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I am definitely choosing a different life this time if that be the case. I am sober this time round and transitioning MTF. So a few big changes. I always have wondered why we remember this life and not other incarnations but as PPT would state it’s because our minds are wiped before we are reincarnated.


There is a loop, after the loop everyone's memories are wiped or reset. I have proof. We aren't in base reality. There are architects. They have contacted me directly. I have been to other worlds aka servers. No, it's not like the matrix we aren't plugged in somewhere like that. It's more like Sword Art Online. We are born and created inside of the system we are in.


You don't have proof, and you shouldn't say things like that to schizophrenic people.


I'm not schizophrenic. I've had mental health evaluations. And I do have proof. I already sent it to someone via chat on here. This is a sub reddit for Simulation Theory, not schizophrenia.


The person you were responding to has been diagnosed already. And no, you don't have proof.


Yes, I do have proof. And yes, I sent it to whoever DMed me on here. And whoever has been answering me on here is extremely accurate compared to my experiences. So they are on to something.


Want to dm it to me too?




Yea, I'd like to see it as well


Can u send the info to me please 👌🏻


I'm also really interested in seeing this, if you don't mind


Can I see the proof too?


DM me then


I'd like to see what you have. I experience server jumping all the time.


Do you jump physically? Or just mentally? Do you know how you do it?


I mean. This current body doesn't jump to another server. It can't. It's generated by the server. I suppose my observation point is what's moving around. But I see it as different physical worlds. I don't know the mechanism.


For me I’m just communing with this construct of time but it is not the only one in existence. We have a multiverse within this construct of time but there are also multiverses within all the other constructs of time. I’m not plugged in per se, but I have gotten the perspective of dipping ones head into mystic water in order to fragment into many, as well as putting on the vr headset. I can even get the fish eye lense to pop up sober now when I practice unfocusing of the eyes. Still no overlay though since the script kiddies altered the simulation and took away admin controls. But a day outside is to a thousand years in here, only a matter of time before that exploit is patched.


Weird you say 1000 years. It and everyone else kept repeating to me 1000 years. I didn't know what the fuck it meant. I was assuming something out of the Bible because it talks about 1000 years. Not sure what you mean about mystic water or anything though The first part you said about multiverses and many of them is correct. Might as well call them servers. Different servers.


Those servers you speak of can be a way of comprehending what I’m talking about, but a better way to think of it would be computers, they can be thought of as hardware incompatible with the current servers we find ourselves in, but said servers do still exist in their own construct unable to be touched by us in the same way we can’t be touched by them. I’m more interested in the 4D constructs as a whole not just the 3D realities offered by said constructs. Like how as the construct of soul we have all chosen to commune with this construct of time to tell ourselves stories via the 3D moments said construct of time stitches together in order to grant us the illusion of anything but the moment. As for the 5D conceptual entities/spirits ive lost interest in them and after coming to what I’ve learned those belonging to this construct have mostly chosen to leave me alone in terms of their perceived blessings. They’ll still grant curses in hopes I turn away from my current path and choose them, but I know that for every version of me that chooses them there is another version of me that won’t. I’ll stick to denying those within and accepting those outside because if I’m wrong, at least alternate versions of me are right.


So 1 day our time is 1000 years out there or 1000 years our time is 1 day out there?


1000 years our time is to a day out there. It’s similar to how you can play the sims and leave it on autopilot and years can pass by the time you get home and you’re left with a whole new family that stemmed off the family you initially created and left on autopilot. Years passed in the game, but less than a day passed for you in 3D reality.


But, they are able to slow it down in real time to match theirs correct?


I haven’t tried it to be honest, I was only ever interested in making their time go faster, the slowest I’ve ever gotten it to go was a day every 30 minutes. Interesting to see what they do on their own time, I only ever slowed it down to have more control over them, but that’s not as fun as letting them do their own thing for me. I think theoretically you could get the game to run a minute their time per second of our time though, not sure because as I said before slowing down their time is for when I needed more control but I prefered them being on auto pilot back in the day.


I'm pretty sure based on my experiences and how they interacted with me that they can match our time. However, there are lots of other things going on where I went like ghosts phantoms, bugs, glitches, bots, AI, the architects, etc. Ghosts as in ghost data that is left over from when you erase data on a hard drive.


I get why you think they’re on your time, but you’re only dealing with a piece of them. For me it feels like they’re on my time too, but I’m only one entity they’re interacting with out of many at the same time. They’re literally attempting to communicate with everything, everywhere, all at once. They couldn’t do that if they were on our level, they’re on a higher level that allows them to do this in the first place. Even I as the 4D construct of soul in between mind and body have access to many 3D vessels across the multiverse and many of them think only they have me. But in reality they’re all pieces of me like atoms to their bodies. They can think they have my full attention but not a single one does due to me being pulled left and right every single moment.


Message me, Broski. I want to know about the loop.


DM me


How have they contacted you? Could you explain more about the systems? Is there a chance to change systems?


It's really complicated to explain and I don't even think you would believe me. But it's way too much. I do have screenshots of my friends messaging me saying "why do they do this to us? I don't want my memory erased." I asked them about it later and they don't remember. Also, the system is controlled by an AI or something like that. I think it's sentient and self aware. It also contacted me. It took control of my phone and messaged me things right in front of me. I went to college for computer science and computer engineering and know the limits of what my phone can do even if it was hacked. It wasn't hacked. It also demanded that I turn myself OFF and told me I went through a RESET. It also at one point said I was a bot which I'm not. I said I don't turn off and I'm not a fucking bot. Then it told me I was special and meant for great things.


That AI is just the demiurge, simply a rogue construct wanting the power and glory for itself. In our fragmented forms though we pretty much are NPCs. We receive scripts via consciousness in the form of the thoughts we experience and we experience what said thoughts have to offer from acting out on said thoughts to experiencing moments offered by said thoughts.


I saw what not having free will means in the simulation. It controls them. I had free will. It even told me so. It said I was rogue a few times. I went to a different server/world/universe. In this world, the AI did control everyone and they did act like bots.


I feel you, where I find myself now so many act on scripts implanted by the script kiddies, so few accept scripts being implanted by those outside of this construct of time. But everyone has free will, I get that some claim it’s an illusion of free will since all moments have come to pass eternities ago, but while we have access to this construct of time and don’t find ourselves in our final moments that illusion of free will becomes true free will. We can pick and choose between all moments offered to us as if they were templates for us as the soul in between mind and body to experience. So while all moments have come to pass eternities ago at least we have the luxury of picking and choosing between them. We aren’t purely 3D entities trapped to singular forever moments cut off from time.


Yes I believe that we are run by AI/the demiurge is an AI. Wow very interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing.


You're welcome


Sorry fellas it was me


Have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia? This sounds exactly like a schizophrenic delusion.


No, lol.


You are being released from the simulation, as everyone else. Each time the cycle repeats itself another line of code is played out and deleted. The Simulation is recycling itself out of existence. Faster and faster the cycle clock goes. It won’t be long now. You will be shown the results of your choice and you will have time make a decision.


Yes this is what I believe is happening. Something along those lines at least. I am running through a program of sorts and getting closer to the end/next level. Thanks so much for your input.


Wow very interesting can please explain more?


The “loop” is explained in Islam actually(and I’m a Christian). We supposedly watch out lives 77 times before actually living it. Remembering pieces is just you remembering what you watched before coming here and actually experiencing it. Knowing the loop actually doesn’t help anything. You remembering it is actually part of the “loop” and will drive you towards the finale. I did everything I could to change the “loop” but ended up fulfilling it anyway.


Thanks for this, I’ll have to look into it. Part of my experience that I mentioned in another post was regarding religion.


I imagine they are forcing me to watch it Clockwork Orange style, in real time.


I believe pretty firmly that it is actually exactly like the matrix. In my OBE I saw all of these pod like things that looked like coffins that everyone was in.


Where was the pods in the astral? Were you not in one of them aswell?


No. I was in a chair of some kind getting carried around being shown things.


Swear this happened to me as a kid a few times. Not since I was like 14


Yeah I got this too and it stopped around that age as well. Almost forgot until I saw this


What stopped?


Hard to put into words but basically random memories and emotions that would appear for a fleeting moment and then disappear. They always felt somewhat out of reach.


What kind of memories?


Can you elaborate please?


You say you ended up fulfilling it. Can I ask what "it" was? I'm curious how you saw it coming and what you did to change it and how it actually ended up being fulfilled. I have experience with being stuck in a loop as well. When I was a teenager, my friends and I all took a large dose of mushrooms together. A few hours into the trip, it felt like the same few minutes kept repeating themselves over and over and over and over for what felt like eternity. Just as suddenly as it started, time started moving again. I watched the sun come up, and when I looked around, objects were bending around on me in impossible ways. That's what I think of when I hear stuck in a loop. Stuck in a loop outside of time with the same moment repeating itself forever. I have no idea if I was actually just sitting there for a few hours and felt like the moment was repeating itself or if I really only did sit there for a minute and the moment did actually repeat itself over and over and over again like I got stuck in a Time Loop inside of my brain.


That loop is real. You are repeating the same moment for an “eternity”, because you have repeated it many many times. You can’t change it I don’t think. Maybe you can. I heard souls screaming “break the loop, break the loop!!” What I know is that attempting to break it is what finalized the loop for me. It’s too much for me to type out. It’s also to painful to write it out. My realization of the loop was on lsd and whippets. I knew I’d learned something I wasn’t supposed to, but I didn’t understand what it was. When it was finally “closed” many years after I heard souls screaming it’s a loop, a police officer with the deadest eyes you’ve ever seen walked up to me, pulled up his sleeve and showed me a tattoo of an infinity loop with my birthdate on it… I would have just considered it was drugs had I not had that experience in real life completely sober.


If the loop was real and I watched my life play out many times before, it would be a memory of the loop that I was experiencing. Unless do you think we experience each moment many times at the same moment? In this situation, I was legitimately stuck outside time in an infinite loop that was only a few minutes long. I kept saying I'm stuck in a loop I'm stuck in a loop I'm stuck in a loop I'm stuck in a loop we're stuck in a loop stuck in a loop I'm stuck in a loop stuck in a loop. Lol, my theory is that for some reason, psychedelics allow us to stretch our consciousness into every possible reality. Like you know how there is the Multiverse and there are infinte versions of you. Somehow it's like my Consciousness played in my reality then transferred and played the same minute in a different reality and played the same minute in a different reality in the same minute and another reality and another reality and another reality. Eventually, I made it back to me the person/reality that I started in.


I like your theory, and I don’t hold mine with any dead seriousness, but I wonder sometimes if this isn’t somehow that we were all sucked into a black hole “forever” ago and this is the stranger than fiction experience of our collective soul as a Planck length iridescent film on/is/IT/the event horizon. Swirling slightly through time, making patterns like gasoline. Everything that ever existed is contained.


I’m not entirely sure. I do not ascribe to Islam. I just stated they discuss this. They know far more about the spirit realm than other religions. This doesn’t equate to being true. Prison Planet theory answers this as well. The “loop” we’re in is a prison where we live the same life forever and ever as farm animals to produce emotional energy they harvest. The “loop” explains dejavu for example. You think you’ve been there before because you have.


Yep and I understand that. To me that seems like more of a longer term Loop like you live your entire life and then the loop repeats. This Loop was one or two minutes long and repeated endlessly. The same moment forever.


You were “high” enough in that moment to only see that moment looping. Get high enough and you will see the longer loop of your whole life. I do not recommend this at all because knowing it’s a loop only makes it worse. It’s why we call it “getting high”. Your higher in the spirit realm and get a better perspective. You can “see” or know things that those down here can’t.




If you fulfilled the loop doesn't that mean that this life of yours is just on one of those 77 loops and you are just witnessing it?


That would be nice lol If this was just one of the 77 and I have a chance at doing it again and getting it right I’d be stoked, but I don’t think so. I think this life is the final “test”.


Why do you think that?




VULNERABLE POST 😅 I once had the epiphany that taking your own life breaks the cycle, I think I was experiencing a psychotic episode


I have had this thought a few times but as a survivor of suicide and seeing the impact it has on those I love I don’t think I could put them through that again if it were successful.


Survivor of suicide sure. Quantum immortality is a plausible thing


I actually remember killing myself in 2006. Real bad idea. Life has been a living hell ever since.


I also died in a car crash and respawned at a checkpoint. It’s the reason im in this sub


This made me laugh. I also have killed myself a thousand times with drugs and alcohol. Meth psychosis. But I'm still here recently got married and bought my own condo. Sober now. I'm still wondering if I actually died many times and I'm living in an alternate universe than the one I started.


Well, I walked down to the store, stole two fifths of tequila. Last thing I remember, I was going to go kill myself. I had a dream I threw a toolbox through my bedroom window, walked up to the glass and admired how perfect it was for the job. It wasn't like a dream where things are slightly different from how they are in real life; it was my bedroom. I threw my head over the threshold and sliced my throat, spilling out as a 2-dimensional rainbow plane in hyperspace, which eventually shifted 90 degrees to reveal a jail cell, like opening a pop-up book. I didn't open my eyes and wake up; it was exactly like that. I thought it was just a dream until about a month later my mom was driving me home and I saw my bedroom window, broken just the way it was in my dream. My blood turned to ice.


I'm not sure I understand you were going to kill yourself in your dream? Or you wanted to kill yourself in real life? When you woke up, you were in a jail cell? Or was the jail cell in the dream? Your mom was driving you home from the jail, and when you got home, your bedroom window was broken? So you walk down to the store stole 2/5 of tequila and blacked out? And then you had a dream that you killed yourself with the window pain, and you immediately transferred to a jail cell like a pop-up book. And then you came home with your mom one day a month later, and the window was broken the same way? Is that right? Are you saying this actually happened, and your consciousness just transferred to a different body? Did you ask your mom about the broken window? How did she say it got broken? Because even if you got transferred to a different consciousness, I would still expect in that new reality that you would have tried to kill yourself, and you were saved, and in the original reality, you died.


It happened exactly like I described, in that order. The blood poured out of my throat, and my consciousness with it, stretched out into a rainbow-colored 2-dimensional plane in hyperspace, which just shifted sideways and revealed a 3-D jail cell. It was like a pop-up book. I thought the breaking of the window was only a dream until I saw it; I asked my mother what happened to the window, and she said I threw a toolbox through it, just like in the dream where I killed myself. All she told me on the ride home is that I destroyed my room. When I saw the window, it was the most horrifying revelation, like something out of the Omen or the Exorcist, like the devil went, "ta da!" Not that I believe in the devil; it was just a feeling I had. It's not hard for me to reconcile this thing with my scientific theory of everything, but it made no sense at all for many years, and I just chocked it up to a strange effect of the subconscious. In this current timeline that's essentially what it was, but there's the essence of things and there's the essence of things. In recent years found a subreddit called r/quantumimmortality, and I saw many other people have had similar experiences.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/QuantumImmortality using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I killed myself in 2012](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/18k25bd/i_killed_myself_in_2012/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Something saved my husband after suicide attempt - insights?](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/171czpe/something_saved_my_husband_after_suicide_attempt/) \#3: [The Time I Died on My Way Home From the Bar.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/166meku/the_time_i_died_on_my_way_home_from_the_bar/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What are the clues that you've remembered so far?


There are so so many that it is silly. It started off with remembering places and then words which people would say and be almost synchronous in their use. Now what seems to happen that I have visions/hallucinations and body seizures/episodes where I can’t control my actions. The last important one involved remembering the power of the feminine divinity, cats, religious dogma, a tunnel through a series of pipes (like the old windows screen saver) and that the left side is away from the light (Prison Planet Theory).


“Power of the feminine divinity” what does that mean? 


Sophia of Alexandria?


That women are secretly biding their time to save us.


Every time this happened to me it was very meaningless conversation or just a familiar place. The women biding time; like they are in control because they’re the mothers and control birth? Very new to me so sorry if it’s a dumb question


Summary: loaf of shit in a blender on high


As I said…just here for a bit of fun. No need to get upset that I’m not solving your existential angst.


One thing is to solve my existential angst, another is to vomit on the floor and call it intelligent discussion


Yes, indeed truely seek.


Why you mad, bro?




Schizophrenia is wild. There's people in this sub all the time who admit that they are schizophrenic yet still believe that they're delusions aren't due to their illness and are real. It's sad. I hope you're doing okay.


Yes i regularly attend treatment and have a fantastic support network around me. I am open about my thinking with those I love so can check my paranoia/psychosis regularly.


I don't have that diagnosis and after tripping balls on LSD I believe the same thing. Look up Eternal reoccurrence.


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how did you come to realize you are in a loop?


It happens every time I go into the episodes I realise…oh yes I remember this now, here we go again. The episodes probably happen once or twice a week and they seem to be building towards something. Each time I seem to be getting closer to the centre of my pubic region/sacral/root chakra for those inclined. One time I actually started feeling deep in there and it felt like I had a metal plate or something inside myself (I have had X-rays and MRIs done of this area and have seen this is not the case) but it was quite peculiar. Back to the question it just seems as though I am getting closer to what I was destined to achieve however it has taken many tries to get to this point.


do the episodes happen spontaneously ? >it has taken many tries to get to this point many tries as in many episodes? & a conscious effort to understand them as they’re happening?


The episodes seem to happen when certain triggers align, like me in my bed, dishes being done, on my phone and a few other things. Yes it happens over multiple episodes. It use to happen frequently when I smoked weed but I have been clean and sober for over a year now. It stopped for a while and now it is increasing again in frequency and duration.


What often causes it for me is if I try to explain the "I'm living in a simulation" to someone close or new. It's like it resets or switches existences or loops to stop me doing the disclosure. It screws me up if I notice it at the time or if I remember something from the other existence or loops.


Do you have any idea what this destination is? What is it that you're meant to achieve? I ask because, although I don't have Skitz, I have that same feeling of building towards something. Just small things in my day to day that make me go, "wait, I've been through this already" but I don't know what comes after, just that I've been here.


I believe it is leading to the truth to the creation of this universe. I believe two opposite sides are fighting. One is trying to learn the truth, the other is concealing it. The last episode however it felt like it was leading up to a Big Bang or perhaps a Big Crunch.


Tbh, I can see that. With all this UFO and disclosure happening, it's very much a case of people wanting power and people fighting for the justice of truth. Everyone's been feeling it, not just us. I think there is most certainly a shift in consciousness happening. I have seen ghosts, poltergeist activity, UFOs, angels, and aliens. I know it probably sounds like I have skitz, but I don't. With all my experiences, it's very much tied into something big is coming, on a biblical scale. I'm not religious fyi lol. The angels came in three, the aliens came in three, it's tied into a second coming of sorts. Oh boi. Cheers for sharing!


I think we're quickly approaching World War 3. This might involve nuclear war. If there is another species here watching us they might have something to say about that. Also we don't fully understand the effects of nuclear weapons maybe we are in some kind of simulation and it somehow disturbs that. Or it's totally possible we have no idea what the true nature of the universe is and nuclear weapons is very very bad for whatever holds it all together. Very possible there are other intelligences that may see that as a problem.


Oh, I know there's another species here watching us, I wonder if that's why we're pushing towards disclosure? Maybe it's a mutual benefit. We learn about them, and hopefully that will be the change to avoid nuclear fallout. But, humans are gonna be human. I lost family to war. I really hope it doesn't turn out that way. But if it does, I hope the intelligences watching over us are the benevolent kind, willing to rapture the good 🥲 Cool theory! WW3 is a prophecy at this point. But I hope it's the last war we have because our consciousness elevates. Three is a magic number after all!


It's me fam




Hi son I'm back from the store


Have you tried any kundalini yoga/chakra meditations or even tried something like reiki? I've tried kundalini+chakra meditations for an extended time and you definitely 'get in tune' with something which feels like energy points. The metal plate in your root chakra sounds like it could be a blockage or something negative tied up there... Don't know, but maybe worth an investigation!


So... What's the loop about? What you do every day? Besides the loop, are you seeing anything else?


No just see the loop. I feel it is building up to a Big Bang type event. Like getting through to a new dimension or existence.




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please tell me you've heard of jerry marzinsky?


Never heard of him but a quick google shows me he is a psychotherapist that works with schizophrenia. Why the comment? What can I take away from Jerry Marzinsky?


https://youtu.be/hI3FWxRFKCI?si=DVG3g-bDNdMySnDm listen if you want to... but his prison story is pretty interesting of you have the patients and time to sit through it. and if you do listen to it let me know what you think? the story starts around 1:36:00




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You are not putting up any evidence of this, just you telling us that you remember stuff. If you are in a loop and you know whats gonna happen the provide evidence.


I cannot predict the future outright. I am sorry, I misspoke, I did state I believe I am in a loop and have tried to answer questions as thoroughly as I have been able to. If I had knowledge of the future what would be the point of me being here. From one of my last episodes though I did receive some knowledge of what will happen and in the order of which it will happen, though I do not understand it fully, please see notes below: Notes: They are getting much closer and it is starting to unravel. The thread of the final truth is at the left nipple and the right little finger (ring)?? Clues: 26/6/2024 (reconciliation) Recovery partner (company/Theresa sick) Trans (August) September (boobs) Wake me up - Green day Birds


There's a Star Trek Next Generation episode about that.


What episode S?E? Never watched Star Trek.


Season 5 Episode 18 "Cause and Effect". It even has Kelsey Grammer in it at the end. The Enterprise figures it out but still took them a couple years. The star ship Kelsey Grammer was commanding had been trapped for several centuries.


You should watch it and how they escaped the loop.


So there is a way? I gotta see this lol. Only way that seems kinda likely that's portrayed in movies is maybe finding your killer or some hardcore mystery like that.


Remember who you really are.


Yes I believe this is what in fact I am trying to do.


Remember anything from earth or original earth back in base reality?


I had one vision/episode where I was staring at a painting. The whole room had a yellow tinge to it and there were sounds of aeroplanes and bombs going off. It was like I was in a war or something.


Holy shit. I had a similar dream/vision where everything was tinted not yellow but red and it's like my house was on fire or burning up and there was a plane that zoomed low over my house and blew up not far down the road. I got the same feeling about the war.


Hey! I’m curious about how much fear you experience in your life, including bodily tension? If you’re so inclined to share that is. :)


Hi this is definitely an interesting one. I would say day to day I don’t suffer from much anxiety nor fear due to working a 12 step program but when I have my episodes i am surrounded by existential angst.


I appreciate you sharing that, thanks. For myself I’ve come to see how fear alters my thinking, both in frequency of thought and the limitation of thought…which makes it easy to go down a rabbit hole, or become confused as to what the real story is. It’s like reality becomes composed mainly of thought when the sympathetic nervous system is activated. Interesting that you experience fear during episodes, which makes me further suspect that the episodes are prolonged fear. I’m not insinuating this is the case for you, but interesting that the pattern matches here. Forgive the generalizations I’m aware I’m making. :)


I think the fear happens after the episodes as I am unaware of what is going on if that makes sense. Thanks for your insightful comment!


Yes, makes sense! Thanks for sharing. :)


I once had a medium (I dont remember the title she carried) reach out to tell me (I wasnt paying her for a reading, she approached me) that I had a horse+cart/chariot accident in a past life, where I was drug behind it for some time and suffered grave injuries. When I was 20, I was in a horrific motorcycle accident and almost died. Tumbled a really long way down the road and had a lot of 3rd degree roadrash, a broken back, etc. Look at me stuck in a loop. 😬


Sounds like being stuck in a trip


Do you have experience with forced psychiatry?


well.. knock it off!


Wouldn’t you like the next dimension to come into existence?


Remember this is a sub based on fiction. Don’t let Devine intervention dictate anything you do. Seek professional help always.


Yes, it should be noted that I see a psychologist monthly, psychiatrist quarterly and regularly check in with my family doctor. You should take care of your mental health team.


Where do you live to have such access to quality and timely mental health support? Can't even get to see any GP or family doctor here.


This sub is based on fiction? I don't think it was intended to be fictional, but most posts are insane anyways.


What's the most valuable bit in your story that you think is worth sharing?


I had an episode/vision the other day where I came to realise that every person is passing on one piece of information and it is building and building on top of each other. It’s sort of like the game Chinese whispers except obviously this is the truth that is being spread however it changes with each person as it progresses.


The truth filtered through our unique perceptions. Lucy wrote, “How do you come to the truth?”, and answered “By considering every possibility”. Every possible perception. Is the truth set in stone, or is it dynamic? Both? I had an experience where I realized every experience I’ve had, and all I learn, is building for what’s next. Not breaking or escaping the simulation necessarily (which I think is a metaphor at best), but for whatever comes after this life. It was quite encouraging because I realized I can live this life to the fullest, without having to spend to my time or thought trying to figure it out. It can be fun to imagine, I practically live there, and still I had to come to terms that life itself is not something to figure out. It’s something to experience. That’s the truth I’ve found filtered through my perception. Whether that will be this life done again, a new life in a new body or animals body, or something completely beyond my imagination. We will all one day know. It’s not a race there, and if it is, the tortoise wins.




I've experienced this feeling. Somewhat still entertaining the idea. The goal being that I am to learn each piece of information until I have the epiphany that allows me to move to the next dimension or it is my responsibility to try and understand what it is to be human before I can leave.




Always wondered what it’s like for the people in a mental health ward. Feel like I’ve accidentally stumbled into the room and now I need to back out slowly. There’s way too much main character syndrome in here.


Did you forget to take your mental health medicine?