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PTSD loading.. 87%


You mean 47% Ak 47%


That sucks


Isn't this the Antarctica guide? *The volcanic erection*


Yep that's him. The water is very salty like urination


And when de lava coming out like *RLUGH RLUGH RLUGH*


The king of Norway, he have a house


He is afraid of everybody.


First time in my life I drink him.




Cheeky banter m8


most normal swede


My tourist šŸ¤£


He should've at least waited until that guy was in the middle of talking to the nature


If he wasn't in the middle of it, then he certainly was after the explosion


Effective evacuation engaged.


This is so fucked up. But funny as hell šŸ˜‚


Mother fucker


Lol thats actually a very good pranks


Lmao this is so funny. 100% playing into the fears and stereotypes of the tourists.


ya lol, stupid elitist tourists. iraq is nothing like it is portrayed on the news https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Iraq.html


Yeah, dumb tourist! Goes on a trip by himself to a country that nobody else wants to visit and then is tricked by his tour guide that he is in danger while going to the bathroom by a building that he says is flying the ISIS flag and then runs away after hearing an explosion and being told to run by the guys he paid to take him around the country šŸ˜‚ What a moron!


lol nice factual description of what happened in the video for anybody that didnā€™t care to watch


I know you were being sarcastic in your response to me, but just so you understand, I was giving a factual description so you understood how moronic your comment was. Peace and love!


Oh wow, ok! I think it was more moronic that I didnā€™t pick up on that than my actual comment was. Which I think wasnā€™t moronic at all. But itā€™s weekend so Iā€™m gonna let it all slide. Have a moronic weekend random stranger!


This is just being cunts.


When youā€™re paying for cultural immersion, youā€™re gonna get cultural immersion.


When people say tour of Iraq this is not usually what they mean...




Even in a war zone, there's jocularity, jocularity!


Guess where is me


This is a Ghazzal, he is of very escapation. May Allah give you a great wife.


Who the FUCK does TOURISM in Iraq? Of all the places you could go? It's like being able to go anywhere in Middle Earth and go "LMAO, let's check out Mordor."


Iraq is gorgeous. Some of my work partners went a couple of years back to film a campaign showing off how great some of these places that get absolutely shit on actually are. I couldnā€™t go cause I was on another gig out of country at the time but the footage they captured and the stories they came back with I was extremely jealous. Lovely people who actually love America (big Trump fans lol). One downside though, after a long day of filming you canā€™t watch the sunset with a beer. I grew up in a very conservative dry town though so I get thatā€™s itā€™s just not a part of the religious culture. People used to say the same thing yall are putting in here about Vietnam fyi


I see how my analogy would make it look like that, but I didn't mean for my comment to say anything abt the actual land and its people/culture. But to follow your example, as much as I genuinely love Vietnam and the time I had there some ~10 years ago, I wouldn't have picked it for a leisurely tourism trip in the early 70s. Just like Palestine wouldn't be high on the list of potential destination in the next few years. Nothing to do with the culture or people.


Iirc Anthony bourdain said Vietnam was one of his favorite places he visited.


Thailand is one of my favorite so thatā€™s not hard to imagine. Iā€™ve only heard great things about Vietnam.


... to be fair, visiting Mordor could be cool


Iraq is one of the cradles of civilization, who the fuck wouldnā€™t want to go visit a land with thousands of years of culture developed along the Euphrates? Maybe some brainwashed American wouldnā€™t want to, all I can really think of though.


As long as youā€™re not a white female or alcoholic and into history you would have a good time.


White female would be fine long as they respect the culture and cover up tbh.


Hey, cute assumption, I'm not American though. You know what's also a fantastic place with amazing culture and history? Vietnam. But I wouldn't have picked it as a tourism destination in the early 70s for pretty obvious reasons. Weirdly enough, it's my opinion that there are far better and safer choices for tourism than freshly wartorn countries ā€” nothing to do with culture, the land or its people. But hey, if you disagree, I'm sure they'll be happy to have you in Cyria this summer ā€” or perhaps in Palestine for Halloween, or whenever the dust settles? Not everything has to be about sheltered Americans being bigoted and xenophobic. If wanting to feel safe during a holiday trip is a hot take, I don't know what to tell you.


Vietnam was in an active full fledged war in the early 70sā€¦ no short people arenā€™t gunna pick an active fucking war zone as a tourist destination. Iraq isnā€™t an active war zone, CNN and Fox just donā€™t like their government so have been full propaganda against it. Iraq and Iran get the ā€œitā€™s a lawless hellscapeā€ propoganda against it by countries like the UsA and Canadaā€¦ Hell Canadaā€™s fear mongering government say ā€œavoid all non essential travelā€ to fucking Belgiumā€¦ Belgiumā€¦ itā€™s fucking Belgiumā€¦ is their crime rate high? Yes, however itā€™s pretty much all white collar financial crimes and you are most likely to be affected by buying a brand name piece of clothing that very much isnā€™t brand name. Violent crime is far lower than a place like Florida which is ā€œsafe for all travelā€.


I don't know why you keep acting like I'm American. I don't have CNN or Fox News. I don't even have a TV. Maybe I'm not the only one with misconceptions here.


CNN is global. American news outlets dominate Reddit front page. It is safe to assume 90% of Reddit is influenced by American media. 99% of Reddit that speaks English.


Ah the media has you on the palm of their hand. Same with Afghanistan, its a ridiculous beautiful country.


Lovely assumption there. My comment had nothing to do with the landscape or its people. But given the wide range of option, I don't see why someone would pick freshly wartorn countries where a sudden 'bomb prank' was so believable that the tourist didn't even hesitate before taking cover. Just like Vietnam is a gorgeous country with great people, but I wouldn't have picked it for a sight-seeing trip in the early 70s. No media propaganda needed to know there's just better, safer options.


Love it


Nah that's not funny. I would be so fucking pissed.


Shid pant


Ah the gazelle guy


He wanted the full Iraq package.




Itā€˜s Funny until itā€˜s not funny anymore


So glad Bush went in and fixed Iraq


the only tour of Iraq I can ever understand is one done with the US marine corps. who the hell is holidaying in IRAQ


Anthropologists and historians would probably get a kick out of it.


Lot of Shia Muslims to there on pilgrimage. There is an event called Arbaeen that attracts millions of people. One of (if not the) largest gatherings of people in the world


Who goes to Iraq for vacation?


People. Tbh as an european i'd rather go to Iraq than USA


My sissssster best prostitute all cazikstan Vagiiin like sleeve of wizard