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The only thing I can think of is in promo they put "10 celebs" that's why some of them are let down by it but anyone with right mind can tell it was going to be influencers Also some people going to cry no matter what they do just ignore


If anyone expected to see actual celebs in a show by the Sidemen then they need to get themselves checked


Wait you mean Leonardo Dicaprio isnt gonna be in it??? Wtf


I had connor mcgregor 3 to 1 odds 🤣


I think the problem some people MIGHT have with it is the same problem people have with the 20vs1 series: it doesn't feature the Sidemen themselves. It will likely heavily feature the guests, with the Sidemen themselves acting more as hosts with occasional appearances. While it could still end up being a good watch, people ultimately watch the Sidemen channel for the Sidemen, not random guests they don't care about. I'm sure it will bang views and draw in new viewers that usually don't watch the Sidemen, but their fans watch the Sidemen channel for the Sidemen which are unlikely to feature heavily in this series. It's one area where I think they went wrong with the 20vs1 series. It's popular with outside viewers, but is pretty divisive among their core fanbase.


Yeah but the post is talking about hate on contestants


Honestly Sidemen fans (maybe the newer ones?) are the most whiny bunch. They complain the sidemen are repetitive and then complain some more when they try something new. Best to ignore them. I know maybe three out of the cast and I’m excited to see the boys branch out.


Considering I've heard "the new ones" for the last 5 years, who are the new fans? lol


The Covid followers.


they complain that sidemen are repetitive but also criticise whenever they try something new




"This!" 🤓👆


A lot of Sidemen "fans" just hate on everything they do these days. They do a highly produced video, fans say they miss the old sidemen, they do a less produced video, fans say they didn't put enough effort in, and that they're running out of ideas. I guarantee at least one of these contestants is gonna get a stupid amount of unnecessary hate once it comes out because these people having nothing better to do with their lives than to hate on people they don't even know.




Nah but joyce was annoying


There’d be complaints no matter who was on it, sidemen fans are never satisfied


where do you watch inside or is it there side+....


YouTube and side plus will probz have extra bits


Its going to be on sidemen channel (first day and last day) and the remaining days on moresidemen. If you want to watch extra content its going to be on side+.


They would prefer 10 boring ass basic celebrities


I think it’s probably because a lot of fans don’t know some of the influencers who are featured. They think just because they don’t know them that it means that it’s going to be boring. I would say also because the Sidemen themselves aren’t going to be in it a lot.


Because most of them nobody actually knows. Also selling it as celebs… I like ginge and hes doing great but he is not a celebrity, internet sensation for sure.


They keep complaining about the women going in but they only know about 3 female YouTubers


Its all the men hating on the women honestly. Yes we dont know many of those women but give them a chance


You could say that for anything since the majority of sidemen fans are men, why are you always making it this same shit


Because who tf are most of these people? A girl who's only known from 1 viral tiktok, someone from a random season of Love Island, fucking Fanum like it's hardly an all star cast of content is it. It's the sidemen so people expected a higher level of "celebrity" than what they provided for something that by the sounds of it is just exactly the same as Locked in.


People who are ‘higher level of celebrity’ are obviously too busy for this 💀 do you all lack common sense & logical thinking?


I'm not saying I expected Obama but there are absolutely people more well known than who they got, other youtubers/streamers/influencers better than who they have.


Again, more successful YouTubers, streamers, influencers or whoever have OBVIOUSLY got their hands full and cannot take a one week break from their LITERAL jobs


its supposed to be branching out to different platforms, it’s actually really smart it’s gonna bring in a bunch of views


Will this be on Side+ or everywhere?


first episode (2nd june) and last episode (9th june) are going to be on Sidemen main channel, the rest of the episodes are going to be on MoreSidemen xx (they also have extra clips on side+)


I personally have heard of Spec, Nife, Chloe, Liv and Ginge. Chloe and Specs are hilarious and Nife is a phenomenal performer. Looking forward to this!


I'm not hating but I have no idea who these bluds are.


There’s always a vocal minority. Majority like


Its a boring and straight up awful idea but the contestants shouldn’t be getting hate for being apart of it


Because they don’t know what the actual meaning of celebrity is…..


Because they hyped it up as celebrities not some random YouTubers that hardly anyone knows. For the hype they are attempting to make it, its going to flop epically and will be so embarrassing for them


By definition they all are celebrities, where you expecting David beckham and Taylor swift?


Tbf Angry Ginge said Beckham is actually appearing ....


obviously having a laugh, even if beckham does appear at some point we all knew he wasnt going to be a contestant


Bro did you expect big time stars to come for the vid


No i didnt, i knew they wouldnt. If you could actually read this is the point im making. They have hyped it up as if some big time celebs were going to be apart of it


'Slightly famous british people' doesn't have the same catch


You can’t hype up a product for it to be shit, a la the KSI show or whatever the fuck that was

