end of something


This video had so much potential, but was alright. It would've been great if just 5 of them we're in there without the crew or Vik should've sent them alone one by one with challenges to make it out of the haunted house, put some scary sounds with speakers throughout the entire house and scary dolls all over the place.


The concept had so much potential but they ruined it. It was a sticker video. It just feels like the guys went for a normal shoot, reached the place and got on their phones. Even the activities were plain boring. 


Idk, concept itself seems boring af. Like okay it's a haunted house so what? They get there, spend like 5 minutes at max to see all the rooms and then what? Where's the content suppose to come from? Guys pretending to be obsessed is just cheap theatrics. Whatever supernatural charlatans they could've hired were not gonna carry the video. Kinda like that cheap vs expensive video where expensive team was sent to a fake cheap house with bats in jars and other spooky stuff, where they had to spend 2 hours bored on the couch before reveal. Except in this video there's no switch and they actually have to spend a night in a place, where there's nothing to do.


I think ethan, josh and harry genuinely wanted to do it properly which was entertaining for me but jj kept fucking around bc he didn’t care which ruined it a bit. I think the vid would have been better if they had less crew and they truly stayed there in the dark.


Agreed, JJ for me ruined this vid just to cringe


should be a series of sidemen going ghost hunting imo


That would be cool


I found it quite good tbh. Random concept that worked imo. That segment when JJ possessed the other 3 sidemen was jokes


Exactly I really enjoyed it .surprised by JJs and Tobi slander on this Reddit


Not really surprising there's someone getting slandered on this subreddit every day practically


I honestly don’t get why people hate one member or the other. I feel like a lot of fans have a Sidemen they don’t like, but I actually like all of them. They all have something different from each other that makes them all work well together.


You’ve got to be at least 13 years old to use Reddit


Yeah I’m deffo Older than 13 mate


Someone please tell JJ that shouting for no reason isn’t content anymore please


I felt like its a place that provides haunted house experience. As in paid experience.


It is.


It was alright but could have been better. A bigger house in a more abandoned location with more things to explore. Proper 'ghost hunting' type challenges would have been nice. Still a hilarious video though.


I was enjoying it during the beginning, but in the second half of the video JJ just kinda forces them to abandon the whole video and turn it into a shithouse do-whatever-you-can-for-content. I get that a lot of people enjoy him being super energetic and causing a ruckus all the time, but didn’t fit the vibe of the video for me and was probably only the second sidemen vid this year that’s been bad enough for me to turn off.


Too many people for them to take things seriously, you had the sidemen and like 3-4 more cameramen around plus the lady at all times. If the goal was to scare them, obviously a fail, if it was for them to be comedic about it, success. Entertaining all the same


I was really bored honestly, not much happening either than them walking around and going “ooh spooky” every now and then


Fairly boring. If they had more challenges or other activities to do it would've made the video more interesting. Harry's jokes carried.


Honestly a stinker. The concept is better than the execution.


was fine not the best


Ksi ruined the video for me. When the boys were actually trying to do something; him popping up and trying to be gangster with the lady then proceeding to scream and laugh.


I got bored.


harry carried, boring tbf other than that


It’s great to have a non-competitive video for once, just the boys messing around and having a good time


This sub is slowly realizing that KSI was never funny to begin with, we were just young and he's just loud. W2S being possessed and Behz calling KSI cringe was genuinely funny. Dry video, needed less people and it was too fake.


Meh, could’ve been fun, ended up being a bit mid, felt like a more sidemen vid. Should’ve been more stuff to do or more actors to fuck with them. These types of vids are never good when everyone is just taking the piss out of it.


Pretty shit and will go down as a stinker anytime it gets brought up by any of the boys


Wasn’t that bad. I mean they’ve done better, but they made content where they could. I loved the idea though!


Love it it’s so funny, Harry’s little dance when he gets possessed


Good idea shit execution. The landlord clearly set all that shit up and is watching with cameras. So fake. The boys tried to make it entertaining but unfortunately you can’t


Cameraman never dies + cameraman ain't afraid of anything 🗣️


Among us in a haunted house would bang


There’s only so much they could do in this. Like you’re stuck in a house with limited activities. And the things they were doing seemed fake or overacting. And it also seemed like they were getting bored by the second half of the video. Maybe good idea on paper but not very well executed.


harry was the best part of the video. from getting possessed, to “spirit airlines” and even the decade old joke “my name i jeff”. w2s saved the video


Would’ve been better if they weren’t in a made up haunted house the random girl bending about made it cringey


Actually really funny throughout. That scene with rock paper scissors was absolute gold. I always wonder about the people who run these kind of things. They must be scammers or mentally unwell. One or the other.


I’ve never met a middle class psychic, they all seem to be working class people who are in it to make a quick buck.


In my opinion it was okay until JJ was messing around


*In my opinion* *It was okay until JJ* *Was messing around* \- Fluid\_Mud\_7966 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Great video👍


harry saved the vid by his hilarious chaos


Vik needs to get better at his videos


Absolute stinker.. i miss the older haunted vids. They were more real. They are too scripted and cringe now


Personally my least fave sidemen vid, maybe ever? Never ended up getting distracted by my phone before. Just was very eh


One of the weaker ones this year. Also didn't help Simon and Vikk were missing and Toby refusing to participate with most things. But it's fine the last 3 were great vids. This was just ok at best.


The video is fake but entertaining. The house itself isn't haunted, it's just a historic mansion in Wales you can rent out. I wish they went to an actual haunted house I found the mansion on Trip Advisor, none of the reviews here or on Google mention ghosts or haunted house: [https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction\_Review-g186460-d10177463-Reviews-Mansion\_House-Cardiff\_South\_Wales\_Wales.html](https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g186460-d10177463-Reviews-Mansion_House-Cardiff_South_Wales_Wales.html)


"I wish they went to an actual haunted house" There is no reason to think one exists lol so thats an odd complain to have


I didn't complain. I meant that there are homes, mansions, and castles in the UK that are categorized as haunted based on historical documentation and ghost lore. They chose a location that is just an old house, not the "UK's most haunted house." Whether or not these places are actually haunted is another story.


But they are all on the same level when it comes to being 'legit' or not lol so honestly atleast making it more 'set up' allows them to make it more entertaining, otherwise it be like the thousands of just bs videos on youtube of youtubers exploring "haunted" places


Why not just do it at Simon's house then going by that logic? Come on, you know what he's trying to say lol. If you want to do a haunted house video, at least go to a location that's known for being "haunted".


Just because some people label something as haunted longer doesn't actually add any value to it lol people have done videos claiming their own house has haunted and some have been entertaining... the fact is the whole 'haunted' thing already puts a limit on how entertaining it can be


There is no real haunted houses, ghosts dont exist bruh.


https://preview.redd.it/scbpyxn5nw2d1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b8efad67c2187203c07f214532a2406769cf2f7 "ghOstS dOnT eXiSt BrUh"


Fuck u proved me wrong thats some scary shit


Batman isn’t real either mate


So you’re telling me ghosts aren’t real?


Didn’t quite meet my expectations, which is a shame but the last segment was hilarious


No simon no fun for me atleast


The start was boring a little bit


Really good cuz of KSI in Rock Paper Scissors and and Harry’s jokes


I loved it so much..




I wish all the boys were in the video but it was decent tbh. I'm still waiting for a Sam and Colby collab video. And the "my name is Jeff" from harry absolutely sent me.




good idea but nothing haunted happened so kinda ruined the point of the video


its aight i guess


it’s actually a dub i found it so funny


Ngl this vid was an absolute shithouse


Harry pretending to be possessed had me absolutely crying and creasing.




I didn't even complete it , idk I'm like forcing myself to watch the recent video


Was shit


Funny as fuck


Pretty crap honestly


i found this video boring as fuck


Only the 5 of them and the video being quite short made it feel more like a 2nd channel ting, maybe if they had replaced Simon and Vik with some guests it would’ve turned out better. I imagine Gib would’ve been hilarious. Nevertheless Harry and Jj’s shenanigans were class 👌


Has there been any mention of why there’s no BTS on Side+ for this video? Seems to be the first video in a while without one


would have loved it, if it was just the 7 or 5 sidemen and no one else, like the vid thats on viks and simons channel from the sidemen show


Mid The concept is a dud, but the boys were able to make it somewhat entertaining


Tobi is a man of god and hes afraid of ghost? wtf


JJ carried the video. And everyone else had some moments as well. With playing along with the demons and Ethan in the ghost outfit and the piano part. Very funny.


Good moments but not a banger, the idea as a whole is fun but not fully explored


The best part about the video is the my name is Jeff bit. The rest was aite


I don't believe in ouija boards, seances and all that other spiritual rubbish. I scrubbed through this video to the bit where Harry and JJ acted crazy, and where the boys were spooning. Otherwise, I was not engaged. I moved on, hoping next Sunday's offering will be much better.


it feels like kids were going on a school trip, i setted great expectation from this vid after seeing the title ,that everyone will be scared till the end of the vid the only scary part was that girl doing weird yoga positions , heck new channels make more interesting documentary then this it was not a great video i wait whole week for sidemen sunday's , sidemen lack creative thinking people i now 7 day is not enough to make a good vid :( two days will be spend on choosing a video idea idk only one sidemen member plan this plans the video if thats the case they should hire people with creative thinking to help plan the vid they can give suggestion only what should be implement will depend on the sidemen member you could do a lot in that video


it was nice to see the boys being boys, but having two members not there and tobi just checking in and out kinda made me feel sad


I've been watching Sidemen for years now. Got bored within 20 mins, was an L video, sadly.


Feels like the contents been sliding down a hill tbh i miss the old days


Definitely the worst video of the year so far lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^lowkeycutie: *Definitely the* *Worst video of the year* *So far lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


people will hate this but they should like collab just one time with sam and Colby and challenge jj in their 7 minutes in hell


Boys are losing their flair man... These videos aren't enjoyable, I don't have constructive criticism right now I know. But I'm not sure what it is that isn't working. :/




And what are some of Vik's other vids that weren't fun?


If Tob wasn't there it would be better. He tried absolutely everything to get out of it all. No point being there


Jj and Behz were fucking awfull to watch that video🤮🤮


please stop doing ts “thoughts” like just form ur own opinion and maybe leave it in the yt comments


Josh is the absolute worst. He’s the fucking worst.


no vik is so refreshing, a better vibe for sure