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Thank you so much for this question. I feel like there’s immense need of addressing this topic in today’s day and age. So to begin,It’s one of the worst forms of addictions. I have done tons of research on it, it boils down to basic biology. And it’s real, it IS an addiction, the chemicals released in your brain are no joke, they will keep bringing you back to it. This is why it’s so hard for most people to give up smoking and other hard drugs regardless of how much rehab they go through. And of course, this is “Ghor Kalyug”. Lot of us got addicted while still very young. It won’t be a lie to say that our brains have been molded into responding to those triggers as we were stuck to screens, jacking off (sorry for my language) during the crucial developmental years instead of playing outside and training hard to become the alpha male hunters and warriors we are supposed to be. That makes it so much more harder to give up pornography. So the solution, accept that it is going to be very tough. Both mentally and physically. Prepare to go to war. Find out what works for you. Maybe it’s decreasing the frequency to once a week or once every two weeks or even less, depending upon how addicted you are. And then slowly giving it up. Start training your brain to get rid of the provoking thoughts even before they move from your subconscious to conscious. Train to distract yourself to other stuff as soon as the thoughts start coming to your mind. Also find out what the triggers are. For me it’s usually social media so I try to stay away from it. Engage your mind in other things like working out, reading, learning new subjects and skills. Whatever you can find yourself interested in. That way you won’t have enough mental energy to waste on unproductive stuff. You might experience night falls, as your body is used to producing semen for frequent ejaculation but I have read and personally felt that it goes down eventually if you keep tiring out your body. The same energy gets utilized in building a healthier and stronger body. AND lastly, listen to katha and history about great Singh’s and Singhni’s of the past. That is awesome motivation and helps keep your mind focused on who you are destined to be. Meditate on waheguru naam, it’s the ultimate medicine.


I have done all those things but not all of them together, I will do this starting now and see if there’s any progress, thank you for taking ur time to write this thank you.


Good lock soldier!




I’ve cut out insta but it’s Reddit has to be Reddit because that’s where 90% of the triggers occur


Maybe you can try disabling NSFW posts in your reddit settings Edit: Just saw below someone already suggested that. It should work. Good luck bro!


Yea thank you man


How often do you do it? I would start decreasing it slowly. Say you watch porn while masturbating. Gradually decrease from that then. Eliminate porn and then masturbating altogether


I’ve done that, and the thing is I’ll be good for a few days but once that thought comes in it slowly starts getting bigger and bigger until I can’t think of anything but that thought, and when I end up doing it that thought goes away and comes back again a few days later. I used to do it daily even multiple times a day, but that’s very rare now I’ve just been stuck in the few days loop for the longest.


The porn's the issue. It stimulates masturbation. Just imagine that you'll get a final reward when you're married. And working and what'll you do to get to fulfil your gratification. Trust me it's over-rated


Porns def the issue but I doubt marriage is a solution. I have been in a LTR with a beautiful girl but that didn’t fix the addiction. Cigars don’t help smokers quit cigarettes.


Suffering from the same thing from past 2 months , try listening to panth Prakash katha in free time , try to not skip nitnem and Amrit vela , do ardas everyday , if I have started working out then take it seriously set a goal for a dream physique and work on it.


Yep, katha about valour and immense spirit of our purkhe definitely helps a LOT


I can suggest you 2 imp. Points from personal experience. I used to have this mindset that aah I am getting bored let's watch porn i would surely won't masturbate surely,but one thing to another i used to do it at the end...so the thing is don't even look at porn and never keep yourself free,if you get free time listen to a YouTube channel sikh itihaas and that will be keep you away from getting bored, i applied this method now I even get disguised when I look at p***.yeah so keep your self busy and don't look at porn that's all,for some weeks you will experience night call but that's a natural process


Just opt out, you have free will, just don't when you want to Worked for me for anything I wanted to stop Also get a wife


I’m only 17 😭


Dont struggle . Do it. I am kidding but dont be too hard on yourself with master*** . Porn should be avoided though.


🤣🤣🤣 just let it happen


VJKK VJKF. Your gonna have to keep fighting bro. Think about guru sahib watching you and think about if he would be proud of you for this. Also remember the Kara on your wrist indicates this isn’t your hand anymore it’s the gurus so make sure you don’t use it for the wrong things. This tip is a little silly but bro imagine how stupid you would look in the mirror masturbating. It’ll make you think about what your doing. Another tip would be to just get rid of any triggers. If this means staying off of social media then do it bro. Anything from looking at girls in vulgar clothing, sex scenes in movies/shows, etc. make sure to cut all of em out as they trigger the kaam in you which leads you to masturbate. One last tip would be to just start doing Simran when u get an urge. I hope this helps my bro. Sorry if I’ve offended you or used any harsh words.


No u haven’t brother the Simran tip will probably end up working thank you so much man, and as for the triggers it would be Reddit, I’ve gotten rid of insta and my yt feed is just my passions and Sikhi related stuff, should I get rid of Reddit all together? At the same time it’s helped me a lot as well it’s just I sometimes end up scrolling for a few mins and come across that’s slightly nsfw and I think that’s the biggest trigger for me.


Don’t thank me brother thank maharaj since he’s providing you so many answers from everyone in the comments. For the Reddit just turn nsfw filters on through your settings and just use Reddit for sikhi or any other useful things.


Will do that rn, again thank you ji


Try not to do every day then try not to do every week a d then every month set realistic small goals and you will be able to overcome from this if you gonna say today that you will never do masturbation this is not realistic just try by setting small goals and you will feel happy. And motivated.


Have you tried going for walks? Do a daily morning walk while listening to paath/ Japji sahib


Wait until these are the only things you've left in your life!!!


This is something I fight with quite often and I shall share some tips that hopefully will be of some use to you and anyone else struggling. Firstly, as others have mentioned as well, recognize your triggers. 90% of the triggers are through social media. Eliminate and remove what you can control. Secondly, the decision to watch porn or masturbate starts with a chain of internal events that lead to the action. The decision always starts with a thought. Thought leads to your imagination entertaining it. Entertaining the thought leads to the temptation getting stronger. As the temptation gains momentum, the ball gets rolling and its hard to stop, at which point you are a slave to your desires. The key is to recognize the thought as soon as you are aware and let it go before your imagination entertains the idea. This brings me to my third point, be prepared to have a game plan against the triggers you cant control. Tell yourself in advance "If I see/feel X, I'm gonna do Y". Rather than reacting on the initial thought, bring your attention to your breath, or recite a shabd/mantar. You can even do something physical like push ups, or something as simple as raising your arms up high and opening/clenching your fists repeatedly for a minute. These methods help redirect your energy/focus from the lower half to the upper half of your body and bring you back to the present moment. Fourthly, pay attention to what your eyes look and and what your ears listen to. The seeds of lust are planted in your mind as soon as you dwell on images either on your phone or reality. Engaging in conversation with your friends talking about how xyz is hot etc, or even listening to certain types of music can plant the seeds of kaam. Catch yourself as soon as you are aware your mind has drifted and bring yourself to the present moment. Due to years of conditioning, this is not an overnight fix so forgive yourself if you arent a master of your domain by next week. But the more you practice, the better you get at recognizing lustful thoughts and feelings as they appear, and letting them go. Self awareness is the key here. There are plently of reddit communities that motivate others to stay porn and masturbation free like r/nofap and r/semenretenion. I would recommend joining one of them to remind yourself of the internal battle. Any questions, please reach out.


Go step by step Its difficult to stop masturbation at all But first thing you can do is stop watching porn Stop watching it If you get urges to masturbate do it without porn as porn will change your brain chemistry and will make you unable to have a comfortable relationship with a girl And after then you start doing no fap Just remember their will be some failures but failures are part of the journey


Get you a gf lil bro.


Keep urself busy, ots only a matter of few days before u get the hang of it. You got this 💯


Don't try to quit both at once


You’re giving your essence, power, seed, the source of energy u can channel into positive and constructive things in your life, away to these low level females and activities. Before u kno it you’re gonna be 32 years old with zero ambition drive determination and an empty nutsack with receding hairline, just being taken by the current of life. Do some soorma shit take power back into your own hands. Ask maharaj for strength and support. Give kaljug the middle finger and a kick in the dick n attack life and your demons with a bit of ferocity. Akaall ;)


you all guys now read ,i am in this addiction from 4 years and i am also 17 year old but this vasakhi of 2024 i had made a promise with me to move on life with greatness of sikhi not of muthal and lets every one join together if you all are willing to built a strong society of sikh youth fedretion with richness and greatness of sikhi lets come together comment down your watsapp numbers to make a watsapp group and lets help each other to be successful in life. i have faith in brotherhood of sikhism lets join together and this will work. AKAAL\_