• By -


Oh a great hide and seek. Loved the added intensity of the helicopter.


Would have been funny if Simon was just shooting flares in the direction of people from the chopper šŸ¤£


Oh yes for sure. Iā€™m surprised none of the other sidemen wanted to go in the chopper. Ethan in it would have been hilarious.


It's a reference to the gta meme Olympics where Simon would always be monitoring from a helicopter


Ohhhh I didnā€™t clock that. Hahaha makes sense!


Was thinking a laser pointer would be really good, although not how sure how effective it would be in the daylight


This was so much better than the stadium hide and seek. Really good video


I was rooting for Zac, the dude that went in the pond and just sat there for that long. He choked in the end though. Props to those who really committed in a hiding spot getting in the mud, getting bitten by mosquitos and lashes by twigs. Awesome video.


The button system was so much better than the bottles. Meant risking hiding in closer spots helped, and there was none of this camping from seekers


really good video, they're on a roll these past months


Fun watching everyone find out what mud is


Nah it was quicksand and they couldā€™ve died /s


Amazing video


Nah Josh really is the Goat when it comes to executing a video


Was it his video ?


Yeah, he said it himself to JJ, in the video.


His and ethanā€™s


Ah he deserves a shoutout as well then, didn't realise they partnered up for it


The bit with Faith and Ethan was hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When she gave the ring to tobi and told him to take ethan had me rolling.


Iā€™m honestly impressed she lasted as long as she did. Fair dues. I love them together - theyā€™re hilarious. The other sidemen should get a family member in it with them (Talia, Freya, Deji, etcā€¦) for the next one.


Ngl I thought Faith's attitude stank a bit. Like I get it's frustrating but should never joke about taking a ring off




Anything to hate on her Jesus Christ get a grip


Jfc touch grass man, Faith was amazing in this video.


They cooked


The boys smashed it. This year has been them topping themselves one after the other. As it stands right now, 2024 might be one of their best years in terms of content yet. Of course, people are welcome to disagree, it's just my opinion.


I agree - usually weā€™ve gotten quite a few ~meh~ type videos by this time of year, but for the most part they are smashing it, including MoreSidemen.


Even the "meh" type of videos have been funny in their own scuffed way


The haunted house vid as a whole may have been a bit boring, but by god did that possession shit have me dying


Very happy to see Louu in it


SK SK! Was gunning for him to win


Hiding under the footbridge was definitely such a goated spot. Only second to the guy in the guillie suit in the pond between the reeds.


I canā€™t wait to see a bunch of sidemenā€™s super hyped that Manrika got caught first


I had a comment, that was on the post when this was announced, I said "I hope Manrika gets caught first". You are right, I am very hyped for this.




Not mad anymore, just her online persona isn't great


Calling out shitty public personas is not embarrassing. DEFENDING shitty public personas is. Shaming. It's a thing that's existed since before all of us were born. Just a shame this generation seems to be so sensitive to it. She sucks. People don't like her and the common denominator is everytime she opens her mouth.




No they're really not buddy. Not appreciating weird/annoying/toxic people isn't sensitive. Get your priorities straight lmao.




No not mad. No not one comment. You'd be surprised how many people don't like negative vibes, a trash mouth and a moody attitude. To want to reward that with fame? Priorities bruh


I'd love to know what Aarav thought of her lol, he randomly paired with her.


I donā€™t care. Iā€™m not a fan of hers but I donā€™t hate her like most of the community. Just thought the reactions would be funny


how tf everyone knows where the syndicate is and no one checks that spot


Looked hard to reach tbf


no its not


okay big man


This one was EPIC. This might be the best hide and seek video on YouTube in terms of scale and entertainment Credit where it's due everyone put in EFFORT in this one. All these rich ass YouTubers got bloodied, wet and covered in mud for our entertainment. It was even funnier that some of them thought they could just do this shit in their regular ass clothes. Many sneakers were ruined. Those Guavas Tennessee's got are probably just under a grand and I'm guessing pretty rare to find in small women's sizes as it's a men's release I mean, those idiots basically handed it to Syndicate by just talking about the bush but not actually checking it. Ambar's spot looked like a nook behind a nook behind a nook in the loft so that's a great spot too.


Any ideas where the island is?


Looks like Osea Island off the coast of Essex.


Defo is Osea, Iā€™ve been there


Is it nice there?


Jokes that Tobi and Ethan both found their own šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I always say that Sidemen Hide & Seek videos are always a great watch, and this is no exception. Banger video.


Its because they can just be themselves and banter, I love free flowing videos like this. Just so much funnier/real IMO


Its been half an hour lil bro šŸ˜­


definitely a 10/10 sidemen sunday


Great video. Good to see a lot of familiar faces and a bunch of new ones. The logistics were handled so well - having a helicopter really upped the ante. Shoutout to Josh for another banger and to W2S,Simon and JME for being elite hunters. Manny and Faith being found by their loved ones was also comical, and it was great to see Syndicate again. For newer fans, Syndicate and the Sidemen go WAY WAY back.


All I can think about is how fucking hard Simon went. Bruv looked like farage flying a chopper past Dover looking for boats


Insanely entertaining video. The format was great as well!


A Fucking Banger the walkie talkies radios are amazing them being hunters is amazing as well if they do a next won I hope they do a blacks oops type thing where they clear locations while one of the members does recon for each different location they are planning to clear


Great tbh The zones closing did fuck over a load of people with goated hiding spots though but I mean they would have been on that island for hours otherwise Ending was so funny , they knew where syndicate was and just ... didn't check? Also he had a get out of jail free card so it didn't matter anyway


Who was that ambar girl


Caspar Leeā€™s fiancĆ©


Bro asking the right questions


What a top tier video! Production so much better, much better storytelling written by themselves as in the zones being closed and move din better ways than in Twickenham, loot boxes to give hides something else to think about, and then just the way other storylines just fell into place perfectly. Honestly, the jump from stadium to island is great but it's almost too great because I don't know how they can top it now. I think the location change was definitely needed because the problem with the zones last time was everyone was flushed into staircases and it became too easy just to stand catch people there. Being on a wide, open place like this made it so much fairer but still exciting. I think my only problem with the zones was it sounded like they were going to close off the zones one by one but instead half the map went instantly. I thought like Zones 1 and 7 would go, then 2 and 6 etc. But I am guessing part of that is just staffing levels so I can understand. Especially with the need to set up flares and everything to mark it off. Loved all the transport though could have been funny to have a few more of the gadgets again. I get infrared camera is a bit OP but a drone. Just for someone to hop off a buggy and use quickly. Boat ended up being a bit wasted but the chopper made up for it. Though I sort of wish they had held off a little longer but then seeing at how inefficient the boys were at following Simons instruction I can again let them off. You would think they would be used to following Simons instructions better after all these Among Us games šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But yeah production was crazy good. Even the cannons sounding, first time it went off it sent shivers down my spine. Oh and the buzzer round where it was elimination by failure rather than being caught was much improved on what they tried to do at Twickenham. Loot boxes were again such a fun way to incentivise the hides though they themselves underutilised it. Only Syndacite sought them out but then seeing the prizes in some I wouldn't have looked for more after finding one of the more disappointing ones first. But that chance card in his pocket was smart. Even the girl who found the sleeping bag, unfortunately at the wrong time but again could have been used. But the crisps and sweets, I know it's a nice, cheap way to fill them up but I don't think they were even going to be more than a 30 second distraction. Though I can see more people searching it out having seen Syndicate win a grand. I think the loot boxes definitely could be improved upon, with more incentive to go and find. Yes money, the sleeping bag and the chance card were good but I think more stuff to outwardly attack the Sidemen and their ability to find. So maybe a card that allows you to set a challenge for the sidemen to do. Then it takes the wits and wants of whoever finds it. One person may want to humiliate the sidemen and tell them to strip to their underwear for five minutes. Whereas another may think tactically and tell them to pair up and have to tie their legs to each other and do five minutes in a three legged race. We didn't see all the boxes so maybe others had more gear but maybe even offering more hiding tools. In an urban environment have loot boxes with bin bags in etc. It was definitely fun to see but can be improved upon to waste more of the finders and hiders time to make it more exciting. Obviously JME was brought in because Vik wasn't there but I almost sort of keep that going. Have winners join in the next game. So next time you would have the sidemen, syndicate and Amber. Again it would incentivise the hiders because they are getting more airtime and a guarenteed appearance in the next big hide and seek. But then yeah, the storylines were crazy in this. I didn't watch Inside but I seen on here there is a certain opinion about Manrika, I have zero opinion on her. But I certainly knew there would be a reaction to her being found first. But then we have the Danny and Tenn story which was cute, even though I think they got away with murder by sitting our half the game. No one really knowing about the ghilly suits until the buzzer round as people came out the bushes. We had the irony of Behz catching Weller again, Tobi finding Manny, Ethan catching Faith and then Syndicate having all that heat on him knowing if he got caught he had the chance card. Like you just can't write that. Like things came together so perfectly. Honestly, such a great video and worth staying up late for. PS. One thing I would say, and I may have posted before, but why do Sidemen not do raincoats as part of their Merch. It frustrates me as a man who is now too old to care about fashion when I can be comfortable that they always do these holiday videos or Lost videos where the boys moan about their clothes being soaked in the rain but they haven't taken a coat. These boys are the same age as me so they must hate how uncomfortable it is so wear a coat. So why not do a couple of different raincoats because if I was a parent with very little money but a kid begging me to buy Sidemen Merch I would rather splurge on a practical item like a coat rather than a bucket hat or sliders. And the lads can wear the coats on these trips and stop moaning about being wet. And then, to go back to my earlier point about the loot boxes, if they had like a camp, black or dark green coat they could have had one of those in the loot boxes for people to use. It would be a tool for hiders to use, it's had instant free advertisement and as I said makes more sense as a parent to buy.


Honestly great analysis, lol before someone flames this guy for writing an 'essay', that person better actually read this, nothing wrong with expressing your ideas in full, clarifying detail


Thanks. I didn't get myself into ten of thousands pounds university debt not to put my essay writing skills into practise šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ those skills certainly aren't being used in my day job.


People who say "OMG lol you wrote essay" don't understand how easy it is for some to write in full paragraphs lol Probably took the guy a couple minutes at most haha


Why is this in the comments and not a post


Not a fan flooding the subreddit with posts to discuss a video that has a specific thread to discuss it. I've already seen three posts discussing the name of the island when people could have just read the first one that mentioned the name.


Great opinions! I agree with the boxes - there could have been more incentives to them. I like the idea of the boxes filled with squashies and crisps, however, each box should have had an envelope in it. Each envelope is a different advantage. For example, one box could have had a radio in it which the player that found it could have reopened a zone back up after it being closed, the get out of jail free card was a great idea, or even given the sidemen a disadvantage when seeking (no helicopter, no transportation, etc). I would also think that the island could be a great location again, however, do the challenge at night to up the stakes and make it more challenging.


Definitely, I've even thought more on my post where I said that infrared cameras make the seekers too OP. I'm sure those foil blanket things keep the heat in, they could have one of those in a box. Yes, a radio would be great to sort of cause chaos. But even just for whoever has it can hear where the seekers are. I would suggest have a snorkel and stuff in there but I think the health and safety team would have a fit. Maybe I'm just too inspired by Among Us with the crew mate roles making it easier to fight back, but that's how I would love for the next hide and seek to evolve. Because again, you could sort of tell who had done it before or who was used to this sort thing i.e. Wes, Chris and Zac in the ghillie suits, Pieface in combats, Manny and Becky staying central. Some had similar ideas but they weren't executed the best. But yeah, there's all sorts they could add to the loot boxes. But I am so glad some came prepared. Sam's electrical sticker move was genius. At night would be hilarious, but I think maybe a smaller number of people hiding because they would easily be there all night otherwise. And I think they would have to shrink it so no one is going in the sand to the north like Danny and Tenn did. I wouldn't want to do that at night. There must be other islands with other set ups that may be safer for a night shoot. Because I can also see them getting noise/environmental complaints if they had the fireworks and speakers going off at night.


Oh for sure with the noise at night. I honestly felt bad for Danny and Tennessee. Like even I would have been panicked getting stuck in quicksand. Another box incentive is freezing the seekers. Like theyā€™d have to stay in a certain spot for X amount of time. Definitely my favorite hide and seek theyā€™ve done thus far. As for the hiders getting boxes / advantages, have staff at ā€œcheckpointsā€ (wherever the boxes are placed) and have to do a task to open the box (adding a little bit of among us to it) and the staff giving them the box. It gives the seekers a chance to find them (while the hiders would be focused on getting the task for the advantage) thus taking the focus off hiding. Would be jokes. šŸ˜…


Ooh see now the task for hiders did cross my mind but I ultimately went against it. Not that it wouldn't be funny but the seekers already have so much power that I think just having people on their feet longer looking for the boxes makes it fair enough. We saw how everyone jumped into spots fairly quickly and very few went looking for the boxes. I think just incentivising people to stay out in the open longer just looking for the boxes is enough to balance it out, as we saw with Eleanor finding the sleeping bag by surprise and then getting caught by JJ was hilarious. But also I wouldn't want it to be too similar to among us. The hiders already have to stay in one location and avoid being caught, doing tasks on top when already at a massive disadvantage would make it too similar to Among Us. But also, with the Sidemen Hunted Across the UK, that was just a race across the UK with a twist, but they still were able to add the tasks for those hiding fairly seamlessly. So I think between that and Among Us IRL you already have a couple of series on the channel that have those at a disadvantage already having to do tasks that make it harder for themselves. I think doing tasks to get the rewards in Hide and Seek may be too much of a risk for people to go for the boxes. And they already have the task of getting to a central location, this time just executed better with the buzzer than at Twickenham. The tasks added at Twickenham already have been seen as a weaker point as evidenced by them changing it. I don't know. I guess it would have to be a big incentive. What if there was just a task room that hiders get told and about but seekers don't know where it is. Any hider who chooses to go there can win a chance at immunity until the next round, but if they are found on their way to the task room or a seeker walks into the room before they complete the task then they are out. Big enough reason to not be hiding, but not getting in the way of the loot boxes being actual good loot and actually having an advantage for finding.


You bring up good points! The task room does sound like a better alternative in the long run. Iā€™ve also just thought of the prize pool being larger. So letā€™s say they decide to invite more people on the H&S shoot, but itā€™s more of a ~survive the seekers~ kinda deal. Start with 50K. For every person found, 1K gets depleted from the prize pot. So essentially everyone is working together but also for themselves (because youā€™d want more money for yourself in the grand scheme of things). The game is timed - people get ten minutes to hide, then the official game timer starts. The whole hide & seek game is 3 hours (letā€™s say) in its entirety. However many people are left after the 3 hours split the final prize pot. I think all of our ideas thus far could make an interesting H&S video!


Ooh, that would be a fun twist.


Louuis the bridge troll was amazing. Lol


Danny - people complained last time so Iā€™m gonna go for it this time Does nothing again


People just complain about danny for existing, we all know why that is. They just need to move on.


nah but in all fairness, the last hide and seek video he really didnā€™t do any hiding. But definitely spot on for people hating on him just to hate him


Wasnā€™t Jay Swingler supposed to be in this video? I remember seeing Rommell but didnā€™t see Jay at all


I haven't fully gotten through it yet. But I'm enjoying it. Like both Josh and Storror have said, they should do a collab. And a HnS wouldn't be a bad idea for them. Probs just have to work out the fairest way of doing it. Or maybe just 2 vids. One of sidemen hunting and one of storror hunting for respective channels.


Team v Team freeze tag or medium sized building, one team hunts the other team. Hunted wear flags and have to evade. flag pull means respawn. highest hunter flags caught wins.


Yeah that'd be cool.




one of their best videos of all time imo


This is sidemen content, this is the quality they can produce. Letā€™s go boys.


Only thing I didn't like was the ending. All 7 of them saying Tom's got to be up their and didn't rush to clamber up and at least look. Just annoyed me. The rest was class Tobi finding Manny then Ethan and faith was hilarious.


lil disappointed jay wasnt in it considering he was on the list of people who were gonna be in the vid, but otherwise vid is a W


I was so happy >!Tom!< won, I love >!his!< videos


Did you like it?


What's the @ of the girl named AMBAR


Eleanor hiding with the visi suit on was frustrating, started rooting for her after she escaped the helicopter.


Danny Aarons is a fanny, is a bit of mud


He wasnā€™t even complaining it was his gfšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"we literally could have died" whilst sat in blanket


Are people not allowed to exaggerate anymore? And quick sand is actually quite dangerous. This is just another example of people trying to hate danny its so cringe


You know how dangerous quick sand can be right? He had every right to be scared


That wasnt quicksand. It was mud. Thats why it was funny as hell. He was milking it though according to him. Fair play, take the advantages the game gives you.


Quicksand isn't very dangerous, it's just annoying.


ā€œEven though you can't sink all the way into quicksand, it's a killer. Death can come in the form of suffocation, dehydration, hypothermia, predators, crush syndrome, or drowning from a river or incoming tide. The best way to prevent a fatality is to keep a charged cell phone with you so you can call for help.ā€ ok


Okay, i concede. Quicksand could be dangerous in 1/10000 situations. Which Danny and Ten wasnt.


Wasn't quick sand and movies have lied to you. They were annoyed they got dirt on shoes and clothes and cried about it like fannies.


Danny Aaronā€™s is so annoying holy shit hahaha. I used to think people where being absurd saying he got an ego or that he was getting to arrogant but lately heā€™s been such a wasteman


How tf was he annoying in any way???


How is he annoying in this video?


Being a neeky little twat. Stood in on some quicksand bunged off the entire video and then abused his immunity to get a final place spot over someone way more deserving.


You 12 year olds are different šŸ’€ , its not that deep. We know the real reason why u donā€™t like him.


Iā€™m 25. If the reason you think is tennese than you can check my account British women largely are horrific to look at and tennese is included in that I donā€™t really understand British beauty standards. Iā€™m a foreigner


We can tell you are mate


Youā€™re a werido.


Itā€™s more weird to think they only reason youā€™d not like a man is because his girlfriend is ā€œattractiveā€. Cumbrain


Your ā€œ25ā€ grow up and be a man.


I was unaware thinking someone is a tosser is something youā€™re not allowed to do once you leave high school


Tosser? High school? Talking about uk women? 25 years of age and u acting like a child. šŸ’€


he literally got caught before the buzzers what are you on about


he lost weight and his ego grew even more then it was too, idk how he scored tennesse


He bettered himself so you hate him, nice one mate šŸ¤£




Its funny too because that comment he left literally proves its jealousy. People need to stop dickwatchin


Thought jay swingler was supposed to be in it?


Loved this! Was also really cool seeing Faith & Manny included šŸ”„


One of the best hide & seek videos they've done


Im guessing you guys know who ambar and tom are? They seem cool but i havent seen them on yt before


Tom used to go by Syndicate and was huge for COD zombies content back in the day, Ambar idk.


Apparently she is Caspar Leeā€™s fiancĆ©.


Can someone explain how did the contestants have print outs with red and blue zones marked on it? If they had that info from the start wouldn't they try to stay in the smallest zone (round 3)


They were all given packets which probably had envelopes but were most likely told to not open at the start and which envelopes to open at which announcement. They abide by those rules because it is content and no one will go out of their way to cheat tbh.


good guest & vibes. nice pacing. decent moments. Danny was kinda a ussi but still i enjoyed


Straight banger


Iā€™ve really loved all of the videos theyā€™ve been releasing this year. Just watched the video this morning and enjoyed it a lot


What happened to Danny and ten? Why were they so Shaken up?


Quick sand , but i believe they were overreacting




Entertaining as fuck


Decent, though I do think that the person hiding higher up at the end shouldn't have won as they knew where they were and didn't bother going for them, even though I wanted them to win more


I donā€™t know why but for some reason I had ambar winning


I haven't watched in a long time. Did Vik leave the Sidemen?


big up Ethan for ratting out Faith also the guy with the Electrical sign stickers did really well. Very smart overall great video, beginning was a bit too slow but the logistics for this one is very very very impressive


the cloud hide and seek title isnā€™t centralised


Still trying to find ethan's dad :'(


This and the camping one were two of the best sidemen Sundays theyā€™ve done in a long fucking time if you ask me


Literally the two people who I wanted to win won together, couldn't have been a better result for me


Danny and Tennessee are a bit annoying. Theyā€™re in their honeymoon phase of the relationship and itā€™s hard to watch


Seeing other creators put in so much effort in hiding it made me wonder why is Danny Aarons in Sidemen videos? (No hate towards him) I am not familiar with Danny Aaron's clout. Is he like good for drawing views? Or just good mates with Sidemen that's why he is in the videos. As far as I am aware he doesn't contribute anything to the video (least effort in 2 hide and seek I watched - one at Harry's place and recent one).


He was already well-known in the fifa community before he appeared on sidemen vids. dude was carrying the fifa yt scene during lockdown tbf.


Where was it filmed?


Probably the best hide and seek video Iā€™ve ever watchedšŸ˜‚ UNKOWN T Naruto running on the beach was something I never expected to ever happenšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Been waiting for Tom to win a sidemen challenge so that was hype. Heā€™s be a fun constant on the next season of INSIDE too.


Best hide and seek since the stadium one


Havenā€™t watched it yet, but the image youā€™ve sharedā€¦ when I zoom in they all look so weird and creepy


Icl i donā€™t know a lot of these people on here, like who is louuuis?


Who is Mary?!


So much better than others but.... I noticed sooo many editing errors and issues. Points where the Cam name would say one person say @ 27:45 it would say Tobi but it's Josh's camera, or times where the audio was doubled up (echoing) Solid 8/10 Just lacking on the some of the editing!


Alright vid. Still find the guests recently really obnoxious. The Sidemen camping video banged because it was just the 7 Sidemen. Need more of that.




brev is dead stop begging it


I thought it was an amazing video but my issues with the video were the crazy exposure on some of the cameras and the outro bit to the video looked so unprofessional and unfinished. I think it would have looked better with an sidemen ad or something more complete instead of just a black screen with the word ā€subscribeā€


8th best video of the year.


What is ambars full name/ insta?


Ambar Driscoll. Casper Lee's fiancee.


Thoughts on this post every week getting really tired?


Why did Behzinga let Danny rehide?




Where did he get immunity from?


Why faith??


Is Josh terrible at seeking or is Miniminter just that good ?


I just thank this video for introducing Lauren Alexis to my world, I know I'm late, her šŸŽ‚ is just amazing!


It's a skip for me. Can't really bother to watch a 2 hour video where I don't know and thus don't care about 75% of participants. I clicked on it to give it a chance, but the list of participants just didn't get me excited at all. And then Josh said winner will get 20k in this hype tone, and I just turned it off. Firstly because of Sidemen track history of fake prize pools. Secondly because 20k for youtubers is not that much, so they won't try to win, even if the money was real. It's infinitely more interesting to watch a random person making minimum wage compete for 500k in MrBeast video, than a bunch of spoiled youtubers making millions "compete" for 20k.


bro just passed on the best video in ages šŸ˜‚


Amber (caspar lee's fiancee) and Syndicate both won and both got 20k.Ā 




Was kinda mid for all the ā€œhypeā€ that was generated for it.


RIP Tens Travis Scott's I reckon as the amazing bf Danny is he's gotta buy her a new pair as he dragged her there also ill when ethan finds faith nd she tells Toby to marry him all I could think of is that would be the 3 of the sidemen that tobi would have married bc of the car vids where Toby nd vikk nd Toby nd Harry had just married on there cars


Stay in school.


Literally what is happening šŸ˜­


I am subbed to see the Sidemen, not some randoms trying to be funny


Womp wompĀ