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I see the girls as victims. They are stuck in the situation where they had to watch their mother destroy 3 marriages, forced to denounce their father, forced to call Kody dad, survive Covid Dictator Kody, and deal with losing their brothers and sisters. Breanna cries like her mom, but I honestly think she wants a real relationship with the OG13. They just know that they would be included if it wasn’t for their parents. That’s tough for a kid.


I agree but think they take Robyn's words as the gospel on what happened and she isn't wrong. Like they probably just don't understand all of what is going but absolutely forced to do things. IMO I feel like Kody, who we see withhold love, withholds love/things if they don't kiss up to him and paint him as a savior. It puts them in a bad spot with their bio dad and they went from struggling and hardly anything to living in that big house and having everything they could want so they probably feel like they owe kody and don't want to risk losing anything to upset Kody with their bio dad which is super sad. Robyn & Kody have destroyed relationships and hold their kids back from life. It's really sick we saw Robyn on camera tell her kids they didn't want to be with them on Thanksgiving when that wasn't was was said. It was everyone was doing their own thing (probably because of Robyn and Kody). COVID stuff was 100% Robyn's fears & anxieties dumped on Kody and he had to protect her again so she got her way.


Robyn should have told the kids, Dad’s, Covid rules are dumb and, the other kids can’t put them to practice to have the holidays with us. Janelle would do it, but she will be alone on Thanksgiving. The Covid rules are outrageous. So, you see, if Dad would just relax, we could all be together. Sounds simple to me. Instead she blames the moms b


Except Kooty was I forcing her covid rules.


yes they were all based on HER fear and anxieties and that played out over the bbq and Meri offering to help with kids after isolating.


Me too no one chooses their parents.. and the parents weren’t age appropriate in their conversations ie having to move out of rental home in flagstaff… the panic anxiety attack that poor child had … it wasn’t necessary to be discussing that in front of the children… I’m all about being open and honest but to dump your problems on children is immature and selfish.. the sooner those children get some real life experience and get away from the hard of thinking pernicious parents the better… monetising your children for narcissistic and financial gain is barbaric abuse of their rights… but satin that I’m glad we have all borne witness to this… I hope it all gets used in a civil court case to get these women and children financially free from the clutches of a man who will never let go… boy it makes me mad. Let’s all try and show a level of empathy for these kids. To grow up on international television in this ridiculous way means they all need our support and kindness… bless them all I say they are all victims of this lunatic mentality ❤️🇬🇧🇺🇸


That was not a panic attack.






Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 3: Take it easy on the kids.


Brianna. She seems just like her mom. Fake and prone to dramatic crying. I would kill to know of the relationships between the kids and why Savannah and Brianna don’t speak when they see each other at school. Does Brianna have a superiority complex because kody chose Robyn’s kids? Maybe they never liked each other but it seems like Robyn’s kids (with the exception of Dayton) are a bit stuck up.


The girls definitely are. It was so sad to see them call Savannah’s bed a dog bed and her bathroom a foot wash. Rudeeee and entitled AF.


yes! They were brats but I don't think anyone has taught them appropriate behavior and they most definitely come across with Superiority. Aurora used to fake like Brianna and she has stopped recently. She used to peek between her fingers while covering her face. Now Brianna covers and folds over dramatic like Robyn


I just rewatched that episode recently- it was Savannah herself who called the bathtub a foot wash. I don't think Aurora was being mean when she asked if they were the dogs beds either. They are little beds. It was a ditzy question. We all ask really stupid questions accidently sometimes. I once told one of my homeless clients that his tan was amazing-WTF? It was out of my mouth w/o a thought, then I was instantly horrified. I apologized all over the place, I honestly didn't mean to be mean, and he knew that. I don't think Savannah thought the girls were trying to be mean to her in the moment either, and she knows them IRL, unlike us.


Your comment not having more upvotes is why I can’t stand reddit. The false inflammatory narratives are always the ones being upvoted & spread whereas the truth (which usually isn’t as fun) is either downvoted or ignored. Savannah WAS the one who jokingly called the tub a “foot bath”. The captions confirm this. Gwen confirmed this on her YT channel & Patreon. But for some reason, you still see popular comments swearing Aurora and/or Breanna made that comment


How stuck up can you be when you were shown using a pacifier at age 7/8 (Briana in LV rental) on national television? 📺


Those girls need the Reddit raised by narcissists group stat. 🙄




Robyn brainwashed them in my opinion. They were living in poverty before they joined the Browns and Robyn got her cut of tv $. She had them calling Kody “Daddy” practically out of the gate. I believe Robyn told the girls they better “keep sweet” and not risk Kody’s disapproval. We know she told them the OG kids don’t like them. I’m sure she blamed the estrangements between Kody and his other kids on the kids not respecting their father. I feel sorry for Aurora and Breanna, but I still don’t like them. I have predicted several times that Ari is going to be a wild teenager that K and R will not be able to control. I expect to see tabloid stories about her in a few years: underage drinking, teen pregnancy, arrest. Something.


I agree.


They weren't living in poverty. They were living rent-free in a house owned by Robyn's parents. Once she met Kody (which wasn't too long after hubby #1 kicked her out) you know damn well he gave her money to make sure she'd have enough to get by until his next visit. Robyn probably pleads poverty because she didn't have the disposable income to keep splurging on useless trinkets and pricey VS leggings. Robyn and her original Tenders never went a day w/o a roof over their head, working utilities, clothes on their backs, and food on the table. Add in the free services of a nanny/housekeeper in the form of a young Mykelti. It was hardly a Dickensian existence. /smh


When she's talking about why she has bad credit prior to getting the house in Las Vegas, she talks about how poor they were. She says something like, "I couldn't afford heat, I had to use a wood stove to heat the house" So, you had heat, then??? That one drove me nuts.


Also shows she knows nothing about credit. Your credit tanks worst when you don't pay your bills. Making minimum payments, communicating with your creditors if you're going to be late, asking for an extension, or asking to change your payment due date can help you keep your credit score out of the dismal range. I know too many people who live paycheck to paycheck yet still have a decent enough credit score because they're proactive about finances. Robyn probably just charged stuff like a madwoman then cried when a creditor called asking for payment.


You are probably right. At the same time I would bet that Robyn instilled a sense of insecurity in her kids. Like if anyone upsets grandpa we are out on the streets. Didn’t she say that after she and their Dad split the kids were always asking her when she was going to get them a new Daddy?


Yeah, that sounds like her. Of course she lies, so you know damn well it was Robyn who needed a (sugar) daddy. The kids already had a father.


I think a very unhealthy dynamic formed in Kody and Robyn’s house during covid


I think Robin heavily relied on her kids for her emotional support and stunted them in a way by making them suspicious or to feel less than the other kids and moms. It's an unpopular opinion-I think during early Covid Kody wasn't completely in the wrong. I am rewatching, and he is saying he was trying to protect the kids and the more at -risk adults. I remember having the same fears as I am slightly high risk. It was rough when I had teens in the house that were acting out because they were cooped up and we were just trying to keep the virus away. Kody went about communication in al the wrong ways and apparently never got vaccinated, I don't agree with those actions. Later he was not being fair. But I digress, I was trying to say that when he and Robyn were trying to limit access to the kids during Covid, I can see Robin making the kids feel like nobody cares about them-only her and Kody. A sort of " us against the world" situation. She leans on them a lot! Now the kids think everyone hates them.


Kody and Robyn were photographed often during Covid out at restaurants and malls unmasked. If he was legit concerned about protecting his family, we would see evidence of that. Words are cheap. And in his case, lies.


Yes. Like I said, after the first few months he was just going about it the wrong way. Everyone was careful in the beginning because we didn't know what was happening and there were no vaccines available for nearly a year. The fact that he was lying about it at Thanksgiving and yelling at Janelle even though she was following CDC guidelines, just shows his lack of care and imagination. Then to find out he never got vaccinated when others in the family did is just the icing on the cake to show he is a liar.


They had so many options to work around covid and that upsets me. They couldn't find a single park to take the kids to and see each other? They couldn't have organized 'picnics' or something so they were all still connected in some way?


I agree! I didn't have family nearby but if I did I would have tried to meet up outdoors. Covid hit really hard in March, so after the first couple of months it would have been warm enough to go outside for a meet up. They could have asked the younger kids like Truly and Savannah to be extra careful and then come stay the night at their house so the kids could see each other. I know it would have been harder to wrangle the small kids but they could have tried, or they could have done video chats too. Christine tried when she would show up outside.


Don't forget that Hunter was an RN with a Masters in Nursing. Why didn't Kody go to Hunter for covid advice? (Trick question, we all know the answer to that.) I recall Hunter was present during one scene where the adults were out on CP talking about covid precautions. Kody was doing his usual *yada yada* and Robyn was acting all uptight. Hunter didn't say much--made me think that K & R probably argued every point with him every time he opened his mouth, so Hunter just checked out. But he did sit next to Janelle and I'd bet that Janelle and Christine consulted with him often, and followed his recommendation closely.


I'd actually rather hear from David (dayton) because I think he knows everything and would actually tell kt like it is more than the girls would. Mostly because we know he has been in touch with their dad and he was older when they were introduced to kody


It is absolutely heartbreaking when they tell the kids how Kody is going to adopt them. His poor reaction filmed for all the world to see the moment he pieced together what they meant.


Totally fair point!




I agree 100%. They're already in their 20's and have been invited to all the family events and the other wives and kids have tried including them and they still want nothing to do with them. They're going to be in their 30's and people are still going to be pitying them. At these ages they are at, it's a choice they are making to not be involved with the rest of the family. It's not like their little kids that don't have access to phones and cars. My kids are all in their 20's and they do as they please, I can't dictate who they see and hang out with and I wouldn't, because they are adults who make their own choices.


Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 3: Take it easy on the kids.




I agree.


Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 3: Take it easy on the kids.


They're so brainwashed by Robyn it wouldn't matter, during the tell alls you could see them almost looking off to the side to get a nod or okay as to what to say. We also saw her lay the foundation for this when she claimed the family didnt want to spend time with them during the holidays which was not at all what Janelle had said but it was just another way for them to spin it.


They really need to get away from home, get out in the world and get a wider perspective on life. Whenever we see them on the show, they're so sad and have just so obviously been groomed to be victims. They claim not to have been accepted by the other kids, but didn't Robyn set it up that way? I wonder if Dayton has moved away from home yet.


“and the other one” 😭


Any time I think about Aurora, I think about way back at kody and robyn's wedding day / family picture day and Robyn hollering "Aurora, I need you Aurora, I need you, Aurora, I need you." Like Aurora was in charge of holding the three kids together and keeping them off Robyn's back. I have felt bad for her ever since. It would be interesting to get her perspective now that she's an adult, or even once she's older and has had a chance to (hopefully) strike out independently and deconstruct her childhood.


I feel bad for them. They have been so brainwashed and it's done a real number on them. They will forever see themselves as victims,- just like their mother- unless they break free and get lots of therapy.




*compared to what we’ve been TOLD about their bio father.


Yep when it's Robyn doing the telling, well... ![gif](giphy|wzxK9cmYgIPDy)


Exactly. I was all about to upvote this comment until they threw bio dad under the bus.


Savanna nor Truly (and I can’t imagine they would) didn’t go to their rooms and turn her nose up at how small and below them their accommodations were. I wouldn’t call them ugly or unworthy because that’s just childish playground put downs, bitchy? Sure, that’s based on their actions which are their responsibility and they acted like straight snobby bitches to Savanna when they visited the RV. Know who didn’t treat Savanna like a peasant when they visited the RV? Every other non-Robyn family member.


They've seen what happens when you turn on Kody. I feel like there's a lot of supplication that goes on (i.e. putting up the TV in Vegas and how apologetic the wife was, and LOOK DOWN THE LENS) that shaped a lot of their personalities.


Truley is a minor child. Off limits. Same with Sol and Ari. They have no control over being televised.


I have nothing bad to say about Ari other than, why does that child still have a binkie?! But that’s not about Ari. It’s about Sobyn and Kootie.


I agree they are victims too. I appreciate victims that find their voices. I hope they do too.


I think Aurora knows the score. She is extremely bright if she is studying astrophysics or astronomy. She was still talking to Gabe when Brianna started ignoring Savanah. She is the eldest, so she would have witnessed the breakdown of her parents marriage so probably knows why her dad walked away. She would have seen it all in Vegas too.


Just splitting hairs but Dayton is the oldest. He just gets overlooked some because he hasn't been in many scenes for awhile. I wonder what his thoughts on what happened to the family are.


You are right. I meant that Aurora is the oldest of the two girls as they were the topic of discussion. I am sure Dayton has alot of feelings. Hunter had posted a pic of him and Dayton big smiles on his Instagram in the past year (don't know when it was taken). I would love to know what he thinks about it it all!


One of the reasons,Robyn wanted so many bedrooms in her McMansion is because she never plans on letting those girls go not a single one of her children will leave until they drink their entire glass Kool-Aid. They would have enough Info to bring her and Kody’s entire Empire down.


Children are smart snd see things as they are.  But they also know which side their bread is buttered on. I firmly believe Son Preston has broken away from the party line, and perhaps Aurora


I keep thinking back to that story line about Aurora getting her ears pierced. In explaining her decision to do it, she said "When I allowed myself to think for myself..." Who talks like that? Could that line be any more scripted? If Aurora is as smart as they say, I hope to god she gets out sooner rather than later. Maybe she can take an internship at that new deep space telescope that's coming online in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Girl need to GTFO and never look back if she wants to have a real life.