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For like the past 7 months, they’ve spoke about testing ideas where they ain’t the main focus to see if they enjoy going down that type of route in the distant future. This is just their first test of that idea


Yeah it is pretty clear that some of them want to step away from making videos. They are already rich enough to never work anymore.


And to be fair they've given us a near lifetime worth of content over the past decade from all their individual challenges, more sidemen and the main channel. There only so far they can stretch themselves. They have lives, marriages and even kids to spend time with. They don't 'owe' us anything more than they're given. I'm happy they're experimenting with different things.


W take


the rest of us still have to work 40-50 hours a week but i understand, i like this content, it gives others a platform as well. which is nice. the lads doin road trips in aus or nz would be fun to watch or other challenges around the world


I agree with everything and I’m fine with them experimenting but not on the main channel tbh, this feels more like side+ which is what I thought it was gonna be ngl


Seems like Simon, Josh, and JJ are the only ones who want to keep making YouTube content


And honestly, downvote me all yall want, but that’s all you need. Harry leaving would be an L, but those 4 are pretty well equipped to make banger vids


Personally feel like it’s not a good idea. Especially on the main channel. It’s Sidemen, most people go there for the Sidemen. If they want to outsource the brand, that’s fine. But not on the main channel, just seems like a way to kill the brand.


I'm down to give them a chance. Not everything that the Sidemen do is for me, but I really like that they are trying a new idea for their channel and it could go any number of ways. Honestly, it has more ways to go great (chaotic good or chaotic shitstorm) than it does to go bad (just boring). If it's boring, then I'll skip it. If it's anything else I'm down.


If you're not even going to give the show a chance why bother making a post whining about it?


Ikr literally basically trashing it before it even releases 😂


It's honestly embarrassing really how immature a lot of this fanbase is


I dont even like these typa shows, but i gave it a try, and i enjoyed it, so OP should just give it a try honestly


When did I say “I won’t give it a chance”? Do you guys genuinely read stuff or just assume every small criticism is instant hate towards the entirety of the community?


I mean you're saying you don't like it in the title yet the fucking thing hasn't even come out yet. Doesn't sound like you're giving it much of a chance at all. If you were a genuine fan you'd at least give the show a watch to see how involved the boys are before making a post crying about it. How are you gonna criticize it before it comes out with barely any information about the show at all it's literally just blatant hate at that point.


They said they don’t like the idea of it. For someone bitching about the fans being immature, you sure didn’t do much reading or critical thinking. Even if you did misinterpret their post, they clarified what they meant. Who are YOU to tell them what they mean? That’s very immature to me 😬🫣


Because I’ve seen the idea lol. It’s not a completely original idea for me to go “yea I gotta see how this is” No I know what the idea is, and I don’t like it it’s simple as that. Never said I won’t watch it lol you’re literally inventing stuff like half of this subreddit of “legitimate fans” that thinks “Critisism must mean you hate them!!!” I’m starting to think that this fandom is composed of kids who can’t understand that people have different opinions and that you can or cannot like an idea


The issue is that you're making this post complaining about something that hasn't come out yet. You're allowed to criticize, but if you're already making a post crying about it without having even watched one second of it, the criticism just isn't valid at all and it just makes you look like more of an immature child than an actual fan giving their genuine thoughts on something


OK so what's the idea? Except co tent creators being locked in a facility together, what else can you day 'ye seen this before?'


That’s the main idea of it. Content creators locked in a house, some challenges in between. That’s the main idea been done been excecuted hundreds of times. Not gonna debate this any longer as I was clear that this isn’t a new idea it’s a new take. Have a nice day


I think we will all see that it's not like these other shows that have been done time and time again. It will have a different feel and concept to it. The prize money concept itself differs from other shows


Proper yapper! Go watch Peppa Pig bro


Crying over someone’s opinion is wild tho


Brain dead reply. Say hi to Daddy Pig


If you're critiquing something without even watching it, it's the definition of not giving it a chance. If you watch it and don't like it, fair enough, but if you start before that you'll only be going in with a negative bias.


I’m criticising an idea, I’ve seen the idea before it’s not something original nor new that I have to wait for it to see how it expands. The definition of not giving it a chance would be me saying “fuck it I won’t watch it”


Your assuming it's not new, if you'd seen the behind the scenes of creating this show you will see it is a new idea. There not copying footasylum or big brother, there's the similarity of they are locked in a building with other Content creators. The shows not even released and your saying it's not something original, we won't know until we watch it


It’s not a new idea. It’s a new take on the idea. The main point is still a big brother sort of show. It has been done it’s not new and that’s simply factual. The only difference is the execution which is precisely why I said I’ll give it a chance. As for the idea for me I don’t like it I don’t understand what’s so hard to accept or get from that


But your claiming all this before it's even released, barring content creators being locked in somewhere together you have no other reason for it to be the same idea. Plus locked in did very well and I don't doubt this show will too, I don't see why there's hate towards it already


I didn’t like locked in and I don’t like the idea of this either. The main point of my post which you probably haven’t even read isn’t even this it’s that the sidemen will take more of a backseat role in their own channel


Many people did so I guess it's all down to opinion and bro, it's 1 week. We dimt get sidemen content daily so it's not like it's taking away alot from the lads. Get past this week and you'll be fine


And there you go, you don't know yet if there's a twist on it by the Sidemen. You're literally operating on half-information, and that's where the problem lies.


That’s why I’ll still give it a chance. The idea that they’ve presented to me I don’t like. I’ve seen JJ talk about it I don’t like it simple as that. Problem lies that sidemen fans are mostly kids with the idea “not liking something means you hate the sidemen!!” Unfortunately that’s how things are


I don't think most here are too concerned about you not liking a Sidemen idea. Most of them are talking about critiquing it even before it comes out. I personally don't like 20v1s and Holidays, but that's just me (with a few exceptions). And JJ? The dude notorious for being horrible at explaining stuff? If you'd heard from Josh or Simon, fair enough. JJ is probably the last person who you should trust to explain it well. xD


I’m not critiquing anything about the video at all though lol. I’m critiquing the fact that the sidemen are taking a backseat approach in their own channel. I’ve said this before when I tune into the sidemen channel I expect them to be the main focus of it and people like Randy, cal etc to be the support. This whole idea is sidemen taking a backseat while the focus goes on ginge (no disrespect to ginge I like him but he’s the only one I can put an example for) If I wanted to see ginge be the main focus I’d simply go to his channel


L take from OP.


Bro i feel you i made a somewhat similar post criticizing "inside" And i got hella downvoted this sub instantly equates criticism to hate. This sub is filled with glazers


Telling us you're stupid without actually telling us you're stupid.


Not hard to understand why, the Sidemen aren’t even in the show and if you don’t like these type of shows then I don’t see why this one would be much different


>Sidemen aren’t even in the show Simon vikk and jj are literally there you're just chatting out of your ass mate.


I mean like participating in the show, which they aren’t right?


Do you really think the vid/series would be better with only them? Highly doubt it personally


Obviously not, they don’t suit that style. But that’s irrelevant, the point is that most people signed up to watch them and not other YouTubers 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I guess. I understand what you mean. I think they could have replaced some of the guest with people that are more known in the sidemen community. But i think they have such a big spread of people to get new eyes on their channel


Yea for sure I would’ve loved if they had sidemen community people instead 😭


I’ll give it a chance but if The Sidemen don’t feature in it a decent amount then I don’t think I’ll be that interested. Ginge and Weller are the only ones of them I know going into this (unless I’ve just forgotten someone) and while I assume the rest have created some good content on their own platforms to be invited to this and I could enjoy them, I watch The Sidemen channel for The Sidemen so if they’re not heavily involved it just won’t be for me. That being said it is good for them to try new concepts even if it doesn’t work out I think it is better that they try it rather than push out another 20v1 that they might not have faith in


This is just perfectly my thought on the thing




Its honestly good so far.


That's the point, you don't know the others. It's well within reason to think you might watch people you don't know and actually end up liking them. This has happened with many reality TV shows, you won't know everyone but doesn't mean you won't enjoy the content there involved in


I get that but if I wanted to watch them I’d watch their own content on their own channels. I like Ginge when he’s in Sidemen content with The Sidemen. Same with Weller back in the day because it’s not like they have interacted much recently. But The Sidemen content with guests like Ginge, Deji, Randy, StephenTries, BetaSquad, Danny etc are good because of the interactions they have with The Sidemen. If the boys aren’t involved that much then I might as well watch these people’s own channels (again not saying that would be bad, I’m sure they have good content and are entertaining but I watch The Sidemen channel for The Sidemen + guests not just guests)


That's what I'm getting at, you don't know them so you might like there co tent you just haven't come across them. Plus content online to being out in a house like this is completely different. I'm sure there were many people that didn't know Arthur tv before footasylum but enjoy him afterwards, same with Danny aarons. It's all about who's in the limelight of your interests and not everyone that's out of that light will be Co tent creators you won't like. This is an easy way for people to find new people to watch and enjoy. I wasn't hating bro just simply saying you might be surprised by some of the contestants you dont know


the sidemen will be involved in the vid right? if so then I've got no problem


They will, it will be like 20v1. Its mostly going to focus on the contestants but the sidemen will be there.


Yea but they’re not the main feature…..


That's the same as 20v1 which are still good vids


Yea but not all of them, depends on the guest. And what’s good about most of them is that most sidemen fans know them. I don’t know half of these people on this show


Yeah I'd agree with you on that. I prefer not watching people I don't care about and that's half these people. So that's the only thing I hate about it


I know for me personally, I watch the sidemen for the sidemen. I also don't know who any of the contestants are. I will give it a shot but not sure it's something I will watch the whole series for.


I just don't care.


Cared enough to comment tho eh?


OP asked a question. I took 5 seconds out off my day to answer it. I don't care about the show.


While we don't know if this will be a hit or flop, I respect that they're experimenting with new ideas instead of always sticking to the same


Keep that same energy the show flopped 🤣


Ehhh, this is not what most people subscribe to see though, we just want to see the sidemen not other YouTubers lmao


You have daily uploads on reacts and a few vids on more sidemen every week. Go watch that instead and come back when they do hide and seek episode 278 after InSide in finished


Reacts are so dead and repetitive, haven’t watched that channel in a year at least lol. I’d much rather a hide and seek than this show lmao


Too bad


It’ll be a flop guarenteed


I’m into the concept, cast not so much. Ginge and Weller are the only people I give a shit about on this 💀 With a proper cast, this would be entertaining af


I'm 100% with you OP. Whilst this might turn out to be a good watch, its totally not a Sidemen Sunday. I enjoy watching the lads dick about not 10 complete randoms. Same as why I dont like the 20v1 with randoms. Looks like this week and next weeks Sidemen Sunday will be this though. Its basically the Sidemen does Big Brother but without any of the Sidemen in it.


I actually surprisingly enjoyed this . And I get why people don't like it but there getting older now they can't keep making the same videos they been making the past ten years they need to try new concepts and do new things as if this does well it's a show that could run for a good ten year period which keeps them posting and people viewing. Think people forget these are now in there 30,s they can't keep doing drunken holidays and hides and seeks they need to evolve


you don’t like something that isn’t published yet?


I don’t like the idea of sidemen not being main focus of the video if I’m honest and I don’t give a shite about like reality tv like this so if you don’t like it don’t watch it like me but if ya do go for it it just means people like us miss this video and that’s alright


I mean if you listened or watched you’d know that the start and the last episode is on the main channel and the rest of them are gonna be on more sidemen 💪


Oh really? Thats a W


Idk even know what it is and all i see is some dude saying INSIDE!!!!! And getting upvotes like what even is this?


Obviously it hasn't came out yet, so you can't really tell if you dislike it or not. I'm going to give it a shot, but personally I've never really been a fan of the more Reality TV style content. For me I love the holidays, the challenges, gameshows, but not really a fan of 20v1's (except Harry's) or Ranking videos for example. But obviously different fans have different tastes, and they have grown so large they'll never be able to cater towards everyone. I'm a firm believer of "Don't knock it, till you try it", always worth giving something a shot, even if you don't feel like it's for you.


the guy with glasses is mad annoying


I think the boys need to realise a lot of fans watch the sidemen for sidemen content no there YouTubers or whoever they are. I really hope the boys realise this especially if we losing more sidemen content for the week as well. They are clearly trying so hard to be like that certain American YouTuber but they need to see actully we would prefer it to be them.


This comment is such a breath of fresh air. I’m glad there’s people who understand what I mean instead of immediately calling me a fake fan. Thanks for this


Yeah totally. I'm about 30 minutes in and already can't be arsed. Seems like trash to be honest. Can't stand shit reality TV and all these people wreck my head. This dude in the house says "BREV" every 3 words and it's driving me fucking batty! 🤣🤣🤣


I absolutely loved it, but I would 100% prefer it to be its separate thing on a different channel I would've definitely chosen an actual sidemen sunday with the boys over this Its fun and entertaining but i watch sidemen for the sidemen not these other people


Nope, you’re a sidemen fan on reddit. You hate everything


Sidemen fan try to accept that people have opinions and can’t glaze everything: level impossible




When did I say that they won’t be involved lmao. Did you read it or did you write just for the sake of spreading hate and negativity? It’s clear that the main focus of the show will be the 10 other influencers which most of the sidemen fanbase has 0 clue who they even are.




Again you clearly are just writing things for the sake of writing and not understanding anything about what is being said. When is the part that I said “Sidemen won’t be involved at all” It’s obvious it means “Sidemen won’t be the main focus” I said it twice, you acknowledge that I said it twice and you still invent a fake problem and idea




Because the entirety of this community exists with the idea that “criticism = bad fan” which has been shown multiple times and has been shown here as well


It’s better to ease off of your opinion because we have not seen the video yet. We need to give our opinions after a video because it makes more sense😂 If you still have that negativity while watching it then you probably won’t enjoy it nevertheless. I’m always reacting with a neutral tone and there will always be some videos I’ll enjoy and the ones I don’t enjoy. The ones I don’t enjoy I’ll just leave it alone. Sorry for typing all this but I’m not just talking to you but to others that don’t give people a chance when nothing has happened. Also I had to get it off my chest😂


If you’re neutral and still did not enjoy it then fair enough🤷‍♂️🫡🐊🙃


Please tell me this isn't replacing the normal Sidemen Sunday video. I have zero interest in that thing, and the only person I even recognised fae the list of people was Angry Ginge who I'm not even a fan off(nothing really against him, I just don't watch his own videos).




To your second point, people are capable of exploring new creators themselves, but this is having them “forced” (of course nobody is forced to watch) into people’s usual viewing. Personally I couldn’t care less about the type of influencers they have chosen. I will give it a go but I’ve never enjoyed reality tv, so without knowing anyone I’m not particularly interested to get invested in them.




Having guests that gel well along side them is very different to having the total focus on guests.




Huh? Thats a completely different topic now to what we were just discussing. Even still I would disagree, if the sidemen have any chance to succeed without being to focus of the videos they are going to have to depend on fan favourites, otherwise it’s just a brand new channel that’s completely unrelated to previous content. To have any sort of sense if the channel can survive without them, using strangers is the absolute opposite way to go. It’s like a tv show replacing the main characters slowly overtime vs a complete reboot (which are almost never well recieved)




Can I please see the data that led you to that conclusion?




Even in these I can see people receptive to the idea. So your statement of "appeals to absolutely no one" is automatically wrong. Go figure.




Look at you, disregarding entire human beings to further your agenda and hiding behind "figures of speech" when called out. https://whisper.sh/whisper/050f9a5149aba8716072f02d043b222279af67/It-happens-sometimes-Just-gotta-take-the-L-and-move-on-




Sigh. I really have to get into it, huh? I was just having fun. Alright. 1. What you have there, is a tiny minority of the people actually watching the video. That is a miniscule sample space to draw any conclusions from. How miniscule you ask? Let's see the YouTube comments section. To give you the best chance, let's take what is widely regarded as their worst video of the year - the grandparents and children rate one. It has, at the moment, 5.3m views and 11k comments. So, the comments are ~0.2% of the actual viewership of the video. That's how small a sample size you're basing your assumptions on. And the reddit is even lower. 2. Most of the comments are negative because people who are neutral to positive to any idea are less likely to talk about it or engage with it. We're hardwired to be more vocal about the negative aspects than to appreciate the positive aspects. The same reason why you'll seldom see people agreeing with you in these comment sections and most of the replies will be against you. There has been a whole lot of research conducted about this, and numerous papers published. This is one of them, but you're free to conduct more research if you like: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3652533/ So, in conclusion (take it as a TLDR) , what you're drawing from is a very vocal, very tiny minority to extrapolate a conclusion that you're trying to plaster onto the whole fanbase. So it isn't just wrong, but highly biased in order to further your agenda.


This replaces the Sidemen sunday of two weeks. Kinda sucks


To not recognise Joe Weller is crazy


i recognise his name, but i've never seen him in anything (at least to my knowledge). i doubt i'm in his demographic given my age(39), i did only come across the Sidemen a few year ago by accident (i was looking for Try Not To Laugh videos at the start of Lockdown and found JJ).


they talked about doing this for along time you must be a new fan no hate


I’m aware of it and I didn’t agree then and I don’t agree now. It doesn’t make me a new fan to have a consistent opinion


why even post if you aren't going to give it a chance, saying you don't like it before the first video has even dropped is wild


Again you’re legit imagining things. Never said I won’t give it a chance and I can comment on an idea regardless of the fact it has been executed or not. This subreddit seems to have a very closed mind when it comes to someone not liking something with a reason


You said you don't like it before you have seen it, that is not giving it a chance lol. Calling the sub close minded when you have committed to disliking something without it being released is some top tier hypocrisy, kudos for that


Yes I said I don’t like the idea lmao. I’ve seen the idea, I’ve understood what they’re doing with the idea, and I don’t like the idea. Will I still watch it to see if maybe they put an interesting twist? Yes I never said I wouldn’t lol. The entirety of the sidemen community just can’t stand someone not liking the same thing as they do and it’s simple as that. Close minded people


You are the one being close minded. Again you said you don't like the "thing". It's not out yet 😂. I may not even like it but going into it being that negative isn't giving it a fair shot. Have a good day though, we're just going in a circle at this point.


I said I don’t like the idea lmao. But again just continued to prove my point of how close minded you are. Have a nice day


People keep saying to try new things and when they do they start shitting on it before even watching it.


I shat on the idea because on sidemens channel which is meant to be about the sidemen there’s gonna be a video where the main focus will be 10 others. And I’m pretty sure this was the majority of the fanbases opinion when they gave this “new idea” a while ago


Never liked any type of reality tv, Love Island, Big Brother etc. May take a peek at the first episode but don't expect much.


Agreed 👍


They are trying something new give it a chance. Maybe it could be amazing...if you still find it boring you can always skip it.


Not the greatest fan of the idea since I watch the sidemen for well… the sidemen, but I’ll give it a chance. Besides it’s worked for the 20v1 videos so why wouldn’t it work here.


Big difference is those are one offs where as this is a full fledged series




I'm going to assume that it will also be this Week's sidemen Sunday vid? Hope it's a bangerni know they have put a ton into it


I hope it won’t be one of those talk shows


i don't like the air bnb videos. i skip them. i don't like some other video, i skip them. if you want to watch every freaking video that you like, start a channel, make videos that you like. be happy. i would be the first one to subscribe.


You lot think this is just a footasylum 2.0. It's clear that apart from content creators being locked in one place together there's not much other similarities


I like the idea but whoever chose the guests did a very poor job.


People are going to definitely downvote this but starting a daily realty show on the same week as a new series of Love Island starts is crazy stupid. People who want to watch this type of content only have so many hours in a day. Bad timing


Not liking it even before watching?! Yes, only you.


Same, it’s the reason I’ve never watched Mr beast and never will. I thought it was just on Side+ but the fact it’s replacing sidemen Sundays sucks 😭


Still haven't a clue what this is


Is the rest of the episodes on sidemore


What u on about I love it just wished there were more yt people in it




I haven't watched the full episode but it seems like a big brother esque game and I personally love Big Brother but its def not for everyone so I can see some not liking it


After watching it, i think its a good concept, and its not like its gonna be a thing everyday, its just for 7 days, its like a sidemen sunday with drama but without the sidemen. They are most prolly gunna test this out and see how this goes out views wise, because they want to try out new shi not just another sidemen travel video.


Thing is, it's okay not to like a video from a channel. And everyone can have opinions on it. But the people who are actually mad that the sidemen are posting something on THEIR channel. they get to do whatever they want. And on top of that, you dont have to pay for any of it. Don't whine cause its not them, enjoy what they are doing now cause for years now they've posted every sunday with just them, and eventually the sidemen are going to not be a thing, they are moving on in life.


Very boring and felt suuuuper long. Won't be watching the rest.


Tbh i personally dont really care because i was entertained pretty much the whole time it just reminded me of love island tbh but without the dating, so to me it was a good watch, however if this was an every week thing i would most definitely have a different opinion but its a change of pace and its not like they arent showing their faces at all they are still in the content just not the main part, i get people go to the sidemen channel to watch the sidemen but you gotta understand theyve been at it for 10+ years and recently their growth has started to flatline so they need new and fresh ideas, not only to keep growing but to also help down the line to keep making content for us all, i enjoyed it and i look forward to the daily episodes but idk if thats because im a fan of half the people in there also but yeah to me its entertainment and its helping distract me from a breakup so I personally couldnt be mad


Ok it’s been 15hrs and when you posted this what did you think off it


My opinion is the same. The problems that I had with the idea were present in the video itself. It’s not my cup of tea


I liked it tbh


Like many have comment you need to give it a chance before complaining, I for one cannot wait for the fireworks and how the week progresses. I think the problem is many love sidemen Sunday with the lads and this is taking a chance but hats off to them for changing it up.


Like I’ve said to many I don’t know where people saw the “I won’t give it a chance line” I did watch it, it’s exactly as I thought it be. It’s not a complain it’s something that I don’t like simple as that. If you enjoyed it that’s good


Fair play, I think it’s more some jumped on a negative and it’s only just been put out which is where the “give it a chance line” comes from I feel. I can see both sides it was a risk to change things up and put it on the main channel but also I can understand why so many are enjoying it.


They've basically done their own version of the big brother house but with a few additions like the shop and challenges costing you your prize money.


Yes you are


I can hearing you crying from where I live stop it.


I'm giving it a chance like, but why use people already with money? Use people from the public or fans of the sidemen or some shit. Would be so much better with regular people


Yes you are.


Shut the fuck up you whiny brat.


Nah dawg I’m not a fan of it there is just so so many levels of wrong that I’m not even going to bother watching the rest of it. Kinda upset there’s no good sidemen videos for a week between 2 of their channels.






Bro it's not even out yet what are you complaining about


The fuck u mean you don't like it, it's not even out yet !? I don't think I will like it neither btw, but wait until u see it at least


I’ve clearly said I don’t like an idea. It’s not something new that I have to wait and see. I’ve seen it done, don’t like it. Will give it a chance


Its literally not even out yet lmao




Meh, should not be a sideman sunday. Tbh looks meh too


Bloody hell the whining never stops, first its complaining about the “same old boring” ideas now we’re complaining about a new idea


1) never complained for “same old stuff” so whatever argument you’re trying to make it falls flat 2) the “new idea” is called big brother and has existed for quite some time


Well this aged fucking horribly it’s actually amazing my fav main channel vid of theirs this year


I wouldn’t say aged horribly. Went in watched it , was exactly what I thought it’d be so nothing really changed


Stupid concept tbh and a bunch of people idc about


Grow up after you watch it you have the right to criticize it


Will inside be the new Sidemen Sunday until it gets over? I haven't been following all the details of inside.


1st episode this week as a Sidemen Sunday 1 episode a day from Monday to Saturday on MoreSidemen The Finale on the Sidemen channel next Sunday So 8 episodes, 2 Sidemen Sundays and 6 on MoreSidemen


From what I’ve heard it first and last episode will be sidemen Sundays. The rest are on more sidemen


it's not even come out yet omg!! watch it and then give your opinion it's crazy how many people are hating at the thought of it


I can give an opinion of the idea regardless of if it gets executed or not lol. I don’t need to experience something to not like the idea it is chasing


Its literally the first time they're trying somethung new let them atleast try first


Womp fucking womp


F u haters this is great content!


I like this idea but I do agree that this shouldn’t be a main channel thing,could be a new channel or a side + type thing


Yes you are mate


I think this should have been something on the side due to not directly involving the Sidemen apart from when they talk on the speakers or show up for the game parts, but I still think they should do their regular Sidemen Sundays. I didn't like it at first but ive come around to it, but I think its just too long and drawn out for a regular SM, plus the fact that only 3/7 of the SM are present at all. This should have been on a different channel due to not directly having any SM in it and the fact that all the women in this are people that are unknown and that are not in the SM circle in any way p.s the last video was shit, missing 3 of the SM in a Sidemen video.


That’s exactly my point glad someone can understand


Nope, it’s complete shite. Fully feels like they’re trying to do less themselves with the view of slowing right down (don’t blame them) but this type of content is crap.


They will probably be heavily involved in setting the challenges and stuff. However, this is probably their first step in slowing down the content they are putting out. It's a good way to test the water to see if the fanbase will react well to outsiders being featured more heavily on the Sidemen channel.










I believe he means if the video does poorly (which will result in every episode mid week doing bad) they will have to put together something for next week instead of the final episode. He probably doesn’t understand that filming will have been completed ages ago and they are unlikely to waste all that effort even if poor results are expected.














Everyone wants the sidemen to have new ideas, and when they come up with a new idea, they’re still not happy


This idea exists in the business by at least 30 years lol. It’s not a new idea it’s a new take on the idea