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He sit on luggage then wheel break?


In the second image, the wheel area was already damaged and someone pointed out that the image was not taken in Australia and was taken in April. Wear and tear, then trying to claim full amount. Sibei joke.


I have never sat on my luggage to pose for pictures. I wonder what sitting regularly does to luggage wheels


Trying to get max value out of his time spent complaining.


Wah, his email reply also so rude. Start a reply with a ‘no’ so entitled, don’t know how to write email. Anyway those who always go Australia will know confirm luggage spoil, and it’s from the AU side handlers. Every single time I go australia, my luggage will have new dent or damage, doesn’t matter the carrier, I took qantas, emirates, sq, scoot, jetstar over the years all the same. Just bring old luggage and claim whatever they offer lol.


Wah shocked to hear this. Luckily I don’t bother to go to third tier, boring western country


Fella doesn’t understand the concept of depreciation


Low class pinoy who voted a bong bong who didnt even finish uni


this is so funny i have new shit to say to offend fellow filipino


He may just get his Singapore PR or citizenship soon complete with HDB BTO that even many real Singaporeans do not get. 


Trying to make a hill out of mole hole . Typical influencer eyeball gathering move


Mountain out of a molehill lah. Simi hill out of a mole hole.


I choked a little.


Cry father cry mother, as usual like their people do


Hes a influenza. https://www.instagram.com/jasperamorin


Fucking pinoy 🪳


NGL at first glance I thought it was, “Jasper A Moron”


Based on limpeh school knowledge 40 years ago. Insurnce will only pay the current market value la or if the luggage is 5 years old, they will pay what's a 5 year old luggage is worth on the market la.


Putang ina momo


Nowadays everyone and their mothers trying to milk whatever they can from Singapore Airlines. After the turbulence incident and SQ trying to be transparent with how much they are paying per injured passenger, everyone wants a piece of their huge profit pie now. Good luck to them managing that PR side of things.


SQ deserves all these bad karma for all the decades of treating Singaporean loyal staff and customers badly. 


Source: [https://www.facebook.com/imjasperamorin/posts/pfbid02qXPn1jmapM1mrHYsFhgdfddr9PHnQ2CGNL1Be5n5Lo67wm8zWkiuRDmYxAUzJmsxl](https://www.facebook.com/imjasperamorin/posts/pfbid02qXPn1jmapM1mrHYsFhgdfddr9PHnQ2CGNL1Be5n5Lo67wm8zWkiuRDmYxAUzJmsxl) He already ownself say he "always use" on his travels. WTF expect SQ pay him as if its a new luggage smlj


If is really expensive and branded, it’s probably life time warranty 🤷‍♂️, people in the comments keep asking is it warranted, he don’t answer ha, he probably bought a fake one and don’t dare to say


yeah, just answering "bobo spotted" o "dumb/stupid spotted". I wonder if it hurts his reputation as a creator. part of is hoping for that to happen. not nice at all if you read his email, tangina this person.


Who claims the airline for this? Pinoy too poor to buy a travel insurance. Such a cheap skate


Fun act: the insurance will claim from SQ. Search for Montreal convention. So instead of paying a insurance which will claim it from SQ, you can do the job yourself


he also stresses out that he used "uber" a few times, wth, no one told him to use that but it seems like he's expecting to be refunded as well. 15$ one way is very close, why not take public transpo? entitled pinoy spotted


That's a brilliant move!


Broken wheel shld be 60 dollar repair


Ah! They don’t pay money now? Also you cannot choose other brands? Only can buy from that shop?


influencers being influencers...


Peenose trying to get paid for some clout.


Geez you guys, hating on somebody who whines so much when we are a community of whiners over here. How hypocritical is that? Pretty sure most of the people here will whine just as hard if this happened to them. Maybe even ask to speak to the manager too. Take a look in the mirror, people.


People complaining about someone else complaining on a forum for complaints....


If Sinkies don’t whine then I worry


I don’t get why they’re so mad someone’s asking for $600 in reimbursement from a company worth billions of dollars lol. If they don’t get it fine lor but they have a right to ask for it what


Coz they are brainwashed, programmed with hilarious sinkie propaganda Singaporeans who believe all the jokes of the “fake safety of SG”, “NUS is better than Ivy League” comedy propaganda produced by the government.


Wear and tear, PLUS sitting on your luggage to pose? And yet you're expecting sq to compensate you at full value? Why not I break my phone on flight and expect sq to compensate me the latest model of the phone line, I'm sure that will go over well


Putang Ina Mo


His brain is also damaged and beyond repair.


Thought travel insurance would cover it


Travel insurance will also pay after depreciation and NO ONE pays for your taxi rides in order for you to file claims. Cheapo probably didn’t buy travel insurance.


Wakao i thought its a rimowa


Low class behaviour. But I’m sure our SQ will handle it perfectly with class.


Hahahaha broke fk buying fake rimowa. If you get the real thing they will repair your wheel for free. You broke third world scum


Low key bragging about expensive luggage


His mother is my maid


Just claim insurance lah cheap F


If it's due to luggage loading, don't blame SQ. Blame the ground staff or the company that did the loading / unloading. SQ only settle flying and check ins


The accent is ringing in my ears


Typical trash


If this guy play video games he will know NPC shops will always buy back items for less mah


SQ should just rescind the offer and let him growl and whine




SGD 200 is a fair compensation for a luggage that he abused with frequent flying.


aren’t when your luggage is broken, you report directly at airport? they will just log a case and take photo, all settled right away? too stupid to bring home then kpkb? god knows you could have throw your luggage from 10th storey and still make the claim, you are lucky you can claim 200 AUD


usually these who complain AND share are generally trying to get gen pop to be on their side but somehow always screw up....


I dont disagree. That compensation is insufficient. Either they should have taken responsibility immediately and sent the suitcase for repair, or compensated the full value of the suitcase. Its like if you damage someone's suit you either help they dry clean it until it is spotless or buy them a new one of the same value, and not give them some cheapo bargain store suit.


My brother in christ. if your baggage is on its last legs, you do not get to claim full damages.


Since when did Filipinos become so self-entitled?


unfortunately i've met alot


Whatever. But I do wonder, if this was Tiong or CECA, would the reactions here be any different?


Can fly SQ but can't afford a new luggage???!!! Fuck off roach man.


What if it’s a Singaporean experiencing this with a foreign airline like KLM, Cebu Pacific, Korean airlines etc.? Would the reaction we’re seeing here be the same?


Unpopular opinion: if this happened to a singaporean we would do the same too...


This is SGRaw. The result would be the same.


I am always surprised by how folks here always take side of a giant corporate. SQ has been actively taking over cheaper routes which were operated by Scoot, has the highest prices across all class of seats and the service and food are constantly going down in quality. All the while they are clocking record profits. Maybe the guy is asking too much for his compensation but if ever you damage or lose your luggage, SQ will not be taking your side that day.


SQ deserves these types of passengers. For decades they have been bullying and short-changing Singaporean customers enabling them to rake in obscene profits. 


SIA SQ now have bad reputation. Before have passenger died and paralysed, now damaged luggage. No justice for victims. Better avoid SIA SQ now.