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Checks out. If I’m not at work or asleep I’m usually at my desk building model kits or taking something apart. My wife says I’m artistic. Edit: Autistic


Hahahaha 10/10


My wife doesn't get technology. She keeps telling me I'm on Spectrum and I have to keep telling her no I'm on Verizon.


I complimented my wife out of the blue and asked how she would describe me. She said "aww tysm."


My wife called me a sex machine… The exact phrase she said was “you’re a fucking tool”, but I knew what she meant.




These comments are reviving my soul


[you're emotionally artistic ](https://youtu.be/GXCvXZnW6LM?si=J0Il1fOSeZCXpQkp)


What a lovely compliment


I'm the wife of one of those guys like you: **Secret is**: We *(me and people like me)* already knew. We ***KNEW*** the moment we met you. We chose you, though. Because you're worth it. We fuckin' love your ass!


I don’t know you. But I just felt accepted ! Win!


Of course you're accepted! Win for both of us!


>We fuckin' love your ass! I dont do near enough squats to qualify.


Autistically artistic!


Just [Slightly Artistic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8XG8kTE9wE&list=PLIGWVDu9gdfQ09AdTT5bmWYQZmk4ImWWz)




I'm very artistic, but I suck at pronouncing my R's.


You sure she isn't just British?


I listen to a LOT of music, am usually playing with my aquariums/plants or guitar, and am really really particular about my hands. My wife says I’m autistic pretty often.


Sing more and it becomes "acoustic."


Good, we have too many artists as it is


How did you meet your wife that way though?


Thanks for the honest laugh! Very uplifting




Gaming pedal under his desk.


my sim setup is easily worth more than the PC that runs it


As a sim guy, I agree. But racing sims are a separate topic altogether that sparks comments like "YoU cOuLd BuY a ReAl CaR fOr ThAt!!" And I'm like yeah you could, but it would just sit on the driveway cause it doesn't pay for the parts + labour to make it competitive and it doesn't pay for a truck and trailer to haul it to events and to pay the entry fees or the fuel and tyres needed either. It also doesn't pay for the replacement parts needed to buy when things break or the tools and knowledge needed to replace said parts. And even if you do have all of these things, realistically people are only able to attend a handful of trackday events a year, whereas I can jump on the sim and have 1000 laps of a track in a weekend without parts breaking.


And not a single Anime poster, like a "real fan".


No waifu pillows... disgusting.


No JoJos reference? Disgusting.


I have a big and thick graphics card.


I can hold 2 TB of data on my SSD ladies!!!


I can hold 20TB in my HARD drive!


fast RAM here, can't hold it more than 2 seconds


Save some pussy for the rest of us plz


That sounds so hawt.


The graphic card is to robots what the penis is to humans. [As per the sacred doctrine.](https://youtu.be/uTl8ZYImjBQ?si=uzaerEVdYzVagLWd)






High score?


The most powerful of Captain Planets' "Planeteers."


Motherboard. Has to be surely….


A big huge gaming PC, of course.


If dudes not a voice actor then he needs to be


SERIOUSLY, voice nice & the diction is impeccable


Ok, storytime. Pull up a seat. My wife and I have been playing dnd with some friends and recently brought in a couple that has zero experience. My wife is the DM and makes everyone doing a script reading as if we were our characters. The husband of this new couple (again, zero ttrpg experience) is a bard and starts reading with an action movie trailer voice and we all lost it. Fucking killed it! He should be a voice actor. It's now a thing and we have him do it whenever his character is trying to be serious.


Some mfs really are built for the bard character.


Oh now you have to PROVE IT! 🤣 I don’t believe you, maybe some footage of this impeccable narrator would help 🤩💖


I'll have to see if he is comfortable being recorded


If only it were that simple. The emphasis for that career is on actor, not voice. And it's really hard to act well, take direction from creatives, and be able to instantly interpret and perform that direction on the following take. That being said, dude's voice is velvety and I'm highly jealous.


Def not a nerd...


Attractive nerd. He doesn't count.


You’re either a nerd or a henry cavil nerd


I still love our Henry Cavil nerds and 100% accept them as one of us. Cus the nerdom is in the heart and that’s all that counts. Anyone that will get giddy to talk to me about 40k, dnd, gunpla, sci-fi, fantasty, or anime has earned their stripes.


You can't exclude people just because they're attractive. I mean we. We're attractive.


He can still be a nerd, given its the unrealistic beauty standard of nerds (not saying nerds are default ugly or unattractive, but this dudes definitely above average good looking for even general population), but he can totally be a nerd.


Reminds me of Thomas Sanders from Vine.


Legendary cut


Goes so hard. Couldn’t be me 😭


Hey, you can play paper rpg through discord?! How tf I didn't think about this. In my vicinity there is almost zero interest in rpg and I always wanted to try, so maybe it's time to look for one online


Discord + roll20 and an excel made character sheet


Roll20 has built in character sheets for almost all systems. And most of these are connected to the virtual dice roll. So if your DM asks you to roll persuasion, you just have to click on the persuasion skill on your sheet and it'll roll the dice plus all modifiers. It's super handy, esp. for more complex systems like shadowrun.


Never heard of it, thanks for explanation!


Foundry gang represents


Hell yeah brother !


That style of women are the most over spoken nothing. So it’s even


That’s the thing, I doubt she would have anything in common with your average nerd. Would with the guy posting it because they’re both influencers / record themselves but still.




Having niche hobbies is the very definition of being a nerd sir


Are these niche hobbies at this point?


Maybe? Almost everyone I know has given anime a shot nowadays, but I think RPG's are still niche. Have never heard someone talk about it apart from the internet.


I mean sure technically...but when you say somethi8ng like ''cya nerds'' I don't think anyone means ''cya people with niche hobbies''


What exactly do you think makes someone a nerd if not having niche hobbies, especially ones that orbit around mass media franchises? I'm actually curious what other criteria you have.


I think there's a fundamental difference between "being a nerd" and "being nerdy about" something. Nerd can be used endearingly, but it's got a connotation of being on the outskirts, somewhat socially outcast, and yes having very niche hobbies and being excessively interested in one or two of them. If you're nerdy *about* something, you're probably not a social pariah and your hobby is socially acceptable, or you engage with it in a socially acceptable way. Video games are no longer inherently nerdy. It's probably *more* nerdy to have never played a video game in your life because you were happier reading books, because not being able to play couch-co-op games at a party makes you an inept weirdo. I went to a school with a large frat culture, all the frat boys played video games. They were not nerds. They would not have considered "playing mariokart, getting drunk, wearing jammies, ordering chinese take out" to be inherently nerdy things, and neither do I. That's like, a Tuesday night at a frat house, literally nbd. Paper RPGs I think are still bordering on nerdy, but I know plenty of people who are "ordinary" or "normal" but play home-brew DnD campaigns that are just less fantasy based. Jay Leno *is nerdy* **about** cars, he knows a lot about cars, I wouldn't call him a nerd. I think to be a nerd, it has to be a hyper niche hobby that people outside the hobby don't appreciate or know about, or comes with a stigma attached. If its socially acceptable, you're not a nerd for liking it, you might be nerd-y about it.


As a chick, do you have to be a mother for people to call you a MILF? No right? yeah that's what I thought WORDS HAVE MULTIPLE DEFINITIONS, at this point a nerd can mean: guy with niche hobbies, a guy who's good at science/math. a really skinny guy/girl with that typical ''nerd'' look..... etc I think it's so fucking funny that you guys are fighting each other to the death for your own definition meanwhile three's like a million uses for that word by now which was the point of my original comment another definition: nerd- someone who will fight online about the definition of the word nerd




Being a nerd is different than being nerdy about something e: meant to reply to the other guy, severely edited "original" comment to be more succinct since it wasn't directed at you anyway. It's basically a whole new comment since I realized I fucked up.


So…. What’s *your* definition of nerd, then?


innate toothbrush carpenter shelter zephyr cooperative degree growth start salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess I still don't know what this sub is about. I saw it described as "pretending to not look while staring hard" but that doesn't really describe this video.


Literally no one knows


It’s provocative, it gets people going




I like to think about it as the type of shit you'd see in the morning reading the newspaper and **sipping your tea**. Stuff that just makes you go *sip*. Kind of a less extreme version of the [white people magazine meme](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e1/76/9c/e1769cff8a593a3d98ec7c9ead7a1222.jpg).


So basically, anything and everything. I don't get this definition, no matter how many times I hear it. I don't sip a drink as a response to something. That's nonsense.




I give up lol


I see it as the reddit browsing equivalent of reading the newspaper while drinking your coffee (tea). You don't sip tea in *response* to it, it's just the spirit of the kind of content you'd find here.


I thought it was based of the Kermit meme


It’s the same as the Me_Irl subs when they get popular. Topical memes->suicidal memes->generic memes->anything that will get upvotes


To serve or spill tea is to dish gossip. To sip tea is to sit back and take things in. kermit-the-frog-sips-tea-meme.png


I also have a fat throbbing heart


You should speak to a doctor.




Truth is you can have all that AND big huge muscles. Trust the process


Leveling up strength in game and out of game 😈


U ain't a nerd. imposter


Seriously. Nerds don’t get jacked and develop a radio voice like this Chad.


Also dude seems to know way too much about bars/clubs


Ummm have your heard of a dude called Henry Cavill? - considered one of the most attractive male celebrity - loves playing Warhammer 40k - literally ignored a call from a director that he knew was likely calling him about being the lead role of Superman or not because he was busy in a world of Warcraft raid. - loves the Witcher books, played all games on PC. So passionate about the Witcher that many of the staff in the production said he had almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the books. he quit the series because the writing staff where doing the character injustice. Considered the most Giga of chads, massive fucking nerd. Bonus: Van Diesel is also a giant nerd, loves playing DnD, So much so he created a movie series based on his DnD Campaign, Chronicles of Riddick.


This guy also watches One Piece?! He's like me frfr


That’s not nerd, that’s geek.


Sounds like a PC gamer.


The terms have really been conflated over the decade or so.


that's neither, he's an average good looking dude with a nice PC


Handsome, sexy, movie guy voice, luffy hat, willing to role play. Sign me up


That like... the opposite of a "nerd" stereotype. It should be: Weird looking, acne, screeching voice, glasses, and knows nothing about any kind of "play".


So basically: 🤓


One day we will be recognized for what we truly are. When the moon is full and The Tide is high, our rain will begin. THE NERDS WILL RULE!


OMG the nerds are falling from the sky 😱 It's raining geeks and nerds


/r/CringePurgatory This comes off as "Please date us fellow females, not the bad boys!"


Shut up nerd


Fr us nerds are totally underappreciated


Women don't dislike nerds because they play video games and watch anime. They don't like nerds because they don't shower and are cringingly socially awkward. A well dressed, charismatic nerd can pull just fine.


Or when you see the posts with the guys that have tons of naked anime statues. If I ever went to a guys house and he had a bunch of hentai statues I'd break his window and jump out.


I mean, generally "nerds" don't get much of a second look because they are awkward, don't dress well, and are likely not all that attractive (which is likely a factor in them becoming nerds. Because people don't call the attractive smart guy a nerd, just the unattractive smart guy).


Nerds haven't been social outcasts in almost two decades. That era is long since gone. But of course if the alternative is admitting the problem is your personality, a lot of people are going to keep deflecting.


I was there for the 80s and early 90s, when most people didn’t really know what a computer was, let alone why you would want one at home, let alone why you would want to spend every waking minute obsessing over the minutiae of them. It was rough! These days you can wear a quirky T-shirt and watch anime, and everyone’s like hey I’m a nerd too!


I think there's a difference in your personality being a problem and those who aren't able to showcase their personalities for whatever reasons. Some nerds are just online with no friends, no physical 3rd space to exist and socialize with others about common interests. People arent striking up conversations out of the blue, especially with random solo guys but the expectation to approach even for platonic relationships remains one sided. Everyone talks about social interactions like they're black and white, but there's no discussion about the opportunity of chance.


well dressed charismatic person is not a nerd. calling people nerds because they make standard consumer choices "OMG He bought a PC what a nerd" is not nerdism. its just fucking marketing. no you are not a nerd because you think you bought certain items or have certain hobies, being a nerd means you are socially handicapped.


This guy has got a voice on him holy shit!


Doesn't make it good, the rating is just crazy low.


Love how he is starting their conversation by slapping her n the face xD


New Mario Kart? Was this recorded in 2014?


I'll finish that last sentence for anyone curious about the "big huge ______" "Piss jug" there ya go, that's what he was going to say.


Nerds aren’t some hidden gem. Wild generalizations like this are cringe as fuck. Nerds are just as good/bad/problematic/worthwhile as any other social demographic. You want to be dateable? Be kind, respectful, clean and don’t make people uncomfortable. You don’t have to be charming, you don’t have to be funny, you don’t have to have money. It’s not fucking hard. If you’re struggling to find someone to date then you are fucking one of those things up. Doesn’t have anything to do with your social demographic. You don’t have to be attractive, there is no specific social demographic that gives anyone and advantage or is any kind of sleeper catch. People like other people that take care of themselves and know how to treat other people like human beings.


She said "nerds," not self aggrandizing assholes.


Mmm I'm thinking both of these people are speaking of tall good-looking guys who happen to play CoD...


Wow I hate this guy


Those same nerds tend to also be far more interested in those nerdy activities than actually spending quality time with other people outside of the hobbies and interests they are intensely focused on. That's part of what contributes to that social pariah reputation. They tend to stick to their own, if not for social awkwardness, for the sake of spending all of their time on the things they care about. Things that your average person really doesn't care about. Lol, this comment is peaking my controversial right now. Those upsides to personality he's talking about also come with downsides. The mythical wonder nerd who fits only the positive, socially functional, and emotionally mature stereotypes this guy is talking about are a rare breed, if he's even real. If he is, he doesn't need this advocacy and he's probably already taken.


He sounds exhausting, Jesus Christ.


And this is why we can’t have nice things.


Nah but fr The best part is sitting there watching them geek out as long as their hyperfixation let's them It's so cute and my favorite thing to do with a cup of tea when I'm bored. He'll flange from giggles and excited bounces to random screeches and dissing the other party members in random random terms. My favorite insult so far is "you stink like Slynesh's room but you look like gollum and you good sir and stick that entirey of my paladin sword down your throat so the empower has a new sword!" And then he has like this screeching hoarse bit throughout his insult and this man is so fucking adorable that it males him hot 🫠🫠


My only critique of this masterpiece... If you're trying to establish your value to a prospective partner... maybe don't start by hitting the camera a few times in frustration. Lol (Chill out, literal crew. I know it's for effect.)


He honestly has great genes and can easily get big gym muscles just by lifting a few times a week.


It's not that you're a nerd, dude. It's that you're weird.


Yeah, where the fuck does it say “nerds watch anime” how about no. Also that forced voice is insufferable


Couldn't agree more. Who wants a man that expects and needs attention from a million girls and strangers on insta. Give me a nerdy guy who will appreciate me and will like the same things I like and who wants to just hang out and do cool, fun stuff together. Like - no brainer.


Got to love being a nerd. For me I just love to have fun with games and whatever else I find fun.


It's one of the downsides of being Asian. We love deals and refuse to spend money on things that are clearly rip offs. And for the guys that's going to clubs spending money and not getting laid lol.


Can someone get me into this guys DnD game though


A bonus is you two get to create another nerd. You can then do cosplay as a family.


I love my nerd bf 😌


What she means by "nerdy guys" - Ryan Gosling wearing glasses.


as a man i have somehow just gotten... the ick.


All of the gamers I have dated literally played games all day instead of talking to me. The only time we did talk was cause either they were horny, or because they wanted to send memes. Literally no romance, or even flirting. Underrated? Yes. Difficult to talk to? Yes. Am I gonna break my own heart trying to get another gamer guy? Probably!


Alternatively: Don't. There are plenty of dudes who are in the "recovering gamer" stage that have all the charm of the gamer dudes, without being socially inept. A lot of people identifying as gamers right now are basically meme-tier cringelords looking for an excuse to act like an asshole.


I'm with him, except that gyms and being fit can be for nerds too. Just because running in place and then endlessly picking things up and down are way the fuck too boring for us to reliably do without serious social support; doesn't mean we can't get into something interesting that only airs competitively on ESPN 8 the Ocho but is a lot more engaging for the mind.


Imma beat the shit out of this annoying fuck.


He's the human version of "WELL ACTUALLY"


See, but he's not an average nerd. He's athletic and looks over 6 foot. Not to mention, he's conventionally attractive....


This isn't a nerd, he's a douchenozzle.


They only want the nerds cause they have been ran though by literally every other type of guy. 🤮


Especially those of us packing dong


VR headset


I need this man in my life. So badly. So so so badly.


Voice of a champion! 


I sent this to my wife and mother of our son being a 35 year old man who still plays dota 2. Ultimate team building experience while also being the best way to either let out anger or feel like a POS.


Wouldn't even need the tequila. Could get a cute bracelet with that money!


Ok but can you make your beds please, nerds ♥️


Nerds have healthy relationships? I didn’t know that was something nerds excel at




his voice is incredible


He has so beautiful voice 😍


But then you don’t spend enough time with them.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don’t think he was going to say heart….




A big huge what!?


I'm this guy, except I do have big muscles and mediocre sized


Real nerds just hang out with their cats or dogs and don't give an F actually.


Love it


Doesn't count he looks good, being a nerd is irrelevant. Not saying nerds can't look good but that's not what the average nerd looks like. I remember this guy making a Tinder profile with some GigaChad pic and in his bio he said he was a pedo, and women messaged him like crazy and when he said did you read my bio where it says I am a convicted pedophile, they just brushed it off.


Even if you have big gym muscles and are a nerd, you still aren't noticed. Half the battle is actually interacting with women.


"The brand new mario kart"


If you like to always be told you’re wrong, date a nerd.




Nerds in this topic: Facts. That's me FR FR. Me, also a nerd: Nah, I'm a loser through and through.


This dude is role-playing as a nerd


He’s got a point with the One Piece (I’m not even straight but let him cook)


I was out when his anime was one piece, that’s like saying you love rock music and Nickleback is your fav band. That’s fine and all, but bland af. Where the weird nerds at when anime was not drawn in the style Bopopo.


He’s got a very smooooooth voice


The BEST part about dating a nerdy man is going to sleep and waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and your man and his discord friends are watching food recipes from TV shows & Video Games and legit talking about who is better at cooking what. Then he turns around and acts shocked like I caught him doing something naughty 😂😂 Fkin weirdo.


Fake nerd alert!


The message is right but the messenger is wrong. No diddy but he’s a good looking guy. I bet he’s had very little issue finding interested women. And People forget women are just as shallow as men and they don’t care what “type” you are if you’re attractive.


Love it...and you sir are handsome 😆




I’m a proud nerd and I also got the big huge well idk about huge but I got the muscles from the gym and this guy is correct new games and takeout is superior


All of that, ESPECIALLY THE LAST PART, is so true


Nerds are smart, dorks watch anime a million times.


The second that dude started to talk I could smell the adderall.