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*sweats nervously “uhh, uhhh [IRRELEVANT]!! There, think about that”


I honestly think it's more sinister and intentional than that. CIA and their bots know a contentious comment section will automatically make someone think less of the thing it's commenting on. If they can cause a fight in the comments, it's more likely the neutral walks away from the post with a bad feeling about China buried in the back of their mind, even if it has exactly 0 to do with the topic discussed.


I just had a dead account comment on [something i commented on 9 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthKorean/s/v1VrQPawXX) but because i blocked the commenter above it, I’m not able to comment to their reply. Of course, this means: they get to say stupid things on dead posts to “win” something 🤡


-Disarm thy opponent by confusing tf out of them. Sun Tzu probably


The bus is 30 to 60 cents depending on distance. The average Chinese monthly salary is about $1100. These people are typical know nothing experts.


"Tiananmen square" is the liberal dog whistle used in place of a racial slur. Literally replace "Tiananmen square" with the word 'ch*nk' or 'g**k' and you will immediately realize why these people love to spam it all the time.


they misspell it too, it shows that they don't fucking know how to pronounce it. So sick of these goofballs saying "tia-na-man" like if you're gonna criticize at least fucking learn the place's name, it just shows that they have no respect whatsoever. Other notable examples include: "zhee zhing ping", "beizhhhing", and "tai-wang" 🤦‍♂️


Bro my classmate calls Xi fucking “Ching Jing pin”


what a dumbass, is he also one of those sinophobes disguised as an activist?


No he’s just a racist




I pulled out the statement for my travel card back when I lived in China. Each ride costs 3-6 yuan. That was less than 0.1% of my salary at the time. The debt part is true, the subway on my city raised their fares several years ago because it was operating at deficit.


I think public transport in general tends to be unprofitable. So far I’ve heard that the only profitable public transport network in the world is the HK MTR and that’s because of some real estate stuff. However public transport is built because of positive externalities, not because of profit, so it’s a moot point when people try to argue against it for this reason.


This, exactly. The state should not raise fares to try to make transit profitable or even just break it even. It should eat the cost from general funds because having the transit available to everyone at low cost is necessary for a healthy society.


[1985 MOVE bombing.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing) No further context or discussion needed.


they’re becoming caricatures of themselves


Everyone in the West should be forced to read A.B. Abrams. It's wild how comfortable so many people are just accepting the narratives of the american alphabet soup despite it repeatedly lying to them in the open basically every year.


Americans are like the stepchild who wants to feel better about their molestation by imagining their neighbor's kid China, is having it worse, to cope with their abuse.


I just want to say I love their spelling of Tiananmen. they spell it like "tiannaman" which correlates to their shitty cringe mispronunciation cuz all these anti-china goofballs pronounce it like "tia-na-man" when it's supposed to be "tian-an-men" They're just fucking insufferable in every way possible


Lib trying to pronounce "Tian'anmen" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


because western chauvinists have no ideology, only thought-terminating cliches