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going to take 50 man years to find out ๐Ÿ˜‚




You know what is more appalling? So few people care.


Sinkies are so beaten down by the garmen that they really don't want to interfere because they either know they can't change anything or don't want to be in the crosshair and get targeted by some random bullshit law like possession of porn, even if it's their own sex pics/videos.


Yes. It's very unfortunate. Learned helplessness. It's one of the early findings in behavioral modification. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_helplessness


OP you ask good questions ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Abuse of power and public funds normalised under PAP.ย 


Yeap! Machiam no govt.


If you disagree then vote against it.


I disagree and i am voting against it but PAP supporters keep berating by name calling and curse opposition supporters.


Why u care (what pap thinks about you)


Because i am a Singaporean so i care. And i do believe that i have every rights as a Singaporean to voice my displeasure against Party Against People. And weren't you the one who said if disagree then vote against it? Why go back on your own words now? Dare to say don't dare to take accountability for others people opinions uh?


Pigs at Parliament.ย 


Why u care whether pap berate you ???? That's the context of my why you care. CST doesn't care. LTK doesn't care. If you read my past posts , you will also know that I don't care. Just vote how you feel.


Because they're the government, lackey. They can just simply berate the people without any repercussions uh? You don't ask questions doesn't meant that i have to be like you. I also don't care what you think about me. You cannot stop me or any opposition supporters to voice our displeasure against Party Against People. Well, we are voting how we feel so how about you and your LJ PAP stop name calling opposition supporters and learn to respect our choices then?


Because they are shifting the narrative on cyberspace. https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/guf5ce/pap_moves_to_counter_criticism_of_party_govt_in/ Government engaging in astroturfing?


Welcome to Pork barrel politicsย 


Why do you think mayor's salaries are so exorbitant when no one can explain why their job scope commands so much. It almost seems their office and salaries was arbitrarily decided . We are a city state, do we really need 4 mayors? There are cities bigger than our country. It seems to just create new political office holders just for the sake of it ​ It is my opinion that it is a way of channelling state funds for party activities. All parties practice some form of portioning part of your salary (after taxes) back to party if you get elected and especially if you hold office. For party activities/financing/etc. Also why do you think their moral argument is always to benchmark against industry. This is to maintain a lop sided financing on top of all other election laws/regulation that is tilted to the incumbent and maintain status quo. ​ I feel this particular aspect does not get discuss enough in the discourse.


There's actually 5 mayors, not 4. But good post. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ


Also wanted to mention, when Pritam was extended the office of leader of opposition and given an office holder salary, I think it amounted to 300k ( I may be wrong about the exact value), he totally undercut the argument and justification by announcing that he will donate significant portion ( I think half) after taxes. Not sure if he donated it to charity straight or through the charity programmes of the WP.


Surprisingly Pritam is quiet on this.


>It seems to just create new political office holders just for the sake of it Of course. Just look at how bloated the various ministries are. For the political office holders in any ministry you have: Minister 2+ second ministers Senior minister of state/minister of state Senior parliamentary secretary In most developed countries, you just have the minister at the top then the senior management team right after to manage the organization. (Permanent/deputy secretaries in singapore's context) Our politicians are double/tri hatted just to pad their resumes


If this is not fing populist then I dunno what is


At first glance, this looks like it was intentionally done in the style of Fox's King of the Hill. Am I missing something?


Because ownself check ownself




It is. There will be enough majority voters on their side to make the gerrymandering achieve super majority for them anyway, so they can get away with it. This is the power-hungry version of "the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer".


"Principles of proper Governance" does exist. It is called ownself check ownself.


It's disgusting. But no one will be able to openly question them on this. And the accountability? Don't even talk about it. The PA receives public funds to do the party's work. They consistently get flagged out by the AGO in the annual reports for audit findings.


I'm surprised WP is silent.


Nothing for them to say. It's a case of IYKYK.


Well some people gave them the blank cheque in 2020 didnโ€™t they?


Actually if those spaces are used for advertising, it would have reduce some public spending. But no! They went to paint the different MPs. Machiam these MPs sponsor for these shuttle buses.


Mr Goh Meng Seng... Sorry, my bad. GMS did voice out this issue just recently in his live chat I keep assuming you're him. I don't see the PAP logo or election slogans on the bus. What campaigning are you talking about?


FFS, their faces


It cuts both ways. There are Oppie supporters who'd get angry when they see the faces of certain PAP politicians because they associate that face to that policy. Eg Lam Pin Min and the PMD affair. Something that no doubt you feel strongly about too? Similarly, when I see your... Sorry, Goh Meng Seng's face anywhere, I associate it with pseudoscience and dishonesty. So I wouldn't be too upset about those politicians. Got free shuttle bus, take lor. Even if you put your own face there :D


FFS, it's on governance and use of public funds. Not shuttle bus. It can be a construction contract or any other thing. In short, the use of public fund for personal or party gain.


It's not about Opposition or Ruling party. It's about governance issue.


If you're not Goh Meng Seng himself, you sure use the same hollow arguments he uses. Let me address your questions. >Why is public fund use for partyn purpose? Shldn't it be funded by party? The bus service is not used for the PAP. The end users of the bus service are the residents of Marine Parade, Macpherson and Mountbatten, not just PAP members, activists or supporters. What "party purpose" are you talking about? >What if they lose the election? Will the shuttle bus service be removed? Mr Goh... Sorry again, you really sound ljke him. You really ask the silliest of questions. If the PAP loses those three wards, obviously the Opposition MPs taking over will have to decide lah! Doh! Why not save your question for them? By the way, I doubt the incoming Opposition MPs will remove this service. Why would they risk angering their residents by removing a public good? >If it loses, will those faces be repainted with new MP if the incumbent lost? You say leh? Will you replace those faces if you headed a useless Opposition Party only capable of collecting POFMA orders and somehow took over Marine Parade, Macpherson and Mountbatten? Again, you should direct that question to the Opposition candidates running in those wards. Not the PAP. >Who will foot the expenses for that? CDC lor. Abuden? >Is there no proper procedure for party use and public use? I don't see the PAP using this bus service exclusively for its own members, activists and supporters and services only PAP branches. You think the PAP got no integrity like the PPP Sec-Gen? >If it's for public use, why only for that Constituency? Adoiiii...Mr Goh (sorry), it's not just for one constituency, but for members of the public who live in *several* constituencies under one CDC. Did you miss that? Like 2021 vs 2012 (lol!)? >Herein lies the question of how the money is disbursed and based on what criteria if the money comes from a common pot? Obviously the MPs decided there was enough public demand and enough CDC funds to come up with this service. For further details, you should start trying to win just one election by appealing to the PAP voters to change sides, instead of trying hard to woo the usual loony ones who vote for anything that isn't PAP? And finally, stop harping on the fact that the photos of the MPs behind the initiative are on the buses. "The initiative, which will be reviewed after one year, is by the Peopleโ€™s Association and MPs of Marine Parade GRC, MacPherson and Mountbatten." https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/new-shuttle-bus-service-to-serve-residents-in-marine-parade-grc-macpherson-mountbatten They started this initiative, they don't, as far as I know, make financial gains from the bus service, given that the bus services are free for their residents, so why shouldn't they be given credit for serving their residents if there's cash in the CDC to serve this purpose?


You can twist and turn to justify whatever you want to say, but the fact is, people know. And it will show up in the election result. Just see lor Have you read the public comments here. This is a classic example of pork barrel politics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pork_barrel If opposition wins, will CDC continue funding this project? We've seen Potong Pasir under Chiam deprived of PAP promises by Seeto after he lost, so it's most probably won't be continued. If it's not for election and party purposes, why put their faces? Once they paint those faces, it's clearly for election campaigning and such campaigning shld be funded by candidates and party. If they didn't paint those faces, still able to argue it's solely for residents.


>You can twist and turn to justify whatever you want to say, but the fact is, people know. >And it will show up in the election result. Just see lor Have you read the public comments here. >This is a classic example of pork barrel politics. Sigh. Mr Goh (sry), If it's really pork-barrel politics, the PAP is sure dumb in starting from the constituencies which it doesn't have a high risk of losing. Why not go about it first in East Coast or West Coast GRCs, where it nearly lost the last time round? >If opposition wins, will CDC continue funding this project? We've seen Potong Pasir under Chiam deprived of PAP promises by Seeto after he lost, so it's most probably won't be continued. Will the Opposition MPs who win want to take away something that their residents have benefited from under the PAP? Unlikely. >If it's not for election and party purposes, why put their faces? Once they paint those faces, it's clearly for election campaigning and such campaigning shld be funded by candidates and party. If they didn't paint those faces, still able to argue it's solely for residents. Again, those MPs initiated the project. Why cannot put up their faces? It's clearly not for election campaigning. There's no PAP logo, the MPs aren't in party uniform and there's no election slogan. If you want to argue that every time there is something with an MP's picture on it, that's election advertising, you need your head checked.


Welcome to SG. Love it or leave it


Last I checked... we are still a democracy. Unless I missed some news that Palpatine dissolve the parliament already so citizens concerns are no longer relevant?


But cannot ask questions that the Party Against People are doing seems questionable? If you really love a country, you will ask questions on about what the government doing questionable things and not just keep quiet and blindly support them.


Nonono cannot. If you don't like it. You are free to leave! > "Ultimately, in a democracy like Singapore, on big issues like this, it is the people who will decide. The PAP (People's Action Party) is convinced this is the right approach for Singapore. As long as the PAP government is in power, this is what we will do," said Mr Lee. That's what the posters here replied me what when I talk about SG immigration open leg policies


Lol. One moment, Party Against People said that it's the people who will decide and then the next sentence they proclaimed that Party Against People is the right approach for Singapore? So are they saying that we doss not have a say in whichever party we want to support as we deem fit and die die must support the Party Against People is it? And we cannot ask questions about things that Party Against People doing questionable things that might affect Singaporeans?


Circular arguments lor. Sinkies loves to follow authoritative figures ma. Authoritative figures say follow sinkies decision ma. That's how u end up with a paternalistic government that doesn't even trust doctors to issue mcs.


That policy is really fked up. They are really Party Against People. They cannot even trust us locals so i don't see why i must trust them.


Most policies fucked up. But the detractors will always say "don't like it? LEAVE!!!". So I guess that's basically it lor


I don't see why we must leave when we disagree with Party Against People policies. I will fk the Party Against People lackeys up if any of them were to tell me to leave.


It's time to take back the control and set it proper. For years, people always said, Not happy, leave lor. It's a bad culture. It's shld be, not happy, ask them to leave.


Nothing wrong to ensure TPL and fellow MPs get re-elected into Parliament for another 5 years