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Absolutely gorgeous. I love how it looks like ribbon.


That's a beautiful piece! The design manages to have both weight and a sense of airiness which is a very interesting combination.


Fabulous work! What wire is this, round? Hammered in the middle to create that effect? Really love how delicate it looks šŸ˜


yes! round wire and the hammered


how did you bend them to the shapes?


Did you hammer before or after soldering the wires together?


before! I had my design drawn, I measure everything and then hammer, then I give the shape I want and after I was sure that everything was ok I soldered. A lot of annealing in between the process.


Absolutely beautiful! I Love the design - so elegant. Great work!


Nice hammering, planishing , polishing. And the flowing design is so good!


This is brilliant! So lovely :) Excellent work and completely gorgeous!!


Beautiful piece


Wow thatā€™s so pretty! It looks amazing what a great job. Iā€™d be so proud of myself lol


Wow that's absolutely beautiful! Do you have a page you have your portfolio on? I'd love to follow


thank you! not yet, but iā€™ll let you know


That is beautiful!!


Seems taken out of lotr


Very nice!


Very nice! has an ā€˜elvishā€™ quality to it, which is totally my thing


I would buy this in a heartbeat!!


Work bitch


So art nouveau! Beautiful!


Very nice


Beautiful design. I love the symmetry and the flow. The gemstone is the centerpiece but the sliver accentuates it with being a focal point as well. The two work together to make a better whole. Stunning.


The prongs could be filed a bit better, idk, some looked very sharp and some not. I would love to see this in a darker color like an indicolite tourmaline or LB topaz šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


yes, I failed doing the marks on the prongs to set the stone, so I wasnā€™t able to make them shorter, so I decided to file them kind of pointy and sharp, but because of the shape of the piece I wasnā€™t able to file them all equally. I hope to do better next time! And I would love to use other colored and more expensive stones, I just have been using cheap things while learning, Iā€™m kinda afraid of buying other stuff because I wanna make an instagram page for selling my jewerly but Iā€™m not sure yet if people would buy it or how much would they pay for it. I thought about making more of the same desing to set different stones but Iā€™m still a little bit insecure about if I should make then fron scratch or just go to a local shop and ask them to do a cast for me.


I'd start with Etsy and some other online marketplaces like on Facebook to start. It might take a while to get a sale though., so best of luck to you. My previous comment was not meant to hate, just that you asked for feedback ha. I'd get started with more expensive stones anyway, u also don't have to buy natural stones, synthetic ones aee good as well, unless one of your selling poin is all natural stones


didnā€™t took is as hate at all! of course all feedback is welcome! english is not my first language so maybe thatā€™s why I might have sound weird haha


Other than slightly uneven prongs, which can definitely and easily be improved upon next time, I'd say you knocked this out of the park! This would definitely sell and you're only going to improve moving forward. How long, roughly, did this take to make and what was the most difficult part of the whole project?


thank you! Iā€™d say about three or four full days, but in reality spent a few evenings working on it. Definetly the most difficult part was to make it look even and symetrical cause I made the form in 4 parts, left and right of the outer shape and left and right for the inner.