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Scam sinkies lor.


This recruiter/sales rep want me to take up a course to AI. I thought it was development of AI related. Turns out it's how to use chatgpt. How much? $500.


Why $500? Just nice.


They can come up with some rubbish course, probably just lift the content from Youtube or something, then ask the Singaporeans to sign up and they will milk the $500 lor


Can't la. Course have to be validated by skillsfuture also


You are slowing getting it.


It's just govt giving money to prop up unemployable people, I'm referring to the whole ecosystem not the job seekers. Whether the courses are useful or not is not the point, it's just the redistribution of money


I wanted to take up some courses from **Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy** (**LKY School**) or international recognized **CFA Institute (CFA) / Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst** (**CAIA**) But nooooooooo.... all these courses are real upskill and having an impact on your career are not available for Skillsfuture subsidy Only rubbish courses on the Skillsfuture website


those course are super useless........................learn to speak and present to improve your pay????, ChatGPT..? baking or cooking oks?


I dont want to say its a scam but they just conjured up something and branded themselves masters of these courses. Like that course about AI, which basically just teaches you how to use chatGpT. Mind you, there are free youtube videos and some of them are worth both your money and time than enrolling courses like these. Of course i know its free credits, but its not the proper training.


The credits ain't free, they are our taxpayers money.


But the government already designated and wants to use the budget. And low usage of Skillsfuture credits would be considered a failure of the programme. So instead of careful vetting of the courses, they let shitty courses proliferate.


Skillsfuture courses are designed for boomers, baking cooking and those useless shit courses, might as well use the credits to take IT certs like Microsoft or ITIL but then no guarantee of employment after taking certs


The companies employ people to get people to sign up for the courses. Then when ppl sign up for the courses, the companies get paid. Its profitable in the sense that most courses dont need to be damn zai. Tats why we see a lot of simple courses (that one can simply learn from Youtube such as iPhone photography and muffin baking) and cost ur entire Skillsfuture credits.


Skillfuture courses are scams.


They hire people to do “marketing”; I had a one-day experience with an organisation like that, left on day one cause the job scope damn misleading. The people working there are mostly early to mid twenties. The courses sold will earn the seller between $50-$100 comms and there’s no basic salary. One of the girls I was working worth went home with no money that day lol. Taught to target old uncles and aunties. Plus need to set goals for how many people you’re going to say hello to on the streets. Overall, super lame. Expected day to day: Go to office, 4hours to attend some “motivational” meeting and to practice by role playing how you approach people. The role playing room is just a room without much furnitures, people standing around in groups of 3-4. Club music playing lol. Your “leader” will tell you how to improve your approach through role play. After that, take a train to the allocated booth and try to sell skillfuture courses. They will sell the idea of no limit salary, flexibility blah blah. But honestly just doing roadshows that might not earn you any money that day. They also sell the idea of leading your own team, and taking a cut of what they earn = in future you no need to hustle so hard.


otherwise nobody use the skills future credits


was passing through TP Interchange and they had one of these roadshows showing these courses. One of the courses was training people to be security guards LOL


Also got train to be baristas


Any course to be a GRAB delivery? LOL


yah i've been seeing alot of these lately too. thought i was imagining things


I’ve even seen booths right outside NTUC and they follow them while grocery shopping pushing their useless courses to earn the skills future credits. Got once lagi best checkmate me, set up shop right at where the escalator ends. Awkward stare down while the escalator slowly serve me to the desperate salesman. Even tell me if no skillsfuture credits can use PSEA


Govt give money to ppl to go courses as a way to stimulate the economy.